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Adding a Sign-In with HF button to your Space

You can enable a built-in sign-in flow in your Space by seamlessly creating and associating an OAuth/OpenID connect app so users can log in with their HF account.

This enables new use cases for your Space. For instance, when combined with Persistent Storage, a generative AI Space could allow users to log in to access their previous generations, only accessible to them.

This guide will take you through the process of integrating a Sign-In with HF button into any Space. If you’re seeking a fast and simple method to implement this in a Gradio Space, take a look at its built-in integration.

You can also use the HF OAuth flow to create a “Sign in with HF” flow in any website or App, outside of Spaces. Read our general OAuth page.

Create an OAuth app

All you need to do is add hf_oauth: true to your Space’s metadata inside your file.

Here’s an example of metadata for a Gradio Space:

title: Gradio Oauth Test
emoji: 🏆
colorFrom: pink
colorTo: pink
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.40.0
python_version: 3.10.6

hf_oauth: true
hf_oauth_redirect_path: /custom_callback_route # optional, see "Redirect URLs" below

You can check out the configuration reference docs for more information.

This will add the following environment variables to your space:

  • OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: the client ID of your OAuth app (public)
  • OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: the client secret of your OAuth app
  • OAUTH_SCOPES: scopes accessible by your OAuth app. Currently, this is always "openid profile".
  • OPENID_PROVIDER_URL: The URL of the OpenID provider. The OpenID metadata will be available at {OPENID_PROVIDER_URL}/.well-known/openid-configuration.

As for any other environment variable, you can use them in your code by using os.getenv("OAUTH_CLIENT_ID"), for example.

Redirect URLs

The allowed redirect URIs for your OAuth app are:

  • https://{SPACE_HOST}/auth/callback
  • https://{SPACE_HOST}/login/callback

Note that SPACE_HOST is also available as an environment variable.

You can add a custom relative redirect path by setting hf_oauth_redirect_path in your Space’s metadata.


The following scopes are available:

  • openid: Get the ID token in addition to the access token.
  • profile: Get the user’s profile information (username, avatar, etc.)

You should use "openid profile" as the scope for your OAuth app.

Adding the button to your Space

You now have all the information to add a “Sign-in with HF” button to your Space. Some libraries (Python, NodeJS) can help you implement the OpenID/OAuth protocol. Gradio also provides built-in support, making implementing the Sign-in with HF button a breeze; you can check out the associated guide.

Basically, you need to:

  • Redirect the user to{REDIRECT_URI}&scope=openid%20profile&client_id={CLIENT_ID}&state={STATE}, where STATE is a random string that you will need to verify later.
  • Handle the callback on /auth/callback or /login/callback (or your own custom callback URL) and verify the state parameter.
  • Use the code query parameter to get an access token and id token from (POST request with client_id, code, grant_type=authorization_code and redirect_uri as form data, and with Authorization: Basic {base64(client_id:client_secret)} as a header).

You should use target=_blank on the button to open the sign-in page in a new tab, unless you run the space outside its iframe. Otherwise, you might encounter issues with cookies on some browsers.
