"I felt guilty when I was driving home one night and a person tried to fly into my lane_comma_ and didn't see me. I honked and they swerved back into their lane_comma_ slammed on their brakes_comma_ and hit the water cones."
"Yeah about 10 years ago I had a horrifying experience. It was 100% their fault but they hit the water barrels and survived. They had no injuries but they almost ran me off the road."
"I felt guilty when I was driving home one night and a person tried to fly into my lane_comma_ and didn't see me. I honked and they swerved back into their lane_comma_ slammed on their brakes_comma_ and hit the water cones."
"Did you suffer any injuries?"
"I felt guilty when I was driving home one night and a person tried to fly into my lane_comma_ and didn't see me. I honked and they swerved back into their lane_comma_ slammed on their brakes_comma_ and hit the water cones."
"No I wasn't hit. It turned out they were drunk. I felt guilty but realized it was his fault."
"I felt guilty when I was driving home one night and a person tried to fly into my lane_comma_ and didn't see me. I honked and they swerved back into their lane_comma_ slammed on their brakes_comma_ and hit the water cones."
"Why did you feel guilty? People really shouldn't drive drunk."
"I felt guilty when I was driving home one night and a person tried to fly into my lane_comma_ and didn't see me. I honked and they swerved back into their lane_comma_ slammed on their brakes_comma_ and hit the water cones."
"I don't know I was new to driving and hadn't experienced anything like that. I felt like my horn made him swerve into the water barrels."
"My mother stopped by my house one day and said she saw 3 dogs on the road_comma_ down from our house. They were starving_comma_ with ribs showing_comma_ and it was a mother dog and her two small puppies. Of course_comma_ my daughter wanted to bring them to our house_comma_ so we could feed and help them. We did_comma_ and my heart went out to them_comma_ as they were so sweet_comma_ but really were in a bad shape."
"Well_comma_ can you tell me about your experience? I think we swapped places"
"My mother stopped by my house one day and said she saw 3 dogs on the road_comma_ down from our house. They were starving_comma_ with ribs showing_comma_ and it was a mother dog and her two small puppies. Of course_comma_ my daughter wanted to bring them to our house_comma_ so we could feed and help them. We did_comma_ and my heart went out to them_comma_ as they were so sweet_comma_ but really were in a bad shape."
"Yeah i wanted to tell you about the time i was hit by a drunk driver im so happy to still be alive after that experience"
"My mother stopped by my house one day and said she saw 3 dogs on the road_comma_ down from our house. They were starving_comma_ with ribs showing_comma_ and it was a mother dog and her two small puppies. Of course_comma_ my daughter wanted to bring them to our house_comma_ so we could feed and help them. We did_comma_ and my heart went out to them_comma_ as they were so sweet_comma_ but really were in a bad shape."
"Oh my goodness_comma_ that's very scary! I hope you are okay now and the drunk driver was punished for his actions?"
"My mother stopped by my house one day and said she saw 3 dogs on the road_comma_ down from our house. They were starving_comma_ with ribs showing_comma_ and it was a mother dog and her two small puppies. Of course_comma_ my daughter wanted to bring them to our house_comma_ so we could feed and help them. We did_comma_ and my heart went out to them_comma_ as they were so sweet_comma_ but really were in a bad shape."
"Yeah he was punished hes in jail still"
"I just broke up with my girlfriend_comma_ we were together for 8 years_comma_ i feel so empty."
"I there_comma_ dont know what to do_comma_ jst broke up with my girlfirned_comma_ we were 8 years together"
"I just broke up with my girlfriend_comma_ we were together for 8 years_comma_ i feel so empty."
"sorry to hear! do you have any idea about the break up? did you think about it ?"
"I just broke up with my girlfriend_comma_ we were together for 8 years_comma_ i feel so empty."
"Yes we decided together with our minds_comma_ and know i come home and feel so distant from the world"
"I just broke up with my girlfriend_comma_ we were together for 8 years_comma_ i feel so empty."
"sorry again! hope you'll get relief from this sadness. Please concentrate on your interests to divert your mind from this."
"I received concert tickets for Christmas."
"I couldn't wait to go to the concert."
"I received concert tickets for Christmas."
"Which Concert?"
"I received concert tickets for Christmas."
"The U2 concert. Tickets were really expensive and I never thought we would be able to go_comma_ but somehow we did!!!"
"I received concert tickets for Christmas."
"Wow_comma_ that's awesome! I have never been to an actual concert."
"i've read an article about a little newborn babygirl. She died because she was premature and she had problems breathing on her own when she was born but parents didn't take her to the hospital because they don't believe in medication"
"I'm so sad because i've read an article about a newborn girl who died because her parents didn't believe in medication and doctors"
"i've read an article about a little newborn babygirl. She died because she was premature and she had problems breathing on her own when she was born but parents didn't take her to the hospital because they don't believe in medication"
"Ugh_comma_ those articles always get me too... :( What was wrong with her? "
"i've read an article about a little newborn babygirl. She died because she was premature and she had problems breathing on her own when she was born but parents didn't take her to the hospital because they don't believe in medication"
"she was born premature at home_comma_ she had hard time breathing on her own but instead of taking her to the doctor parents were just praying"
"i've read an article about a little newborn babygirl. She died because she was premature and she had problems breathing on her own when she was born but parents didn't take her to the hospital because they don't believe in medication"
"Jeez! Its so unfortunate... very sad really. "
"i've read an article about a little newborn babygirl. She died because she was premature and she had problems breathing on her own when she was born but parents didn't take her to the hospital because they don't believe in medication"
"yes! And i do believe in God and prayers but goodness gracious please take your children to the hospital and let God heal them THROUGH doctors"
"my friend's baby hurt himself yesterday i was trying to cheer him up"
"so my friend's baby fell down and scraped his knee yesterday and i was trying so hard to cheer him up"
"my friend's baby hurt himself yesterday i was trying to cheer him up"
"That is nice of you. What did you do?"
"my friend's baby hurt himself yesterday i was trying to cheer him up"
"i was singing nursery songs :)"
"my friend's baby hurt himself yesterday i was trying to cheer him up"
"Which one?"
"my friend's baby hurt himself yesterday i was trying to cheer him up"
"If you happy and you know it :)"
"i really hope my husband finds a full time job soon"
"my husband lost a job but i'm hoping he can find a full time job soon"
"i really hope my husband finds a full time job soon"
"He will_comma_ I have faith."
"i really hope my husband finds a full time job soon"
"thank you so much!"
"i really hope my husband finds a full time job soon"
"No problem. What kind of work does he do?"
"i really hope my husband finds a full time job soon"
"he is an armed guard"
"some guys shot my neighbour and ran into the woods"
"i just moved to this neighborhood and some dumb criminals shot one of my neighbors and ran into the woods! "
"some guys shot my neighbour and ran into the woods"
"Thats not good. Do you own a gun?"
"some guys shot my neighbour and ran into the woods"
"I do! I want to be able to protect my son"
"some guys shot my neighbour and ran into the woods"
"That is always number one goal."
"I'm going to see my parents soon!"
"i'm so excited because i'm finally going to visit my parents next month! I didn't see them for 3 years"
"I'm going to see my parents soon!"
"3 years is a long time. How come?"
"I'm going to see my parents soon!"
"I moved to the US and they stayed in my homecountry"
"I'm going to see my parents soon!"
"Oh I see. They must miss you_comma_ too."
"I felt very angry when a co-worker of mine pretended he was in a car accident to get out of working July 4th. I worked to midnight for him to only find out he was faking it. I was furious"
"I was very angry when a co worker lied about a car accident to get out of working July 4th. I covered his shift till midnight and he was lying about the accident"
"I felt very angry when a co-worker of mine pretended he was in a car accident to get out of working July 4th. I worked to midnight for him to only find out he was faking it. I was furious"
"That isn't very nice."
"I felt very angry when a co-worker of mine pretended he was in a car accident to get out of working July 4th. I worked to midnight for him to only find out he was faking it. I was furious"
"Yeah he got caught in someones pics on Facebook. Never lie and then go out with people who like to take pictures."
"I felt very angry when a co-worker of mine pretended he was in a car accident to get out of working July 4th. I worked to midnight for him to only find out he was faking it. I was furious"
"Yes. I do not have a Facebook."
"I felt very angry when a co-worker of mine pretended he was in a car accident to get out of working July 4th. I worked to midnight for him to only find out he was faking it. I was furious"
"Good idea. i don't like social media that much. It can get you in to trouble fast_comma_ even when expressing your opinions."
"I went to buy a 42 inch tv at walmart_comma_ the billboard says 299 usd_comma_ it was at 399 usd after taxes."
"So yeah i drove 2 hours to get to wallmart. with 299 in my wallet as advertised_comma_ and the real price of the tv was 399 usd. what a bummer"
"I went to buy a 42 inch tv at walmart_comma_ the billboard says 299 usd_comma_ it was at 399 usd after taxes."
"Thats horrible."
"I went to buy a 42 inch tv at walmart_comma_ the billboard says 299 usd_comma_ it was at 399 usd after taxes."
"Yeah i had my hopes reall high and then i left empty handed_comma_ such a terrible feeling!"
"I went to buy a 42 inch tv at walmart_comma_ the billboard says 299 usd_comma_ it was at 399 usd after taxes."
"Yes I do not like walmart."
"I went to buy a 42 inch tv at walmart_comma_ the billboard says 299 usd_comma_ it was at 399 usd after taxes."
"Yes_comma_ i guess walmart and the rest of false advertisement in the US_comma_ the look in my daugther eyes when i came home empty handed"
"A time I felt I should be loyal and honest is when my good friend's boyfriend showed interest in me in a romantic manner. I am married_comma_ and I also really care for my friend_comma_ so two reasons I wouldn't encourage his behavior. I let him know that he was wrong to do that_comma_ and felt good that I did_comma_ but felt really bad for my friend."
"My friend's boyfriend recently made a pass at me. I'm married_comma_ and I also am really good friend's with his girlfriend so I felt really bad. I made sure he knew I was loyal and honest to both!"
"A time I felt I should be loyal and honest is when my good friend's boyfriend showed interest in me in a romantic manner. I am married_comma_ and I also really care for my friend_comma_ so two reasons I wouldn't encourage his behavior. I let him know that he was wrong to do that_comma_ and felt good that I did_comma_ but felt really bad for my friend."
"Thats horrible. Did you tell on him?"
"A time I felt I should be loyal and honest is when my good friend's boyfriend showed interest in me in a romantic manner. I am married_comma_ and I also really care for my friend_comma_ so two reasons I wouldn't encourage his behavior. I let him know that he was wrong to do that_comma_ and felt good that I did_comma_ but felt really bad for my friend."
"I struggled with it_comma_ but my friend was in a really bad spot_comma_ with no income and raising her grandchild_comma_ he was the financial supporter. So_comma_ I didn't tell her_comma_ as I knew it would really hurt her in several ways_comma_ plus she really loves him!"
"A time I felt I should be loyal and honest is when my good friend's boyfriend showed interest in me in a romantic manner. I am married_comma_ and I also really care for my friend_comma_ so two reasons I wouldn't encourage his behavior. I let him know that he was wrong to do that_comma_ and felt good that I did_comma_ but felt really bad for my friend."
"Thats a tough situation."
"my baby is sleeping"
"my baby is sleeping. it's so peaceful and quiet in this house"
"my baby is sleeping"
"I guess it makes you appreciate things you used to take for granted_comma_ lol. But it doesn't last forever and is worth it. "
"my baby is sleeping"
"i totally agree with you!"
"my baby is sleeping"
"That's a full time job raising a human"
"All my friends live in a different country"
"hi_comma_ i feel so lonely sometimes because all my friends live in a different country"
"All my friends live in a different country"
"Oh_comma_ I'm sure you are lonely. Maybe you can join some kind of club that lets you meet new friends?"
"All my friends live in a different country"
"i was thinking about it! I wanted to join a group for local moms"
"All my friends live in a different country"
"That's a good idea! This way you can also meet friends for yourself_comma_ but also maybe meet new friend's for your children to hang out with while you do with their moms!"
"My friend's son is wild and not disciplined_comma_ where he is always acting bad. One day he grabbed one of our expensive games and sat on it_comma_ breaking it. This really irked me!"
"I have a friend that has a child that is unruly and does bad things. One day at our home_comma_ he grabbed a game and sat on it_comma_ instantly breaking it! It was expensive and this really irked me_comma_ especially because she doesn't discipline him when he does bad things."
"My friend's son is wild and not disciplined_comma_ where he is always acting bad. One day he grabbed one of our expensive games and sat on it_comma_ breaking it. This really irked me!"
"oh man. i'm all about discipline! I don't like spoiled bratty kids"
"My friend's son is wild and not disciplined_comma_ where he is always acting bad. One day he grabbed one of our expensive games and sat on it_comma_ breaking it. This really irked me!"
"Me either! I have two of my own children_comma_ and I would have never let them get away with that kind of behavior when they were his age. I just don't understand those kind of parents@!"
"My friend's son is wild and not disciplined_comma_ where he is always acting bad. One day he grabbed one of our expensive games and sat on it_comma_ breaking it. This really irked me!"
"yes_comma_ i've heard some parents don't ever say no to their kids. makes no sense"
"i'm terrified of bugs"
"I'm so scared of bugs! i found one in my hair yesterday and almost died"
"i'm terrified of bugs"
"i'm terrified of bugs"
"Ugh I hate bugs with a passion_comma_ they are so creepy"
"I recently spoke with an ex-girlfriend of mine. I think that she is doing very well. Our recent talks were invigorating and nostalgic_comma_ reminding me of my past experiences with her."
"I recently spoke with my ex-girlfriend on the phone. The conversation went pretty well_comma_ and it reminded me of my past experiences with her."
"I recently spoke with an ex-girlfriend of mine. I think that she is doing very well. Our recent talks were invigorating and nostalgic_comma_ reminding me of my past experiences with her."
"Did things end amicably? I hope everything is good now!"
"I recently spoke with an ex-girlfriend of mine. I think that she is doing very well. Our recent talks were invigorating and nostalgic_comma_ reminding me of my past experiences with her."
"Yes_comma_ they ended somewhat well_comma_ but there were tense moments. I am glad she's doing well_comma_ but I miss her."
"I recently spoke with an ex-girlfriend of mine. I think that she is doing very well. Our recent talks were invigorating and nostalgic_comma_ reminding me of my past experiences with her."
"I understand that_comma_ I hope things work out well for you both in the end!"
"I recently spoke with an ex-girlfriend of mine. I think that she is doing very well. Our recent talks were invigorating and nostalgic_comma_ reminding me of my past experiences with her."
"Thank you! That means a lot."
"One of the most blissed out moment of time I remember in life was right after the birth of my first child."
"One of the times I remember feeling the most blissed out in life was right after the birth of my first child."
"One of the most blissed out moment of time I remember in life was right after the birth of my first child."
"That is a very blessed day. It is something you will never forget."
"One of the most blissed out moment of time I remember in life was right after the birth of my first child."
"Obviously there are the demands of a new child -- but that feeling of finally meeting someone you waited so long for_comma_ and the love surrounding the whole situation. Truly something to remember."
"One of the most blissed out moment of time I remember in life was right after the birth of my first child."
"Yes_comma_ I couldn't agree more. It is remarkable how your feeling suddenly change."
"I was incredibly grateful when job payment came through *just* in the nick of time. I went from feeling scared and desperate to grateful and optimistic."
"Have you ever been in a situation when payment of some kind has come through *just* in the nick of time?! Talk about gratitude!"
"I was incredibly grateful when job payment came through *just* in the nick of time. I went from feeling scared and desperate to grateful and optimistic."
"I bet that must have been nerve wracking until it happened."
"I was incredibly grateful when job payment came through *just* in the nick of time. I went from feeling scared and desperate to grateful and optimistic."
"Absolutely. You go from scared and desperate to grateful and optimistic in one quick moment! It's not a situation I wish to be in again."
"I was incredibly grateful when job payment came through *just* in the nick of time. I went from feeling scared and desperate to grateful and optimistic."
"Oh I'm sure. I would not like to be in a situation like that. Good thing everything worked out for you."
"My really close friend lost her parents and siblings in a fire and consoling her about the incident just made me realize how thankful I should be each day for the family I'm blessed with. "
"Im so grateful for my family due to an incident with my friend"
"My really close friend lost her parents and siblings in a fire and consoling her about the incident just made me realize how thankful I should be each day for the family I'm blessed with. "
"Oh really? What happened with your family and friend then?"
"My really close friend lost her parents and siblings in a fire and consoling her about the incident just made me realize how thankful I should be each day for the family I'm blessed with. "
"My friend lost her parents and siblings in a fire and their family was very close to mine. So seeing her go through the grief made me realize how thankful I should be "
"My really close friend lost her parents and siblings in a fire and consoling her about the incident just made me realize how thankful I should be each day for the family I'm blessed with. "
"Oh wow_comma_ that's awful. Stuff like that really teaches you to appreciate what you've got and to not take it for granted."
"My really close friend lost her parents and siblings in a fire and consoling her about the incident just made me realize how thankful I should be each day for the family I'm blessed with. "
"Yes definitely. Never take anything for granted as you never know when it will be taken away from you"
"My intuition has led me into some situations that had I only used my head_comma_ I might have missed out on. I'm a big believer in listening to your "gut"."
"I'm a big believer in listening to your gut. Sometimes I might wonder where my intuition is leading me_comma_ but it always seems to be spot on."
"My intuition has led me into some situations that had I only used my head_comma_ I might have missed out on. I'm a big believer in listening to your "gut"."
"I agree_comma_ someimes we just know"
"My intuition has led me into some situations that had I only used my head_comma_ I might have missed out on. I'm a big believer in listening to your "gut"."
"It is a "knowing" -- and a flowing! When something is right_comma_ it just feels easier to go with it -- like you're being led_comma_ even if you might not fully know to where."
"My intuition has led me into some situations that had I only used my head_comma_ I might have missed out on. I'm a big believer in listening to your "gut"."
"exactly_comma_ i get that entirely!"
"It was around the time of my 18th birthday and I had mock exams so I couldnt really celebrate it. But my friends threw me a surprise party"
"I couldnt celebrate my 18th birthday as I had exams during the time and I felt terrible for it. But my friends threw a surprise party for me and it was the best! "
"It was around the time of my 18th birthday and I had mock exams so I couldnt really celebrate it. But my friends threw me a surprise party"
"That's great! How did they surprise you?"
"It was around the time of my 18th birthday and I had mock exams so I couldnt really celebrate it. But my friends threw me a surprise party"
"I was studying in my bedroom for a couple of hours straight with headphones on and then my mom called me to the living room for dinner and when I went out the whole place was decorated and everyone was there"
"It was around the time of my 18th birthday and I had mock exams so I couldnt really celebrate it. But my friends threw me a surprise party"
"That is so sweet of them_comma_ I hope you enjoyed it!"
"I was sharing a house with 5 girls and all of them have boyfriends and hang out with them over the weekend and I feel lonely and down."
"I feel lonely sometimes cause I live in a house with 5 girls and all of them have boyfriends and sometimes they are all hanging out with their significant others and I feel lonely"
"I was sharing a house with 5 girls and all of them have boyfriends and hang out with them over the weekend and I feel lonely and down."
"Awww_comma_ That sucks man. Hopefully they don't say mean things to you about being lonely."
"I was sharing a house with 5 girls and all of them have boyfriends and hang out with them over the weekend and I feel lonely and down."
"Sometimes they joke about it and obviously I make it look like its totally fine cause I dont want to give them the impression that I am lonely but it does hurt sometimes"
"I was sharing a house with 5 girls and all of them have boyfriends and hang out with them over the weekend and I feel lonely and down."
"Well i used to be lonely a lot but i eventually found someone. I think you will too."
"I was surprised to learn how different my two kids' personalities could be. Silly_comma_ I know. But true!"
"As silly as it sounds_comma_ I was so surprised at how different my two kids were as babies. You're reminded that they're wired with their own personalities from the git-go."

Dataset Card for "empathetic_dialogues"

Dataset Summary

PyTorch original implementation of Towards Empathetic Open-domain Conversation Models: a New Benchmark and Dataset

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

More Information Needed


More Information Needed

Dataset Structure

Data Instances


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 28.02 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 25.13 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 53.15 MB

An example of 'train' looks as follows.

    "context": "sentimental",
    "conv_id": "hit:0_conv:1",
    "prompt": "I remember going to the fireworks with my best friend. There was a lot of people_comma_ but it only felt like us in the world.",
    "selfeval": "5|5|5_2|2|5",
    "speaker_idx": 1,
    "tags": "",
    "utterance": "I remember going to see the fireworks with my best friend. It was the first time we ever spent time alone together. Although there was a lot of people_comma_ we felt like the only people in the world.",
    "utterance_idx": 1

Data Fields

The data fields are the same among all splits.


  • conv_id: a string feature.
  • utterance_idx: a int32 feature.
  • context: a string feature.
  • prompt: a string feature.
  • speaker_idx: a int32 feature.
  • utterance: a string feature.
  • selfeval: a string feature.
  • tags: a string feature.

Data Splits

name train validation test
default 76673 12030 10943

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

More Information Needed

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

More Information Needed

Who are the source language producers?

More Information Needed


Annotation process

More Information Needed

Who are the annotators?

More Information Needed

Personal and Sensitive Information

More Information Needed

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

More Information Needed

Discussion of Biases

More Information Needed

Other Known Limitations

More Information Needed

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

More Information Needed

Licensing Information

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.

Citation Information

    title = "Towards Empathetic Open-domain Conversation Models: A New Benchmark and Dataset",
    author = "Rashkin, Hannah  and
      Smith, Eric Michael  and
      Li, Margaret  and
      Boureau, Y-Lan",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2019",
    address = "Florence, Italy",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/P19-1534",
    pages = "5370--5381",


Thanks to @thomwolf, @patrickvonplaten, @lewtun for adding this dataset.

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Models trained or fine-tuned on empathetic_dialogues