"zip://elanBUcorpus/DSP Dead Dog Story_DSP DeadDog.eaf::http://asl.cs.depaul.edu/corpus/elanBUcorpus.zip"
{ "gloss": [ "\"hey\" FUNNY HAPPEN", "POSS-1p FRIEND DECIDE a:SCL:I-L-Y\"airplane flying\":b ns-NEW-YORK STAY:b ONE-WEEK (2h)alt.VISIT++:b", "FINISH AIRPLANE b:GO:c AIRPORT (2h)SUITCASE TWO ICL:S\"hold suitcases\" ICL:S\"set suitcase down\"", "PLUS DCL\"pet carrier\" DOOR #DOG ICL\"throwing in\" CLOSE-DOOR ICL:S\"place carrier\" GET-INTO AIRPLANE b:SCL:I-L-Y\"airplane flying\":a ARRIVE", "d:(1h)GO:e (2h)SUITCASE (2h)PCL:4\"many suitcases on carousel\"++ LCL:1\"path of suitcases\" TWO SUITCASE (2h)ICL\"pick up and place suitcases\"", "LCL:1\"path of suitcases\" (B-L)NOTHING DCL\"pet carrier\" DOOR #DOG PUT CLOSE-DOOR (B-L)NOTHING", "(2h)alt.SEARCH-FOR part:indef HOLD SUMMON HELP", "IX-3p:f DCL:G\"bill of cap\" \"wave\" DCL:G\"bill of cap\" f:SCL:1\"person approaching hurriedly\":g", "POSS-1p+ DCL\"pet carrier\" OPEN-DOOR #DOG PUT CLOSE-DOOR ICL\"pick up carrier\" HOLD GONE part:indef HOLD", "MAN (1h)5\"calm down\" WORRY 5\"calm down\"", "MAYBE ON HOLD AIRPLANE IX-loc:h h:SCL:I-L-Y\"airplane lands\":i AFTERNOON", "HOME g:SCL:I-L-Y\"airplane lands\":h IX-1p SEARCH-FOR FIND/FIND-OUT", "FIND/FIND-OUT HOLD part:indef HOLD", "WOMAN ALL-RIGHT", "CONTACT AFTERNOON HOLD AIRPLANE g:SCL:I-L-Y\"plane landing\":h HOLD", "SUITCASE+ (2h)PCL:4\"many suitcases on carousel\"++ LCL:1\"path of carousel\"++++++", "DCL\"pet carrier\" DOOR #DOG PUT (2h)(B-L)NOTHING HOLD \"hands on face\"", "DCL:G\"bill of cap\" SUMMON SUMMON HELP+ SPREAD-OUT (2h)alt.SEARCH-FOR+ (2h)alt.SEARCH-FOR++++", "(2h)alt.IX-3p+++:k/l (2h)alt.SEARCH-FOR+++:l/m (2h)IX-3p:m FIND/FIND-OUT HOLD", "(2h)PCL:5wg\"people rushing left to right\":m", "ICL:S\"hold carrier from top\" #DOG (1h)DIE HOLD", "#DO \"pray\" THINK IDEA \"WHAT\"", "CALL-BY-PHONE fs-PET STORE HOLD EXPLAIN (1h)WANT #DOG IDEA^SAME IX-3p++:o HOLD", "CALL-BY-PHONE EXPLAIN (1h)HAVE IX-3p:n (1h)NONE/NOTHING", "CALL-BY-PHONE (1h)NONE/NOTHING HOLD CALL-BY-PHONE (1h)NONE/NOTHING:n (1h)NONE/NOTHING:n (1h)NONE/NOTHING:q", "(1)FAR ONE (1)FAR", "CALL-BY-PHONE IX-2p:r (1h)HAVE IX-2p:r YES", "(1h)HAVE EXACT DCL:1\"length of dog\" DCL:B-L\"showing length of dog\" WHITE (2h)alt.FUR BLACK DCL:G\"stripes\" (1h)HAVE HOLD", "(1h)HAVE \"clap-hands\" GET-INTO ICL:S\"driving urgently\" ARRIVE", "ENTER LOOK-AT EXACT FACE (2h)SAME (2h)alt.FUR+ BLACK DCL:G\"stripes\" DCL\"dog's snout\" \"clap-hands\"", "(1h)HOW-MANY THREE-HUNDRED (flat-O)DOLLAR+", "FINE+++++ ICL\"take money from pocket\" ICL\"peeling off bills\"++++ HOLD", "(2h)ICL\"pick up dog\" (2h)ICL\"set dog down\" ICL:S\"driving\" ARRIVE", "(2h)ICL\"pick up dog and set down\" IX-3p-honorific:o DCL\"pet carrier\" OPEN-DOOR (1h)DIE", "IX-3p:o o:(1h)BRING:s COLLAR", "IX-3p:t BCL\"waiting\" ICL\"put on collar\" ICL\"fasten collar\"", "ICL\"pick up dog and put in carrier\" CLOSE-DOOR DCL\"dog's snout\" DCL\"stripes\" BPCL:H\"tongue wagging\"", "ICL\"set carrier aside\" \"clap-hands\" WOMAN HOLD", "ICL:S\"holding carrier from the top\"", "ICL:S\"holding carrier from the top\" WOMAN GLANCE HOLD NOT POSS-1p #DOG IX-3p:t", "MAN ICL:S\"holding carrier from the top\"", "ICL:S\"holding carrier from the top\"", "ICL:S\"holding carrier\" HOLD WOMAN KNOW NOT POSS-1p #DOG IX-3p:t NOT IX-3p:t", "ICL:S\"holding carrier from top\" HOLD COLLAR DCL\"tags swinging\" ICL:S\"holding carrier from top\" (1h)HAVE", "ICL:S\"holding carrier from top\" HOLD WOMAN KNOW+ IX-3p:t NOT POSS-1p #DOG part:indef", "POSS-1p+ #DOG FINISH DIE" ], "text": [ "A funny thing happened.", "My friend decided to fly to New York for a week's visit.", "When the trip was over, she went to the airport with two suitcases.", "She also had a pet carrier for her dog. So she flew from New York to here. When she arrived...", "...she went to the baggage carousel and picked up the two suitcases.", "But the pet carrier with the dog in it wasn't on the carousel.", "She looked for it, and then called for help.", "She spotted the skycap and waved to him for help so he came over.", "She said, \"My pet carrier with my dog in it is missing!\"", "The skycap told her to calm down and not to worry.", "\"Maybe it will be on the flight that lands this afternoon.\"", "\"You go on home. When the flight arrives, I'll look for the carrier and then call you when I find it.\"", "\"You can come pick it up, ok?\"", "The woman replied, \"All right,\" and left.", "That afternoon, the plane came in.", "The luggage from the afternoon flight showed up on the carousel, and the skycap went to check.", "But the pet carrier with the dog was not there!", "The skycap called for everyone to spread out and help search, and they did.", "They searched everywhere until finally it was found.", "Everyone ran to the carrier and someone picked it up.", "Unfortunately, the dog was dead.", "At first he didn't know what to do, but then he had an idea.", "\"I could call a pet store and explain that I want a dog just like this one.\"", "So, he called a pet store and explained the situation, but they had none.", "He called store after store, but none had the right kind of dog.", "There was one store left to call that was very far away.", "He called and asked if they had the right kind of dog, and the answer was yes!", "The sky cap said, \"But is it the right size? And does it have white fur with black stripes?\"", "He was told the dog matched! So, he got into his car right away and drove all the way to the store. When he arrived...", "...he went into the store to look at the dog. The dog they had was perfect -- he looked just like the dead dog.", "The skycap asked, \"How much does it cost?\" The shop owner replied, \"$300.\"", "The sky cap reluctantly accepted the price and paid out the $300.", "He picked up the dog, put him in the car and drove back to the airport. When he got there...", "...he put the new dog down and opened the door of the dead dog's carrier.", "He gingerly removed the dead dog from the carrier and took off its collar.", "He shook out the collar and then fastened it around the patiently waiting dog's neck.", "He put the new dog in the carrier and shut the door. There it sat with its tongue hanging out.", "Setting the carrier aside, he phoned the woman.", "The woman came to the airport, and the skycap proudly showed her the carrier.", "The woman looked at the dog and said, \"Oh! But that's not my dog!\"", "The skycap turned and looked at the dog in the carrier.", "\"But he has white fur with black stripes!\".", "The woman responded, \"I know, but that is not my dog. It's not!\"", "The skycap tried again, pointing to the dog and saying, \"But he has on the right collar and tags!\"", "The woman responded by saying, \"I know, but that is not my dog!\"", "She added, \"My dog is already dead.\"" ] }
"zip://elanBUcorpus/DSP Immigrants Story_DSP Immigrants.eaf::http://asl.cs.depaul.edu/corpus/elanBUcorpus.zip"
{ "gloss": [ "POSS-1p+ FAMILY GENERATIONS-AGO CONFLICT+ HOLD", "POSS-1p MOTHER POSS-3p:i GRANDFATHER IX-3p:j ns-ITALY", "GRANDMOTHER IX-loc:x ns-YUGOSLAVIA", "IX-3p-pl-2:j/x MARRY HOLD", "BORN TWO (1h)CHILDREN", "GRANDFATHER:j IX-3p:j GO-AWAY BUSINESS ns-SOUTH+AFRICA", "GOING-ALONG WRONG LOSE HOLD MELT/SOLVE HOLD", "ns-YUGOSLAVIA CONFUSE WAR MONEY DCL:B-L\"decrease in value\"", "GRANDMOTHER IX-3p:x TWO (1h)CHILDREN DECIDE MOVE-AWAY ns-AMERICA", "ARRIVE PCL:5\"people traveling\" SETTLE-DOWN ns-CALIFORNIA", "MEET SECOND BOY+MARRY", "BORN TWO (1h)CHILDREN HOLD", "POSS-1p MOTHER POSS-3p:i MOTHER IX-3p:z SECOND-IN-LIST HOLD", "GROW-UP MEET BOY IX-3p:w FROM ns-YUGOSLAVIA HOLD", "IX-3p-pl-2:z/w MARRY HOLD", "BORN POSS-1p MOTHER AUNT UNCLE \"topic change\"", "POSS-1p FATHERwg IX-3p:v GENERATIONS-AGO ns-GERMANY ns-SCOTLAND", "FATHER IX-3p:v BORN IN ns-AMERICA", "IX-loc:i ns-NORTH-CAROLINA IX-loc:i", "OVER/AFTER WAR TWO OPEN WORK (2h)alt.HIRE++", "IX-3p:v FATHER THINK+DECIDE MOVE-AWAY ns-CALIFORNIA HOLD", "DRIVE+ WRONG ENGINE-FALL-OUT", "TIME-PASSING GET-INTO #BUS (2h)LCL:C\"moving bus\" ARRIVE ns-SF+ SOCIALIZE", "MEET MOTHER IX-3p-pl-2:i/v TOGETHER FOUR YEAR HOLD MARRY HOLD", "BORN IX-1p-honorific HOLD" ], "text": [ "I am of mixed heritage.", "My mother's grandfather was Italian.", "Her grandmother was Yugoslavian.", "They married.", "They had two children.", "Great grandfather went to South Africa on business.", "Something went wrong and he got lost or disappeared.", "Life in Yugoslavia was difficult due to the war and depression.", "Great grandmother and the two children decided to move to America.", "They arrived in America and eventually settled in California.", "She met her second husband.", "They had two children.", "My maternal grandmother was the second oldest of four children.", "She grew-up and met a guy who was from Yugoslavia.", "The two of them married.", "Then my mother, aunt, and uncle were born. That is all for that side of the family.", "My father is of German and Scottish heritage.", "My father was born in America...", "...in North Carolina.", "After World War II, California had many job opportunities.", "My father decided to move to California.", "He started out driving, but his car broke down.", "He took a bus, finally arriving in San Francisco. He (met people and) mingled.", "He met my mother, they dated for four years, then got married.", "And then I was born." ] }
"zip://elanBUcorpus/DSP Intro to a Story_DSP Introduction.eaf::http://asl.cs.depaul.edu/corpus/elanBUcorpus.zip"
{ "gloss": [ "NOW (2h)LOOK-AT GROUP/TOGETHER fs-DRAMA THAT DIFFERENT HOLD", "INCLUDE MANY+ CHARACTERISTIC+", "PEOPLE ACTION", "THAT DEAF PEOPLE IX-loc-arc HAVE DIFFERENT++", "SHORT fs-SKITS WHICH REALLY FULL DRAMA", "ONE TITLE fs-SEEING-PLACE HOLD", "WHO WRITE+ fs-RICO-PETERSON", "THAT DRAMA INCLUDE BOTH DEAF HEARING CHARACTERISTIC+ HOLD", "IX-3p+:i fs-FREDA HOLD fs-NORMAN HOLD", "SELF-3p+:i ACT+AGENT UP-TO-NOW INCLUDE+ MANY+ DRAMA", "ALSO THAT DRAMA++ IX-3p:i FUTURE EXTRACT-FROM\"up-right-to-center\"", "ONE SOME", "REALLY BPCL:2\"stand on stage\" LECTURE TO/UNTIL AUDIENCE", "THAT fs-MONOLOGUE HOLD" ], "text": [ "Now, let's watch some dramas that are somewhat different.", "They involve many characters, ...", "... people, and action.", "The deaf community has a wide variety of performance genres, ...", "...everything from short skits to full length plays.", "One of these pieces, called \"Seeing Place\", ...", "...written by Rico Peterson,...", "...involves both Deaf and hearing characters.", "Freda Norman, ...", "... a long-time actress, has been in numerous dramatic works.", "So, she will perform an excerpt from that (Rico's) play.", "She'll select one section...", "...that's actually a stage presentation which is...", "...a monologue." ] }
"zip://elanBUcorpus/DSP Ski Trip Story_DSP Trip.eaf::http://asl.cs.depaul.edu/corpus/elanBUcorpus.zip"
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p WIN fs-FREE fs-TRIP GO:i fs-COLORADO FINEwg", "POSS-1p FRIEND IX-1p-pl-2:k EXCUSE-GO PAST fs-WEEKEND", "(2h)alt.FANCY++ 5\"wow\"", "FRIDAY SCL:I-L-Y\"airplane take-off and fly\" SCL:I-L-Y\"airplane lands\" HOLD 5\"wow\" fs-LIMO HOLD (2h)LCL:C\"limo arriving\" PICK #UP 5\"wow\"", "GET-INTO+ (2h)LCL:C\"limo going up mountain\" ARRIVE SKI++ fs-RESORT BEAUTIFUL PLACE FAMOUS PEOPLE PCL:bent-B-Lwg\"people flocking to there++\"", "EVENING HOLD (P)PARTY DRESS-UP (2h)alt.FANCY+++ part:indef", "(2h)alt.ICL\"drinking\"++ (2h)alt.EAT+ SOCIALIZE 1p:MEET-distributive-3p-pl-arc ALL-NIGHT", "TIRED FINISH GO BED GET-IN-BED HOLD ALL-NIGHT", "MORNING GET-UP HOLD fs-BUS GET-INTO++ (2h)LCL:C\"bus going up mountain\" LCL:1\"trace path of bus\" ARRIVE", "SKI++ AROUND TIME+NINE TIME SKI++ ALL-MORNING", "NOON STOP \"hands up\" EAT LIGHT-WEIGHT FRUIT VEGETABLE DIFFERENT+++-arc \"hands up\"", "FINISH HOLD #BACK SKI ALL-AFTERNOON", "TIME+FIVE HOLD FINISH POSS-1p fs-LEGS 5\"wow\" WORN-OUT", "#BUS GET-INTO+ (2h)LCL:C\"bus moving\" ARRIVE", "GET-OUT IX-1p BPCL:1\"stiff legs\" 5\"wow\" IX-1p LIE-DOWN REST TIME-PASSING", "EVENING HOLD #HOTEL (2h)GIVE-indef-arc FREE EAT", "DIFFERENT+ DCL\"extensive food on table\" DRINK BEER WINE (2h)alt.EAT+ (2h)alt.DRINK++", "FINISH HOLD PCL:5wg\"many people going\" DANCE IX-1p EXHAUSTED (2h)\"forget it\" TIME+NINE+THIRTY GET-IN-BED", "SLEEP ALL-NIGHT MORNING DIFFERENT++-arc GROUP/TOGETHER++-arc", "SOME DCL\"group going together\":i SLED+ SOME DCL\"group going together\":j ICE-SKATE SOME DCL\"group going together\":k fs-ICE FISHING++", "ALL-MORNING NOONISH (2h)alt.PACK+++ fs-LIMO (2h)LCL:C\"limo moving\" GET-IN (2h)LCL:C\"limo moving\" ARRIVE", "AIRPLANE SCL:I-L-Y\"airplane take-off and fly\" SCL:I-L-Y\"airplane lands\" ARRIVE TIME+SEVEN+FORTY-FIVE", "ARRIVE HOME AROUND EIGHT WOW GREAT WEEK+END #FUN" ], "text": [ "I won a free trip to Colorado. It was great!", "My friend and I went last weekend.", "It was really something!", "We flew there Friday. Wow! A limo arrived to pick us up. Wow!", "It drove up the mountain and arrived at the ski resort. It was a beautiful place where many famous people go.", "That evening there was a fancy-dress party.", "There were drinks, food, and socializing. I met many people. It went all night.", "I was tired so I went to bed for the night.", "In the morning, we got up, got on the bus, went up the mountain and arrived at the top.", "We started skiing about 9:00 and skied all morning.", "We stopped at noon for a light lunch of various fruits and vegetables.", "Then we went back to skiing all afternoon.", "At 5:00 we stopped. My legs were so worn out!", "We got onto the bus and went back to the resort.", "I got out. My legs were very stiff. Wow. I laid down to rest and took it easy.", "That night the hotel served free food.", "There were all kinds of foods, drinks, beer, and wine. We kept eating and drinking.", "Then everyone went to dance. I was so exhausted. At 9:30 I went to bed.", "I slept all night. In the morning there were various groups.", "Some people went sledding, some went ice skating, and some went ice fishing.", "That was in the morning. Around noon, we packed. The limo came, I got in and went back (to the airport).", "The airplane took off. It landed at 7:45.", "I arrived home about 8:00. Wow! What a wonderful weekend. It was so fun!" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p HOLD IX-1p REALLY IX-2p NOTICE 5\"focus\":i HOLD #DO+ 5\"focus\":i", "5\"that's the way it is\" HOLD REALLY YESTERDAY IX-1p WORK WITH FRIEND IX-loc:j", "fs-TONY IX-1p-pl-2:j (2h)GROW-UP POSS-1p BEST TIGHT-FRIEND", "IX-1p-pl-2:j WORK LANDSCAPE fs-LANDSCAPING IX-1p 5\"you know\"", "IX-1p-pl-2:j CUT fs-WOOD fs-CUTTER SAME DCL:bent-5\"wood cutter\" WITH GLASS/METAL CORNER", "REALLY IX-3p:k SHARP (Y)WOW GLASS/METAL WITH BIG fs-LOG DCL:crvd-5\"log\"", "REALLY DIFFERENT SIZE REALLY DCL:5\"pile\"", "REALLY POSS-1p BOSS BEAUTIFUL STRICT SAME", "SAY 5\"come on\" MUST END #ALL BEFORE SUNSET", "IX-1p FINE IX-1p ICL:curved 5\"feeding logs through machine\"++", "HIT ONE BIG fs-LOG DCL:crvd-5\"big log\" IX-1p BCL:crvd-5\"picking up log\" BCL:crvd-5\"dropping log\"", "IX-1p BCL:crvd-5\"trying to catch log\" GET fs-IT #BACK", "BUT STILL BCL:crvd-5\"holding log\" DCL:B\"hand hits corner\" GLASS/METAL CORNER", "DCL:crvd-B\"corner slicing hand\" HOLD 5\"that's the way it is\" REALLY 5\"looking for words\" IX-3p:i (2h)5\"wow\"", "FACE+SAME IX-loc:i TRUE-BUSINESS SCL:B\"finger being cut by machine\" IX-1p 5\"that's the way it is\"", "IX-3p:l NOT FIRST TIME SOMETHING/ONE OTHER TRUE-BUSINESS CUT HOLD POSS-3p:l SCL:1\"slice finger\" FOR SAME THAT MACHINE", "5\"that's the way it is\" ANYWAY/NOT-MATTER SAME IX-1p 5\"reluctance\" IX-1p BCL:bent-5\"tapping shoulder\":j fs-TONY BAD fs-NEWS", "BLOOD++ REALLY 5\"that's the way it is\"", "fs-TONY SAY 5\"reluctance\" MUST (1h)GO HOSPITAL IX-1p 5\"reluctance\" IX-2p REALLY", "IX-1p 5\"I don't know\" IX-1p THINK (1h)CAN BANDAGE DCL:S\"bandage on finger\" HOLD \"quote\" PRESSURE ON fs-IT DCL:crvd-5\"bandage on finger\" REFUSE i:BLOOD MORE", "REALLY TRUE-BUSINESS IX-1p BCL:crvd-5\"holding finger\" (1h)STILL i:BLOOD THROUGH POSS-1p (2h)SHIRT (1h)IMAGINE REALLY 5\"that's the way it is\"", "IX-1p 5\"what the heck\" DECIDE GO HOSPITAL FINE", "IX-1p TELL:l BOSS 5\"sheepish\" IX-1p MUST EXCUSE-GO 5\"focus\":i MUST STITCH HOLD", "IX-1p FINE EXCUSE-GO HOSPITAL HOLD IX-1p FINE", "5\"oh gosh\" THINK+POP-UP IX-1p ICL\"picking wallet out of pocket\" POSS-1p WALLET ICL\"opening wallet\"", "NOT (1h)HAVE POSS-1p INSURANCE/INFECTION INFORM WITH IX-1p HOLD IX-1p 5\"that's the way it is\"", "#SO IX-1p SCL:3\"vehicle pulling over\" PAY PHONE fs-TONY HOLD POSS-3p:j BOSS", "SAY 5\"everything in order\" (L)FUTURE POSS-3p:l #CO FULL POSS-1p IX-loc:i STITCH:i ETC EVERYTHING", "IX-3p:l SAY YES B-L\"go ahead\" USE POSS-1p NAME IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" (1h)WHEW/RELIEVED FINE", "IF TRUE-BUSINESS IX-3p:l NOT (flat-O)PAY/SPEND THEN IX-1p 5\"I don't know\"", "MAYBE MUST SEND:m BILL fs-BILL TO/UNTIL POSS-1p MOTHER+FATHER NOT REALLY HAPPY 5\"that's the way it is\"", "#SO 5\"drop topic\" IX-1p GO:n HOSPITAL IX-1p 5\"resignation\" REALLY 5\"resignation\" KNOW HOSPITAL TEND FOREVER", "(2h)BPCL:bent-V\"sit down facing each other\" FALL-INTO-PLACE INSURANCE/INFECTION part:indef POSS-2p INFORM BORN fs-DATE #SS NUMBER REALLY COUNT-ON-FINGERS 5\"let it go\"", "IX-1p (2h)BPCL:bent-V\"sit down facing each other\" WAIT FINALLY IX-1p ENTER HOLD", "REALLY IX-3p:o FAST fs-EXPRESS HOLD CARE EMERGENCY HOSPITAL AREA", "(1h)HAVE DIFFERENT BUILDING LCL:C\"buildings\" IX-1p ENTER:o IX-1p IX-1p (1h)WAIT+", "REALLY i:BLOOD STILL i:BLOOD++ IX-1p WAIT++", "REALLY ONE DOCTOR SCL:1\"doctor coming\" REALLY SELF-3p:p NEW+ RECENT-PAST JOIN POSS-3p:o fs-STAFF", "IX-1p LOOK:p HOLD IX-1p TRUST YOUNG DOCTOR IX-1p FAVORITE/PREFER OLD+(1h)MOST BUT IX-1p 5\"nah\" FINE", "LOOK:i BCL\"holding and examining hand\" (1h)5\"wave no\"+ IX-1p SUMMON FOR SECOND OPINION", "IX-1p LOOK:p 5\"resignation\" FINE IX-1p WAIT++", "REALLY (2h)5\"I don't know\" HOLD IX-1p HOLD IX-1p FINISH SAME FOUR-THIRTY FIVE", "IX-1p STILL (2h)NOT-YET GET STITCH:i SAME IX-1p 5\"what's going on?\"", "IX-1p HOPE IX-3p:i NOT BECOME fs-DRY DRY TRUE-BUSINESS BLOOD fs-OR 5\"hands off\" FINE IX-1p WAIT+", "FINALLY SCL:1\"doctor coming\" ONE OLD+(1h)MOST MAN SELF-3p:q SPECIALTY PLASTIC SURGERY+AGENT SCL:1\"doctor coming\"", "IX-1p LOOK:q FEEL FUNNY (25)WHY PLASTIC SURGERY+AGENT DO STITCH:i ON IX-1p", "IX-1p THINK REGULAR DOCTOR fs-OR MAYBE fs-EVEN NURSE CAN DO fs-IT part:indef SAME IX-1p fs-OR DOCTOR ASSIST+ part:indef fs-EVEN MAYBE", "BUT 5\"out of my control\" SAME IX-1p 5\"reluctance\" IX-3p:q SAY BETTER DOWN fs-XRAY", "WANT CHECK IF (1h)HAVE SOME fs-AIR IN IX-loc:i (25>Y)WHY (L)FUTURE CAUSE INSURANCE/INFECTION", "SAME KIND fs-OF SLASH REALLY HOLD DCL:crvd-B\"object cutting finger\" POSS-1p fs-JOINT BONE IX-3p:i OVER/AFTER fs-XRAY (R)CONSEQUENCE", "SAY EXPLAIN 5\"wow\" IX-3p:i LUCKY NOT DCL:crvd-B\"object slicing finger\" MORE DCL:crvd-B\"object slicing finger\" #SO IX-1p LOSE BCL\"finger falling off\" IX-1p LOOK 5\"relieved\"", "FINE IX-1p SCL:1\"going upstairs\" i:GIFT:j PLASTIC SURGERY+AGENT POSS-1p fs-XRAY (R)CONSEQUENCE", "IX-3p:q SAY FINALLY FINE+ READY++ SET-UP+++ ETC", "GET SCISSOR STRING GLASS/METAL REALLY IX-1p LOOK false start GLASS/METAL THICK STRING IX-1p LOOK 5\"wow\"", "#SO IX-3p:q REALLY INJECT++ FEW TIME INJECT++ IX-1p", "IX-1p BECOME fs-NUMB IX-1p IX-3p:q STITCH++:i", "IX-1p CAN FEEL i:PULL SEW:i SAME SEW \"quote\" TIE POSS-2p SHOE", "ALMOST SAME SEW++:i FEEL fs-IT IX-1p", "FINISH ICL:A\"wrapping up finger\":i fs-THEN IX-1p 5\"looking for words\"", "IX-3p:q SAY GIFT-2p EXPLAIN SAY 5\"wave no\" IX-2p CANNOT GET WET", "THEN IX-2p IX-2p SHOWER MUST USE PLASTIC fs-BAG ICL:S\"putting bag on hand\"", "#SO 5\"you see\" GIFT-2p EXPLAIN ETC EVERYTHING IX-1p FINE 5\"so, all set\"", "IX-1p FINALLY ARRIVE HOME SEVEN-THIRTY IX-1p 5\"so, all set\"", "REALLY IX-1p MUST SHOWER IX-1p WORK ALL-DAY PLUS BLOOD (2h)DCL:5\"blood all over shirt\" EACH+WHERE ON IX-1p", "#SO 5\"forget it\" IX-1p ENTER SHOWER 5\"so, all set\" IX-1p (1h)5\"set\" IX-1p ICL:S\"putting bag on hand\" TWO fs-BAGS ICL:S\"pulling bags on hand\"+:i fs-BE SAFE", "IX-1p ICL:A\"wrapping around hand\" WITH RUBBER ICL:S\"wrapping around hand\" IX-1p BPCL:crvd-V\"get in\" IN SHOWER", "IX-1p 5\"everything in order\" WATER LCL:4\"liquid running down\" 5\"wash body\" (1h)FRUGAL BCL:5\"holding hand up\" 5\"wash body\" IX-3p:i CANNOT USE IX-3p:i IX-1p 5\"that's the way it is\"", "IX-1p SHAMPOO fs-SHAMPOO SHAMPOO IX-1p ICL:C\"picking up shampoo bottle\" ICL:C\"pouring shampoo\"", "IX-1p NOT THINK (open-B)IX-loc:i HOLD DCL:5\"shampoo all over hand\" IX-1p 5\"resignation\"", "SCL:1\"walking away from the shower\" GET OTHER fs-BAG ICL:S\"putting bag on hand\" THEN", "SCL:1\"walking to shower\" SHOWER (1h)5\"wash body\" (2h)FEEL (2h)THUMBS-UP/GOOD", "fs-THEN SAME IX-1p GET-IN-BED ALL-NIGHT READY FOR WORK TODAY ALL-DAY" ], "text": [ "I am sure you noticed this bandage on my hand and wonder what happened.", "Yesterday, I worked with my friend.", "Tony and I grew up best friends.", "We were working, doing landscaping.", "We were cutting wood using a cutting tool that had a metal edge.", "The metal corner was really sharp! It had a big log on it.", "There was many different sizes.", "My boss is pretty strict.", "He told us we must finish everything before sunset.", "I worked at a quick pace.", "There was one big log that I picked up but then I started to drop it.", "I tried to catch it.", "I got the log but the metal corner hit my hand.", "When the metal corner sliced my hand, really, wow!", "It looked like my fingers had been cut off!", "It was not first time someone cut his finger with that same machine.", "Anyway, I tapped Tony and told him the bad news.", "I showed him my hand--it was bleeding profusely.", "Tony said that I should go to the hospital and I asked, \"are you sure?\"", "I thought maybe I could just bandage it and put pressure on it so it wouldn't bleed anymore.", "I was holding my hand but it still bled through my shirt. Can you imagine that?", "So I decided go to the hospital.", "I told my boss that I had to go to the hospital because I needed stitches.", "I thought to myself \"fine\" and went off to the hospital.", "A thought struck me; I pulled out my wallet and opened it...", "...I realized I didn't have my insurance information with me.", "So we pulled over to a pay phone and Tony called the boss", "The boss said his company would cover the costs for stitches on my finger and everything.", "My boss said, \"Yes, go ahead and use my name.\" I was relieved.", "If he didn't pay for it then I don't know what I would have done!", "They maybe would have to send the bill to my parents. My parents wouldn't be very happy.", "I went to the hospital, but you know how hospitals are, they tend to keep you waiting forever!", "We sat down with them to give information about the insurance, my birth date, my social security number, etc.", "I sat down and waited for a long time. Finally, I went in.", "I was in the fast express care of the emergency area of the hospital.", "...you know, they have different buildings for different wards. I went in and waited some more.", "My hand kept bleeding and I was still waiting.", "A doctor came in, he was new and had just joined the staff.", "I was a bit nervous--I trust young doctors, but would prefer an older one; it doesn't matter though, it was fine.", "He looked at my finger and said he would like to call for a second opinion.", "I thought \"ugh\" and ended up waiting again.", "I arrived there at two o'clock and it was already like 4:30 or 5 o'clock...", "I still hadn't gotten my stitches.", "I hoped my finger wouldn't become dry (the blood) or whatever. So I kept waiting.", "Finally, an older man came in; he was a plastic surgeon.", "I felt funny because a plastic surgeon was going to give me the stitches.", "I thought some regular doctor, nurse, or even doctor's assistant could do it.", "But all the same, he told me I better go downstairs and get an x-ray.", "He wanted to check if I had some air in my finger which could cause an infection.", "My x-ray result showed that my finger was cut to the joint.", "He said I was very lucky that my finger was not cut more or I would have lost it. I was relieved!", "I went back upstairs to give the plastic surgeon my X-Ray results.", "Finally, he said we were ready. He set everything up.", "He got the scissors, the needle, and the string. I saw the needle and the thick string and thought \"whoa!\"", "He gave my hand a few injections.", "My hand became numb, and he stitched it.", "I could feel the stitches being pulled through--it felt like when you tie your shoes...", "...that's kind of how the stitching felt.", "After he finished, he wrapped up my finger.", "He gave me instructions; he told me, \"you cannot get it wet.\"", "Then, when you shower, you will need to use a plastic bag to cover your hand.", "After he explained everything that I needed to do, I said \"fine, alright then\".", "I finally arrived home around 7:30. I was beat.", "Really, I had to take shower because I had been working all day, plus I had blood all over me.", "So anyway, I went in the shower--I had put two bags on my hand to be safe.", "I wrapped my hand and the bag with a rubber band and walked into the shower.", "While the water was running, I tried to wash myself as best I could--I couldn't use my injured hand.", "I picked up the shampoo bottle and dumped it on my hand. Right after I poured it, it hit me that I couldn't use that hand.", "I wasn't thinking. Now shampoo was oozing all over my hand. Geez.", "I went and got another bag to put on my hand.", "Then I got back into the shower and washed up. It felt so good!", "Then, I went to bed for the night to get ready to work all day today." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p REALLY IX-1p FORMERLY IX-1p AGE-FOUR AGE-FIVE", "IX-1p POSS-1p (2h)GRANDFATHER SELF-3p:j BIG BOXING fs-FAN KNOW fs-BOXING BOXING IX-3p:j", "REALLY POSS-1p SCL:crvd V\"sit down next to grandfather\" 5\"come here\" STARE BOXING IX-1p 5\"hesitation\" HOLD", "FINE+ IX-1p SMALL YOUNG NOT REMEMBER #BUT", "POSS-1p FATHER EXPLAIN SAY 5\"wow\" IX-2p REALLY IX-2p KISS-FIST BOXING HOLD", "IX-1p LOOK:n OH-I-SEE IX-1p LOOK:m WATCH-TV BOXING", "IX-1p LOOK:m NOT-MIND SELF-1p FUTURE BOXING", "IX-1p WORK-OUT++ DCL:5-C\"muscles on torso\" REALLY 5\"wow\" BUT (Y)WOW A-LOT TIME REQUIRE", "#SO IX-1p 5\"let it go\" IX-1p WATCH-TV 5\"so, all set\" HIT REALLY 5\"looking for words\" HOLD", "LAST-YEAR IX-1p WATCH-TV ONE (crvd-B)STORY ON fs-MUHAMMAD fs-ALI ON CHANNEL fs-CNN", "POSS-3p:k LIVE TIME (crvd-B)STORY IX-1p WATCH-TV (1h)FASCINATED REALLY FALL-INTO-IT REALLY (2h)5\"wow\"", "OVER/AFTER THAT (crvd-B)STORY IX-3p:k fs-MUHAMMAD fs-ALI POSS-1p FAVORITE/PREFER BOXING+AGENT FINISH", "REALLY IX-3p:k POSS-3p:k GIRL+MARRY INVITE REPORT+AGENT (1h)GO POSS-3p:k HOUSE", "HAVE EAT+NIGHT 5\"things proceedings normally\" REALLY SPORT SELF-3p:l COMPETITION REPORT+AGENT COLLECT MORE INFORM ABOUT fs-MUHAMMAD fs-ALI HOLD", "IX-3p:k GIRL+MARRY COOK DCL:crvd-L\"setting dishes on table\"++ READY SCL:crvd-V\"sitting around\" CHAT++", "REPORT+AGENT (1h)5\"things proceeding normally\" ASK:k fs-MUHAMMAD fs-ALI 5\"looking for words\" SIMPLE QUESTION 5\"things proceeding normally\"", "fs-ALI START fs-TO 5\"that's the way it is\" IX-3p:k KNOW SELF-3p:k (1h)HAVE fs-PARKINSONS SICK+ SELF-3p:k SICK", "TEND SHAKE SOMETIMES NOT PAY-ATTENTION (1h)HAVE HARD TIME FOCUS", "#SO START fs-TO BPCL:V\"stand up\"-inceptive REALLY SHAKE REPORT+AGENT 5\"you know\" HOLD LITTLE-BIT SCARE NOT KNOW HOW TO/UNTIL CONFRONT THAT SITUATION", "(2h)5\"I don't know\" HOLD TELL:l GIRL+MARRY IX-loc:k ALL-RIGHT", "GIRL+MARRY SAY SO-SO SOMETIMES IX-3p:k (1h)HAVE BAD DREAM", "SAME THINK+VISION SELF-3p+:k STILL BOXING REALLY STILL THINK IN fs-RING", "STILL BCL\"punched in the face\"+++ REALLY SOMETIMES IX-3p:k STAND-UP START BCL\"punching\"++", "REPORT+AGENT REALLY TRUE-BUSINESS REALLY fs-MUHAMMAD fs-ALI GET-UP PUNCH+ ON PEOPLE", "REALLY GIRL+MARRY YES IX-1p SEE:k IX-3p:k ABUSE ONE MAN PAST REALLY NONE/NOTHING REASON", "REPORT+AGENT SAY LOOK:k TRUE-BUSINESS HOLD LOOK:k ON fs-MUHAMMAD fs-ALI", "fs-ALI SIT BCL\"shake\" GET-UP SHAKE BCL\"punching at air\"++", "SCL:1\"Ali approaching\" REPORT+AGENT BCL\"shaking fist\"", "REPORT+AGENT REALLY SCARE BCL\"scared reporter\" fs-MUHAMMAD fs-ALI IX-1p TEASE-2p++ NOT WORRY 5\"forget it\"", "LAUGH SIT IX-1p DCL:4\"hair up on the arm\"", "REALLY IX-1p LAUGH #NO++ IX-1p KNOW IX-3p:k FUNNY YES BUT IX-1p REALLY DCL:4\"hair up on arms\"", "(25)WHY IX-3p:k fs-MUHAMMAD fs-ALI SELF-3p:k (1h)HAVE fs-PARKINSON DISEASE IX-3p:k", "IX-3p:k BUT IX-3p:k STILL IX-3p:k 5\"looking for words\" HOLD IX-3p:k STILL CAN FIND/FIND-OUT (2h)FUNNY IN MANY (2h)THING", "SAME IX-3p:k SCARE REPORT+AGENT COUNT-ON-FINGERS:1 5\"you know\" IX-3p:k GIRL+MARRY GREAT+ IX-3p:l REALLY (2h)5\"wow\"", "#SO OVER/AFTER THAT IX-1p (1h)5\"loooking for words\" IX-1p HUNGRY/WISH IX-1p CAN TELL:i POSS-1p (2h)GRANDFATHER THAT (crvd-B)STORY", "(25)WHY IX-3p:i DIE HOLD 5\"I don't know\" BEFORE REALLY 5\"I don't know\" WHEN IX-1p SAME AGE-EIGHT", "#SO \"darn\" HUNGRY/WISH IX-3p:j CAN LOOK:m TOGETHER 5\"that's the way it is\"" ], "text": [ "In the past, when I was four or five years old...", "My grandfather was a big boxing fan.", "He asked me to sit down and watch boxing. I didn't really get it.", "I don't remember it well because I was too young but....", "My father told me that I used to love boxing when I was growing up.", "I said \"oh, I see,\" then I began watching the boxing on TV.", "As I watched, I thought to myself, \"I wouldn't mind doing boxing in the future\".", "I would work out and have great abdominal muscles on my stomach. Wow--it would require a lot of time, though,", "...so I dropped it. One thing that hit me when I was watching TV...", "Last year, I watched a story about Muhammad Ali on CNN.", "It was a show about his life story. I was completely fascinated by it.", "After I watched that story, Muhammad Ali became my favorite boxer.", "His wife invited a reporter over their house.", "While they had dinner, the sports reporter collected more information about Muhammad Ail.", "His wife cooked and got things ready for dinner. Then, they all sat down and talked.", "The reporter asked Muhammad Ali a simple question.", "Ali started to... well, you know he has Parkinson's disease...", "He tends to shake sometimes and he had a hard time trying to focus on things.", "He started to really shake and the reporter got scared. He wasn't sure how to approach that kind of situation.", "The reporter asked Ali's wife if he was alright.", "His wife said \"well, sort of... sometimes he has bad dreams.\"", "Sometimes he imagines he is still boxing in the ring,", "...still taking punches. Sometimes he will stand up and start swinging his fists.", "The reporter said, \"Really, Muhammad Ali would stand up and start punching at people?\"", "The wife said \"Yes, I have seen him beating up one man for no reason\"", "The reporter said, \"really?\" as he looked at Muhammad Ali.", "Ali was sitting, shaking; then he got up slowly and started punching the air.", "Ali walked toward the reporter, grabbed him by the collar, pulled him close, and shook his fist in the reporter's face.", "The reporter was really scared. Muhammad Ali put him back in his seat, and said, \"I am just teasing, don't worry!\"", "He laughed and sat down. I had goose bumps on my arms.", "I was not laughing, yes I know it was funny, but I got goose bumps on my arms.", "...because Muhammad Ali has Parkinson's Disease...", "But he still, uh, he still is able to find humor in many things.", "He scared the reporter, his wife was great...wow.", "So, after that, I wish I could tell my grandfather that story.", "He died way back, when I was around 8 years old.", "I wish he and I could have watched it together." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FINE+ ONE MAN ONE FRIEND GOOD FRIEND POSS-1p+ IX-loc:i fs-PAUL", "IX-3p:i REALLY MOTORCYCLE fs-FREAK REALLY BEAUTIFUL MOTORCYCLE", "REALLY (L)FUTURE #DO ANY+THING FOR MOTORCYCLE REALLY PITY:i BAD #LUCK WITH MOTORCYCLE", "IX-3p:i THREE MOTORCYCLE STEAL CRASH TWO OTHER MOTORCYCLE REALLY TOTAL (1h)MOTORCYCLE DIFFERENT MOTORCYCLE", "IX-3p:i REALLY NOW KNOW WHERE IN HOSPITAL WITH BREAK fs-RIBS LCL:G\"ribs on body\"", "FROM MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT HOLD 5\"that's the way it is\"", "REALLY IX-3p:i #DO ANY+THING FOR MOTORCYCLE SAME FOR SHOW IX-3p:i GO fs-MR DEAF fs-CSUN PAGEANT FOR MAN GROUP/TOGETHER", "IX-3p:i DECIDE fs-TO FORCE SELF-3p++:i MOTORCYCLE ICL:S\"biker holding handlebars popping wheelie\" ON ONE WHEEL", "5\"I don't know\" FOR 80 90 fs-MPH TRUE-BUSINESS ICL:S\"holding handlebars\" HIT fs-ROCK ICL:S\"handlebars pulling right\"", "SCL:bent V\"person falling off vehicle\" SEPARATE SPRAIN fs-KNEE fs-ANKLE FACE IX-loc:j HOLD 5\"looking for words\"", "SHOW ON FILM HOLD IX-3p:i NOT WIN #NO+ HOLD BUT HOLD 5\"looking for words\"", "(2h)5\"wow\" REALLY MOTORCYCLE #SO IX-1p DECIDE IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" IX-1p FEEL fs-CARE ABOUT IX-3p:i IX-1p DECIDE (2h)SEND #EMAIL", "IX-1p SAY part:indef UP-TO-NOW IX-3p:i 5\"looking for words\" IX-3p:i fs-PAUL KNOW IX-3p:i POSS-1p GOOD FRIEND", "UP-TO-NOW MOTORCYCLE STEAL+ HOLD PLUS IX-3p:i CRASH 5\"hesitation\"", "IX-3p:i DO FILM SELF-3p+:i IX-3p:i ICL:S\"biker riding on one wheel\" 80 fs-MPH IX-3p:i CRAZY 5\"you know\"", "REALLY 5\"that's the way it is\" IX-3p:i SEND IX-1p ANSWER #BACK WITH ONE SIMPLE SENTENCE #WHAT fs-IS fs-A fs-CAR" ], "text": [ "I have a good friend of mine named Paul.", "He is a real motorcycle freak. He has a beautiful motorcycle.", "He would do anything for a motorcycle. I feel sorry for him, he has bad luck with motorcycles.", "Three of his motorcycles were stolen, two others crashed. He has had a total of five different motorcycles.", "You know where he is now? In the hospital with broken ribs...", "...from a motorcycle accident.", "He would do anything for a motorcycle, like for example, he ran in the Mr. Deaf CSUN Pageant.", "He decided to force himself to ride on one wheel of the motorcycle.", "He was riding the motorcycle on one wheel at 80 to 90 mph and hit a rock.", "He fell off the motorcycle, separated his shoulder, sprained both his knee and ankle, and burned the side of his face.", "He showed (the whole accident) on tape. He didn't win though, but hey.", "Motorcycling--wow. Since I care about him, I decided to send him an email.", "I said to Paul in the email, \"you know, you have been a good friend of mine\".", "So far, his motorcycles have been stolen, crashed, and so on, you know?", "He had made a videotape of himself riding on one wheel at 80 mph!! He is crazy!!", "He sent a reply back to me with one simple sentence: \"What is a car?\"" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p COMPARE TWO DIFFERENT CITY/COMMUNITY fs-BOSTON AND ns-#LA IX-3p+:i", "REALLY IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" BORN IN ns-BOSTON", "REALLY IX-1p HOLD OVER/AFTER #HS IX-1p GO COLLEGE fs-CSUN (25)ns-CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY ON NORTH+fs-RIDGE IX-1p UP-TO-NOW NINETY-SIX", "REALLY IX-1p MANY (2h)THING COMPARE IX-3p:i SAME FOR SHOW EAT REALLY IX-3p:k fs-BOSTON REALLY (2h)DELICIOUS BETTER EAT+", "REALLY THINK COUNT-ON-FINGERS:1 fs-SEAFOOD REALLY NONE/NOTHING COMPARE FORGET-IT COUNT-ON-FINGERS:2 5\"looking for words\" MEAT #FRESH (2h)THUMBS-UP/GOOD MORE TASTE (25)ns-CALIFORNIA MEAT part:indef", "NOT GREAT MAYBE IX-3p:j (1h)HAVE BETTER PRODUCT FROM COW BRING+ NOT-KNOW", "COUNT-ON-FINGERS:3 PLUS FRUIT VEGETABLE MORE #FRESH IX-loc:j GROW+ IN OUT+ (25)ns-CALIFORNIA", "(25)ns-CALIFORNIA FARM SYSTEM IX-loc:j MORE SAME OUT++ IX-loc:j IN+ fs-TOO HOT", "OUT+ STILL SUNNY IX-loc:j fs-VERY DRY EASY+(1h)MOST TO/UNTIL GROW fs-CROPS IN ns-#LA LOCAL", "#SO 5\"let's see\" REALLY 5\"hesitation\" REALLY LIST IX-loc:j REALLY ADMIT ns-MEXICO/SPAIN EAT BETTER IN ns-#LA 5\"looking for words\"", "OF-COURSE IX-loc:j RIGHT-HERE ns-MEXICO/SPAIN fs-BORDER LINE NEXT-TO HERE", "IX-1p ns-BOSTON NONE/NOTHING ns-MEXICO/SPAIN EAT IX-loc-arc:k NOT BAD BUT IX-1p REALLY SELF-1p NOT-CARE ABOUT ns-MEXICO/SPAIN EAT LUCKY TAKE-ADVANTAGE", "REALLY IX-loc:j ns-#LA IX-loc:j POSS-3p:j EAT+ (1h)HAVE fs-VERY STRICT ABOUT FRUIT VEGETABLE POLICY", "SAME (1h)HAVE ONE SHEEP fs-I FIVE IX-loc:j (1h)HAVE ONE HOLD STOP", "MAKE REALLY NONE/NOTHING ONE BRING FRUIT AND VEGETABLE FROM ns-MEXICO/SPAIN", "#OR ANY+WHERE OTHER LCL:5\"area of state\" BECAUSE IX-3p:j fs-VERY STRICT WITH CHEMISTRY MAKE REALLY ETC FALL-INTO-PLACE", "SAME IX-1p LOOK HERE IX-1p NEVER HEAR SOMETHING/ONE SAME THAT", "part:indef REALLY part:indef IX-1p LEARN THAT IN ns-#LA IX-loc:j", "FINE OTHER THAN EAT IX-1p CAN COMPARE POSS-3p:i ENVIRONMENT HOLD", "REALLY OF-COURSE fs-BOSTON IX-loc:k (1h)HAVE FOUR DIFFERENT fs-SEASONS", "DURING/WHILE ns-#LA MAYBE (1h)HAVE ONE #OR TWO FINISH-shake HOLD 5\"that's the way it is\"", "FINE+ IX-loc:j ns-#LA EVERYDAY+fs-DAY UP-TO-NOW TEND 5\"I don't know\" 75++ 80 DEGREE EVERYDAY+fs-DAY DCL\"flat temperature\" 5\"looking for words\" SUNNY fs-DRY 5\"you know\" SIMPLE", "DURING/WHILE HERE REALLY fs-UN+PREDICT WEATHER CAN fs-BE RAIN CAN fs-BE 5\"I don't know\" HOT COLD COOL", "REALLY MANY VARIOUS ONE THING IX-1p NOTICE SAME", "IX-loc:j AUTUMN fs-SEASON SAME IN fs-SEPT HOLD HERE ns-BOSTON", "IX-1p false start NOTICE LEAF CHANGE COLOR SOME START fs-TO (2h)alt.FALL++ REALLY GREEN GRASS GREEN PERFECT", "BUT IN ns-#LA IX-loc:j AUTUMN STILL FACE+SAME SUMMER REALLY part:indef STILL HOT STILL fs-VERY HOT part:indef", "GRASS IX-loc:j LITTLE-BIT BROWN part:indef OF-COURSE fs-TOO A-LOT fs-SUN DCL:5-C\"intense sun\" NONE/NOTHING ENOUGH RAIN TO/UNTIL FEED+ FLOWER GROW++", "IN OF-COURSE fs-DEC HERE START SNOW BECOME MORE COLD LEAF (2h)alt.FALL++ TREE DCL\"bare tree\" \"quote\" EMPTY/NAKED TREE", "5\"looking for words\" IX-loc:j ns-#LA COLD REALLY LITTLE-BIT LOW/LOWER COOL+(1h)MOST BUT STILL HOT \"quote\"", "fs-TO MOST fs-OF IX-3p-pl-arc:k IN ns-BOSTON ns-BOSTON+AGENT IX-loc-arc:k STILL HOT IN ns-#LA 5\"you know\" STILL 70+ 75+ EVERYDAY+fs-DAY", "SUN STILL BUT NIGHT+ 5\"you know\" LITTLE-BIT MORE COOL+(1h)MOST 5\"drop topic\" part:indef IX-loc:j THAT", "POSS-3p:j GROW+++ IX-1p ADMIT ONE NEGATIVE ABOUT IX-loc:k fs-BOSTON GROW++ REALLY A-LOT RAIN", "DURING/WHILE ns-#LA BETTER (1h)PERFECT NONE/NOTHING RAIN", "REALLY ONCE-IN-A-WHILE BUT FUNNY (2h)THING ABOUT ns-#LA WHEN fs-IT RAIN IN ns-#LA", "REALLY IX-loc:j OVER/AFTER EXAGGERATE IX-3p:j (L)FUTURE USE COAT RAIN COAT USE UMBRELLA HOLD BOOT PANT", "REALLY IF LITTLE-BIT DRIP++ IX-1p REMEMBER ONE fs-DAY", "GO CLASS ON POSS-1p ROLLERBLADE IX-1p SHORTS TANK-TOP KNOW BASKETBALL TANK-TOP SAME", "IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" IN RAIN LITTLE-BIT RAIN IX-1p ROLLERBLADE", "IX-1p LOOK MANY PEOPLE DCL:4\"many people look at me\" fs-AT IX-1p SAME IX-1p REALLY FULL IDIOT BUT REALLY IX-1p 5\"I don't know\" HOLD", "IX-1p THINK WEATHER NICE/CLEAN LITTLE-BIT RAIN REALLY (F)NOTHING IX-3p:j WEAR ARM/LONG-SLEEVE", "IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" THAT ONE HOLD (2h)5\"wow\" NEGATIVE BUT ns-#LA IX-loc:j NONE fs-SEWER HOLD SYSTEM", "#ALL WATER REALLY FLOOD POSSIBLE IF TRUE-BUSINESS IX-loc-arc RAIN TOTAL HERE YEAR-LONG BRING GIFT:j TO/UNTIL ns-#LA", "FINISH REALLY FLOOD FOR REALLY", "(25)WHY IX-3p-pl-arc:k HAVE BETTER fs-SEWER SYSTEM WATER (1h)CAN THROUGH DCL:crvd-sprd-B\"water running through sewer\"", "IX-loc-arc:k CAN RAIN EVERYDAY+fs-DAY AND STILL LIVE THROUGH fs-IT FINE", "BUT (2h)5\"keep in mind\" OF-COURSE NOT RAIN EVERYDAY+fs-DAY IN ns-BOSTON 5\"reassure\" STILL (1h)HAVE GREAT WEATHER HERE IN fs-BOSTON", "NEXT-ON-LIST SAME 5\"looking for words\" START SUMMER++ 5\"hesitation\" (open-B)TEND fs-VERY fs-HUMID HERE", "MORE fs-SUN MORE STRONG DCL:crvd-5\"intense sun rays\" DURING/WHILE HOLD ns-#LA DRY BUT SARCASM 100 110 DEGREE", "BECAUSE WHERE IX-1p FROM NORTH+fs-RIDGE TEND HOLD TEN FIFTEEN DEGREE MORE THAN", "SAME IX-2p IF IX-2p SEE ON WEATHER CHANNEL IX-loc:j ns-#LA 85+ DEGREE MEAN HOLD IN NORTH+fs-RIDGE REALLY (2h)5\"wow\"", "REALLY 5\"you know\" BIG DIFFERENT FROM HERE", "(25)WHY HERE 80 HOLD CAN REALLY++ HOT HOLD #BUT IN ns-#LA 80 REALLY FEEL NOTHING", "fs-SUN fs-VERY DCL:crvd-5\"weak sunshine\" HERE MORE DCL:crvd-5\"intense sunshine\" BECAUSE fs-OF HERE fs-SEASON CHANGE (2h)5\"drop topic\"", "REALLY OTHER THAN WEATHER NEXT-ON-LIST IX-1p CAN TALK ABOUT POSS-3p:i fs-BOSTON CULTURE AND ns-#LA CULTURE", "REALLY (2h)5\"wow\" BIG DIFFERENT IX-loc:k fs-BOSTON CULTURE GROUP/TOGETHER DEAF TEND SOCIALIZE fs-VERY GROUP/TOGETHER+ NEAR SAME FAMILY GROUP/TOGETHER+", "MAKE REALLY CONTACT-arc KNOW+THAT IF HOLD NOT LIKE SOMETHING/ONE FORGET-IT STILL+ FEEL BAD GROUP/TOGETHER", "BUT IN IX-3p:j HOLD ns-#LA LOCAL #OR NORTH 5\"hesitation\" REALLY MOST IN ns-#LA LOCAL fs-VERY GROUP/TOGETHER++-arc", "IX-2p MUST MAKE POSS-2p NAME BEFORE (1h)JOIN #CLUB GROUP/TOGETHER fs-E \"quote\" NAME fs-ELITE #CLUB SOCIAL/INTERACT", "GROUP/TOGETHER++-arc STILL IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" HOLD SAME IX-1p HOPE IX-3p-pl-arc:i ns-BOSTON CAN GIFT:j GOOD KIND SHOW (2h)THAT IX-1p-pl-arc GROUP/TOGETHER", "#NO ANYWAY/NOT-MATTER WHO IX-1p-pl-arc IMPORTANT VARY", "SAME IDEA fs-SIBERIAN TIGER IX-loc:l ONE (2h)THING ABOUT POSS-3p:l STRIPE VARY SAME IDEA IX-loc-arc:k", "BUT IN ns-#LA AREA 5\"I don't know\" HOLD IX-3p:j NOT SEE THAT #WAY", "IX-3p:j HOLD BPCL:F\"eyes looking up and down\" IX-2p:m POSS-1p KIND FINE HOLD IX-2p:n NOT POSS-1p KIND GO-AWAY VERY (2h)alt.PICK (2h)alt.SELECT 5\"looking for words\"", "SAME IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" AND IX-3p:j fs-VERY (Y)WOW HIGH (2h)alt.FANCY++ fs-CLASS", "IX-loc:j SAME FOR SHOW IX-1p (1h)GO fs-BEVERLY fs-HILLS HOLD", "IX-1p ENTER ONE STORE IX-1p ICL\"holding a shirt\" fs-SILK REALLY NICE/CLEAN IX-1p ICL\"holding the shirt\"", "5\"you see\" IX-1p SEE PRICE fs-TAG IX-1p 350 (flat-O)DOLLAR HOLD 350 (flat-O)DOLLAR FOR HOLD REALLY 5\"that's the way it is\"", "THINK MOST EXPENSIVE SHIRT HERE IN fs-BOSTON MAYBE ONE+HUNDRED 150 (flat-O)DOLLAR IX-1p (2h)NOT-KNOW IX-1p NOT BUY EXPENSIVE SHIRT IX-1p #BUT", "SAME 5\"looking for words\" REALLY (2h)5\"wow\" fs-VERY EXPENSIVE IN ns-#LA", "SAME EAT BUY+ BREAD DCL:5\"size of bread\" REALLY THREE-DOLLARS FOUR-DOLLARS THREE FOUR DURING/WHILE HERE ONE-DOLLAR FIFTY TWO-DOLLARS (1h)part:indef HOLD AND BIG+(1h)MOST SIZE THAN THREE-DOLLARS FOUR-DOLLARS DCL:5\"size of bread\"", "REALLY 5\"looking for words\" HOLD IX-3p:i HOLD IX-1p TALK ABOUT ECONOMIC SPECIALTY #NO BUT REALLY DIFFERENT CULTURE", "REALLY PEOPLE AREA:j 5\"looking for words\" MORE FRIENDLY HERE IN GENERAL MORE FRIENDLY", "SAME FOR SHOW FINE DRIVE IX-1p SAME (2h)SCL:3\"vehicles coming to the same intersection\" HERE SITUATION", "(2h)SCL:3\"vehicles at intersection\" IX-1p SAME 5\"hesitation\" flat-B\"go ahead\"", "BUT 5\"resignation\" IN ns-#LA DO THAT #NO++ NOT-CARE REALLY SCL:3\"vehicles whizzing past intersection\"+", "IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" FEW TIME IN ns-#LA IX-1p B-L\"go ahead\" IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" THINK SAY SCL:3\"vehicle passing by\" IX-1p 5\"you know\" \"wave\" IX-2p:o WELCOME SAME DRIVE 5\"that's the way it is\"", "REALLY SAME IN EAT STORE #OR RESTAURANT #BANKS REALLY VARIOUS MANY DIFFERENT+ PLACE", "HERE ONLY GET GOOD SERVICE NOT ONE+HUNDRED PERCENT fs-OF TIME #NO BUT TEND GOOD SERVICE (L)FUTURE MAKE REALLY FEEL COMFORTABLE INTERACT/COMMUNICATE PERFECT", "IN+ ns-#LA REALLY SERVICE REALLY WOW/AWFUL SOMETIMES SOME PEOPLE CANNOT TALK ENGLISH 5\"you know\"", "IX-1p fs-PEN PAPER WRITE STILL NOT UNDERSTAND part:indef HOLD SAME part:indef HOLD SAME IN HOW BAD IN IX-loc:j part:indef ns-#LA part:indef", "PEOPLE NOT 5\"looking for words\" fs-OUTGOING VERY OUTGOING FRIENDLY WANT IN CITY/COMMUNITY", "IX-1p THINK BECAUSE ns-#LA #SO BIG HOLD SAME IX-3p:j MAYBE NOT-CARE ABOUT POSS-3p:j CITY/COMMUNITY MORE SAME IX-3p-pl-arc:k fs-DO" ], "text": [ "I am going to compare two different cities, Boston and Los Angeles.", "I was born and raised in Boston.", "I went to LA after finishing high school. I went to college at CSUN, Calfornia State University at Northridge. I went in '96.", "There are many things to compare. For example, Boston's food is delicious and better (than LA).", "First of all, I think nothing compares with Boston seafood. Second, the meat here is fresh and more flavorful. California meat...", "... is not great. However, maybe they have better dairy products. I don't know.", "Third, the fruits and vegetables in California taste fresher, since they grow in California.", "The farm system in California is more outside because it is too hot to have it inside.", "Outside it's still hot and dry, but it's still easier to grow crops in the L.A. area.", "So, let's see, what else is on the list...I have to admit that Mexican food in LA is better.", "Of course, it's because L.A. is near the Mexican border.", "There isn't any Mexican food in the Boston area. It's not bad, but I don't really care for Mexican food anyway. If you like Mexican food though you should take advantage of it in L.A. where it's delicious.", "There are very strict policies on fruit, and vegetables in California.", "The same policy goes for sheep. On Interstate 5 at one of the stops....", "They will stop and make sure no one brings in any fruits or vegetables from Mexico.", "...or anywhere else. The state is very strict about chemicals. They want to make sure everything runs smoothly.", "I have never heard of that kind of situation here in Boston.", "Well, that is what I learned in L.A.", "Other than food, I can compare the two environments.", "Of course, Boston has four different seasons.", "While in LA, they only have one or two seasons.", "In LA, the weather tends to be \"flat\"--75 or 80 degrees, sunny and dry, every day.", "But here in Boston, the weather is really unpredictable. It could be rainy, hot, cold or cool.", "There are many various things (in Boston weather), but one thing I notice about LA...", "...and here in Boston is that the fall, in September, seems about the same.", "I would notice once when the leaves change color, and some start to fall off and grass is really green.", "It is perfect, but during the fall in LA, it still looks like summer. It is still very hot.", "The grass is a little bit brownish because of too much sun, and there is not enough rain to feed the flowers and plants.", "In December in Boston, of course it snows, gets colder and the leaves fall off the trees, leaving them \"naked.\"", "In LA, it gets a little bit cooler, but at same time it is still hot.", "To most Bostonians who are in LA it still feels hot, 70 to 75 degrees.", "The sun still shines warmly, but during night time, it gets a little cooler.", "I have to admit that during spring time in Boston, it rains a lot.", "While in LA, its better and perfect because of no rain.", "Well, it rains once a while. The funny thing about when it rains in LA...", "People go too far: they use umbrellas, wear rain coats, and put boots and pants on.", "Even if it is just barely raining--like a few drops. I remember one day...", "I would go to class on my rollerblades, in shorts and a tank top, you know, like a basketball jersey.", "There was a bit of rain as I rollerbladed.", "I noticed many people were looking at me like I was a complete idiot. Really, I didn't know what the big deal was.", "I thought the weather was nice, a little rainy but it was nothing. People were wearing long sleeves!", "Oh well. Wow--one negative thing about LA is that in LA, they didn't have any sewer systems.", "There would be flooding. If a whole year's worth of Boston's rain were given to LA,...", "... LA would flood for sure.", "Why? Because they have a better sewer system in Boston to drain water.", "Here (in Boston) it could rain every day and people would still live through it without a problem.", "But of course, it doesn't rain everyday in Boston. We have wonderful weather here.", "Another thing: in the summer, it's very humid here.", "The sun is more intense here, while in LA it's dry, but it's 100 to 110 degrees.", "In Northridge, it tends to be ten to fifteen degrees hotter than LA.", "If you see on weather channel, you will notice that if its 85 degrees in LA, that means 100 degrees in Northridge.", "Really, it's a big difference from here.", "If it's 80 degrees here in Boston, it can feel really hot. But in LA, 80 degrees feels like nothing.", "In LA, the sun is farther away. Here, the sun feels closer, more intense, because the seasons change. That's all for that...", "...other than weather, we can also talk about Boston culture and LA culture.", "Wow, there is a really big difference socially--in Boston Deaf culture, everyone mixes together as if we were from the same family.", "People make sure to keep in touch. Even if you dislike someone, we say \"ah, forget it\" and welcome him because we would feel bad otherwise.", "But in the LA area or north, well really mostly in LA area, there are many smaller cliques.", "You have to make a name for yourself before you join the \"elite\" clubs.", "Still, I hope that Boston could give LA a good example of cohesiveness", "No matter who we are, it is important to have diversity in the group.", "It's the same thing with Siberian tigers--their stripes vary. It's the same idea here in Boston.", "But in the LA area, they didn't see that way.", "They say, \"If you are my kind, come with me; If you're not--get outta here.\" They pick and choose.", "I don't buy it. Oh, and LA is very fancy and high-class.", "Like for an example, when I went to Beverly Hills...", "In one store, I was looking at this really nice silk shirt.", "I decided to check the price. I see the price tag: 350 dollars. Really, 350 dollars for a shirt?!", "I would say the most expensive shirt here in Boston is up to maybe 100, 150 dollars. I wouldn't know--I don't buy expensive shirts, but hey.", "Still, wow, it is very expensive in LA.", "Same idea for food shopping: in LA, a loaf of bread costs 3 or 4 bucks while here in Boston it's only $1.50 to two dollars and it is even a bigger loaf than in LA.", "Really, I'm not just talking about just economic differences, but rather cultural differences as well.", "Bostonians seem more friendly in general.", "For example: here, when I'm driving, and two cars come up to the same intersection,", "I would wave the other person on, he would say \"Thanks!\" and wave back.", "But in LA, would they do that? No--they don't care and just drive right through.", "A few times while I was in LA, I waved people on. I thought they would say thanks back, but the other drivers just ignored me and zipped across. I said, \"Oh, you're welcome, too. Oh well,\" and drove on.", "Its same kind of situation in food markets, restaurants, banks, and many different places.", "Here (in Boston), they have good service, well not 100 percent of time but you tend to get good service---they make sure you're comfortable.", "In LA, the service is awful; some people can't speak English.", "I would write something down but they still wouldn't understand me. That's how bad the service is in LA!", "People were not very outgoing, friendly, welcoming in the community.", "I think its probably because LA is big so they didnt really care about community as much as Bostonians do." ] }
"zip://elanBUcorpus/close call_ben_story_439_small_3.eaf::http://asl.cs.depaul.edu/corpus/elanBUcorpus.zip"
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p REMEMBER FORMERLY+ IX-1p DRIVE+", "TRIP fs-US", "ON HIGHWAY EIGHTY DCL:bent-B\"all across the country\"", "IX-1p DRIVE+++", "DRY DCL:bent-B\"land passing by\"+", "DRIVE BORE IX-1p DRIVE #DO", "IX-1p DRIVE IX-1p THINK WHY^NOT TURN-OFF:i", "SCL:B\"driving around curves\" COUNTRY", "(1)HIGHWAY SCL:1\"driving around curve\"", "WHY^NOT IX-1p DRIVE PROCEED", "IX-1p LOOK:j IX-loc:j DCL\"exit ramp on highway\"", "IX-1p ICL:S\"turning the wheel\" SCL:3\"vehicle turning off\":i", "DRIVE SCL:3\"vehicle driving on winding road\"", "BEAUTIFUL HILL DRIVE-ALONG", "HOUSE LCL:1\"passing by\" HOLD DRIVE-ALONG", "DARK-inceptive IX-1p (2h)DCL:5\"headlights on\"", "", "ENJOY DRIVE-ALONG", "HAPPEN IX-loc:j ROAD", "DCL:B-L\"over a hill\" HOLD", "IX-3p:j DEER HOLD", "DEER CHEW GRASS", "BPCL:5\"chewing\" LOOK-UP", "SEE ROAD OVER/AFTER IX-loc:k", "DCL\"pile\" GRASS LOOK:k DELICIOUS", "LOOK:k DECIDE BPCL:2\"legs walking\":k OVER/AFTER:k", "IX-1p DRIVE++ DCL:B-L\"move up hill\" DCL:5\"headlights cresting hill\"", "DRIVE (1h)NOTICE:j HOLD SOMETHING/ONE ANIMAL OVER/AFTER", "IX-1p DRIVE (1h)DEER BCL:5\"deer turning head\"", "IX-1p LOOK:j DCL:5\"headlights on\" FINISH HOLD", "DEER DCL:fanned-flat-O\"headlights approaching deer\"", "LOOK:l SHOCK HOLD", "5\"panic\" IX-1p ICL:S\"turning steering wheel\" BRAKE fs-R (2h)DCL:5\"brakes lighting up\"", "ICL:S\"turning steering wheel\" SCL:3\"vehicle out of control\" ICL:S\"turning steering wheel\"", "SCL:3\"vehicle move over and bounce\":i", "(1h)DEER SHOCK SCARE SHOCK", "IX-1p SCL:3\"vehicle move over\":i ICL:S\"turning steering wheel\" SCL:3\"vehicle swerving\"", "SPIN++ SCL:3\"vehicle\" SPIN+ SCL:3\"vehicle\"", "ICL:S\"holding the wheel\" (2h)WOW BPCL:F\"eyes look back to road\"", "(1h)DEER SHOCK i:LOOK:k PROCEED BPCL:2\"legs walking\":k OVER/AFTER:k", "IX-1p ICL:S\"holding the wheel\" HEART BPCL:S\"heart beating\"++++", "REALLY SPEED BPCL:S\"heart beating\"++++ ICL:S\"holding the wheel\"", "BY-A-HAIR BCL\"breathing heavily, holding the wheel\" HOLD", "SCL:3\"vehicle\" HOLD MIDDLE ROAD SCL:3\"vehicle\" HOLD IX-loc:l fs-OR THUMB-IX-loc:m WHICH", "IX-1p SCL:3\"vehicle\" HOLD (1h)part:indef HOLD", "IX-1p PROCEED THUMB-IX-loc:m SCL:3\"vehicle back on road\"", "DRIVE IX-1p SLOW DRIVE+++", "SEE POSTED-SIGN IX-loc:i", "EIGHTY HIGHWAY AGAIN IX-1p LOOK", "IX-1p PROCEED SCL:3\"vehicle turning\"", "ON EIGHTY", "BORE DCL:bent-B\"flat surface passing by\" BUT SAFE" ], "text": [ "I remember a while ago, I was driving...", "I was driving across the U.S.", "(I was) on Interstate 80, the one that goes straight across the country.", "I was driving for a long time.", "The road was very dry and plain.", "As I was driving, I was really bored. So I started thinking about what I could do.", "As I was driving I thought \"why don't I turn off the road.\"", "I was driving through the country.", "I drove along the curvy two-lane highway.", "I thought \"why don't I just drive on\".", "I looked and saw an exit ahead.", "I turned off the road at the exit.", "I drove the car along the road.", "I was driving through beautiful hills.", "Occasionally, I would pass a house or two.", "It started to get dark, so I turned on the headlights.", "With the headlights on, I kept driving.", "I was enjoying the drive.", "It happened that, far down the road...", "...over a hill...", "...there was a deer.", "The deer was eating grass.", "The deer stopped eating grass and looked up.", "The deer saw, across the road...", "...a big pile of grass that looked delicious!", "Seeing that, the deer decided to walk across the road.", "I drove up the hill with my headlights on.", "I noticed some animal crossing the road.", "As I drove, the deer turned and looked at me.", "I saw the deer but it was too late.", "The headlights got closer and closer to the deer.", "The deer was frozen in shock.", "I swerved and slammed on the brakes; the headlights shone right in the deer's face.", "I swerved hard, right before I was about to hit the deer.", "The car swerved off the road.", "The deer was in shock and scared.", "I was trying to gain control of the car as it swerved.", "The car spun.", "As I held the wheel, I thought to myself \"wow\". Then I looked back at the road.", "The deer looked at me and then moved on to cross the road.", "My heart was pounding.", "My heart was beating really fast.", "I caught my breath. It had been a close call.", "My car was in the middle of the road, angled perpendicular to the road. I didn't know which direction I had been going!", "I wasn't sure which way to go.", "I decided to head down one of the ways.", "I drove really slowly.", "I saw a sign up ahead.", "It was for route 80. I saw it.", "I went ahead and got back on 80.", "I pulled the car onto route 80.", "The flat road was boring but at least it was safe!" ] }
"zip://elanBUcorpus/dorm prank_dorm_prank_1053_small_3.eaf::http://asl.cs.depaul.edu/corpus/elanBUcorpus.zip"
{ "gloss": [ "REALLY FORMERLY+ IX-1p SEVEN YEAR", "FIRST YEAR ON fs-CSUN", "REALLY HOLD BOY LIVE IN DORM BOX/ROOM", "REALLY IX-1p-pl-arc:i TROUBLE+ MAKE+AGENT", "IX-1p TEND SCL:1\"sneaking\" HOLD CAUSE PROBLEM FOR OTHER LIVE", "CAUSE PROBLEM FOR IX-3p:j #RA LIVE ADVISE+AGENT KNOW WHO false start CHECK+++", "REALLY IX-1p KNOW REALLY IX-3p-pl-arc WHO LIVE IN DORM PAST VOMIT #RA BUT 5\"forget it\" ANYWAY/NOT-MATTER", "REALLY IX-1p HOLD ENJOY (25)WHY POSS-1p #RA POSS-1p FRATERNITY BROTHER", "REALLY HAPPEN ONE NIGHT IX-3p-pl-arc:i (2h)\"not give a darn\" (flat-O)TEASE-3p:i", "ONE NIGHT 5\"so, all set\" IX-3p-pl-arc:i THREE SCL:3>1\"going up\" REALLY LIVE ON", "IX-3p-pl-arc:i #RA LIVE ON THIRD FLOOR", "HAVE fs-ROPE (2h)DCL:O\"rope\"", "UNDERSTAND TWO POSS-3p:j fs-DOOR OTHER fs-DOOR LCL:B-L\"door across from first door\":l", "PERFECT SAME GOOD SIZE IX-3p:l", "#SO IX-1p fs-ROPE ICL:S\"wrapping the rope\" ICL:S\"pulling the rope\" ICL:S\"wrapping the rope\" PERFECT ON fs-HANDLE ICL\"testing handle\"", "SAME IX-1p DCL:O\"rope tied across hall\" 5\"set\" IX-1p ICL\"pressing doorbell\"++:j", "fs-ERICK THAT:j POSS-3p:j NAME ns-ERICK fs-ERICK IX-3p:j SELF-3p:j POSS-1p FORMERLY #RA", "IX-1p HOLD START (2h)ICL:S\"pulling handle\"++ IX-1p ICL:A\"pressing doorbell\":l OTHER (1h)AGENT ICL:A\"pressing doorbell\":l DCL:S\"pulling against each other\"++", "BOTH CANNOT OUTSIDE IX-1p LAUGH-HARD", "IX-3p-pl-arc:i ROOMMATE FORMERLY SEVEN YEAR IX-3p:i LAUGH-HARD GOOD TIME IX-1p", "5\"forget it\" DECIDE LEAVE-THERE 5\"forget it\" SCL:1\"going down\" FOR FIFTEEN MINUTE fs-THEN DECIDE FEEL BAD", "ON THIRD FLOOR IX-1p ICL:A\"pressing doorbell\"", "IX-1p ICL:X-over-thumb\"unwinding rope\" DISCONNECT fs-ROPE DISCONNECT IX-1p ICL\"opening door\"", "KNOW+THAT IX-1p (flat-O)TEASE-2p+:j", "REALLY IX-3p:k fs-ERICK REALLY WORRY SAY 5\"frustration\" KNOW IX-1p HAVE EMERGENCY", "IX-1p CANNOT EXCUSE-GO IX-1p 5\"exasperation\" REALLY OTHER BUILDING MUST IX-1p 5\"exasperation\"", "(25)WHY DO THAT IX-1p 5\"hesitation\" IX-1p FEEL BAD", "IX-3p:j SAY KNOW IX-1p SUMMON COP+ COME NOW+ HOLD", "IX-1p LOOK TRUE-BUSINESS IX-2p SUMMON COP ON IX-1p-pl-arc:i", "IX-3p:j SAY 5\"exasperation\" IX-1p NOT-KNOW IX-2p-pl-arc IX-1p THINK SOMETHING/ONE OTHER PLAY TROUBLE WITH IX-1p", "NOT-KNOW IX-1p CANNOT OUTSIDE IX-1p (1h)HAVE (2h)EMERGENCY OTHER BUILDING #SO IX-1p NONE/NOTHING PICK", "IX-1p CALL-BY-PHONE COP CUT fs-ROPE HOLD", "IX-1p LOOK:j TRUE-BUSINESS #SO IX-1p-pl-arc MUST WAIT FOR THAT COP ARRIVE", "IX-3p:j #RA fs-ERICK (2h)IX-3p:j SAY YES MUST WAIT FOR COP ARRIVE", "IX-1p-pl-arc \"gees\" \"oh my god\" FINE WAIT+ COP ARRIVE", "COP FIND/FIND-OUT SITUATION FUNNY LUCKY IX-1p-pl-arc LOOK (1h)WHEW/RELIEVED HOLD", "COP SAY BCL\"scolding\" NOT DO fs-EVER AGAIN HOLD MAKE IX-1p DRIVE FROM ns-#LA SCL:1\"coming from LA to here\" FOR THAT", "IX-1p LOOK (1h)WHEW/RELIEVED GOOD IX-1p GET REGULAR OPEN COP+", "TRUE-BUSINESS HOLD fs-ERICK IX-3p:j MUST PRICE IX-1p-pl-arc", "HAVE FORMERLY HAVE PRICE SYSTEM IN fs-CSUN IF TROUBLE #SO 5\"looking for words\"", "IX-3p:j DECIDE EXCUSE BECAUSE THINK FUNNY", "#SO IX-3p:j 5\"hesitation\" REALLY+ ONE PUNISH IX-1p MUST DO HOLD", "IX-1p MUST fs-TO (1h)GO SEE SUPERIOR #HALL COOPERATE+AGENT", "IX-1p (1h)GO EXPLAIN ABOUT THAT SITUATION REALLY #HALL COOPERATE+AGENT NOT FRIENDLY 5\"things proceedings normally\"", "#SO 5\"resignation\" REALLY IX-3p:m 5\"you know\" IX-3p:m PUNISH IX-3p:m PUNISH IX-1p-pl-arc", "#SO IX-1p SCL:crvd-V\"sitting down\" IX-1p EXPLAIN #HALL COOPERATE+AGENT IX-1p HOPE IX-3p:m CAN FIND/FIND-OUT SOME FUNNY fs-HUMOR IN THAT SITUATION HOLD", "HOPE 5\"resignation\" #SO IX-3p:m REALLY #HALL COOPERATE+AGENT REALLY BIG fs-B WORD IX-1p NOT-WANT SAY fs-IT HERE KNOW 5\"leave it at that\"", "#SO IX-1p-pl-arc SIT 5\"trepidation\" IX-3p:m SAY GIFT IX-1p DISCIPLINE DO", "IX-1p MUST HOLD NICE/CLEAN++ GRASS", "IX-3p:n HAVE BIG GRASS AREA MANY CIGARETTE fs-BUTTS ICL\"throwing cigarettes\"", "REALLY MAYBE FROM IX-1p-pl-arc ANYWAY/NOT-MATTER #SO IX-3p:i (1h)GO NICE/CLEAN+ PICK-UP+ ICL\"throwing cigarettes\" IN", "GIFT:m TO/UNTIL #HALL COOPERATE+AGENT HOLD", "IX-1p HOLD IX-2p HAPPY NOW IX-3p:m SAY 5\"wave no\" NOT DO AGAIN 5\"wave no\"", "#SO FROM-NOW-ON IX-1p-pl-arc 5\"hands off\" GOOD STAY OUT TROUBLE FROM-NOW-ON ON fs-CSUN 5\"no more\"" ], "text": [ "Seven years ago.", "My first year at CSUN.", "Four of us boys lived in a dorm room.", "Really, we were trouble makers.", "I tended to sneak in and cause problems for another residents.", "we would cause problems for our RA, Residence Counselor, you know, the one who checks up on the dorms.", "Really, I know, I am sure those who have lived in a dorm, you hate the RAs. But anyway...", "Really, I had a good time because my RA was my fraternity brother.", "It happened one night, that we didn't care and decided to tease him.", "One night, three of us went upstairs--We lived on second floor,", "Our RA lived on third floor.", "We had rope with us when we went up.", "So you know, there were two doors--his, and another door right across the hall from his door.", "It was perfect--there was a good distance between the doors.", "I tied the rope to the RA's door handle and to the handle of the door across the hall.", "I had the rope tied across the hall. I rang the RA's doorbell.", "My RA was named Erick.", "I rang the doorbell, and the RA started struggling to get the door open. I rang the doorbell across the hall, and they pulled back and forth!", "Neither one could get out! I was laughing hard", "We, roommates seven years ago, laughed and had a good time.", "We decided to leave them; we went back down to our room for fifteen minutes, then we felt bad and decided...", "...to go up to the third floor. I rang the RA's doorbell", "I took the rope off the handle and peeked in the door.", "\"Hi, I was just teasing you,\" I said.", "Erick said, \"I was worried, you know, what if I had an emergency?\"", "I wouldn't be able to get out, wouldn't be able to get to another building...", "He asked, \"Why did you do that?\" I didn't have an answer, and I felt bad.", "He said, \"You know, I called a cop. He's coming now.\"", "I looked at him and asked, \"Really? You called a cop on us?\"", "I didn't know it was you guys, I thought it was someone else messing with me.", "I couldn't get out of here if I had an emergency at another building, so I had no choice.", "I called the cop to come and cut the rope.", "I looked at him and asked if we really had to wait for the cop to arrive.", "Erick said yes, we will have to wait for the cop to arrive.", "\"Alright, fine,\" we said. We waited for a while. The cop arrived...", "...and the cop found the situation funny--we were lucky. We were relieved.", "A cop pointed his finger to us and said, \"Don't ever do that again because I drove here all the way from LA for that.\"", "I was relief and it was good that we got regular and open-minded cop.", "Erick was supposed to fine us.", "Back then, there was a fine system at CSUN in case you caused trouble.", "He decided to waive the fine because he thought it was funny.", "Actually, we had to do one thing as punishment.", "I had go to see his superior, the hall coordinator.", "I went and explained the situation. The hall coordinator was not friendly.", "So, she punished us.", "We sat down and I explained to the hall coordinator. I was hoping she would find some humor in the situation.", "I hoped but really, the hall coordinator is big \"B\" word--I don't want to say it here.", "We sat down, and she said that she was giving us disciplinary action.", "I had to go out and clean up the grass.", "They have huge grass area littered with cigarette butts that people threw on the grass.", "It was probably from us anyway so we went. We picked them up and threw them in a bag.", "We gave the bag to the Hall Coordinator.", "I gave her the bag and asked, \"Are you happy now?\" She said, \"Don't do it again\"", "From then on, we were good and stayed out of trouble at CSUN." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "REALLY FOOTBALL fs-FOOTBALL", "POSS-1p FAVORITE/PREFER COMPETITION", "REALLY INSPIRE REALLY INCLUDE MANY (2h)THING", "IX-loc:i HOLD ON ELEVEN:j #ALL EQUAL TO/UNTIL EQUAL PLAY-AGAINST #UP", "IX-3p:i (1h)HAVE OFFENSE LINE-UP", "IX-3p:i CAN (2h)alt.ASSIGN CREATE/PRETEND 300 350 POUND (2h)alt.ASSIGN DEFEND", "#QB fs-QUARTERBACK SCL:1\"quarterback behind protection\" WITH RUNNING-BACK BACK", "(1h)HAVE MANY DIFFERENT OPTION CAN ICL:C\"throwing ball\" TO/UNTIL IX-3p:l WIDE-RECEIVE+AGENT", "#OR ICL:C\"handing off\" TO/UNTIL RUNNING-BACK ICL:C\"handing off\"", "(1h)CAN HOLD TO/UNTIL #TE MAYBE fs-OR 5\"I don't know\"", "CREATE/PRETEND CAN ARRANGE REALLY OVER/AFTER ONE-THOUSAND fs-PLAYS CAN REALLY CREATE/PRETEND BETWEEN IN ONE GAME", "REALLY IX-1p FIND/FIND-OUT THAT fs-VERY (2h)5\"wow\" CHALLENGE", "SPECIAL/EXCEPT+fs-LY WHEN IX-3p:m FOOTBALL REALLY ONLY LEGAL/LAW COMPETITION IX-2p CAN BPCL:bent-B\"body hitting\" SOMETHING/ONE #SO HARD AND NOT GET PRICE FOR fs-IT", "5\"keep in mind\" fs-UNLESS USE HEAD HELMET BPCL:S\"head hitting head\" BUT 5\"anyway\"", "REALLY IX-1p THINK-OVER IX-1p REMIND fs-OF WHO REALLY MAKE IX-1p (1h)FASCINATED IN FOOTBALL", "POSS-1p MOTHER BUY IX-1p BOOK+ false start IX-3p:n WRITE fs-BY fs-VINCE fs-LOMBARDI", "5\"you know\" REALLY UP-TO-NOW UP-TO-NOW IX-1p HOLD REALLY IX-1p 5\"looking for words\"", "NOT KNOW A-LOT ABOUT FOOTBALL TO/UNTIL IX-1p MOTHER BOOK+", "IX-1p REMEMBER IX-1p YOUNG POSS-1p (2h)FIRST BOOK+ IX-1p OPEN-BOOK IX-1p READ++", "REALLY FALL-INTO-IT FOOTBALL IX-3p:n", "fs-LVINCE fs-LOMBARDI REALLY IX-3p:n IX-3p:n fs-WAS REALLY+ WIN+AGENT", "IX-3p:n MAKE REALLY POSS-3p:n PLAY+AGENT GIFT fs-IT #ALL HOLD", "NOT-CARE ABOUT MONEY 5\"dismissive gesture\" FORMERLY IN 50s 60s FOOTBALL", "REALLY PEOPLE IX-loc:m FOOTBALL PLAY+AGENT TODAY+DAY MAKE MILLION (flat-O)DOLLAR", "FORMERLY PLAY FOR (2h)5\"I don't know\" HOLD FOR EAT+ PLAY FOR 5\"I don't know\"", "SAME ANY REGULAR LIVE IX-3p-pl-arc (L)FUTURE SAME WORK ON MAIL OFFICE #OR (2h)5\"I don't know\" 5\"you know\"", "#SO THAT IX-3p:n fs-VINCE fs-LOMBARDI false start IX-1p REMEMBER ONE POSS-3p:n SPECIAL/EXCEPT SPEECH/LECTURE", "BEFORE CHALLENGE fs-OAKLAND fs-RAIDERS FOR (2h)FIRST #SB CHALLENGE HOLD", "IX-3p:n REALLY TELL:n POSS-3p:n MAN IX-loc-arc", "IX-1p NOT-WANT SEE ANY END fs-ZONE", "IX-loc:p TOUCHDOWN #TD SCL:1\"person running\" CELEBRATE", "IX-1p WANT IX-3p:p SEE IX-loc:p ONCE ENTER THAT END fs-ZONE", "IX-1p WANT SEE fs-BALL", "IX-1p NOT-WANT IX-3p:p DANCE", "IX-1p NOT-WANT IX-3p:p fs-TO (2h)SCREAM", "IX-1p NOT-WANT IX-3p:p #TO SCL:1\"player running\" RUN fs-FANS AND CHEER", "IX-1p WANT IX-3p:p #BACK SIT WHERE IX-2p CONNECT fs-TO", "WAIT TO/UNTIL POSS-2p TURN TO/UNTIL PLAY AGAIN", "REALLY IX-1p LOOK MOTIVATE WORD+ (2h)THAT fs-VINCE fs-LOMBARDI USE", "IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" HOLD 5\"wow\" LOOK:n THAT KIND 5\"looking for words\"", "IX-1p NEVER REASON THAT FOOTBALL CAN HAVE THAT A-LOT EMOTION INCLUDE", "IX-1p THINK fs-IT fs-WAS RECENT-PAST 5\"I don't know\" ELEVEN MAN HIT OTHER ELEVEN MAN HIT 5\"you know\"", "#SO IX-1p DECIDE PLAY #HS FOOTBALL IX-1p", "SELF-1p++ IX-1p THINK IX-1p BETTER ON fs-COACH THAN PLAY+AGENT", "#BUT 5\"concession\" IX-1p KISS-FIST fs-TO PLAY SAME TIME 5\"looking for words\"", "IX-1p ENJOY LITTLE-BIT HIT IX-1p ENJOY HURT SOMETIMES ADMIT #BUT 5\"hesitation\"", "NOT #ALL TIME SAME HOLD #NO+ 5\"wave no\"", "REALLY (2h)IX-3p:n fs-VINCE fs-LOMBARDI TELL:p POSS-3p:n MAN", "REALLY POSS-1p+ FAVORITE/PREFER QUOTE BEFORE THAT #SB CHALLENGE HOLD", "SAY 5\"listen up\" MAN IX-1p-pl-arc MUST TO/UNTIL PARADE IN THAT END fs-ZONE", "AND WAIT TO/UNTIL POSS-2p TURN SAME IX-1p SAY PAST+", "fs-THEN HIT AND HIT AND HIT", "5\"ok, hey\" IX-1p KNOW THAT fs-IT CAN SEEM SIMPLE WORD HIT AND HIT AND HIT", "#BUT WHEN fs-HIT IS MAKE IN FOOTBALL", "fs-IT CAN HOLD (2h)alt.CREATE/PRETEND MANY (2h)THING", "CAN CREATE/PRETEND OPPORTUNITY FOR TEAM WIN", "fs-IT CAN CREATE/PRETEND fs-A FUMBLE fs-FUMBLE", "fs-IT CAN fs-BE (2h)5\"I don't know\" #QB BCL\"tackle\" fs-SACK", "#OR (2h)5\"I don't know\" REALLY MANY MANY+ LONG-LIST (2h)THING ABOUT fs-IT SAME IDEA fs-CHESS THINK GAME", "BEFORE POSS-3p:n MAN fs-VINCE fs-LOMBARDI MAN PARADE ON fs-FIELD", "IX-3p:n TELL 5\"listen up\" REMEMBER WIN fs-WINNING NOT EVERY+THING", "fs-ITS ONLY (2h)THING" ], "text": [ "Really, football...", "...is my favorite sport.", "It is really inspiring. It involves many things:", "It's eleven on eleven; players on the two teams match up in the competition.", "One team has the offensive line...", "The offense picks a bunch of guys who weigh 300, 350 pounds to block...", "...the quarterback, who has the running back behind him.", "There are many different options: they can pass to the wide receiver,", "or they can hand off to the running back,", "they can throw to the Tight End, maybe, or, I don't know...", "...they can get creative, mix it up. Really, after a thousand plays, you can be creative during the game.", "Really, I find that to be a very amazing challenge.", "Especially when football is the only legal sport where you can hit someone that hard and not get fined for it.", "...I mean, unless you use your helmet to hit someone, but...", "Really, I've been thinking it reminds me of who really made me get interested in football.", "My mother bought me a book written by Vince Lombardi.", "Really, up until then, as I was growing up, I...", "...I didn't know much about football untill my mom gave me that book.", "I remember I was young. It was my first book I read...", "I really was engrossed by football. He, ...", "...Vince Lombardi, was REALLY a winner.", "He made sure his players would \"give it all. \"", "They didn't care about money: back in the 50s and 60s, football...", "...really, football players now make millions of dollars.", "Before, they used to play for food, or for, I don't even know...", "It was the same as any regular life--later they would work at the Post Office, or, I don't know...", "...so that, Vince Lombardi--I remember his special speech...", "...before facing the Oakland Raiders in the first Super Bowl.", "He came in and told his men:", "\"I don't want to see any End Zone...", "\"...celebrations when you score a touchdown.", "\"I want to see, once you're in that end zone,", "\"I want to see you put the ball down on the ground...", "\"I don't want to see you dance,", "\"I don't want to see you scream", "\"I don't want you to run to the fans and cheer.", "\"I want you to come back and sit down where you belong.", "\"...and wait until it's your turn to play again.\"", "What motivating words Vince Lombardi used!", "Reading the book, that kind of...", "I never realized that football could have that much emotion involved.", "I just thought it was eleven guys hitting another eleven guys.", "So I decided to play high school football.", "Personally, I think I'm a better coach than a player...", "...but at the same time I love to play.", "I enjoy the hits--I enjoy the pain sometimes, I admit, but, uh...", "...not all the time. Like my hand, haha--no, not like that.", "Really, Vince Lombardi told his men...", "...this is really my favorite quote. Before that Super Bowl game,", "He said, \"Men, we must march into that end zone...", "\"...and then come back and wait until it's your turn,\" just like I said before", "\"Then hit, and hit, and hit!\"", "I know, it seems like three simple words, \"hit and hit and hit,\"", "but when a hit is made in football,", "...it can create many things.", "It can create an opportunity for the other team to win,", "...it can create a fumble,", "It could be, I don't know, a quarterback sack,", "...or, I don't know, really many other things. It's the same idea as in chess: it's a thinking game", "Vince Lombardi, before his men walked onto the field,", "...he told his men, \"Hey, remember: winning isn't everything--", "it's the only thing." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "ONE fs-OF POSS-1p WORSE EXPERIENCE", "REALLY FORMERLY FOUR YEAR PAST IN fs-CSUN HOLD", "REALLY HOLD LIVE IX-1p", "IX-3p:i TAKE-UP GROUP/TOGETHER PARTY HOLD", "FOR IX-1p-pl-arc COLLEGE STUDENT FORMERLY IX-1p GROUP/TOGETHER", "REALLY GOOD TIME ALL-NIGHT IX-1p ENJOY ETC", "IX-1p DECIDE fs-TO DEPART:j BUY CIGARETTE", "ON RIGHT-HERE fs-MARKET IX-loc:j", "SAY ONLY FIVE FIVE-MINUTE neu:BPCL:V\"walk\":j (F)NOTHING", "IX-1p SCL:1\"going to market\":j IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" (3)WALK IX-1p", "REALLY IX-1p BUY CIGARETTE FINISH ICL\"putting pack in pocket\" SCL:1\"walking back to party\":i", "IX-1p 5\"oh gosh\" REALLY ADMIT IX-1p REALLY MUST TOILET REALLY BAD", "CANNOT HOLD POSS-1p fs-BLADDER #SO IX-1p \"you know\" HOLD", "LOOK:k SEE fs-BUSH DCL:crvd-5\"bush\"", "IX-1p LOOK:k (2h)\"not give a darn\" SCL:1\"walking around bush\"", "IX-1p LOOK:i LOOK:j MAKE REALLY NONE/NOTHING ONE SEE IX-1p", "BCL\"looking around\" 5\"so, all set\" FINE IX-1p PROCEED TOILET FINISH", "fs-THEN IX-1p SCL:1\"walking around bush\" OUT fs-OF fs-BUSH DCL:crvd-5\"bush\" SCL:1\"walking around bush\"", "IX-1p (1h)WHEW/RELIEVED IMPORTANT NONE/NOTHING ONE SEE IX-1p 5\"nah\"", "IX-1p BCL\"reaching into pocket\" CIGARETTE ICL\"lighting lighter\"", "IX-1p LOOK:l BACK HOLD", "IX-1p LOOK:l SEE TWO COP+ BCL\"running\"", "FROM fs-LAPD HOLD PCL:V\"two cops\":l BCL\"running\"", "IX-1p 5\"taken aback\" HOLD", "REALLY IX-1p 5\"perplexed\" HOLD NOT REALLY part:indef", "(25)WHY CHASE IX-1p", "THINK IX-1p 5\"I don't know\" BECAUSE SEE IX-1p TOILET IN HEARING #OR", "IX-1p THINK FINE 5\"things proceeding normally\" HOLD THINK POSITIVE ABOUT IX-3p:k SITUATION", "#SO IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" HOLD", "MAYBE IX-1p CAN RECENT-PAST 5\"nah\" INFORM SAY SORRY IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" TOILET IN HEARING #SO 5\"sheepish\" HOLD", "(F)NOTHING part:indef IMPORTANT IX-1p INFORM IX-1p DEAF SAME", "IMPORTANT (2h)THING HOLD 5\"drop topic\"", "PCL:V\"cops walking to Mike\" WHEN REALLY NEAR fs-TO IX-1p HOLD", "PLAN TELL:m IX-1p BCL\"raising hand to sign\"", "BCL\"grabbing the arm\" BCL\"grabbing arms\"", "BCL\"hitting\" IX-1p TWICE WITH NIGHT fs-STICK BCL\"punching eye\"+", "IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" HOLD THINK IN THINK+SHOCK IX-1p 5\"perplexed\"", "(25)WHY HIT IX-1p NOT FEEL ANY+THING", "IX-1p 5\"perplexed\" FEEL fs-NUMB", "BECAUSE IX-1p #SO THINK+SHOCK THAT IX-1p 5\"perplexed\" HOLD", "(25)WHY COP HIT IX-1p FOR", "THEN BCL\"grabbing arms\" BCL\"pulling hands behind back\" ARREST IX-1p BCL\"handcuffed\" 5\"what's going on\"", "IX-1p TRY TELL:m COP IX-1p DEAF IX-1p BCL\"handcuffed\"", "IX-3p:m IGNORE IX-1p 5\"dismissive gesture\"", "BCL\"pushing Mike along\" REALLY IX-1p 5\"not know what to do\" HOLD", "IX-1p #DO IX-1p REALLY NONE/NOTHING fs-CLUE HOLD WHAT part:indef", "REALLY COP (25)WHY ARREST IX-1p part:indef", "IX-1p THINK MAYBE TRUE-BUSINESS TOILET IN HEARING", "REALLY END #UP ARREST FOR THAT part:indef", "IX-1p THINK 5\"I don't know\" #SO 5\"I don't know\"", "IX-1p PLAN BCL\"pushing Mike in vehicle\" IN IX-1p IN #CAR", "BCL\"leading Mike away\" REALLY ONE GIRL READY DEPART HOME", "LOOK SEE ALL (2h)THING 5\"oh gosh\"", "SCL:1\"girl going up\" IN PARTY INFORM SOME POSS-1p FRIEND", "THAT IX-1p ARREST fs-BY COP+", "SOME POSS-1p FRIEND IX-3p:n TRUE-BUSINESS", "5\"oh gosh\" SCL:1\"friend walking down\" OUTSIDE", "SEE:m IX-1p IN COP #CAR", "SAY 5\"hey, no\" IX-1p KNOW IX-3p:o IX-1p KNOW fs-MIKE IX-3p:o", "COP+ LOOK HOLD BCL\"pulling Mike from vehicle\" GET IX-1p OUT #CAR", "REALLY LUCKY SCL:1\"friend comes\" ON TIME", "BCL\"pulling Mike from vehicle\" HOLD", "FRIEND TELL:m 5\"perplexed\" (1h)WHAT'S-UP", "COP+ LOOK:t (1h)5\"you see\" IX-3p:o #DRUGS DRUGS HOLD", "FRIEND LOOK:m HOLD", "KNOW IX-1p NEVER TAKE DRUGS SELF-1p #SO 5\"perplexed\" HOLD", "COP SAY LOOK", "IX-1p SEE IX-3p:o HOLD", "IX-1p BCL\"handcuffed\" REALLY IX-1p THINK POSS-1p GOD", "HOW CAN IX-3p:m GUESS THAT", "IX-1p THINK+POP-UP IX-1p CIGARETTE TRUE-BUSINESS", "IX-3p:p THINK IX-1p HOLD IX-1p NOT-KNOW", "BUT IX-1p INFORM-inceptive IX-1p TRY TELL:t POSS-1p FRIEND IX-1p HOLD CIGARETTE", "POSS-1p FRIEND SAY FINE INFORM:m COP SAY KNOW+THAT IX-3p:o SMOKE CIGARETTE", "MAYBE IX-2p:m MISUNDERSTAND IX-2p:m THINK HOLD", "COP SAY (1h)5\"wave no\" IX-1p SEE fs-IT CLEAR HOLD 5\"leave it at that\"", "IX-1p TAKE IX-3p:o HOSPITAL NOW", "SAY BCL\"stomach pumping\" fs-OUT POSS-3p:o STOMACH", "POSS-1p FRIEND LOOK:m SAY 5\"wave no\" #NO+ 5\"wave no\"", "IX-2p:m REALLY WASTE IX-2p:m TIME SCL:5\"two people talking\"", "SAY #NO COP LOOK:t", "FINALLY (1h)ADMIT", "(2h)5\"hands off\" DISCONNECT HOLD ICL\"removing handcuffs\"", "PUSH IX-1p fs-TO GROUND PUSH SCL:crvd-V\"falling to the ground\"", "IX-1p FALL 5\"what's going on\" HOLD IX-1p GET-UP", "OF-COURSE fs-VERY UPSET", "MIND+CONFUSE REALLY IX-1p (2h)FEEL MANY DIFFERENT+ (2h)THING ON ONCE IX-1p 5\"that's the way it is\"", "REALLY 5\"looking for words\" IX-1p FEEL 5\"actually\" HOLD", "IN ONE SIDE fs-OF IX-1p FEEL^SAME SCL:1\"walking to cop\" HIT COP", "#BUT OF-COURSE IX-1p CANNOT DO THAT 5\"of course\"", "#SO 5\"ok (giving in)\" FINE IX-3p:m SAY", "IX-3p:m COP m:TELL:t FRIEND SAY MAKE REALLY IX-2p LOOK IX-3p:q ALL-NIGHT", "NEVER THINK MUST (1h)GO HOSPITAL THAT NIGHT+ HOLD", "IX-1p LOOK:m 5\"you know\" HOLD 5\"nah\" IX-1p IGNORE", "SAY MAKE REALLY NOT fs-PEE IN HEARING AGAIN SAME HOLD", "IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" HOLD REALLY UPSET", "BLACK BLUE REALLY (25)WHY", "BCL\"punching face\" HEADACHE IX-1p (1h)HAVE BAD HEADACHE NEXT MORNING", "BUT ANYWAY/NOT-MATTER THAT 5\"taken aback\" FRIEND SAY 5\"calm down\" ALL-RIGHT", "IX-1p FEEL FINE FORGET ABOUT fs-IT 5\"leave it at that\"", "#BUT NOW FROM-NOW-ON REALLY fs-LAPD IX-3p:r MUST TEACH POSS-3p:r COP+", "fs-OFFICERS TO/UNTIL MAKE REALLY CONFRONT CORRECT CONFRONT WITH DEAF PEOPLE", "IF SOMETHING/ONE HAPPEN POP-UP HOLD MAKE REALLY (1h)HAVE PAPER fs-PEN READY HOLD", "#OR REALLY MUST ARREST BCL\"handcuffed\" FRONT BCL\"handcuffed\"", "COMMUNICATE ICL\"writing\" #OR BCL\"signing in handcuffs\" MAYBE", "BUT BCL\"handcuffed behind back\" NEVER AGAIN HOLD", "THAT SOMETHING/ONE IX-1p HOPE fs-LAPD FUTURE REALLY LEARN", "5\"that's the way it is\" IX-2p MAYBE WONDER (25)WHY IX-1p NOT REPORT 5\"things proceeding normally\"", "BECAUSE IX-1p FEEL POSS-3p:m WORD AGAINST POSS-1p+", "FOR SHOW fs-RODNEY fs-KING FOR SHOW 5\"you know\"", "(1h)HAVE ON FILM MOTORCYCLE ABUSE", "BUT STILL IX-3p:r TAKE fs-LAPD WORD AGAINST POSS-3p:s fs-RODNEY fs-KING BUT", "REALLY IX-1p ADMIT IX-1p 5\"looking for words\" HOLD NOT-WANT BRING #UP 5\"looking for words\"", "HEARING (2h)THAT IX-1p TRUE-BUSINESS TOILET IN HEARING IX-1p 5\"reluctant\" NOT-WANT ON RECORD", "IX-1p FACE BAD AND PLUS IX-1p 5\"looking for words\"", "LESS-THAN fs-AGE (Y)ALCOHOL SAME 5\"that's the way it is\"" ], "text": [ "(This is a story of) one of my worst experiences.", "Four years ago at California State University Northridge...", "One girl who lived right next to me.", "She had a party.", "...for us college students to get together.", "It was good time. All night I enjoyed myself.", "I decided to go buy cigarettes.", "...at the nearby market.", "I'd say it was only five minutes away walking--practically nothing.", "I walked to the market.", "I bought the cigarettes, put them in my pocket, and walked back.", "I admit, I had to go to the bathroom real bad.", "I couldn't hold my bladder, so I...", "...I saw a bush.", "I looked at it and thought, \"so what!?\" I went around the bush.", "I looked around to make sure nobody saw me.", "I looked around and everything was fine, so I went ahead and used the \"bathroom.\"", "Then I walked back out from behind the bush.", "I was relieved, because it was important that nobody see me.", "I pulled a cigarette from my pants pocket and lit up.", "I looked back.", "I was looking back and saw two cops running.", "They were LAPD, and were coming up running.", "I thought \"what's going on?\"", "Really, I wasnt sure.", "Why are they chasing me? I asked myself.", "I thought it was because they saw me going to the bathroom in public or something.", "I thought it should be fine, I told myself to think positive about this situation.", "So I...", "Maybe I could just let them know and say that I was sorry for going to the bathroom in the public.", "It wouldn't be a big deal. Oh, it's important to inform people I'm Deaf, too.", "It is a very important thing to do.", "Two cops walked toward me. When they were really close to me...", "...I was planning to tell them I'm Deaf. As I raised my arm to sign \"Deaf,\"...", "They grabbed my arm and bent it behind my back.", "They hit me twice with the nightstick and punched me in the eye.", "I was in shock.", "Why did they hit me? I didnt feel anything!", "I felt numb.", "Because I was so shocked that I, I don't know.", "What did the cop hit me for?", "Then they grabbed my hands and handcuffed me. I was under arrest.", "I tried to tell the cop that I'm Deaf. I spoke, \"Deaf, Deaf!\"", "They ignored me.", "They grabbed me and led me off. I didn't know what to do.", "I had no clue of what was going on.", "Why would the cop arrest me?", "I really thought it was maybe because I went to the bathroom in the public.", "Really, I ended up getting arrested for that?", "I thought--I didn't know, it could have been.", "I expected they would put me in the cruiser.", "While they brought me to the cruiser, one girl who was ready to go home...", "...saw the whole thing.", "She went back up to the party and informed some of my friends...", "...that I had been arrested by the police.", "Some of my friends said, \"Really?\"", "My friend came downstairs and went outside.", "He saw me in the cop car.", "He said, \"Hey, hey, I know him! I know Mike, the one in the car.\"", "The cop looked at my friend and pulled me out of the car.", "I was really lucky my friend came in time.", "The cop pulled me out of the car...", "Then my friend asked what was going on.", "The cop looked at my friend and said, \"he took drugs.\"", "My friend looked over incredulously.", "He knew that I never take drugs.", "The cop said, \"No...", "\"...I saw him put something in his mouth\"", "I couldn't believe it! I said to myself, \"Oh my god!\"", "How could they guess that?", "Then it struck me: I had pulled the cigarette from my pocket and put it to my mouth.", "They thought I was popping a pill, I don't know.", "But I tried to tell my friend that I was just smoking a cigarette.", "My friend said \"Oh,\" and informed the cop that I was smoking a cigarette.", "Maybe you misunderstood and thought he was taking something.", "The cop said, \"No, I saw it very clearly.\"", "\"I will take him to the hospital now.\"", "He said, \"to pump out his stomach.\"", "My friend looked at him and said \"Oh, no, no...\"", "\"You will be wasting your time!\" They were talking back and forth.", "He said, \"no, no.\" The cop was just looked at him and shook his head 'no'.", "He was looking and then finally, he was willing...", "He took off the handcuffs.", "He pushed me and I fell to the ground.", "I fell--what was that?! Then I got up.", "Of course, I was very upset.", "I was confused, really I felt many different things at once.", "Really, I felt...", "...like one side of me felt like hitting the cop.", "But, of course I couldn't do that.", "So, fine. The cop said...", "The cop told my friend, \"make sure you keep an eye on him overnight.\"", "\"You never know if he'll have to go to the hospital tonight.\"", "I was ticked, but I decided to ingore him.", "He said, \"make sure not to pee in public again!\" Then he left.", "I was really upset.", "I had a big bruise near my eye. Why...", "...did he hit me? I had a bad headache next morning", "But anyway, my friend said \"calm down, it's alright.\"", "I felt fine and just forgot about it.", "But, from now on, LAPD should really teach their officers...", "... to make sure they will approach Deaf people in right way.", "If something happens and they show up, they should make sure they have paper and pen ready.", "Or, if they really need to arrest someone, cuff him with his hands in front of his body...", "So he can communicate, either writing or by signing.", "But the hands behind the back, never again!", "That's something that I hope the LAPD will learn", "You probably wondering why I didn't report it to the police.", "Because I felt it would be their word against mine.", "Take Rodney King, for example.", "They have it on tape, beating him up.", "But, they still took LAPD's word against Rodney King's.", "Really, I admit, I didn't want to bring up...", "...that I went to the bathroom in public--I didn't want that on the record.", "I would look bad, and plus...", "I was drinking underage, too." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ+ BOOK+" ], "text": [ "John finished reading the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ BOOK WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When did John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ BOOK WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When did John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN NOT-YET FINISH READ BOOK" ], "text": [ "John has not yet finished reading the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE FINISH READ BOOK WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When will John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE FINISH READ BOOK WHEN HOLD" ], "text": [ "When will John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ+ BOOK HOLD" ], "text": [ "Has John finished reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH READ BOOK QMwg HOLD" ], "text": [ "Did John finish reading the book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "OVER/AFTER CLASS fs-JOHN FINISH READ BOOK HOLD" ], "text": [ "After class, John finished reading the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IF TEACH+AGENT REQUIRE HOLD fs-JOHN FUTURE READ+ BOOK part:indef" ], "text": [ "If the teacher requires it, John will read the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ BOOK HOLD FINISH" ], "text": [ "Did John read the book? Yes, he did." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ BOOK (flat-O)ABOUT \"WHAT\" HOLD" ], "text": [ "What did John read a book about?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "THAT:i BOOK IX-loc:i HOLD fs-JOHN FINISH READ YESTERDAY HOLD" ], "text": [ "That book, John finished reading it yesterday." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ BOOK (flat-O)ABOUT \"WHAT\" HOLD" ], "text": [ "What did John read a book about?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ BOOK (flat-O)ABOUT \"WHAT\" HOLD" ], "text": [ "What did John read a book about?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN MUST MORE INFORMATION HOLD FUTURE READ+ BOOK THUMB-IX-3p:i" ], "text": [ "If John needs more information, he will read the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ BOOK HOLD FUTURE KNOW MORE ABOUT ns-LINCOLN POSS-3p:i LIVE HOLD" ], "text": [ "If John reads the book, he will know more about Lincoln's life." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN READ BOOK HOLD FUTURE KNOW MORE ABOUT ns-LINCOLN POSS-3p:j LIVE" ], "text": [ "If John reads the book, he will know more about Lincoln's life." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FIND/FIND-OUT FUTURE TEST+ (L)FUTURE (1h)DCL:B\"hair on head raising\" PROCEED READ BOOK" ], "text": [ "When John finds out there will be a test, he will panic and be compelled to read the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT (2h)GIVE-indef TEST+ IX-3p:i fs-JOHN FUTURE READ BOOK IX-loc:j" ], "text": [ "When the teacher gives out the test, John will read the book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT POSS-3p:i FATHER BUY HOUSE HOLD" ], "text": [ "The student's father bought a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT POSS-3p:i MOTHER BUY CAR" ], "text": [ "The student's mother bought a car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT FUTURE BUY POSS-3p:i MOTHER+ CAR" ], "text": [ "The student will buy his/her mother's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT POSS-3p:i FATHER FUTURE BUY WHICH HOUSE part:indef" ], "text": [ "Which house will the student's father buy?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER READ+ BOOK+" ], "text": [ "Mother is reading a book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER READ+ BOOK HOLD" ], "text": [ "Mother was reading a book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER PLAN READ THAT:i BOOK IX-3p:i" ], "text": [ "Mother plans to read that book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER FUTURE READ THAT:i BOOK IX-3p:i HOLD QMwg HOLD" ], "text": [ "Will mother read that book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER FINISH READ IX-3p:i BOOK IX-3p:j QMwg HOLD" ], "text": [ "Has mother finished reading that book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER SHOULD+ BUY CAR" ], "text": [ "Mother should buy a car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FATHER SHOULD+ BUY BOOK+" ], "text": [ "Father should buy a book." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FATHER SHOULD BUY THAT BOOK (Y)WHY HOLD" ], "text": [ "Why should father buy that book?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER SHOULD NOT BUY CAR part:indef" ], "text": [ "Mother should not have bought a car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER SHOULD BUY CAR (Y)WHY HOLD (1h)part:indef HOLD" ], "text": [ "Why should mother buy a car?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-1p NEVER SEE fs-JOHN POSS-3p:j CAR part:indef" ], "text": [ "I've never seen John's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN POSS-3p:i CAR IX-1p NEVER SEE:j HOLD" ], "text": [ "I've never seen John's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN POSS-3p:i CAR IX-1p NEVER SEE:j" ], "text": [ "As for John's car, I've never seen (it)." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i fs-JOHN POSS-3p:j CAR HOLD" ], "text": [ "That (right over there) is John's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i fs-JOHN POSS-3p:j FATHER CAR" ], "text": [ "That (right over there) is John's father's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN POSS-3p:j FATHER CAR QMwg HOLD" ], "text": [ "Is that John's father's car?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "WHO CAR IX-3p:i POSS-3p:j WHO part:indef HOLD" ], "text": [ "Whose car is that?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i FORMERLY POSS-3p:j fs-JOHN CAR" ], "text": [ "That was John's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FATHER MUST (1h)GIFT:j CAR fs-JOHN part:indef" ], "text": [ "Father MUST give the car to John." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN POSS-3p:i FATHER MUST (1h)GIFT:j CAR fs-MARY part:indef" ], "text": [ "John's father must give a car to Mary." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN (2h)SHOULD (1h)GIFT:j FATHER CAR part:indef" ], "text": [ "John should give (his) father a car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE (1h)GIFT:j FATHER CAR" ], "text": [ "John will give (his) father a car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER FUTURE BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "Mother will buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER FUTURE NOT BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "Mother will not buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER NOT-WANT BUY HOUSE" ], "text": [ "Mother does not want to buy a house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE BUY HOW-MANY BOOK part:indef" ], "text": [ "How many books will John buy?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FINISH BUY HOW-MANY BOOK part:indef" ], "text": [ "How many books has John bought?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN HOLD WANT BUY HOW-MANY BOOK part:indef" ], "text": [ "How many books does John want to buy?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE MOVIE HOLD" ], "text": [ "The teacher likes movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE MOVIE HOLD BUT LEARN+AGENT IX-3p-pl-arc NOT" ], "text": [ "The teacher likes movies, but the students don't." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT NOT LIKE MOVIE HOLD" ], "text": [ "The teacher does not like movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE BOOK HOLD BUT NOT MOVIE HOLD" ], "text": [ "The teacher likes books but not movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE MOVIE QMwg" ], "text": [ "Does the teacher like movies?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE MOVIE QMwg" ], "text": [ "Does the teacher like movies?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER BUY CAR HOLD (1h)GIFT:j fs-JOHN HOLD" ], "text": [ "Mother bought a car and gave it to John." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN BUY CAR YESTERDAY HOLD (1h)GIFT:j MOTHER HOLD" ], "text": [ "John bought a car yesterday and gave it to (his) mother." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-MARY BUY MOTHER POSS-3p:i CAR i:(1h)GIFT:k fs-JOHN" ], "text": [ "Mary bought (her) mother's car to give to John." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN NOT BUY MOTHER POSS-3p:i CAR" ], "text": [ "No, John did not buy (his) mother's car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER NOT BUY CAR FOR IX-3p:i fs-JOHN HOLD NOT" ], "text": [ "Mother did not buy the car for John." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT LIKE CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "The student likes chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "The teacher likes chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT IX-3p-pl-arc NOT LIKE CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "The students do not like chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT IX-3p-pl-arc (Y)NOT-LIKE CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "The students don't like chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE CHOCOLATE QMwg" ], "text": [ "Does the teacher like chocolate?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN NOT-LIKE CHOCOLATE (Y)WHY HOLD" ], "text": [ "Why doesn't John like chocolate?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT SHOULD READ+ HOW-MANY BOOK part:indef" ], "text": [ "How many books should the students read?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT FUTURE READ+ HOW-MANY BOOK part:indef" ], "text": [ "How many books WILL the students READ?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT UP-TO-NOW FINISH READ HOW-MANY BOOK+ part:indef" ], "text": [ "How many books have the students finished reading so far?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "YESTERDAY MOTHER neu:GIVE:j fs-JOHN CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "Mother gave John chocolate yesterday." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN neu:GIVE:j MOTHER CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "John gave (his) mother chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN NOW neu:GIVE:j MOTHER CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "John has just given (his) mother chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN FUTURE neu:GIVE:j MOTHER CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "Will John give (his) mother chocolate?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "MOTHER FINISH neu:GIVE:j fs-JOHN CHOCOLATE QMwg" ], "text": [ "Has mother already given John chocolate?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT BUY++ HOW-MANY CAR UP-TO-NOW part:indef" ], "text": [ "How many cars has the teacher bought so far?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT BUY+ HOW-MANY CAR UP-TO-NOW part:indef" ], "text": [ "How many cars has/have the student(s) bought so far?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT BUY++ MANY CAR QMwg" ], "text": [ "Has the teacher bought many cars?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT FUTURE BUY HOW-MANY CAR HOLD" ], "text": [ "How many cars will the student buy?" ] }
{ "gloss": [ "IX-3p:i LEARN+AGENT LIKE EAT CHOCOLATE BUT IX-3p:i (Y)NOT-LIKE READ++" ], "text": [ "The student likes to eat chocolate but he/she doesn't like to read." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "LEARN+AGENT IX-3p:i HOLD (Y)NOT-LIKE READ BUT IX-3p:i LIKE EAT CHOCOLATE" ], "text": [ "The student doesn't like to read but he/she likes to eat chocolate." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "TEACH+AGENT LIKE READ+ IX-3p:i (Y)NOT-LIKE MOVIE" ], "text": [ "The teacher likes to read but he/she doesn't like movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FATHER LIKE fs-JOHN POSS-3p:i HOUSE HOLD NOT LIKE POSS-3p:i CAR HOLD" ], "text": [ "Father likes John's house but doesn't like his car." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "FATHER LIKE BOOK HOLD AND MOVIE HOLD" ], "text": [ "Father likes books and movies." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN LIKE FATHER POSS-3p:i CAR HOLD AND HOUSE HOLD" ], "text": [ "John likes his father's car and house." ] }
{ "gloss": [ "fs-JOHN LIKE CAR AND BOOK HOLD part:indef" ], "text": [ "John likes cars and books." ] }

Dataset Card for NCSLGR

Dataset Summary

A small corpus of American Sign Language (ASL) video data from native signers, annotated with non-manual features.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

[More Information Needed]


  • American Sign Language
  • English

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

[More Information Needed]

Data Fields

  • eaf: path to an ELAN annotation file
  • videos: sequence of strings to video paths
  • sentences: sequence of parallel sentences
    • gloss: American Sign Language gloss annotations
    • text: English text

Data Splits


Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

[More Information Needed]

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

[More Information Needed]

Who are the source language producers?

[More Information Needed]


Annotation process

[More Information Needed]

Who are the annotators?

[More Information Needed]

Personal and Sensitive Information

[More Information Needed]

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

[More Information Needed]

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

[More Information Needed]

Licensing Information

[More Information Needed]

Citation Information

    title={Volumes 2--7},
    author={Databases, NCSLGR},
    publisher={American Sign Language Linguistic Research Project (Distributed on CD-ROM~…}


Thanks to @AmitMY for adding this dataset.

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