| en_text
| zh_text
"a drawing of a green pokemon with red eyes" | "红眼睛的绿色小精灵的图画" |
"a green and yellow toy with a red nose" | "黄绿相间的红鼻子玩具" |
"a red and white ball with an angry look on its face" | "一个红白相间的球,脸上带着愤怒的表情" |
"a cartoon ball with a smile on it's face" | "笑容满面的卡通球" |
"a bunch of balls with faces drawn on them" | "一堆画着脸的球" |
"a cartoon character with a potted plant on his head" | "一个头上戴着盆栽的卡通人物" |
"a drawing of a pokemon stuffed animal" | "小精灵毛绒玩具的图画" |
"a picture of a cartoon character with a sword" | "一张带剑的卡通人物图片" |
"a drawing of a cartoon character doing a kick" | "卡通人物踢腿的图画" |
"a drawing of a girl with a boxing glove" | "一幅带着拳击手套的女孩的图画" |
"a picture of a pink and yellow pokemon figure" | "一张粉红色和黄色的小精灵的图片" |
"a purple ball with a skull and cross bones on it" | "一个紫色的球,上面有一个骷髅头和交叉的骨头" |
"a cartoon picture of a green vegetable with eyes" | "一幅有眼睛的绿色蔬菜的卡通图片" |
"an image of a cartoon character flying through the air" | "一个卡通人物在空中飞行的图像" |
"a drawing of a gray and black dragon" | "灰黑龙图" |
"a drawing of a gray and yellow pokemon" | "灰色和黄色的小精灵图画" |
"a pink bird sitting on top of a white surface" | "粉红色的鸟儿坐在白色的表面之上" |
"a blue and black object with two eyes" | "蓝黑色物体,有两只眼睛" |
"a couple of pokemon standing next to each other" | "几个站在一起的小精灵" |
"a cartoon picture of a bear holding a baseball bat" | "一幅熊抱着棒球棒的卡通图片" |
"a drawing of a blue dragon with red eyes" | "红眼蓝龙图" |
"a drawing of a blue and yellow dragon" | "蓝黄相间的龙图" |
"a drawing of a fish with a horn on it's head" | "一条头上有角的鱼的图画" |
"a fish with a horn on it's head" | "一条头上有角的鱼" |
"a cartoon butterfly with a sad look on its face" | "愁眉苦脸的卡通蝴蝶" |
"a drawing of a star with a red eye" | "一颗红眼的星星的图画" |
"a drawing of a star with a jewel in the center" | "一颗星星的图画,中间有一颗宝石。" |
"a cartoon character with a big smile on his face" | "满脸笑容的卡通人物" |
"a green and white cartoon character with a sword" | "绿白相间的持剑卡通人物" |
"a drawing of a woman in a red cape" | "红斗篷女人的图画" |
"a yellow and black cartoon character with a big smile" | "黄黑相间的卡通人物,笑容可掬" |
"a very cute looking pokemon character" | "一个看起来非常可爱的小精灵角色" |
"a drawing of a cartoon character with wings" | "带翅膀的卡通人物画" |
"an image of a cartoon character flying through the air" | "一个卡通人物在空中飞行的图像" |
"a drawing of a bison with horns and horns" | "野牛角的图画,有角的野牛,有角的野牛" |
"a red fish with a gold crown on its head" | "头戴金冠的红鱼" |
"a drawing of a very cute looking caterpillar" | "一张看起来非常可爱的毛毛虫的图画" |
"a blue and yellow dragon flying through the air" | "蓝黄相间的龙在空中飞翔" |
"a blue and white dragon with its mouth open" | "蓝白相间的龙,张着嘴" |
"a drawing of a blue sea turtle holding a rock" | "蓝海龟抱石图" |
"a cartoon character with a smile on his face" | "笑容满面的卡通人物" |
"a very cute looking pokemon with big eyes" | "一个非常可爱的大眼睛的小精灵" |
"a drawing of a blue and yellow dragon" | "蓝黄相间的龙图" |
"a drawing of a yellow and white pikachu" | "黄白相间的皮卡丘图纸" |
"a very cute looking pokemon with big eyes" | "一个非常可爱的大眼睛的小精灵" |
"an origami dog with a pink and blue body" | "粉色和蓝色身体的折纸狗" |
"an image of an animal with big eyes" | "大眼睛的动物形象" |
"an image of a cartoon character with a big smile" | "笑容灿烂的卡通人物形象" |
"a drawing of a yellow creature with a black nose" | "一个黄色的生物,有一个黑色的鼻子的图画。" |
"a picture of a mushroom with pink eyes" | "一张粉红色眼睛的蘑菇图片" |
"a drawing of a cartoon character holding a knife" | "一张卡通人物持刀的图画" |
"a drawing of a dragon with its mouth open" | "张嘴的龙的图画" |
"a drawing of a dragon with its mouth open" | "张嘴的龙的图画" |
"a blue and white stuffed animal sitting on top of a white surface" | "一个蓝白相间的毛绒动物坐在白色的表面之上" |
"a blue and white bird with its wings spread" | "蓝白相间的鸟儿张开翅膀" |
"a yellow and black pokemon pokemon character" | "黄色和黑色的小精灵pokemon角色" |
"a yellow bird flying through the air" | "黄雀在后" |
"a blue and white bird with a long tail" | "蓝白相间的长尾鸟" |
"a blue and white snake with horns on its head" | "蓝白相间的蛇,头上长着角" |
"a drawing of a dragon sitting on its hind legs" | "一条龙的后腿坐着的图画" |
"a yellow and black insect with large wings" | "黄黑相间的大翅膀昆虫" |
"a yellow and black bee with a white background" | "黄黑相间的蜜蜂,白色的背景" |
"a cartoon character with a pink and white outfit" | "粉白相间的卡通人物" |
"a drawing of a cat with a pink tail" | "粉红色尾巴的猫的画" |
"a cartoon character with a cat like body" | "一个像猫一样的卡通人物" |
"a drawing of a pink cat flying through the air" | "粉红色的猫在空中飞翔的图画" |
"a drawing of a pikachu with a green leaf on its head" | "一个头上有绿叶的皮卡丘的图画" |
"a drawing of a yellow and green pokemon" | "黄绿小精灵图画" |
"a drawing of a dinosaur in a dress" | "穿着裙子的恐龙图画" |
"a cartoon bird with a hat on its head" | "戴帽子的卡通鸟" |
"a very cute looking pokemon sitting on top of a rock" | "一个非常可爱的坐在石头上的小精灵" |
"a cartoon character with a fire on his back" | "一个背着火的卡通人物" |
"a drawing of a cartoon dinosaur with its mouth open" | "一幅张着嘴的卡通恐龙的图画" |
"a drawing of a blue and yellow pokemon" | "蓝色和黄色的小精灵图画" |
"a drawing of a bird with its mouth open" | "张嘴的鸟画" |
"a drawing of a blue and yellow pokemon" | "蓝色和黄色的小精灵图画" |
"a brown and black animal with a white background" | "棕黑色的动物,白色的背景" |
"a very cute looking animal with big eyes" | "一个非常可爱的大眼睛的动物" |
"a cartoon character with big eyes and a big nose" | "大眼睛、大鼻子的卡通人物" |
"a drawing of an owl with a crown on its head" | "猫头鹰头冠的图画" |
"a very cute looking cartoon character with big eyes" | "一个非常可爱的大眼睛的卡通人物" |
"a red and yellow insect flying through the air" | "红黄相间的昆虫在空中飞舞" |
"a green and yellow spider with its tongue out" | "吐舌的黄绿蜘蛛" |
"a drawing of a red and yellow insect" | "红黄相间的昆虫图画" |
"a purple and blue dragon flying through the air" | "紫色和蓝色的龙在空中飞行" |
"a cartoon bird with a bandanna on its head" | "一只头上戴着头巾的卡通鸟" |
"a drawing of a blue fish with yellow eyes" | "黄眼蓝鱼图" |
"a cartoon blue fish with a yellow fin" | "黄鳍的蓝鱼卡通" |
"a cartoon pikachu with big eyes and big ears" | "大眼睛和大耳朵的卡通皮卡丘" |
"a pink cat with brown ears sitting down" | "一只棕色耳朵的粉色猫坐下来" |
"a pink cartoon character with big eyes" | "大眼睛的粉红色卡通人物" |
"a drawing of a pokemon pikachu in a bowl" | "碗里的小精灵皮卡丘的图画" |
"a white pokemon with a red and blue tail" | "红蓝尾巴的白色小精灵" |
"a green bird with a red tail and a black nose" | "绿鸟红尾黑鼻" |
"a cartoon bird with a scarf around its neck" | "卡通鸟,脖子上戴着围巾" |
"a drawing of a sheep with a bell on its head" | "头戴铃铛的绵羊图" |
"a colorful bird flying through the air" | "五彩缤纷的鸟儿在空中飞翔" |
"a bird with a long beak flying through the air" | "长嘴鸟在空中飞翔" |
"a cartoon sheep is kicking a soccer ball" | "一只卡通羊在踢足球" |
"a yellow and white pokemon pokemon character" | "黄色和白色的小精灵小精灵角色" |
Dataset used to train Pokémon text to image model, add a Chinese Column of Pokémon BLIP captions
BLIP generated captions for Pokémon images from Few Shot Pokémon dataset introduced by Towards Faster and Stabilized GAN Training for High-fidelity Few-shot Image Synthesis (FastGAN). Original images were obtained from FastGAN-pytorch and captioned with the pre-trained BLIP model.
For each row the dataset contains image en_text (caption in English) and zh_text (caption in Chinese) keys. image is a varying size PIL jpeg, and text is the accompanying text caption. Only a train split is provided.
The Chinese captions are translated by Deepl