| chunk_id
| turn_start
| turn_end
| alignment_score
| turns
"Matthew Mercer introduces himself and the concept of Critical Role. The introduction videos for Grog, Keyleth, Percy, Scanlan, Tiberius, Vax'ildan, and Vex'ahlia are shown." | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hello everyone. My name is Matthew Mercer,",
"voice actor and Dungeon Master for Critical Role",
"on Geek & Sundry, where I take a bunch of other",
"voice actors and run them through a fantastical",
"fantasy adventure through the world of Dungeons &",
"Dragons. We play every Thursday at 7:00pm Pacific",
"Standard Time on Geek & Sundry's Twitch stream.",
"Please come watch us live if you have the",
"opportunity. Back episodes and future episodes",
"will be uploaded on the Geek & Sundry website. You",
"can also check them out there. In the meantime,",
"number": 0
] |
"Matt explains how their eight-player game has been switched over from Pathfinder to Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. One of the players, Ashley Johnson, who plays the gnome cleric Pike Trickfoot, is not present because she is in London at the BAFTA awards." | 1 | 0 | 21 | 0.498612 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hello everyone. My name is Matthew Mercer,",
"voice actor and Dungeon Master for Critical Role",
"on Geek & Sundry, where I take a bunch of other",
"voice actors and run them through a fantastical",
"fantasy adventure through the world of Dungeons &",
"Dragons. We play every Thursday at 7:00pm Pacific",
"Standard Time on Geek & Sundry's Twitch stream.",
"Please come watch us live if you have the",
"opportunity. Back episodes and future episodes",
"will be uploaded on the Geek & Sundry website. You",
"can also check them out there. In the meantime,",
"number": 0
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Welcome to first episode of Critical Role,",
"and what this basically is is a continuation of",
"our weekly D&D game. Me and a bunch of other",
"likely nerdy and enjoyable voice actors gathering",
"around, rolling some dice, killing some creatures,",
"having some adventure. Now we have the pleasure of",
"bringing it on the stream for you to watch,",
"enjoy, and occasionally interact with. Before we",
"get to that, to give you a little backstory on the",
"characters you'll be seeing this evening, we're",
"going to play some videos for you in a second. Do",
"note for all you hardcore gamers out there, a lot",
"of this is house-ruled, loosey-goosey having a",
"good time. So all you number crunchers, stop",
"paying attention there, just have fun with it.",
"Nevertheless, we have some background story on",
"many of the characters you'll be seeing this",
"evening to help you jump into the story. Let's go",
"ahead and enjoy those in a minute, then we'll",
"introduce the players. So have fun!"
"number": 1
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Right, listen up! If you have ale, then",
"you have a friend in Grog Strongjaw! A goliath of",
"towering height and size, this barbarian has an",
"appetite for the two great loves in his life:",
"combat, women, and ale!",
"[record scratch]"
"number": 2
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Wait. Easily the brains of the group, Grog",
"is often consulted for his vast knowledge of",
"shapes, colors, and shiny things! Also ale. In his",
"early years, armed with his two-handed greataxe,",
"Grog often enjoyed proving his might amongst the",
"ranks of his family's wandering herd. But after",
"coming upon an unsuspecting elderly gnome in the",
"woods, he objected to the killing of such an innocent",
"life. A creature of impulse, Grog felt only pity",
"for this-- well, this terrified little thing. And",
"his disobedience cost him dearly. Beaten bloody,",
"and banished by the herd leader, his Uncle Kevdak,",
"Grog was abandoned and left to die. Exiled from",
"his herd, it was then that the relative of the",
"very gnome he fought to save, saved him. It was",
"the kindness of a gnome cleric named Pike that",
"healed Grog, bringing him back from death's edge.",
"And they have remained close friends ever since.",
"Most nights, Grog can be found challenging entire",
"taverns to wrestling matches! Or accompanying",
"Scanlan to the nearest house where you pay for",
"lady favors. Also ale!"
"number": 3
"names": [
"utterances": [
"A first impression of Keyleth would leave",
"you with little information on the half-elven",
"druid. You might even think that her social",
"awkwardness due to her sheltered upbringing is",
"kind of sweet. Of course, it would be unwise",
"underestimate her based on first impressions.",
"[thunder crack]"
"number": 4
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Under that un-intimidating petite frame",
"is a vicious beast waiting to be unleashed, whose",
"natural powers have made even the fiercest of",
"champions pee their pants, literally! Born to the",
"Air Tribe of the Ashari people, Keyleth was raised",
"with a deep love of nature and the elemental",
"magics. It is her people's inherent duty to",
"protect the delicate areas in Tal'Dorei where the",
"four elemental planes begin to bleed with this",
"realm. Since she was a little girl, she had quite",
"a knack for air manipulation and beast shaping",
"abilities. Well, if you consider kittens and",
"flying squirrels to be little beasts. Which, I do.",
"Anyways, it wasn't long before the headmaster of",
"the tribe, her father, Korren, realized her true",
"prodigious abilities and she was inveterated to",
"succeed him as the next headmaster. Just like",
"that, her jovial childhood was stripped and",
"replaced with endless spell memorization,",
"teachings from ancient traditions, and exceedingly",
"high expectations. Every druid leader-to-be must",
"embark on a journey to seek out the sister tribes in",
"order to introduce and establish respect amongst",
"the fellow headmasters. They call this the",
"Aramente, or Noble Odyssey. When her father felt",
"she was ready, he set her on the path to truly",
"discovering herself, not knowing when, or if, she",
"will ever return. As she hiked down the mountain",
"towards Stilben, she meditated on the task ahead.",
"Part of the Aramente is proving yourself a strong",
"warrior, a valiant protector, and a wise and",
"compassionate leader. With this knowledge, one",
"thought plays in repeat in her mind: Is she even",
"number": 5
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Percy was the third child of seven",
"children, born to a noble family who lived far to",
"the north in the ancient castle of Whitestone.",
"With so many siblings to share the burdens of",
"lordship, Percy turned his attention to the",
"sciences, engineering, and naturalism. One day, a",
"mysterious couple, named Lord and Lady Briarwood,",
"came to court. During a feast held in their honor,",
"the Briarwoods violently took control of the",
"castle, killing or imprisoning everyone who would",
"stand in their way. Percy awoke chained in the",
"dungeon, only to be freed by his younger sister.",
"Together they fled, chased by the Briarwoods' men.",
"As they ran, Percy's sister took several arrows to",
"the chest and fell. Percy kept running, eventually",
"jumping into a freezing river and floating",
"unconscious to freedom. He did not remember waking",
"up on a fishing boat. He barely remembered the",
"next two years, as he slowly made his way as far",
"south as possible. Then one night, Percy had a",
"dream. A roaring cloud of smoke offered him",
"vengeance against those who destroyed his family.",
"When he awoke, Percy began to design his first",
"number": 6
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, you haven't heard of Scanlan Shorthalt?",
"Well, gird your loins, ladies, because he has his",
"eye on you. A talented musician, master of",
"disguise, and dashingly handsome in his own mind,",
"Scanlan sings songs almost as much as he sings his",
"own praises. Born a poor gnome, Scanlan used his",
"endless charm and soaring tenor voice to croon for",
"coin and support his single mother. One day, he",
"was discovered by a half-orc promoter, and joined",
"Dr. Dranzel's Spectacular Traveling Troupe where",
"he learned the ways of the world, and honed his",
"skills as a bard extraordinaire. A loner much of",
"his life, Scanlan has never quite come to terms",
"with the violent death of his mother at the hands",
"of a goblin invasion. While his years on the road",
"provided many, shall we say, educational",
"experiences with the opposite sex, deep down",
"Scanlan yearns for the one thing he's never known:",
"the true love of a fellow gnome. Still, Scanlan",
"considers himself a lover first, performer second,",
"and fighter distant third. On the battlefield,",
"he'll support his allies, but rarely draws blood,",
"unless it's to protect fellow gnome, Pike. Count",
"on Scanlan for a hearty laugh, a rollicking song,",
"and a twinkle in his eye that melts hearts and",
"makes the females swoon."
"number": 7
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Greetings and salutations, I am Tiberius",
"Stormwind. I hail from a town called Ty'rex,",
"located in the heart of Draconia, born from a",
"politically respected family. At the age of 15, I",
"succeeded in passing the Sorcerer's Rite, showing",
"prodigy-like control of my magic. The judges and",
"the Draconian high council were amazed at how",
"powerful my spells were for how long I had been",
"training. At 20 years old, I was the youngest",
"appointed member of the magic guild in Draconian",
"history. For the next few years, I almost went mad",
"from the malaise of being a guild member, as it's",
"rather boring. However, one day I happened upon a",
"chamber, unused for quite some time. In the room",
"were stacks of books and maps of the surrounding",
"cities and areas around the known world. For",
"months, I would frequent the chamber, and learned",
"of artifacts from legend. After a long period of",
"research, I made a list of artifacts that caught",
"my eye. I brought these findings to the high",
"council and was told that all of the information",
"in the chamber I had stumbled upon was either",
"believed to be fiction, or unsolvable mysteries,",
"and hence were lost forever. I found those answers",
"to be unacceptable. A year later, I devised a ruse",
"and managed to convince the city council to lend",
"support in me leaving Draconia on a mission of",
"peace and diplomacy for the surrounding kingdoms.",
"Going from town to town and making friends and",
"allies in and for the name of Draconia. Being a",
"red dragonborn, I had quite the task on my hands",
"in that respect, but it was exactly what I needed",
"so I could explore the world and find these",
"artifacts, as I felt the truth was out there. Some",
"may describe me as buffoonish, but I say poppycock",
"to all that. I am much sharper than most give me",
"credit for. I just don't pay attention to things",
"sometimes. I've also been known to be rather",
"cunning, loyal, happy-go-lucky, and well,",
"dangerous. I can't help but show my true scales",
"every now and then. But overall, I think I'm quite",
"friendly for a dragonborn."
"number": 8
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Never entirely welcome in the company of",
"elves or men, Vax'ildan learned at a young age to",
"skip past formality, preferring instead to invite",
"himself in your door. Along with twin sister",
"Vex'ahlia, Vax was born by a chance encounter",
"between elven royalty and human peasantry. Raised",
"by their mother in their early years, the twins",
"were eventually sent off to their father in the",
"elven capital of Syngorn. But their cool reception",
"among the elves there never warmed, and their time",
"in the capital didn't last. The siblings stole",
"away one autumn night and set out on the open",
"road. After a few years of wandering, they",
"eventually decided to return to their mother, and",
"journeyed back to the lands of their youth. But",
"instead of finding their childhood home, they",
"returned to a pile of rubble. Their mother was",
"gone, their home burned to ash. Pressing the",
"townspeople for answers, they learned of the day",
"the dragon came. With their ties all severed,",
"Vax'ildan and his sister set out to find their",
"fortune together in Tal'Dorei. An outsider since",
"birth, Vax quickly learned to solve life's",
"challenges in his own particular way, often by",
"sidestepping them entirely. And when his knack for",
"circumventing adversity isn't enough, the way of",
"blades the elves schooled him in more than makes",
"up the difference."
"number": 9
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Like so many half-elves, Vex'ahlia has",
"spent most of her life suffering the cool",
"reception of a people who don't fully accept her.",
"Born of a human mother, and an elven father who",
"only later in life took an interest in their",
"existence, Vex'ahlia and her twin brother,",
"Vax'ildan, quickly realized the only people they",
"could truly rely on in this world were each other.",
"It was at the age of ten when the two were taken",
"from their mother, and brought to live in Syngorn,",
"the isolated elven city for which their father was",
"an ambassador. He quietly took them in, but always",
"kept an icy distance, and after too many years of",
"disdainful looks, the pair decided to leave his",
"indifference behind, and set out on their own. Vax",
"took to the cities, stealing small trinkets and",
"learning the ways of the thief, while Vex kept to",
"the woods. She preferred the isolation. Always the",
"keen observer, she learned to hunt and to track,",
"to spy and to shoot. Through a series of fateful",
"events, earned herself a companion in the form of",
"a bear-- her own stolen Trinket-- to fight",
"alongside her and protect her fiercely. Also, he",
"is adorable, and gives expert massages. Like so",
"many half-elves--"
"number": 10
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hey guys, welcome back. To give you a little",
"heads up, we are playing the 5th edition of",
"Dungeons & Dragons. We recently converted over",
"from Pathfinder, for those who play Pathfinder.",
"One of our players was a gunslinger, for which",
"there are no rules for in 5th edition. So I had to",
"create and customize those for the game, so bear",
"with us on that. That will be an interesting ride,",
"regardless. We do have an eight-player game we've",
"been playing for two years, which is a little",
"crazy, which is why we go a little loose with the",
"rules. It's a great group, it's a lot of fun. Not",
"everyone can make every game, so we have enough",
"players to definitely pull a party each time."
"number": 11
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Just so you know, we're having an audio",
"bottleneck. It'll take about 30 seconds to work",
"itself out."
"number": 12
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay, audio bottleneck."
"number": 13
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Tech problems that make me want to murder",
"number": 14
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's okay. Just a second. You let us know",
"when it's okay to talk."
"number": 15
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I don't know what that means, a",
"number": 16
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Are we all right? And how are we?",
"Exterminate. Exterminate."
"number": 17
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Nice. Audio isn't working they're going to",
"watch something else. Thanks, douche.",
"number": 18
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Is the mic adjusted? Is it any better?"
"number": 19
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Better now. We're good."
"number": 20
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, great. Thank you guys. A couple of",
"things transitioned from Pathfinder to 5th edition",
"may be a little strange and fun. We have a lot of",
"players, but they're great folks and most of that",
"just means I have to work really hard to make sure",
"the game keeps going, so that's on me. Ashley",
"Johnson, unfortunately, cannot join us. She's our",
"gnome cleric, Pike. She'll be here next week.",
"Unfortunately, she's in London accepting a BAFTA,",
"so I think we're okay. For the Last of Us. That's",
"harsh. Also no donations this week, but going",
"forward we will have donations available for those",
"that will help partially run the show from our",
"wonderful cameraman and crew. Also, half of our",
"donations will go to the 826 charity. Marisha, if",
"you want to talk a little about that."
"number": 21
] |
"Donations will be accepted in the following weeks to support the crew. Half of the donations will go to the charity 826LA." | 2 | 21 | 22 | 1.078358 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, great. Thank you guys. A couple of",
"things transitioned from Pathfinder to 5th edition",
"may be a little strange and fun. We have a lot of",
"players, but they're great folks and most of that",
"just means I have to work really hard to make sure",
"the game keeps going, so that's on me. Ashley",
"Johnson, unfortunately, cannot join us. She's our",
"gnome cleric, Pike. She'll be here next week.",
"Unfortunately, she's in London accepting a BAFTA,",
"so I think we're okay. For the Last of Us. That's",
"harsh. Also no donations this week, but going",
"forward we will have donations available for those",
"that will help partially run the show from our",
"wonderful cameraman and crew. Also, half of our",
"donations will go to the 826 charity. Marisha, if",
"you want to talk a little about that."
"number": 21
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes! 826LA is a charity that focuses on",
"tutoring children in an after-school program and",
"helping specifically with creativity,",
"storytelling, art and general things that relate",
"to Dungeons & Dragons. You should definitely check",
"out the Time Travel Mart. There is one in Echo",
"Park and one in Mar Vista. They have this amazing",
"storefront where you can buy these awesome",
"tchotchkes and things that go immediately to",
"support the charity and the stream. It's awesome.",
"It's 826LA, you should look it up. There's a few",
"all over the country."
"number": 22
] |
"Marisha Ray explains how 826LA helps children learn creativity, storytelling, and art. She also talks about the 826LA storefront, where all proceeds go to the charity." | 3 | 22 | 23 | 1.28 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes! 826LA is a charity that focuses on",
"tutoring children in an after-school program and",
"helping specifically with creativity,",
"storytelling, art and general things that relate",
"to Dungeons & Dragons. You should definitely check",
"out the Time Travel Mart. There is one in Echo",
"Park and one in Mar Vista. They have this amazing",
"storefront where you can buy these awesome",
"tchotchkes and things that go immediately to",
"support the charity and the stream. It's awesome.",
"It's 826LA, you should look it up. There's a few",
"all over the country."
"number": 22
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes. Also, as a heads up because I saw some",
"of you guys ask me in the chatroom: These videos",
"will be available on the Geek & Sundry YouTube",
"Channel soon enough, as well as a more extensive",
"backstory of the party. We'll have all that",
"content ready for you so you don't have to",
"memorize it. Maybe a bio page, I don't know. We'll",
"figure something out. It'll be fine. Anyway, let's",
"open that up. You know who I am. Matthew Mercer,",
"voice actor and I've been running this game for",
"two years. I'm a hardcore nerd. Let's go around",
"the table and introduce our players so you can",
"attach the faces to the intros you just saw. Let's",
"start on this side with Travis."
"number": 23
] |
"The cast introduce themselves and their roles:
Matthew Mercer is the Dungeon Master. Travis Willingham plays Grog, the goliath barbarian." | 4 | 23 | 24 | 0.196787 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes. Also, as a heads up because I saw some",
"of you guys ask me in the chatroom: These videos",
"will be available on the Geek & Sundry YouTube",
"Channel soon enough, as well as a more extensive",
"backstory of the party. We'll have all that",
"content ready for you so you don't have to",
"memorize it. Maybe a bio page, I don't know. We'll",
"figure something out. It'll be fine. Anyway, let's",
"open that up. You know who I am. Matthew Mercer,",
"voice actor and I've been running this game for",
"two years. I'm a hardcore nerd. Let's go around",
"the table and introduce our players so you can",
"attach the faces to the intros you just saw. Let's",
"start on this side with Travis."
"number": 23
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh! Hi. I'm Travis Willingham, voice",
"actor, gamer. I play Grog the goliath barbarian."
"number": 24
] |
"Laura Bailey plays Vex'ahlia, the half-elven ranger who has a pet bear named Trinket. Liam O'Brien plays Vax'ildan, the half-elven rogue and twin of Vex'ahlia." | 5 | 24 | 31 | 0.471599 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh! Hi. I'm Travis Willingham, voice",
"actor, gamer. I play Grog the goliath barbarian."
"number": 24
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hi. I'm Laura Bailey. I'm also, you know, a",
"voice actor like everyone here."
"number": 25
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah. I think we all are."
"number": 26
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm playing Vex'ahlia. The coolest chick",
"number": 27
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The ranger with the bear."
"number": 28
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The ranger with the bear named Trinket, in",
"case you didn't catch that. His name is Trinket",
"and he's amazing."
"number": 29
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hi, I'm Liam O'Brien. I'm playing Vax'ildan.",
"This one's twin. We're half-elven twins. I started",
"playing D&D when I was 13 and I can't believe this",
"is happening. So cheers. Cheers to this."
"number": 30
"names": [
"utterances": [
"My name is Taliesin Jaffe. I'm a voice",
"actor, director, and I've been playing some form",
"of Dungeons & Dragons, and if you can't tell by my",
"black clothing, a lot of Vampire the Masquerade",
"when I was a teenager.",
"There was a problem. I'm playing Percy, the",
"Gunslinger. I'm the reason all the rules are all",
"messed up."
"number": 31
] |
"Taliesin Jaffe plays Percy, the human gunslinger. Marisha Ray plays Keyleth, the half-elven druid." | 6 | 31 | 47 | 0.211651 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"My name is Taliesin Jaffe. I'm a voice",
"actor, director, and I've been playing some form",
"of Dungeons & Dragons, and if you can't tell by my",
"black clothing, a lot of Vampire the Masquerade",
"when I was a teenager.",
"There was a problem. I'm playing Percy, the",
"Gunslinger. I'm the reason all the rules are all",
"messed up."
"number": 31
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I am Keyleth, the druid from the tribe of",
"the Air Ashari. I am a half-elven person."
"number": 32
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, you're elven."
"number": 33
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, half-elf."
"number": 34
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Half-elf. Okay."
"number": 35
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, Come on, man. I've been half-elf",
"since day one. Half-elven. Yes! You can see me",
"shooting lightning and turning into awesome",
"number": 36
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 37
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 38
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hey, everybody. I'm Orion Acaba and I'm",
"also a voice actor. I do things."
"number": 39
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, I'm Marisha Ray, by the way."
"number": 40
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 41
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Did I say that?"
"number": 42
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Keyleth is Marisha Ray."
"number": 43
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Let Orion have his moment. Don't try and",
"number": 44
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, it's our moment."
"number": 45
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There you go. All right."
"number": 46
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm Tiberius the awesome sorcerer."
"number": 47
] |
"Orion Acaba plays Tiberius, the dragonborn sorceror. Sam Riegel plays Scanlan Shorthalt, the gnome bard." | 7 | 47 | 50 | 0.156373 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm Tiberius the awesome sorcerer."
"number": 47
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Dragonborn sorcerer."
"number": 48
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Dragonborn, yeah! That's right."
"number": 49
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm Sam Riegel a voice actor, and stuff. My",
"character is Scanlan Shorthalt. The gnome bard who",
"sings a lot. Let's start playing, yeah?",
"number": 50
] |
" "The party had completed a large venture in saving the nearby city of Emon, one of the capitals of this human civilization of Tal'Dorei." | 8 | 50 | 51 | 0.044444 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm Sam Riegel a voice actor, and stuff. My",
"character is Scanlan Shorthalt. The gnome bard who",
"sings a lot. Let's start playing, yeah?",
"number": 50
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right! Let's jump on in. Thank you. Last",
"we left off, to give you a little backstory. The",
"party had completed a large venture in saving the",
"nearby city of Emon. One of the central capitals",
"of this human civilization of Tal'Dorei. They",
"managed to halt a demonic insurrection within the",
"throne and as such were greeted to a hero's",
"celebration and had a keep built in their honor.",
"Over the six month period of the keep being",
"constructed, they went their own ways and then",
"returned to see its final creation. However, they",
"did not have a chance to really enjoy it",
"immediately as one of their good friends and",
"allies, Arcanist Allura Vysoren of the Tal'Dorei",
"council came to them requesting their aid saying",
"that a long time friend of hers, Lady Kima of",
"Vord, who is a very well known and very well",
"respected halfling paladin of Bahamut, the",
"Platinum Dragon, had been gone on a pilgrimage for",
"a while, essentially a vision quest that is part",
"of her own development as a paladin. As part of",
"this, she let the information go to Allura that a",
"dark vision had come to her saying that some sort",
"of evil root is beginning to breed beneath",
"Kraghammer and the mountains within Kraghammer,",
"which is the nearby dwarven civilization that you",
"guys have previously not been allowed entry to",
"because the dwarves weren't fans of nobody without",
"any political means of entry. However, she managed",
"to acquire the necessary documentation and offered",
"you a very substantial reward should you find the",
"whereabouts of Lady Kima of Vord and hopefully",
"bring her back safely. You left on the pathway to",
"the dwarven citadel of Kraghammer. You were",
"ambushed by a group of roaming barbarian goliaths.",
"Part way through the battle, Grog managed to",
"recognize one of them as a previous ally and no",
"longer an ally at this time."
"number": 51
] |
"They managed to halt a demonic insurrection within the throne and as such were greeted to a heroes' celebration and had a keep built in their honor. "Over the six month period of the keep being constructed, they went on their own ways and then returned to see its final creation." | 9 | 51 | 51 | 6.477842 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right! Let's jump on in. Thank you. Last",
"we left off, to give you a little backstory. The",
"party had completed a large venture in saving the",
"nearby city of Emon. One of the central capitals",
"of this human civilization of Tal'Dorei. They",
"managed to halt a demonic insurrection within the",
"throne and as such were greeted to a hero's",
"celebration and had a keep built in their honor.",
"Over the six month period of the keep being",
"constructed, they went their own ways and then",
"returned to see its final creation. However, they",
"did not have a chance to really enjoy it",
"immediately as one of their good friends and",
"allies, Arcanist Allura Vysoren of the Tal'Dorei",
"council came to them requesting their aid saying",
"that a long time friend of hers, Lady Kima of",
"Vord, who is a very well known and very well",
"respected halfling paladin of Bahamut, the",
"Platinum Dragon, had been gone on a pilgrimage for",
"a while, essentially a vision quest that is part",
"of her own development as a paladin. As part of",
"this, she let the information go to Allura that a",
"dark vision had come to her saying that some sort",
"of evil root is beginning to breed beneath",
"Kraghammer and the mountains within Kraghammer,",
"which is the nearby dwarven civilization that you",
"guys have previously not been allowed entry to",
"because the dwarves weren't fans of nobody without",
"any political means of entry. However, she managed",
"to acquire the necessary documentation and offered",
"you a very substantial reward should you find the",
"whereabouts of Lady Kima of Vord and hopefully",
"bring her back safely. You left on the pathway to",
"the dwarven citadel of Kraghammer. You were",
"ambushed by a group of roaming barbarian goliaths.",
"Part way through the battle, Grog managed to",
"recognize one of them as a previous ally and no",
"longer an ally at this time."
"number": 51
] |
"However, they did not have a chance to really enjoy it immediately, as one of their good friends and allies, Arcanist Allura Vysoren of the Tal'Dorei Council, came to them requesting their aid, saying that a long-time friend of hers, Lady Kima of Vord —who is a very well-known and very well-respected halfing paladin of Bahamut, the platinum dragon—had been gone on a pilgrimage for a while, essentially a vision quest as part of her own development as a paladin. "As part of this, she let the information go to Allura that a dark vision had come to her, saying that some sort of evil root is beginning to breed beneath Kraghammer and the mountains within." | 10 | 51 | 51 | 24.932862 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right! Let's jump on in. Thank you. Last",
"we left off, to give you a little backstory. The",
"party had completed a large venture in saving the",
"nearby city of Emon. One of the central capitals",
"of this human civilization of Tal'Dorei. They",
"managed to halt a demonic insurrection within the",
"throne and as such were greeted to a hero's",
"celebration and had a keep built in their honor.",
"Over the six month period of the keep being",
"constructed, they went their own ways and then",
"returned to see its final creation. However, they",
"did not have a chance to really enjoy it",
"immediately as one of their good friends and",
"allies, Arcanist Allura Vysoren of the Tal'Dorei",
"council came to them requesting their aid saying",
"that a long time friend of hers, Lady Kima of",
"Vord, who is a very well known and very well",
"respected halfling paladin of Bahamut, the",
"Platinum Dragon, had been gone on a pilgrimage for",
"a while, essentially a vision quest that is part",
"of her own development as a paladin. As part of",
"this, she let the information go to Allura that a",
"dark vision had come to her saying that some sort",
"of evil root is beginning to breed beneath",
"Kraghammer and the mountains within Kraghammer,",
"which is the nearby dwarven civilization that you",
"guys have previously not been allowed entry to",
"because the dwarves weren't fans of nobody without",
"any political means of entry. However, she managed",
"to acquire the necessary documentation and offered",
"you a very substantial reward should you find the",
"whereabouts of Lady Kima of Vord and hopefully",
"bring her back safely. You left on the pathway to",
"the dwarven citadel of Kraghammer. You were",
"ambushed by a group of roaming barbarian goliaths.",
"Part way through the battle, Grog managed to",
"recognize one of them as a previous ally and no",
"longer an ally at this time."
"number": 51
] |
"Kraghammer of which is the nearby dwarven civilization that [the party] had previously not been allowed entry to, because the dwarves weren't fans of anyone without any political means of entering. However, [Allura] managed to acquire the necessary documentation, offered [the party] a very substantial reward should [they] find the whereabouts of Lady Kima of Vord, and hopefully bring her back safely." | 11 | 51 | 51 | 91.554559 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right! Let's jump on in. Thank you. Last",
"we left off, to give you a little backstory. The",
"party had completed a large venture in saving the",
"nearby city of Emon. One of the central capitals",
"of this human civilization of Tal'Dorei. They",
"managed to halt a demonic insurrection within the",
"throne and as such were greeted to a hero's",
"celebration and had a keep built in their honor.",
"Over the six month period of the keep being",
"constructed, they went their own ways and then",
"returned to see its final creation. However, they",
"did not have a chance to really enjoy it",
"immediately as one of their good friends and",
"allies, Arcanist Allura Vysoren of the Tal'Dorei",
"council came to them requesting their aid saying",
"that a long time friend of hers, Lady Kima of",
"Vord, who is a very well known and very well",
"respected halfling paladin of Bahamut, the",
"Platinum Dragon, had been gone on a pilgrimage for",
"a while, essentially a vision quest that is part",
"of her own development as a paladin. As part of",
"this, she let the information go to Allura that a",
"dark vision had come to her saying that some sort",
"of evil root is beginning to breed beneath",
"Kraghammer and the mountains within Kraghammer,",
"which is the nearby dwarven civilization that you",
"guys have previously not been allowed entry to",
"because the dwarves weren't fans of nobody without",
"any political means of entry. However, she managed",
"to acquire the necessary documentation and offered",
"you a very substantial reward should you find the",
"whereabouts of Lady Kima of Vord and hopefully",
"bring her back safely. You left on the pathway to",
"the dwarven citadel of Kraghammer. You were",
"ambushed by a group of roaming barbarian goliaths.",
"Part way through the battle, Grog managed to",
"recognize one of them as a previous ally and no",
"longer an ally at this time."
"number": 51
] |
""[The party] left. On the pathway to the dwarven citadel of Kraghammer, [they] were ambushed by a group of roaming barbarian goliaths, of which partway through the battle Grog managed to recognize one of them as a previous ally—and no-longer-ally at this time." | 12 | 51 | 51 | 30.054422 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right! Let's jump on in. Thank you. Last",
"we left off, to give you a little backstory. The",
"party had completed a large venture in saving the",
"nearby city of Emon. One of the central capitals",
"of this human civilization of Tal'Dorei. They",
"managed to halt a demonic insurrection within the",
"throne and as such were greeted to a hero's",
"celebration and had a keep built in their honor.",
"Over the six month period of the keep being",
"constructed, they went their own ways and then",
"returned to see its final creation. However, they",
"did not have a chance to really enjoy it",
"immediately as one of their good friends and",
"allies, Arcanist Allura Vysoren of the Tal'Dorei",
"council came to them requesting their aid saying",
"that a long time friend of hers, Lady Kima of",
"Vord, who is a very well known and very well",
"respected halfling paladin of Bahamut, the",
"Platinum Dragon, had been gone on a pilgrimage for",
"a while, essentially a vision quest that is part",
"of her own development as a paladin. As part of",
"this, she let the information go to Allura that a",
"dark vision had come to her saying that some sort",
"of evil root is beginning to breed beneath",
"Kraghammer and the mountains within Kraghammer,",
"which is the nearby dwarven civilization that you",
"guys have previously not been allowed entry to",
"because the dwarves weren't fans of nobody without",
"any political means of entry. However, she managed",
"to acquire the necessary documentation and offered",
"you a very substantial reward should you find the",
"whereabouts of Lady Kima of Vord and hopefully",
"bring her back safely. You left on the pathway to",
"the dwarven citadel of Kraghammer. You were",
"ambushed by a group of roaming barbarian goliaths.",
"Part way through the battle, Grog managed to",
"recognize one of them as a previous ally and no",
"longer an ally at this time."
"number": 51
] |
"The barbarian, for his first and only time so far, managed to avert battle through a social encounter and rolled pretty damn well on a persuasion check. [...] [ He] managed to not turn it into complete bloodshed and [the party] continued on [their] way to Kraghammer, presented [their] paperwork, were given entry into the city, and that is where we begin this adventure."" | 13 | 51 | 72 | 2.971378 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right! Let's jump on in. Thank you. Last",
"we left off, to give you a little backstory. The",
"party had completed a large venture in saving the",
"nearby city of Emon. One of the central capitals",
"of this human civilization of Tal'Dorei. They",
"managed to halt a demonic insurrection within the",
"throne and as such were greeted to a hero's",
"celebration and had a keep built in their honor.",
"Over the six month period of the keep being",
"constructed, they went their own ways and then",
"returned to see its final creation. However, they",
"did not have a chance to really enjoy it",
"immediately as one of their good friends and",
"allies, Arcanist Allura Vysoren of the Tal'Dorei",
"council came to them requesting their aid saying",
"that a long time friend of hers, Lady Kima of",
"Vord, who is a very well known and very well",
"respected halfling paladin of Bahamut, the",
"Platinum Dragon, had been gone on a pilgrimage for",
"a while, essentially a vision quest that is part",
"of her own development as a paladin. As part of",
"this, she let the information go to Allura that a",
"dark vision had come to her saying that some sort",
"of evil root is beginning to breed beneath",
"Kraghammer and the mountains within Kraghammer,",
"which is the nearby dwarven civilization that you",
"guys have previously not been allowed entry to",
"because the dwarves weren't fans of nobody without",
"any political means of entry. However, she managed",
"to acquire the necessary documentation and offered",
"you a very substantial reward should you find the",
"whereabouts of Lady Kima of Vord and hopefully",
"bring her back safely. You left on the pathway to",
"the dwarven citadel of Kraghammer. You were",
"ambushed by a group of roaming barbarian goliaths.",
"Part way through the battle, Grog managed to",
"recognize one of them as a previous ally and no",
"longer an ally at this time."
"number": 51
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Son of a bitch."
"number": 52
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yep, the barbarian for his first and only",
"time so far managed to avert battle through a",
"social encounter and rolled pretty damn well on a",
"persuasion check. So you got one. You get one. You",
"got your one. Never again."
"number": 53
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Next time he dies."
"number": 54
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah. Essentially. Which managed to not turn",
"it into complete bloodshed. You continued on your",
"way to Kraghammer, presented your paperwork, were",
"given entry into the city and that is where we",
"begin this adventure."
"number": 55
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh no."
"number": 56
"names": [
"utterances": [
"In the city of Kraghammer?"
"number": 57
"names": [
"utterances": [
"In the city of Kraghammer."
"number": 58
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Wow! This is fantastic."
"number": 59
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're in, right?"
"number": 60
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes. We were at the door. We were talking",
"to someone right?"
"number": 61
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, you were talking to the front guards",
"at the gate of Kraghammer. They have begrudgingly",
"let you inside. Giving you a couple of pointers",
"little prods and sent you into the city proper.",
"You made your way through the darkened alleyways",
"and stone carved tunnel that leads into the main,",
"central portion of the city proper. An enormous",
"underground metropolis sprawls out before you. The",
"dark earth and shadows creating beautiful stone",
"work, marble columns, archways, and labyrinthine",
"bridges climbing across the vertical cityscape.",
"All warmed with the red glow of some strange,",
"crimson rock peppered throughout the town as a",
"light source. A large metal forge envelops the",
"center of this cylindrical city. The entire is a",
"three-tiered cylindrical city that is built into",
"the ground of the mountain itself. Welcome to",
"number": 62
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Remind us. Did we bullshit our way in here,",
"or did--"
"number": 63
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, we had a way in."
"number": 64
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, Allura got your paperwork so you were",
"actually able to get in this time."
"number": 65
"names": [
"utterances": [
"But, Ashley speaks Dwarvish. Pike speaks--"
"number": 66
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Pike speaks Dwarvish and she's not here."
"number": 67
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I speak Dwarvish as well!"
"number": 68
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh good!"
"number": 69
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I do."
"number": 70
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's fantastic."
"number": 71
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The only other bit of information you have",
"about the whereabouts of her is that she came here",
"to go into the mine Apparently, a mithral mine",
"where this evil is supposedly brewing. You heard",
"that the one person who owns the biggest part of",
"the mithral market here cornering, his name was the",
"dwarven Lord Nostoc Greyspine. That was the only",
"name you had in regards to this deep earth quarry."
"number": 72
] |
"Vox Machina have just entered the dwarven city of Kraghammer for the first time on their quest to find Lady Kima of Vord. They know that she was headed for the mithral mine owned by Nostoc Greyspine, but they decide to find somewhere to sleep first." | 14 | 72 | 72 | 1.047619 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The only other bit of information you have",
"about the whereabouts of her is that she came here",
"to go into the mine Apparently, a mithral mine",
"where this evil is supposedly brewing. You heard",
"that the one person who owns the biggest part of",
"the mithral market here cornering, his name was the",
"dwarven Lord Nostoc Greyspine. That was the only",
"name you had in regards to this deep earth quarry."
"number": 72
] |
"The party notices a group of armored dwarves awkwardly watching them. Tiberius —the only one besides Pike who can speak Dwarvish—asks them where they can find suitable lodgings." | 15 | 72 | 72 | 2.904523 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The only other bit of information you have",
"about the whereabouts of her is that she came here",
"to go into the mine Apparently, a mithral mine",
"where this evil is supposedly brewing. You heard",
"that the one person who owns the biggest part of",
"the mithral market here cornering, his name was the",
"dwarven Lord Nostoc Greyspine. That was the only",
"name you had in regards to this deep earth quarry."
"number": 72
] |
"One of the dwarves, Thompson, tells them in Common to go to "The Pig Pits". Vex'ahlia guesses that the Pig Pits are actual pits for pigs." | 16 | 72 | 101 | 0.37196 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The only other bit of information you have",
"about the whereabouts of her is that she came here",
"to go into the mine Apparently, a mithral mine",
"where this evil is supposedly brewing. You heard",
"that the one person who owns the biggest part of",
"the mithral market here cornering, his name was the",
"dwarven Lord Nostoc Greyspine. That was the only",
"name you had in regards to this deep earth quarry."
"number": 72
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 73
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Greyspine, correct."
"number": 74
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We have to go find him, don't we?"
"number": 75
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I think before we do anything we should",
"find a place to sleep."
"number": 76
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's true!"
"number": 77
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh! We're all jacked up from before,",
"number": 78
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Wouldn't it be nice to put everything",
"down for a little while."
"number": 79
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Of course. I've got a lot of booty that I",
"need to stow."
"number": 80
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Good way to phrase that, Scanlan. Also, I",
"would like to check out any places where they",
"might have enchanted libraries or what not."
"number": 81
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Can you stick with us? You're the only one",
"that speaks Dwarvish."
"number": 82
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes, you're getting ahead of yourself."
"number": 83
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm just saying put it on the list."
"number": 84
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Let's look around. Are there any dwarves in",
"the vicinity?"
"number": 85
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, there are many! As you finish this",
"conversation you look about there are two guards",
"posted nearby wearing dark crimson and brass chest",
"plates that have a uniform scar carved across the",
"front. It's actually built into the armor itself",
"as a design. They're both staring awkwardly at all",
"of you arguing in the middle of this entry",
"thoroughfare of Kraghammer."
"number": 86
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Tiberius, make with the dwarf-talk, please."
"number": 87
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hello, friends. My associates and I were",
"looking for a place of lodging for the night and a",
"place of reputable reputation."
"number": 88
"names": [
"utterances": [
"One dwarf shouts over to another one, \"You",
"hear that, Jepson?! They're looking for a place to",
"stay.\" \"Aye, I heard that right. It's about time",
"we had some new folk in town. Well, if you're",
"looking for a place to stay I'd say your best bet",
"would be the Pig Pits.\""
"number": 89
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Is that the name of a place?"
"number": 90
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Yes! Certainly! The Pig Pits.\""
"number": 91
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right."
"number": 92
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Ask for the Pig Pits--\""
"number": 93
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Those are actually pig pits, isn't it?"
"number": 94
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I feel like we're being hazed."
"number": 95
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"What?! No! Not at all.\""
"number": 96
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That sounds fine with me."
"number": 97
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This is Common?"
"number": 98
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This is all in Common, yeah."
"number": 99
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Which way to the Pig Pits, sir?"
"number": 100
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Pig Pits are that way.\" He points over the",
"edge and you see down past the central forge",
"structure in the city to the very bottom nearby a",
"large temple that envelops the bottom floor of",
"Kraghammer proper there is indeed a distant slop",
"of mud where internal livestock are being kept."
"number": 101
] |
"Thompson weakly denies this. Scanlan asks for directions to the Pig Pits and the dwarf points to a distant slop of mud where livestock are kept." | 17 | 101 | 101 | 1.779412 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Pig Pits are that way.\" He points over the",
"edge and you see down past the central forge",
"structure in the city to the very bottom nearby a",
"large temple that envelops the bottom floor of",
"Kraghammer proper there is indeed a distant slop",
"of mud where internal livestock are being kept."
"number": 101
] |
"Vex'ahlia gives a piece of gold to Thompson to show them to actual lodgings. The dwarf gladly accepts the bribe and directs the group to the Iron Hearth Tavern, telling them to listen for laughter and people who are very, very drunk." | 18 | 101 | 103 | 0.739171 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Pig Pits are that way.\" He points over the",
"edge and you see down past the central forge",
"structure in the city to the very bottom nearby a",
"large temple that envelops the bottom floor of",
"Kraghammer proper there is indeed a distant slop",
"of mud where internal livestock are being kept."
"number": 101
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I bring out a piece of gold. Please, sir,",
"we're looking for a place to stay that isn't",
"covered in mud."
"number": 102
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"It's good to see that at least one of you",
"speaks Dwarvish.\" Takes the coin, kinks it in his",
"teeth and goes, \"All right, now if you're looking",
"for a proper place to stay you're going to look",
"for the Iron Hearth Tavern. That is to your left",
"up that way no more than a half mile. Keep an eye",
"out. Listen for the laughter and the people who",
"are very drunk. That's your best bet.\""
"number": 103
] |
"Vex gives him a thank you and a wink, and the party heads to the tavern. Music, cheers, and arguments can be heard flowing from the tavern from several buildings away." | 19 | 103 | 123 | 0.236303 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"It's good to see that at least one of you",
"speaks Dwarvish.\" Takes the coin, kinks it in his",
"teeth and goes, \"All right, now if you're looking",
"for a proper place to stay you're going to look",
"for the Iron Hearth Tavern. That is to your left",
"up that way no more than a half mile. Keep an eye",
"out. Listen for the laughter and the people who",
"are very drunk. That's your best bet.\""
"number": 103
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Thank you, sir."
"number": 104
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"No worries.\""
"number": 105
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I like your armor by the way."
"number": 106
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Well, thank you kindly.\""
"number": 107
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Was that a wink?"
"number": 108
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It was."
"number": 109
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's all she does."
"number": 110
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's all I do is wink at people."
"number": 111
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It's a nervous tic, really."
"number": 112
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It's a feat she took. You progress to the",
"western side of the Kraghammer rotation as you",
"curl around the central platform. Making your way",
"eventually to the outside of this rather large,",
"central tavern inn. As you walk in, you can hear",
"music playing, you can hear laughter and boastful",
"cheer, you can hear some arguments in the",
"distance. You can hear it from a good two or three",
"buildings away. This is definitely a central",
"social environment here in Kraghammer. As you walk",
"inside, you-- Let me get some proper tavern music",
"here for you."
"number": 113
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Smells in here."
"number": 114
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Drinking territory."
"number": 115
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You hear some loud boisterous (hearty",
"dwarven laughter), some drinks being clinked",
"together. As you walk in, the first thing that",
"catches you is the scent of stale alcohol and",
"smoked wood of some kind."
"number": 116
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 117
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There are tables, most of them in decent",
"condition, some of them half-broken and repaired,",
"probably from some previous encounter in the bar.",
"In the center of the room, there looks to be a not",
"currently in use, specifically built brawling",
"circle. It's about 30 feet by 20 feet. It's more",
"of an oval. It's not in use, currently."
"number": 118
"names": [
"utterances": [
"An octagon?"
"number": 119
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 120
"names": [
"utterances": [
"How high is the ceiling here? Can Grog fit",
"in here?"
"number": 121
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh right, am I like--?"
"number": 122
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The ceiling actually is considered vaulted",
"ceiling for dwarves so it runs at about seven",
"feet. For Grog, it's uncomfortable, almost",
"scratching your head across the top. As you enter,",
"about seven or eight of the nearby dwarves at the",
"front door go, (hearty laughter). They look",
"immediately at the ragtag non-dwarven group that",
"just stumbled into the center of the tavern."
"number": 123
] |
"Vox Machina enters, although Grog has to duck slightly to avoid hitting his head. Several nearby dwarves give strange looks to the very non-dwarven group that just entered." | 20 | 123 | 123 | 0.45283 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The ceiling actually is considered vaulted",
"ceiling for dwarves so it runs at about seven",
"feet. For Grog, it's uncomfortable, almost",
"scratching your head across the top. As you enter,",
"about seven or eight of the nearby dwarves at the",
"front door go, (hearty laughter). They look",
"immediately at the ragtag non-dwarven group that",
"just stumbled into the center of the tavern."
"number": 123
] |
"Grog is delighted by the offer of a free drink. To Vex's horror, Vax'ildan offers everyone in the tavern a round of drinks." | 21 | 123 | 140 | 0.22403 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The ceiling actually is considered vaulted",
"ceiling for dwarves so it runs at about seven",
"feet. For Grog, it's uncomfortable, almost",
"scratching your head across the top. As you enter,",
"about seven or eight of the nearby dwarves at the",
"front door go, (hearty laughter). They look",
"immediately at the ragtag non-dwarven group that",
"just stumbled into the center of the tavern."
"number": 123
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What're you looking at?"
"number": 124
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"It's not very often we get someone with",
"that kind of a mug on you. Let me buy you a drink, come",
"sit down!\""
"number": 125
"names": [
"utterances": [
"My kind of people, see you later! I go",
"grab the drink with the lovely dwarves."
"number": 126
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We grab a table next to the dwarves with",
"number": 127
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Both tables next to the table they're at are",
"completely filled with dwarves."
"number": 128
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I take a sack of gold out of my own pocket,",
"slam it down on the table--"
"number": 129
"names": [
"utterances": [
"A sack of gold, are you crazy?!"
"number": 130
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Gentlemens and ladies. Ladies and gentlemen,",
"we are traveling from far away. We just arrived",
"from Emon. We are fascinated to see your",
"underground city and to celebrate the occasion I",
"would like to buy every dwarf in here a round.",
"number": 131
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The music stops. The conversation stops. All",
"dwarven eyes turn to the table and they all turn",
"to a single dwarven woman in the back who's behind",
"one of the bars, who has a towel over one arm.",
"She's looking around, she's staring confused at",
"you and all eyes are on her, and she goes, \"Well,",
"it's about time someone around here had some",
"generosity! Certainly, pay upfront. Drinks all",
"around on this half-elven gentleman.\""
"number": 132
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Let it rain!",
"number": 133
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make it rain."
"number": 134
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I would like a cask of ale."
"number": 135
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'll need your largest bowl of ale for this",
"one here."
"number": 136
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Cask. Cask of ale. Cask."
"number": 137
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"No worries, Adra's got your back, be right",
"back.\" She wanders off to the back room, comes",
"back and starts pouring stein after stein after",
"stein of ale."
"number": 138
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah. Keep going. Looks good."
"number": 139
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You do notice she is definitely the head of",
"this tavern and all of her barkeeps are male and",
"seem to be worked rather ragged."
"number": 140
] |
"The tavern owner, Adra, appreciates his generosity. Scanlan inquires about some rooms for the night." | 22 | 140 | 174 | 0.055396 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You do notice she is definitely the head of",
"this tavern and all of her barkeeps are male and",
"seem to be worked rather ragged."
"number": 140
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What was her name?"
"number": 141
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Excuse me, miss. You."
"number": 142
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Adra. Yeah?\""
"number": 143
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm sorry?"
"number": 144
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 145
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Adra! You run a fantastic establishment."
"number": 146
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"That's right I do!\""
"number": 147
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Thank you for welcoming us and allowing us to",
"buy this round."
"number": 148
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Of course. Patrons that come and drop coin",
"like that are welcome any time.\""
"number": 149
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, thank you for your hospitality. Might",
"we inquire about staying here the night? Do you",
"have an inn with the establishment?"
"number": 150
"names": [
"utterances": [
"She reaches below and pulls out a big tome",
"and starts thumbing through it. \"You know,",
"actually we have openings right now on the second",
"number": 151
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Several rooms, or just one?"
"number": 152
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Do you need them side by side?\""
"number": 153
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That would be nice."
"number": 154
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"We could pull him there and push him into",
"room seven.\""
"number": 155
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Something with a little bed for me."
"number": 156
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Giles!\" One of the dwarf barmaiders comes",
"over. \"Aye?\" \"Get Stepheson out of his room, move",
"him to the third floor. We have to open a block",
"for our new guests.\" \"Ugh, fine.\" The older dwarf",
"stumbles his way up the stairs begrudgingly.",
"\"Right, so I can get a room for each of you. We're",
"looking at eight rooms separately, that will run",
"you per evening about 25 gold pieces. Does that",
"sound about right?\""
"number": 157
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 158
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"25 total pieces.\""
"number": 159
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, okay."
"number": 160
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You want to share a room?"
"number": 161
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah! We'll bunk up."
"number": 162
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Grog, you and me. I can sleep on your feet."
"number": 163
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Probably like 15 gold then for just that",
"number": 164
"names": [
"utterances": [
"She visibly deflates a little bit and is",
"like, \"All right, fair enough. Five rooms it is.",
"15 gold per room.\""
"number": 165
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're penny pinchers."
"number": 166
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"How long do you expect to stay?\""
"number": 167
"names": [
"utterances": [
"At least a few days."
"number": 168
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'd say a week."
"number": 169
"names": [
"utterances": [
"With an indefinite hold, we have",
"business in the city."
"number": 170
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Right! Well how bout we pay the week in",
"advance and I'll give you a discount?\""
"number": 171
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What's the discount?"
"number": 172
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Wait. I thought we were going to be",
"heading south?"
"number": 173
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Let's say, 100 gold for the week, all five",
"number": 174
] |
"After they settle their accounts, Adra warns them not to do any thing "stupid" near the Carvers. Tiberius asks her to elaborate saying, "I do things like that all the time."" | 23 | 174 | 198 | 0.401285 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Let's say, 100 gold for the week, all five",
"number": 174
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're pretty flush, I think we can handle",
"number": 175
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes. That works."
"number": 176
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This doesn't terrify me."
"number": 177
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I think I did the math wrong."
"number": 178
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I was told there would be no math."
"number": 179
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Sounds good!"
"number": 180
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Gah! I hate not having a calculator! Fine!"
"number": 181
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Ah! Great!\" She pulls back and pulls some",
"keys out and hands them to the rest of you. Hands",
"you some paperwork, shows you which rooms are",
"yours and says, \"You're welcome to stay all you",
"like, ask questions, hang about. Just make sure",
"you don't do anything stupid near the Carvers.\""
"number": 182
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Ooh! Like what? I do things like that all",
"the time!"
"number": 183
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Sorry. Our Dwarvish is a little thick. Near",
"number": 184
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"The Carvers, the Carvers!\""
"number": 185
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The carvas. Of course."
"number": 186
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"The Carvers!\""
"number": 187
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The Converse! Of course!"
"number": 188
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The Car Verse?"
"number": 189
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Is this your first time in Kraghammer?\""
"number": 190
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 191
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"The Carvers are the guard that run this",
"city. They're the ones that keep the law.\""
"number": 192
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The scar!"
"number": 193
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Yes, the armor, the Carvers!\""
"number": 194
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, what is with the scar? I've got one",
"number": 195
"names": [
"utterances": [
"She leans back and as you reveal the rather",
"gnarled scar on your chest. She reels back a bit",
"and two of the nearby dwarves go, \"Yeah!\" They",
"chug down their drinks."
"number": 196
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah! More drinking!"
"number": 197
"names": [
"utterances": [
"They start showing their scars and are like,",
"\"Oh no! I got this one from an iron bolt!\" They",
"start talking about different creatures they",
"fought. \"All right. Well, the Carvers are a bit of",
"a-- how do I put it? A military class in this",
"city. They run a very tight ship on the streets,",
"so be careful.\""
"number": 198
] |
"The group ask Adra about some local knowledge and they learn from a tavern patron of "things," goblins and the like, pouring out of the caves near the Greyspine Quarry. Grog introduces himself to Balgus, the reigning tavern fighter champion." | 24 | 198 | 348 | 0.136155 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"They start showing their scars and are like,",
"\"Oh no! I got this one from an iron bolt!\" They",
"start talking about different creatures they",
"fought. \"All right. Well, the Carvers are a bit of",
"a-- how do I put it? A military class in this",
"city. They run a very tight ship on the streets,",
"so be careful.\""
"number": 198
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That shouldn't be a problem. Mostly we",
"are looking for Lord Greyspine, if I recall. We",
"have business with him."
"number": 199
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We might have business with you, if you've",
"seen a halfling come through."
"number": 200
"names": [
"utterances": [
"She thinks to herself and goes, \"There was a",
"halfling woman, but she was staying at the",
"Firebrook Inn.\""
"number": 201
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The Firebrook."
"number": 202
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"The bottom floor, for a couple of weeks.",
"There was talk about her. She got in a few fights",
"herself. The one with the silver armor? That one?",
"Yeah, she was a firebrand if ever I saw one. Right",
"up my alley, I like that one.\""
"number": 203
"names": [
"utterances": [
"How long ago would you say this was?"
"number": 204
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Oh, she went through a few weeks. I haven't",
"seen her recently.\""
"number": 205
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Thank you. Perfect."
"number": 206
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Is there a champion of the circle of",
"fighting in the tavern? Is there a reigning--"
"number": 207
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Already, Grog?!"
"number": 208
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, I have to know these things!"
"number": 209
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He has to do something."
"number": 210
"names": [
"utterances": [
"She turns the barrel that she has on the",
"table towards you a little bit and you can see the",
"actual symbol,",
"this burned image on the side that says, \"Balgus",
"Brewery.\" She goes, \"That'll be Balgus. The one",
"that supplies us with what you're drinking. He's",
"the undefeated champion. But I don't think he's",
"quite right to fight at the moment.\" She points",
"towards the very edge of the bar and you see one",
"older grizzled dwarf, long gray hair pulled into",
"straight braids in the back, big bushy beard",
"that's all shoved up into his face because he's",
"asleep, drunk as a skunk, on the edge of the bar."
"number": 211
"names": [
"utterances": [
"My type of dwarf. Maybe we'll can use him",
"as a merc later or something. All right, another",
"time then."
"number": 212
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Another time."
"number": 213
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Save it for a rainy day."
"number": 214
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Does it rain down here?"
"number": 215
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I don't think they have rainy days."
"number": 216
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"You said Greyspine?\""
"number": 217
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes, Greyspine."
"number": 218
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We are looking to set up a meeting."
"number": 219
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Which Greyspine?\""
"number": 220
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 221
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Nostoc Greyspine. He's definitely a",
"business type one.\""
"number": 222
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well who's the friendlier Greypsine?"
"number": 223
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"The friendlier of the types would probably",
"be the head of House Greyspine.\""
"number": 224
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Wait, how many Greypsines are there?"
"number": 225
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Oh, well there's probably several at this",
"point, I've lost track. The family line's been",
"going for a while. However, of House Greyspine",
"currently, Ironkeeper Gradim Greyspine is the head",
"of this entire city. Voted in ten years ago,",
"actually. He's head of the council.\""
"number": 226
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Ironkeeper what?"
"number": 227
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Ironkeeper Gradim Greypsine. Gradim!",
"You're-- (sigh) These commoners. Learn to speak",
"the language!\""
"number": 228
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I understood!"
"number": 229
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Adra, may I ask, obviously we have no",
"dwarves in our little party."
"number": 230
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 231
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Unfortunately for us."
"number": 232
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Sorry, about that. You're very welcoming. We",
"appreciate that. How welcoming would you say the",
"city is to outsiders? Would we stick out like a",
"sore thumb?"
"number": 233
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Probably. As long as you don't do anything",
"stupid. As long as you keep the coin flowing, and",
"as long as you stay to the upper levels. The lower",
"levels you get to more of the business: the",
"miners, the forges, the foundries. When you get to",
"the business areas, that's where the guard gets",
"heavier and that's where folks don't",
"like you poking near their money.\""
"number": 234
"names": [
"utterances": [
"So the lower levels would have the mithral",
"number": 235
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"The mithral mine, aye.\""
"number": 236
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There's one?"
"number": 237
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"There is one now. It's all been, and has",
"been for quite some time, completely helmed up and",
"run by House Greypsine. The Keystone Quarry is",
"what you're looking for.\""
"number": 238
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're not really interested in that. We just",
"want to see the city. Our business is elsewhere."
"number": 239
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Yeah, I would not recommend it. Not without",
"proper business credentials on that. You'll end up",
"being questioned very heavily.\""
"number": 240
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Sounds like a dirty business, anyway."
"number": 241
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 242
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, you want to stay away from those",
"miners Scanlan, that's a dirty business."
"number": 243
"names": [
"utterances": [
"She gives you a look almost like it was a",
"slightly racist statement, but then passes it off",
"because you paid her a lot of coin today."
"number": 244
"names": [
"utterances": [
"So racist."
"number": 245
"names": [
"utterances": [
"So No-stock. Nostoc?"
"number": 246
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 247
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Nostoc Greyspine."
"number": 248
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 249
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You said that he's kind of a--?"
"number": 250
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Oh, there's a reason he's the one put in",
"charge of the mines and the businesses and the foundries.\""
"number": 251
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh. Where is he located, exactly?"
"number": 252
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Well, if he's not home at the actual",
"Greyspine Manor-- which is a sprawling house. It",
"contains all the ones who live there.\""
"number": 253
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're going there!"
"number": 254
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"He's probably down at the actual--\" What is",
"it? Pardon. Bear with me. Consult my notes! \"He's",
"probably down by the Greyspine quarry itself,",
"keeping an eye on the business there.\" There's a",
"nearby dwarf having a few drinks, goes, \"Ah,",
"Greyspine, there's been troubles round there!",
"Apparently, a friend of mine works there. Got a",
"big, nasty scar last week. Wouldn't even pay him",
"for his time off to heal. It's bullshit!\" He slams",
"his drink down on the table."
"number": 255
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Down at the quarry?"
"number": 256
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 257
"names": [
"utterances": [
"How did your friend get this nasty cut?"
"number": 258
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"He works there! Said there was things",
"pouring out of the caves. Goblins and the like!\""
"number": 259
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 260
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Ah, goblins are nothing.\""
"number": 261
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Of course not."
"number": 262
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Seems there's something other than goblins",
"poking out through this hole. Just saying, that",
"business is in for a serious problem if it doesn't",
"number": 263
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Does your friend ever have drinks here?",
"\"No. He's been sober for two years. We're not",
"friends anymore.\" Tugs on his beard a little bit."
"number": 264
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh. I'm sorry. I think."
"number": 265
"names": [
"utterances": [
"A lot to process."
"number": 266
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He pours another drink. At which point, Adra",
"slaps his hand and says, \"Pay that. He bought one round!\"",
"He finishes his drink and walks away."
"number": 267
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Excuse me, one thing, Adra, are there any",
"mystics in this particular town that study any",
"arcane arts?"
"number": 268
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Of course! What, you think dwarves are just",
"the baseline folks who brawl each other?\""
"number": 269
"names": [
"utterances": [
"So many racist comments. Jeez!"
"number": 270
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"What you're looking for is House",
"Thunderbrand. They are the ones who, by blood,",
"have the arcane arts in their family line.\""
"number": 271
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 272
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"They run most of the enchantment process in",
"the city, they also train-- they call it train,",
"some of us call it more 'indoctrination.' But,",
"they're definitely the focus of all arcane arts",
"here in Kraghammer.\""
"number": 273
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Thank you."
"number": 274
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Thank you for your time, Adra. Carry on with",
"your evening. We'll seek you out if we have any",
"more questions."
"number": 275
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Certainly. Now if you don't mind,\" She",
"scoots you aside, and you see a line, a queue of",
"dwarves behind her, with their empty cups, waiting",
"to get to her to fill up the drinks that you bought."
"number": 276
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, that's-- we did promise that."
"number": 277
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Enjoy, gentlemen! And lady."
"number": 278
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What time of day is it?"
"number": 279
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Best that you can tell, inside-- you can't.",
"You just arrived, probably around 3:00 or 4:00 in",
"the afternoon, so you're probably pushing sunset",
"right about now."
"number": 280
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Do dwarves carry the same schedule?"
"number": 281
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I don't know."
"number": 282
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Does anyone know?"
"number": 283
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There's only one way to find out."
"number": 284
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make an intelligence check!"
"number": 285
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh! Roll it! You're the first one."
"number": 286
"names": [
"utterances": [
"First die rolling. Nice!"
"number": 287
"names": [
"utterances": [
"18, plus, what is that? Investigation? Or",
"number": 288
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This would be a straight intelligence roll",
"on this one, so your general knowledge of dwarves."
"number": 289
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh. 20, then."
"number": 290
"names": [
"utterances": [
"20. That's not too bad! In your experience,",
"you know dwarves, depending on their lifestyle and",
"what they do for a living, their clocks can run",
"differently, but for the most part, they run in",
"tandem with most other races just because it makes",
"it easier for dealing with outside forces. But,",
"like I said, it's very variable. There is no set,",
"locked time of: this is morning, this is evening,",
"they just sleep when they need to and wake up when",
"they need to."
"number": 291
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right. Good to know."
"number": 292
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It's like living in Alaska."
"number": 293
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 294
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Dwarven Alaska."
"number": 295
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes, fellows, what should we do?"
"number": 296
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Check out the Firebrook Inn, yes. That was",
"where Lady Kima was staying. Also, I think",
"somebody should run reconnaissance on Greyspine",
"number": 297
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Like stealth, you mean?"
"number": 298
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes. I don't think we should try to go",
"directly to the mines and find Nostoc."
"number": 299
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 300
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 301
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, I think maybe we should enlist the help",
"of a dwarf here in the city to introduce us to",
"Nostoc. I mean, we're not trying to raise hell, or",
"bring down a thousand dwarves upon us."
"number": 302
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There's no sense attempting to be",
"number": 303
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Although, that does sound fun."
"number": 304
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Everyone's going to know that we're",
"here, and what we're looking for by morning."
"number": 305
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Why don't we get old Drunky Greybeard",
"that's got his face down on the bar to do it?"
"number": 306
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, but he's very-- Well, let's ask him.",
"Maybe he's drunk enough to help us. Saddle up, Grog!"
"number": 307
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 308
"names": [
"utterances": [
"People seem to like you here."
"number": 309
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, but I'm really-- oh, that's true."
"number": 310
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You're the connoisseur."
"number": 311
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Maybe I'll part my armor, so he can see",
"the scar. Post up on the bar."
"number": 312
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Take him a drink!"
"number": 313
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right."
"number": 314
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes, take him a drink. A very large drink."
"number": 315
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I would like to get the largest goblet you",
"have of ale, and I would like to go over to, what",
"was his name? Bulbous?"
"number": 316
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 317
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 318
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I had it right."
"number": 319
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 320
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Balgus. I would like to--"
"number": 321
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm coming with Grog."
"number": 322
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes. I would like to go up and put my",
"scar, and post up on the bar and (throat clearing)"
"number": 323
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 324
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(louder throat clearing)"
"number": 325
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I take out my flute and I play a little",
"Healing Words spell and try to heal him of his drunkenness."
"number": 326
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Just a little of his drunkenness, not all",
"of his drunkenness."
"number": 327
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He likes him drunk, so maybe like, half."
"number": 328
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You play your tune, a beautiful little tune",
"that saunters through the air.The magical energies",
"emanate from the notes you make, drift into his",
"torso; you can see a slight glow and he,",
"\"(grumbling) Where's that blasted music coming",
"from?\" His hand goes out and paws towards the flute."
"number": 329
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Huh, I don't know where that was coming",
"number": 330
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm sorry to disturb you, your name is of",
"great repute around these parts."
"number": 331
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He wipes a globule of drool that's crusted",
"into his beard. \"Aye, you've bothered me nap. What",
"do you want from Balgus?\""
"number": 332
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We were wondering if we might, perchance,",
"acquire your knowledge about town, for a bit of a search."
"number": 333
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(whispered) Talk to him about fighting",
"number": 334
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Right, I hear you're a good fighter. You",
"look strong."
"number": 335
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I've heard the same.\""
"number": 336
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Right. How often do you get challengers in",
"this tavern?"
"number": 337
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Not as often as I get woken up from my",
"sleep. Which is never. Because only stupid people",
"do that.\""
"number": 338
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Lost cause. Abandon ship!"
"number": 339
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Right. I have an intelligence of six, I",
"know what I'm doing."
"number": 340
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 341
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There is a very pretty lady over there,",
"with slightly pointy ears. (whispering) I'm",
"talking about you or you. (normal volume) There's",
"two of them! They were actually wanting to ask you",
"a question if you wouldn't mind."
"number": 342
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make a persuasion roll."
"number": 343
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 344
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Why is he doing this?"
"number": 345
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Why would you throw this to us?"
"number": 346
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I know!"
"number": 347
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Because I was either going to fight him or",
"I was going to throw boobs at him, and I went with boobs."
"number": 348
] |
"Keyleth and Vex try flirting with him. Keyleth tries to stroke his muscled arm and gets her hand slapped away for her awkwardness. "" | 25 | 348 | 386 | 0.059107 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Because I was either going to fight him or",
"I was going to throw boobs at him, and I went with boobs."
"number": 348
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He realized he was sinking."
"number": 349
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's level ten you get that, by the way.",
"Throw Boobs."
"number": 350
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Persuasion. Oh! Good roll."
"number": 351
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Look at that one. 19!"
"number": 352
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 353
"names": [
"utterances": [
"19? He takes a moment, and grabs the drink",
"that you prepared from his hand and goes (gulps)."
"number": 354
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Nice form."
"number": 355
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"You've got five minutes.\" Then he stretches",
"his back a bit. This gnarled hunch that he holds",
"in his physical posture, flexes it a bit, and now",
"you can see the rippling muscles that show beneath",
"his tunic. This is a built dwarf. You don't know",
"what past he's had, moving boulders or forging",
"crazy iron shit, but there's a reason this guy has",
"a reputation. He stands up off of his stool, which",
"you can now hear crack with the weight of a dwarf,",
"which are made for normal dwarves. This guy is",
"solid muscle. He saunters over, looks about for a",
"second, almost like he's looking for his next",
"target. Sees the pointy ears, sees the pointy",
"ears, and goes (sighs) and saunters up to the",
"table, slams his hand down."
"number": 356
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Why is he coming towards us?"
"number": 357
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Because I told him to. Because you're",
"supposed to ask him--"
"number": 358
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 359
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Steady as she goes, ladies."
"number": 360
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He sits down."
"number": 361
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(whispered to Laura) You're better at",
"this than I am."
"number": 362
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"You called for Balgus, why?\""
"number": 363
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh! Hello, Balgus."
"number": 364
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hi, Balgus."
"number": 365
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We just heard you're so impressive and",
"number": 366
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 367
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We really wanted to talk to you."
"number": 368
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I use my Earring of Whisper to Vex. Cool it",
"number": 369
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh sh-- okay."
"number": 370
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Calm down. Not so sexy."
"number": 371
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I reach out and I stroke his bicep",
"because I can't hear that."
"number": 372
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make a persuasion check."
"number": 373
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Keyleth, stop doing that."
"number": 374
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I disagree, heat it up."
"number": 375
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Roll so good."
"number": 376
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm really low in charisma. I'm really",
"awkward. Persuasion."
"number": 377
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Roll your persuasion."
"number": 378
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 379
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh no, what was it?"
"number": 380
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I rolled a two?"
"number": 381
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 382
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Plus my persuasion of zero, because I",
"have a shitty charisma."
"number": 383
"names": [
"utterances": [
"As your arm reaches for his bicep--"
"number": 384
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I didn't say anything. I just touched",
"number": 385
"names": [
"utterances": [
"As your arm reaches for his bicep, his hand,",
"belying his grumpy, half-asleep haze-- with",
"unnatural speed reaches out and slaps your hand to",
"the side. Not painfully, but just, \"No touching",
"the drunk dwarf.\""
"number": 386
] |
"No touching the drunk dwarf." Vex has better luck stroking his ego and he tells her what he thinks of the Greyspines, they're "ass minds"." | 26 | 386 | 440 | 0.14426 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"As your arm reaches for his bicep, his hand,",
"belying his grumpy, half-asleep haze-- with",
"unnatural speed reaches out and slaps your hand to",
"the side. Not painfully, but just, \"No touching",
"the drunk dwarf.\""
"number": 386
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Sorry about my friend, Balgus. She's just",
"so impressed with your muscles. We've heard",
"amazing things about you here."
"number": 387
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Have you?\""
"number": 388
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We have.",
"MATT \"Tell me, what have you heard?\""
"number": 389
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We've heard that no fighter can match your",
"number": 390
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"You've heard correct.\""
"number": 391
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We've heard that you know more about this",
"town than anyone else."
"number": 392
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I've been around a bit, yeah.\""
"number": 393
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah. I bet nobody knows more about the",
"Greyspines than you do and they've been around a",
"long time."
"number": 394
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Political ass minds is what they are.\""
"number": 395
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 396
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Not keen to them-- ass minds.\""
"number": 397
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Ass mines?"
"number": 398
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"They've got minds of an ass.\""
"number": 399
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, I thought you meant like, mines that",
"ex-- Sorry. Go ahead. No, ass minds. Yes, they",
"have ass minds."
"number": 400
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"The Greyspines are no friend of mine. \""
"number": 401
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, I've heard they're terrible. What do",
"you do, Balgus?"
"number": 402
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"What do I do? I own the brewery in town!\""
"number": 403
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(gasp) You do?"
"number": 404
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"The only one.\""
"number": 405
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The best brewery?"
"number": 406
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"The only! Of course it's the best! I've",
"put everyone out of business. We export to most of Tal'Dorei.\""
"number": 407
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This ale is amazing, that I'm drinking",
"right now."
"number": 408
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Damn right it is!\" You set it down and he",
"takes it from your hand a little bit and takes a",
"sip himself and sets it down again. (inhales",
"deeply) (spits)"
"number": 409
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It seems that you aren't challenged often",
"in business and in fighting."
"number": 410
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I saunter over. Hello! My name is Tiberius",
"number": 411
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're all going to die."
"number": 412
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He glances over and says, \"Dragonborn. I",
"haven't fought one of your kind in a long time.\""
"number": 413
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh! Who's the last dragonborn you fought?",
"Do you remember his name?"
"number": 414
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I recall his name was 'Broken and",
"number": 415
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I think that's a friend of yours."
"number": 416
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, I know him! I know the Bloody family,",
"they're terrible people. Anyway, my associates and",
"I were wondering if you might come-- Is that what",
"we're doing? Trying to get him to come with us?"
"number": 417
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 418
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're trying to find out more about",
"Greyspine. Where he might be or who his associates",
"might be."
"number": 419
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Gee, I'm so glad you came over."
"number": 420
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Would you like to accompany us on this",
"journey that we're taking? We're trying to find",
"the Greyspines and you seem like you would want to",
"come in on this."
"number": 421
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We think there might be something rotten",
"in the mines."
"number": 422
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make a persuasion roll. You can assist if",
"you like."
"number": 423
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm assisting in this persuasion roll,",
"good god."
"number": 424
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That just means he has advantage."
"number": 425
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, I get advantage?"
"number": 426
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 427
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, so you get advantage on this roll."
"number": 428
"names": [
"utterances": [
"So you roll twice."
"number": 429
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What was the first thing you rolled?"
"number": 430
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Three. I'll take the 18."
"number": 431
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Definitely take that 18."
"number": 432
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh and plus my--"
"number": 433
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 434
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He looks at you keenly, which--"
"number": 435
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Which is a nine."
"number": 436
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Whoa, you have a nine persuasion?!"
"number": 437
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's why I talk."
"number": 438
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He's pretty charismatic."
"number": 439
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He goes, \"Well no, I don't really want to go",
"anywhere with you. But if you're looking to go",
"ahead and talk to the Greyspines, you don't want",
"to go empty-handed. It's customary to come with a",
"gift of some kind.\""
"number": 440
] |
"Tiberius interrupts and with Percy's help manages to learn that they should take a gift when meeting Nostoc Greyspine and he offers them a barrel of a rare vintage of Thistle Branch Dark Blood Wine from his own brewery for 500 gold. Vex haggles him down to one cup of congealed dragon blood." | 27 | 440 | 538 | 0.167943 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He goes, \"Well no, I don't really want to go",
"anywhere with you. But if you're looking to go",
"ahead and talk to the Greyspines, you don't want",
"to go empty-handed. It's customary to come with a",
"gift of some kind.\""
"number": 440
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh really?"
"number": 441
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What might they like?"
"number": 442
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Well, let's just say, I have the finest",
"brewery in the city.\""
"number": 443
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 444
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I have some fine, very rare, very exotic",
"drinks that I could, perchance, sell to you.\""
"number": 445
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Pay the dwarf."
"number": 446
"names": [
"utterances": [
"How much for this exotic ale?"
"number": 447
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"How exotic you wanting?\""
"number": 448
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We want to get in the door. We want him to",
"like us."
"number": 449
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I can give you the finest of thistle",
"branch, dark blood wine. This was crafted by",
"myself, from a rare bloodthistle branch that I had",
"brought over from the far-off city of Kamordah.",
"This, I personally oversaw. It took me four years",
"to fill this barrel full. It'll cost you 500 gold",
"pieces. But it is a king's red wine!\""
"number": 450
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Can I do a persuasion check-- a",
"perception check to see if he's lying?"
"number": 451
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This would be insight. Go ahead and roll",
"number": 452
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm going to go walk over to Grog really",
"number": 453
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 454
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He seems too drunk to lie."
"number": 455
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Let's just do it."
"number": 456
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Tell you what, Balgus. We have some very",
"rare items with us that I think you might be",
"interested in."
"number": 457
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Make it quick! You've got one minute.\""
"number": 458
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We've got one minute? Well, we've got--"
"number": 459
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"My time is far worth the 500 gold you've",
"already been talking about.\""
"number": 460
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We've got this with us right now."
"number": 461
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We've got a bunch of dragon pieces."
"number": 462
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Do you like dragon pieces?"
"number": 463
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We've got 37 dragon teeth, one dragon eye,",
"four cups of dragon blood--"
"number": 464
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We've got this cup of dragon blood! Which I",
"know can be added to ale or wine and makes it",
"quite sensational."
"number": 465
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He takes the sealed cup and sloshes it",
"around in his hand. The actual liquid is",
"coagulated to such a point that it's less of a",
"blood and more of a gelatin. (sloshing sounds)"
"number": 466
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It gets better with age."
"number": 467
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Exactly, a spoon of it!"
"number": 468
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He peeks it open and (sniffs). \"Yes!\""
"number": 469
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I think that's really expensive, actually."
"number": 470
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I can have this appraised, but if you want",
"to do a straight trade for the barrel for this,",
"I'll take you up on that.\""
"number": 471
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Shit, no."
"number": 472
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Just go for it."
"number": 473
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right, fine! One cup of it."
"number": 474
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"All right.\" He takes the cup, puts it in a",
"small satchel on his side. \"Adra!\" \"Aye, what do",
"you want, you drunken bastard?\" \"They've bought me",
"thistle blood wine. Take it out back. Here's the",
"key.\" He tosses her the key. She grabs it and",
"goes, \"Really? Ooh, just walked in, they're buying",
"fancy.\" She comes back with two of her barmaiders",
"who are begrudgingly carrying it with her. It's a",
"nice barrel. It has a gold trim. The actual bands",
"that hold the wood together is gold. The branding",
"on the side is gold leafed into the wood. It's",
"fine, exquisite, we're talking top shelf",
"BevMo-style, awesome dwarven wine."
"number": 475
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Top shelf at BevMo!"
"number": 476
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He pats it and he goes, \"All yours. If this",
"doesn't get you in the door, I'll eat my shoe.\""
"number": 477
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Have you ever done that?"
"number": 478
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Maybe, I forget a lot of nights.\""
"number": 479
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Where might that door be?"
"number": 480
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Minute's up, you'll have to ask around, but",
"it was great doing business with you.\" He walks",
"away from the table."
"number": 481
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I put it in the bag of holding."
"number": 482
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It does not fit in the bag of holding."
"number": 483
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 484
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The barrel is too big, you barely got Dork",
"the ox in there. Which, for the record, they did",
"fit a small ox in the bag of holding and then",
"realized later on that there was no airflow."
"number": 485
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He came out!"
"number": 486
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I feel like we weren't going to discuss",
"that. I felt that that was in the past."
"number": 487
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I felt that was a necessary story."
"number": 488
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Maybe if we drank some of it it would fit."
"number": 489
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The troll dick. Is that still in there or",
"number": 490
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, we actually got rid of the troll",
"number": 491
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, okay."
"number": 492
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Did we trade the troll dick for",
"number": 493
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I thought we like used it as a weapon."
"number": 494
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I offered it up, but by that time it had",
"turned into a slimy--"
"number": 495
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 496
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I thought we threw it at somebody."
"number": 497
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Can I stop Adra then and ask her where",
"Greyspine Manor is? Keep, manor, whatever."
"number": 498
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Ah, well I can have him do it.\" She pokes",
"one of the barmaiders who turns around. This one's",
"younger, he looks like he's frazzled and maybe new",
"here or at least trying to make his way. He goes,",
"\"Okay, I can show you around, just follow me",
"outside, come follow me.\" He walks out. He's got a",
"little apron on. He leads you guys outside. He",
"brings you to the edge of the outer walkway of the",
"central ring you're on. He points across the way",
"and what you can see is a series of marble pillars",
"that outline a residential district that opens and",
"consumes the other side of the central ring of",
"Kraghammer. He says, \"If you go past far in that",
"way, you'll look for the house of Greyspine. It's",
"the one that has dark black marble with gold",
"tinting inside the spiralling vein of the marble,",
"it's gold. The gate outside is wrought iron, black",
"iron, that's topped with a series of pikes and--\"",
"Pike awkwardly looks sickened, not",
"understanding. \"The real key point is, if you look",
"on the front yard, you'll see a dwarven statue of",
"the current ironkeeper himself. That's where",
"you'll want to go.\""
"number": 499
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes, very helpful, young man."
"number": 500
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Thank you so much."
"number": 501
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Of course. If you get the chance, you could",
"fill out a little form saying how helpful I've been--\""
"number": 502
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Are there suggestion cards here?"
"number": 503
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, absolutely."
"number": 504
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Here.\" He pulls out a small parchment and",
"hands it to you. It's handwritten with a couple of checkboxes."
"number": 505
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You should give us all a copy so you will",
"have multiple."
"number": 506
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I only have one.\""
"number": 507
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, okay, that's fine."
"number": 508
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 509
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Confidence needs improvement."
"number": 510
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, it's okay, we have a wonderful writer."
"number": 511
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'll rustle up a few. That's fine, why",
"not. It's what I do, apparently."
"number": 512
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He runs back into the tavern."
"number": 513
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right, shall we go to the manor?"
"number": 514
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Do we want to do the manor right now? What",
"time is it?"
"number": 515
"names": [
"utterances": [
"5 00 or 6 00."
"number": 516
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We got to sleep."
"number": 517
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We might not want to bug him when he's, you",
"know, having dinner."
"number": 518
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Let's be honest, that gate's going to jack",
"us up. It's going to be full of trouble."
"number": 519
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right, yes, let's go sleep."
"number": 520
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Let's sleep."
"number": 521
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, it's only 6 00."
"number": 522
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, then we have time to do other things."
"number": 523
"names": [
"utterances": [
"How long is a short rest?"
"number": 524
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Short rest is around ten minutes or so."
"number": 525
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I want to take short rest."
"number": 526
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You've technically been short resting in the",
"tavern. It's more of like a post battle-- like,",
"take a breather,",
"bandage your wounds, settle yourself after a",
"harrowing experience. That's what a short rest is."
"number": 527
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What was the arcane magic, the manor?"
"number": 528
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, what you're looking for is the House",
"number": 529
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I want to head in that direction."
"number": 530
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay, so you're dividing from the party?",
"number": 531
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, I'm going to House Thunderbrand, if",
"anybody wants to come with me."
"number": 532
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What are you doing? I can't understand you",
"with that popcorn in your mouth."
"number": 533
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Sorry! I'm going to House Thunderbrand",
"before turning in this evening. I've had a nice",
"little short rest and I would like to ask them a",
"few questions."
"number": 534
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right."
"number": 535
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, go ahead, okay."
"number": 536
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Is there any recon that's going to happen",
"number": 537
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I think that you and I are going to go to",
"number": 538
] |
"Vox Machina split up to explore the citadel. Pike heads to bed." | 28 | 538 | 561 | 0.046104 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I think that you and I are going to go to",
"number": 538
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We'll check out the house."
"number": 539
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Do you need any help?"
"number": 540
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Sure, you can come with us."
"number": 541
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, I don't want you to say yes."
"number": 542
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Then no, we'll stealth our way."
"number": 543
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Just a moment. Pike, you seem very distant.",
"It's very strange, are you all right?"
"number": 544
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Pike's not listening, she's looking at the",
"chat room."
"number": 545
"names": [
"utterances": [
"She's feeling ill. Does she need to lie",
"number": 546
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Pike is feeling, and for those of you who",
"are curious in the chat room, once again, elements",
"of this are house ruled, so don't complain."
"number": 547
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, players."
"number": 548
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We keep short rest to ten minutes because it",
"makes it move faster. Pike is going along, she",
"seems to be a little distracted, she can't quite",
"understand. She says, \"I don't know, I feel like",
"I've been here before. It's hard to explain.\""
"number": 549
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 550
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Anyway, I'm probably going to go rest for",
"the evening.\" She heads back to the tavern."
"number": 551
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The fuck does that mean?"
"number": 552
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We'll find out next week."
"number": 553
"names": [
"utterances": [
"But first, whores in the bedroom!"
"number": 554
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 555
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Grog and I go in search of a, shall we say",
"politely, whorehouse."
"number": 556
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The polite term."
"number": 557
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, the cleric's away, the bard shall",
"number": 558
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We need a massage. On my crotch."
"number": 559
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You and I stealth."
"number": 560
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You guys make your way to the Greyspine",
"Manor, you guys head for that, you head to Thunderbrand."
"number": 561
] |
"Percy and Keyleth spend the night making out comment cards for Belan, the barmaître. Scanlan and Grog find lady companionship for the night at The Stone's Pillow." | 29 | 561 | 582 | 0.365933 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You guys make your way to the Greyspine",
"Manor, you guys head for that, you head to Thunderbrand."
"number": 561
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Is Grog going to find someone his size?"
"number": 562
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Percy and I spend some time making some",
"really nice comment cards for--"
"number": 563
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're going to make some beautiful",
"comment cards."
"number": 564
"names": [
"utterances": [
"For what's his name?"
"number": 565
"names": [
"utterances": [
"His name is Balan."
"number": 566
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 567
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're going to make some wonderful",
"comment cards for Balan."
"number": 568
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, Percy is wonderful with calligraphy;",
"you've shown me."
"number": 569
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes, thank you."
"number": 570
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay, so you'll get to that. You guys do",
"manage to find what's called The Stone's Pillow."
"number": 571
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The Stone's Pillow?"
"number": 572
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The Stone's Pillow."
"number": 573
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I love it."
"number": 574
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It's an establishment of comfort and ease,",
"and will run you both for the evening, as you are",
"not Kraghammer locals, 30 gold for the night",
"number": 575
"names": [
"utterances": [
"A bargain."
"number": 576
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We'll take it."
"number": 577
"names": [
"utterances": [
"30 gold?!"
"number": 578
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What sort of ladies will we find there?"
"number": 579
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Bearded ladies."
"number": 580
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What species?"
"number": 581
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The madam of the house introduces you to a",
"spectrum of ladies, mostly dwarven, and very",
"attractive, you know. This is a nice",
"establishment. There is one gnome. One female",
"gnome. There are a number of male dwarves as well,",
"that are standing at the ready. There is one elf,",
"looks a little shy and embarrassed that a goliath",
"walked in."
"number": 582
] |
"Grog gets his money's worth with an aggressive elf and Scanlan gets manhandled by a dwarf. Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, and Trinket do some reconnaissance on Greyspine Manor." | 30 | 582 | 587 | 0.09556 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The madam of the house introduces you to a",
"spectrum of ladies, mostly dwarven, and very",
"attractive, you know. This is a nice",
"establishment. There is one gnome. One female",
"gnome. There are a number of male dwarves as well,",
"that are standing at the ready. There is one elf,",
"looks a little shy and embarrassed that a goliath",
"walked in."
"number": 582
"names": [
"utterances": [
"And that's our choice."
"number": 583
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Those are your choices."
"number": 584
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'll take the tallest one."
"number": 585
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'll take a dwarf."
"number": 586
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. You choose your lady, you take the",
"tallest one which would probably be the elf. As",
"you walk in, the shy elf turns around entirely.",
"She is aggressive and throws you around. You got",
"your money's worth. You get manhandled in a way",
"that you haven't-- You're going to be sore in the morning."
"number": 587
] |
"They catch the attention of some Carvers and pretend to be sightseeing. The guards become scared of Trinket so Vex sends him mopishly back to the tavern." | 31 | 587 | 661 | 0.105628 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. You choose your lady, you take the",
"tallest one which would probably be the elf. As",
"you walk in, the shy elf turns around entirely.",
"She is aggressive and throws you around. You got",
"your money's worth. You get manhandled in a way",
"that you haven't-- You're going to be sore in the morning."
"number": 587
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Thank you!"
"number": 588
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Welcome to Kraghammer, gentlemen."
"number": 589
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I like it already."
"number": 590
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right, you guys."
"number": 591
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 592
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Are you just walking up to the manor?"
"number": 593
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, we're going to try to check out what it",
"looks like. See what the guards are like."
"number": 594
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, we'll pretend to take a stroll."
"number": 595
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 596
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Pose as a married couple."
"number": 597
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Ew, no."
"number": 598
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Just for the purposes of sneaking around the",
"number": 599
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 600
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I want to see what the area's like."
"number": 601
"names": [
"utterances": [
"How about we pose as brother and sister,",
"number": 602
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You come on to every human, orc, and",
"half-elf in the entire kingdom, but pretending to",
"be my wife for 30 minutes is too much."
"number": 603
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes. It's disgusting, so no."
"number": 604
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You're probably right."
"number": 605
"names": [
"utterances": [
"She's got standards."
"number": 606
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. So we'll take a stroll. Shop, see what",
"the area's like."
"number": 607
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You enter the residential district. It is",
"dark and you see the red stone that permeates the",
"area for a low gentle glow of the entire city is",
"now clustered into these street lamps that are",
"throughout the entire location. You begin to press",
"into the residential district proper. There's some",
"nice homes that are carved into the side of the",
"rock, there's some stand-alone homes that are",
"built out of fine stone. You eventually make your",
"way towards the nicer part of it, where you start",
"seeing some of the more marble buildings, some of",
"the more exotic stonework being used in the",
"construction of the homes. You also notice three",
"of the guards that are part of the city",
"establishment there are following you from behind,",
"curiously. The Carvers."
"number": 608
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh shit, the Carvers. Shit."
"number": 609
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No weapons drawn, but definitely hands at",
"the ready."
"number": 610
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 611
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, we could just keep walking."
"number": 612
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We could, but that could be bad."
"number": 613
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes. No, we just want to look at the house."
"number": 614
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 615
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I mean we're not going to go sneaking in in",
"the day."
"number": 616
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Let's say which ones are very obvious about",
"being pretty, so we look like we're just sightseeing."
"number": 617
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 618
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(chuckles darkly) As you continue to walk,",
"eventually some of the dwarves approach."
"number": 619
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I point and say Oh! Look at that one, with",
"the carving, it's amazing!"
"number": 620
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The architecture is divine."
"number": 621
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 622
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(snorts) They're posing as the Howells?"
"number": 623
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Lovey, would you look at this dwarven home?"
"number": 624
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(snobby voice) The marble texture on this is gorgeous.",
"You get about 20 more feet before you get, \"Hail! Hail!\""
"number": 625
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh my! Yes? (giggles)"
"number": 626
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"You foreigners are wandering too far in",
"districts you don't belong to. What's your business?\""
"number": 627
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh I'm so sorry, I was just so amazed by",
"the architecture here. I wanted to see the",
"beautiful sculpture."
"number": 628
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We definitely are visitors here, sir, no one",
"has explained the rules to your city. We were just",
"taking in the fantastic architecture and history",
"of Kraghammer."
"number": 629
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We were told there was a beautiful",
"sculpture down the street of the ruler of Kraghammer?"
"number": 630
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make a persuasion roll."
"number": 631
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh jesus."
"number": 632
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh god."
"number": 633
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Either of you, whichever you prefer."
"number": 634
"names": [
"utterances": [
"If only I was there."
"number": 635
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 636
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right."
"number": 637
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Wow! Pretty decent, good for you."
"number": 638
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The guards look at each other. The one that",
"was talking to you, you can see now, as he comes a",
"little closer into the light, a frazzled black",
"beard that's pulled into a very tight braid that",
"goes down to his bellybutton. All wearing the same",
"basic chest plate; long, black velvet cloak",
"behind; each carrying some sort of heavy warhammer",
"around the side of their belt. Steps up and says,",
"\"Well, just to tell you the rules here, if you're",
"going to wander at night in a very expensive",
"district, you don't want to do it by yourself",
"because you either have chances of being mugged or",
"arrested. We might have arrested you.\""
"number": 639
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh no! I'm so sorry! Well, do we need",
"number": 640
"names": [
"utterances": [
"One of them looks over and sees the bear",
"that is off in the shadows nearby."
"number": 641
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I thought Trinket stayed behind. Cool,",
"number": 642
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Trinket's quietly trying to keep up with his",
"wonderful master."
"number": 643
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Come along Trinket, there there's nothing to",
"be scared of."
"number": 644
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"What's a bear doing in Kraghammer?!\" They",
"all grab out their warhammers."
"number": 645
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh no, please, he's quite harmless. In",
"fact, he's very scared of most people."
"number": 646
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He's completely trained. He does tricks.",
"Doesn't he do tricks?"
"number": 647
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He does. Trinket show them your wonderful",
"shake trick."
"number": 648
"names": [
"utterances": [
"At which point Trinket, (subdued growling)",
"just shakes his whole body. He looks at you, confused."
"number": 649
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's good."
"number": 650
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Then raises a paw up, and-- (bear noises)"
"number": 651
"names": [
"utterances": [
"If you put your hand out, he'll shake your",
"number": 652
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 653
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, see!"
"number": 654
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The dwarves take a step back as the claw",
"goes through the, \"That's all right. I would say",
"if that's your animal--\""
"number": 655
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 656
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"--don't bring it here.\""
"number": 657
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, good to know. Trinket, head back to",
"that tavern, would you? People are getting nervous."
"number": 658
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 659
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I love you."
"number": 660
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Trinket begins to walk back. A couple of",
"other dwarves that are wandering carrying some",
"packages to the side make a very wide berth around",
"this armored bear that's slowly moping its way",
"through the streets of Kraghammer. What could",
"possibly go wrong?"
"number": 661
] |
"A guard escorts them to the Manor. The guard doesn't seem to have a great opinion of the Greyspines." | 32 | 661 | 722 | 0.094666 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Trinket begins to walk back. A couple of",
"other dwarves that are wandering carrying some",
"packages to the side make a very wide berth around",
"this armored bear that's slowly moping its way",
"through the streets of Kraghammer. What could",
"possibly go wrong?"
"number": 661
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He's so cute."
"number": 662
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He's a sweetheart, he's fine."
"number": 663
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(growls) You hear in the distance. The one",
"goes like, \"Look, I'll show you to the statue and",
"that's it, then you got to go.\""
"number": 664
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right. Thank you."
"number": 665
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I don't see many half-elves here and",
"honestly I'm excited to meet you, so let's do this",
"quickly. Come with me.\" He leads you further into",
"the cityscape. Down the road, you end up going",
"through a few buildings. You find one large",
"wrought iron fence with a series of carved spikes",
"towards the top, and you see the beautiful dark",
"marble building with the gold trim."
"number": 666
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, this one's amazing."
"number": 667
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"This is what you were talking about,",
"Greyspine Manor. Lot of rich sons of bitches.\""
"number": 668
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Wow, so you said the Greyspines own this",
"number": 669
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 670
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It's stunning. We only heard about the",
"building itself; what can you tell us about the",
"people who live here?"
"number": 671
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Bunch of rich sons of bitches.\""
"number": 672
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, we can tell that can't we?"
"number": 673
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Actually, Ironkeeper's all right, he's been",
"doing a great job. The rest of the family can suck off.\""
"number": 674
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, really?"
"number": 675
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Not liked by the rest of the city, then?"
"number": 676
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Oh, they have friends everywhere, but I",
"personally don't like them. They run business",
"pretty dark. They work most of their employees to",
"the ground. To the bone.\""
"number": 677
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh no!"
"number": 678
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I don't think that's how you run a",
"business. Well, that's how you run a business for",
"profit, but not for--\""
"number": 679
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Wow. It sounds like they would run the",
"mithral mine which we've heard is so hard on its employees."
"number": 680
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Aye, that's the one.\""
"number": 681
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, really?"
"number": 682
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Yeah. I don't know, I don't go that far",
"south, doesn't interest me.\""
"number": 683
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Nor us."
"number": 684
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Smells like brimstone.\""
"number": 685
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I don't blame you."
"number": 686
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We prefer the company of good hard working",
"people, like yourself. We're very impressed with",
"the work the Carvers do in this city, from what",
"little we've seen so far, so hats off to you."
"number": 687
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I appreciate that. You know it's not easy.",
"You're born into it. We spend most of our time",
"training, which can get very boring.\" You see that",
"two of the dwarves that are now about two steps",
"behind go, \"(clears throat) All right, Thompson!",
"We got to get back to our post!\" \"Oh, sorry. Look,",
"we've dillied about too much. Just follow us back,",
"go about your business, don't wander here at",
"night, and good luck.\""
"number": 688
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Thank you so much."
"number": 689
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Thank you. We follow for a couple of blocks,",
"behind them for a bit."
"number": 690
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make sure that they're paying attention to",
"number": 691
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 692
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 693
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right. They bring you back towards the",
"entrance of the residential district."
"number": 694
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Then we stealth and--"
"number": 695
"names": [
"utterances": [
"-- split off, yes, we can split off."
"number": 696
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right, roll stealth, both of you guys."
"number": 697
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Am I currently being beaten by a whore dwarf",
"or anything?"
"number": 698
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make a constitution check!"
"number": 699
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Constitution check?"
"number": 700
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hang strong, buddy!"
"number": 701
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's a mouthful. 'Whore dwarf.'"
"number": 702
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 703
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Plus your constitution modifier. Actually,",
"athletics! Go athletics!"
"number": 704
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Plus two! 20."
"number": 705
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right, that's a fine constitution check.",
"You have impressed your female dwarf."
"number": 706
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Are you making a sex check?"
"number": 707
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes! I'm sex checking."
"number": 708
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Whore dwarf!"
"number": 709
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That happened. That's the first time."
"number": 710
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 711
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This is so uncomfortable."
"number": 712
"names": [
"utterances": [
"So that happened. What'd you guys roll for",
"number": 713
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 714
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He rolled a 20, I rolled a 15."
"number": 715
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's okay!"
"number": 716
"names": [
"utterances": [
"As you guys begin to wander off--"
"number": 717
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No! They're professional Carvers."
"number": 718
"names": [
"utterances": [
"-- Vax, you vanish. Vex, you take a couple",
"steps. You hear, \"Hey, hey, hey! I told you, it's",
"dangerous down there in the dark! Don't do that!\""
"number": 719
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Of course!"
"number": 720
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Where's your friend?\""
"number": 721
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, he already went back to the tavern that",
"we're staying at. I was wondering if maybe you",
"could show me around the rest of the town?"
"number": 722
] |
"On their way back to the tavern, Vax and Vex try to ditch the guards escorting them. Vax vanishes but Vex is caught and flirts to divert attention from her brother." | 33 | 722 | 723 | 0.462264 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, he already went back to the tavern that",
"we're staying at. I was wondering if maybe you",
"could show me around the rest of the town?"
"number": 722
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He looks to the other guards and they're",
"obviously fed up with his flirting, and they're",
"not too keen on you guys. \"Well, you guys hold up",
"post, I'll give her a quick walk around.\""
"number": 723
] |
"Tiberius searches for House Thunderbrand, a family specializing in the arcana arts. Not used to seeing dragonborn, the dwarves he asks for directions send him meandering around Kraghammer for two hours." | 34 | 723 | 730 | 0.117884 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He looks to the other guards and they're",
"obviously fed up with his flirting, and they're",
"not too keen on you guys. \"Well, you guys hold up",
"post, I'll give her a quick walk around.\""
"number": 723
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Thank you so much."
"number": 724
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"All right, but I'm going to tell the boss!\"",
"\"Fine! I don't get this chance very often!\""
"number": 725
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I wave off from the alley that I snuck in",
"number": 726
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, go do your shit."
"number": 727
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You do your shit, that you do! Then I head",
"back through the shadows."
"number": 728
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Whoosh! Damn it!"
"number": 729
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You ask around, and it takes a while,",
"especially since as a dragonborn some folks are",
"like, \"Oh, I'm not talking to you!\" Some others",
"are like, \"Oh, yeah, right over that way!\" It's a",
"completely wrong direction, so it takes you a good",
"two hours to eventually find your way to House",
"Thunderbrand. When you get there, it's a beautiful",
"alabaster building: large, white dome, with small",
"spires built in to one of the more elevated",
"ceilings of Kraghammer proper. On the outside,",
"there is no gate, just an open lawn. You see",
"grass, you see normally outside flora and fauna",
"currently adorning the scape around this",
"number": 730
] |
"Finally he reaches the house. Tiberius tries to enter the grounds but sets off a dwarven rune that shoots a bolt of bluish energy at him." | 35 | 730 | 768 | 0.168033 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You ask around, and it takes a while,",
"especially since as a dragonborn some folks are",
"like, \"Oh, I'm not talking to you!\" Some others",
"are like, \"Oh, yeah, right over that way!\" It's a",
"completely wrong direction, so it takes you a good",
"two hours to eventually find your way to House",
"Thunderbrand. When you get there, it's a beautiful",
"alabaster building: large, white dome, with small",
"spires built in to one of the more elevated",
"ceilings of Kraghammer proper. On the outside,",
"there is no gate, just an open lawn. You see",
"grass, you see normally outside flora and fauna",
"currently adorning the scape around this",
"number": 730
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Whoa. Well, this is a lovely sight! I'm",
"going to saunter on up to the door!"
"number": 731
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Nice! Go ahead and make a perception check."
"number": 732
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Where is my perception--? Oh. Five."
"number": 733
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Five? You saunter right up to the edge of",
"the grass line, and get one step on what suddenly",
"becomes visible to you: a rather subtly carved",
"dwarven rune in the ground. In fact, there's a",
"bunch of them, outlining the entirety of the",
"grass. As your foot hits the rune, you're like,",
"\"Oh, that's a dwarven rune!\" (stomping)"
"number": 734
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's a good voice!"
"number": 735
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(as Tiberius) I've been practicing my",
"number": 736
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It's close."
"number": 737
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Go ahead and roll a dexterity saving throw."
"number": 738
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Uh-oh. Saving throw?"
"number": 739
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You got it, Tiberius!"
"number": 740
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What is this?"
"number": 741
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 742
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh! That's a 15."
"number": 743
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 744
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 745
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You manage to pull back to lessen the",
"impact, but a bolt of bluish energy bursts out",
"from the rune in front of you, throwing you about",
"three or four feet behind the rune. You catch",
"yourself. You do suffer eight points of thunder",
"number": 746
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 747
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Damn gated communities."
"number": 748
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This is why we go to brothels instead of",
"sneaking around at night!"
"number": 749
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yep! No lightning attacks!"
"number": 750
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It's a whole different kind of damage you",
"can suffer!"
"number": 751
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. Well, I dust myself off. Apparently,",
"there's some security. Hello?! Anything happen?"
"number": 752
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You wait about two or three minutes, no",
"number": 753
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Two to three minutes? That's a long time."
"number": 754
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 755
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I have a feeling they're not going to",
"respond to the crazy guy."
"number": 756
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Very well."
"number": 757
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What're you two doing?"
"number": 758
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're making comment cards!",
"number": 759
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You're all going to have comment cards",
"that you are expected to fill out when you return",
"back to the bar!"
"number": 760
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hugely important!"
"number": 761
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes, because-- what was it? Baldus,",
"number": 762
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 763
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Balan! Balan was so nice!"
"number": 764
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There we go. Balgus and Balan."
"number": 765
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What do I see around the place? Do I see",
"any large rocks, or any large pillars that I can--?"
"number": 766
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Best from what you can tell at this",
"distance, because it's fairly dark down here: the",
"building itself has four corner spires around the",
"large central dome structure. Each one of these",
"spires is a very thin, tall, alabaster spire that",
"at the very top is crested with some sort of",
"bluish crystal that comes to a point. They're",
"probably a good 35, 40 feet tall. About as tall as",
"the rest of the structure is. You can't really",
"tell how far back the structure goes because it",
"meets with the back of the cave wall."
"number": 767
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm going to-- okay. I'm going to shoot a",
"Fireball. Right in front of me, roll it like a",
"bowling ball. Just right to the door."
"number": 768
] |
"Tiberius shouts out but no one answers. He tries to knock on the door with his Mage Hand but it fizzles as it crosses the rune." | 36 | 768 | 783 | 0.407003 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm going to-- okay. I'm going to shoot a",
"Fireball. Right in front of me, roll it like a",
"bowling ball. Just right to the door."
"number": 768
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 769
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There's a baby right there."
"number": 770
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You are four feet from the door."
"number": 771
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh! I'm four feet from the door? I don't do",
"number": 772
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You can step back and do it."
"number": 773
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm only four feet from the door? Oh."
"number": 774
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It pushed you back four feet from the rune",
"you stepped on. You're not at the door."
"number": 775
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Can I use that magical earring that we",
"number": 776
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You don't know what's going on there!"
"number": 777
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Episode one. Tiberius kills himself."
"number": 778
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Don't die! I should have come with you!",
"Then I could--"
"number": 779
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Bowl that Fireball, dude!"
"number": 780
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Tiberius Stormwind is a dragonborn sorcerer.",
"Everyone is level nine currently in the game."
"number": 781
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I use Mage Hand. I knock on the door."
"number": 782
"names": [
"utterances": [
"From that far away? Okay, the arcane energy",
"swirls up and forms this loosely hand-like",
"appendage that drifts forward. As soon as it",
"crosses over the rune where you stepped on, there",
"is a spark of energy and the hand is dispelled."
"number": 783
] |
"He casts Glacial Blast towards the door but it stops at the barrier created by the runes and melts. Tiberius gives up on getting inside just as four Carvers surround him." | 37 | 783 | 803 | 0.385693 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"From that far away? Okay, the arcane energy",
"swirls up and forms this loosely hand-like",
"appendage that drifts forward. As soon as it",
"crosses over the rune where you stepped on, there",
"is a spark of energy and the hand is dispelled."
"number": 783
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Damn these runes. Okay, fine. I will do",
"Glacial Blast right up to the door."
"number": 784
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 785
"names": [
"utterances": [
"But not to the door."
"number": 786
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 787
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You're alone."
"number": 788
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. You cast the Glacial Blast forward.",
"The ice begins to congeal across the bottom of the floor.",
"As it reaches the front of the rune, there is",
"another spark of energy and the ice forms up",
"against an invisible barrier that's there and then",
"the ice that's up against the barrier melts",
"extremely quickly, drifting into a puddle of",
"number": 789
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Shit. I turn back and head to the group."
"number": 790
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. As you turn around there are four",
"Carvers that are hurrying towards you now, with",
"their hammers out going, \"You!\""
"number": 791
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 792
"names": [
"utterances": [
"They all surround you on all sides, you have",
"a dwarf on each corner. \"You have attacked one of",
"the great dwarven families of Kraghammer! Name",
"yourself and your business before you are under arrest.\""
"number": 793
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Don't speak to me in that manner, I am",
"Tiberius Stormwind!"
"number": 794
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I am snoring after having sex."
"number": 795
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make intimidation check."
"number": 796
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 797
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All four Carvers take a step back, look at",
"each other. \"Look, we're just doing our job.",
"What's your business?\""
"number": 798
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I understand that, and I am sorry for",
"losing my temper. I was just looking to ask",
"questions of particular artifacts I have been",
"looking for and this house is the only known",
"arcane house I know that I was pointed to. I tried",
"to reach them and communicate, but I was stopped",
"by the stupid rune I can't figure out! I was",
"turning back to get my tavern to get some rest and",
"come back and try to contact the family the next",
"day! Then I was stopped by you!"
"number": 799
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make a persuasion check."
"number": 800
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 801
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I've just arrived to New York City, I'm",
"going to smash the doors open."
"number": 802
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The dwarf guards look at each other and one",
"of them steps forward and this guy you can see now",
"he has more carvings in his armor, he looks to",
"have a little more rank than the other ones. He",
"steps forward, ruddy brown beard, his eyes itself",
"are pitch black. There is almost no color to the",
"irises. He goes, \"Look. I'm letting you off this",
"once, but if you so much as spit in the direction",
"of any other dwarf in the city, we're going to",
"bury you so far underneath the dungeon you won't",
"see the light of day 'til the day you rot, you",
"hear me, dragonborn?\""
"number": 803
] |
"A frustrated Tiberius yells at them, intimidating them until they step back. Tiberius apologizes and gets off with a warning and a threat." | 38 | 803 | 805 | 0.109091 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The dwarf guards look at each other and one",
"of them steps forward and this guy you can see now",
"he has more carvings in his armor, he looks to",
"have a little more rank than the other ones. He",
"steps forward, ruddy brown beard, his eyes itself",
"are pitch black. There is almost no color to the",
"irises. He goes, \"Look. I'm letting you off this",
"once, but if you so much as spit in the direction",
"of any other dwarf in the city, we're going to",
"bury you so far underneath the dungeon you won't",
"see the light of day 'til the day you rot, you",
"hear me, dragonborn?\""
"number": 803
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I mean yes, my hearing is perfectly fine."
"number": 804
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Get on with you.\" He puts his hammer back",
"at his side. They all separate, stare you down as",
"you walk past."
"number": 805
] |
"Tiberius obliviously saunters off. Meanwhile, Vax sneaks back to Greyspine Manor and watches for a while and then heads back to the tavern." | 39 | 805 | 817 | 0.406533 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Get on with you.\" He puts his hammer back",
"at his side. They all separate, stare you down as",
"you walk past."
"number": 805
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Good day. Back to the tavern."
"number": 806
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. You!"
"number": 807
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 808
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You make your way through the alleyways,",
"eventually back towards the building proper. What",
"would you like to do?"
"number": 809
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Just going to watch, that's all. Do I see",
"any security details? See who's guarding the place."
"number": 810
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There are Carvers doing rounds around the",
"city. On the streets wandering through in pairs,",
"keeping watch. You don't see any particular guard",
"outside, but you do see individuals moving past",
"windows. There's a little bit of light from the",
"inside of the buildings."
"number": 811
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No Carvers or any sort of guard detail",
"outside the house? Anything like that?"
"number": 812
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Not between the gates. The yard area and to",
"the front door."
"number": 813
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. Heavily heavily guarded by the looks",
"of what's inside and what's outside the gate?"
"number": 814
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What's outside the gate? You're hard pressed",
"to find a moment where the street isn't visible to",
"some Carver. This area is pretty well guarded. You",
"figure largely because the person who is currently",
"the Ironkeeper of the entire city of Kraghammer",
"lives within that building as well as one of the",
"more powerful dwarven families,",
"so it's pretty well watched."
"number": 815
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay, I'm going to head back to the inn,",
"then. I'm not going to poke the bear."
"number": 816
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You all eventually gather back at the",
"number": 817
] |
" Once they've all gathered back at the tavern, Vox Machina discuss their nightly adventures." | 40 | 817 | 817 | 0.571429 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You all eventually gather back at the",
"number": 817
] |
"Scanlan and Vex admit that they obtained hickies. Vax suggests they use diplomacy to approach Nostoc Greyspine, when there is a knock at their door." | 41 | 817 | 829 | 0.100384 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You all eventually gather back at the",
"number": 817
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(exhausted sigh) How was your night?"
"number": 818
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That was wonderful, I don't know about",
"number": 819
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(singsong) I have hickies.",
"number": 820
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hickies? Is that a Gnomish STD?"
"number": 821
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 822
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Crazy! I have some hickies too, actually.",
"number": 823
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 824
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We have comment cards, so this will all",
"work out well."
"number": 825
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes! here! Here you go, here you go--"
"number": 826
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Success all around! Did you learn anything,",
"Vex and Vax?"
"number": 827
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I definitely think we should take the",
"diplomacy route. The place is heavily guarded.",
"There seem to be lots of Carvers."
"number": 828
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There's a knock at the room that you guys",
"are currently talking in."
"number": 829
] |
"Adra is at the door, nervous, as Trinket is being prodded into the fighting ring in the tavern by some dwarves. Vex worriedly rushes down to the tavern's main room and tries to disengage Trinket." | 42 | 829 | 841 | 0.463123 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There's a knock at the room that you guys",
"are currently talking in."
"number": 829
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 830
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Unless, are you in the tavern proper or have",
"you gone back to-- ?"
"number": 831
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, we're in a room."
"number": 832
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'll get it! (clears throat) Hello?"
"number": 833
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Adra's standing there looking a little",
"nervous and she goes, \"Hi, sorry to bother you. Is",
"that bear one of yours?\""
"number": 834
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 835
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes! Trinket! Isn't he adorable?"
"number": 836
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"You might want to go,\" You hear in the",
"tavern: (aggravated growls)"
"number": 837
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'll be right back. I head downstairs."
"number": 838
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You head downstairs and you can see all the",
"dwarves are now gathered around the fighting ring",
"in the center of the tavern."
"number": 839
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh no!"
"number": 840
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Trinket's now inside the ring with a couple",
"other dwarves around, prodding and pushing it into",
"the ring."
"number": 841
] |
"Balgus is excitedly anticipating a fight with a bear, as the others in Vox Machina follow Vex down. Vex runs into the ring and declares, "I'll take on this bear," but Balgus is not giving up this chance." | 43 | 841 | 871 | 0.327453 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Trinket's now inside the ring with a couple",
"other dwarves around, prodding and pushing it into",
"the ring."
"number": 841
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, no! No! No."
"number": 842
"names": [
"utterances": [
"There's raucous cheering. They're not even",
"listening to you at this point."
"number": 843
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 844
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I followed my sister downstairs."
"number": 845
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I come down too. It's party time!"
"number": 846
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I run down to with Grog."
"number": 847
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay, as you guys head down, you can see now",
"Balgus is now up and rubbing his chin. \"Oh, never",
"fought a bear before! (laughs)\""
"number": 848
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, Balgus! Fuck! Trinket, come here! Are",
"we allowed to cuss? Trinket, come here!"
"number": 849
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You are very much allowed to cuss."
"number": 850
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 851
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Isn't that right, guys? Fuck yeah!"
"number": 852
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, no, and I run into the ring with him."
"number": 853
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay, as you run into the ring a couple of",
"the dwarves pat you on the back, you get a shove",
"into the ring. It's now Trinket and you--"
"number": 854
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh! I'll take on this bear!",
"number": 855
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 856
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, all right!"
"number": 857
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Make a general charisma check."
"number": 858
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Do it! Fuck that bear up!"
"number": 859
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm pushing my way through the crowd."
"number": 860
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh no!"
"number": 861
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What did you roll?"
"number": 862
"names": [
"utterances": [
"A one."
"number": 863
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh no!"
"number": 864
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 865
"names": [
"utterances": [
"First one of the series, everybody! First",
"number": 866
"names": [
"utterances": [
"As you rush and you guys are coming to the",
"front, Balgus sees this and now you can see",
"both eyes are open which means he's sobered up a",
"bit, and he goes, \"Oh no! This bear's mine. You",
"want to fight two of us? Oh, it'll wake you right",
"number": 867
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Let's do it!"
"number": 868
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Nothing as invigorating as as a brawl!\""
"number": 869
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Are you going to fucking fight him?"
"number": 870
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I cast a fog. Over the ring."
"number": 871
] |
"Keyleth casts fog over the ring and also runs in. She casts Polymorph on Trinket, turning him into a rat, throws him to Scanlan, and then shifts into a bear herself." | 44 | 871 | 890 | 0.361346 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I cast a fog. Over the ring."
"number": 871
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. As everyone is cheering up and getting",
"ready, this very thick fog begins to fill the",
"center of the bar area. You can now see a bunch of",
"people are, \"Wait, what the?!\" Some are coughing.",
"Some are like, \"What the hell's going on? Fucking",
"hell. Why is there--\""
"number": 872
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay, I run up in the fog, and I tap",
"Trinket and I whisper in Trinket's ear and I say:",
"Trinket, I'm tapping you out. And I turn into a",
"bear like Trinket!"
"number": 873
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 874
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 875
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 876
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Wait. First, I Polymorph Trinket into a",
"number": 877
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(gasp) You can do that?"
"number": 878
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I can. No, a mouse, like a rat."
"number": 879
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Little tiny."
"number": 880
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. You see the shadows nearby the fog you",
"hear, \"Come at me, I'm going to--\" You can see",
"Balgus's shadow swinging wildly at the air,",
"number": 881
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Are you going to fight him?"
"number": 882
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I don't know!"
"number": 883
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You grab Trinket. Trinket shrinks down into",
"a tiny little mouse."
"number": 884
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I say Scanlan! Catch Trinket!"
"number": 885
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Jesus, I don't like rats, but I'll keep it.",
"number": 886
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Trinket, the little mouse face, the moment",
"you see it, looks very confused, very scared."
"number": 887
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It's okay. I'll protect it. Don't worry."
"number": 888
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Then I bear form up."
"number": 889
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You (whoosh) into a bear form. Now Keyleth",
"is now this giant bear where Trinket once was."
"number": 890
] |
"Grog says "I got my money on Ballsack." Scanlan is offended that Grog would bet on the enemy." | 45 | 890 | 893 | 1.573289 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You (whoosh) into a bear form. Now Keyleth",
"is now this giant bear where Trinket once was."
"number": 890
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I got my money on Ballsack!"
"number": 891
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Don't bet against the enemy!"
"number": 892
"names": [
"utterances": [
"In the fog I somersault over some random",
"dwarf and pull out my dagger, but turn it around",
"in my hand and whack Balgus in the back of the",
"head as hard as I can, just to try and knock him out."
"number": 893
] |
"Vax somersaults over a random dwarf, pulls out his dagger, turns it in his hand and whacks Balgus in the back of the head to knock him out. But Balgus barely feels it and reaches up to grab Vax's wrist." | 46 | 893 | 943 | 0.565919 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"In the fog I somersault over some random",
"dwarf and pull out my dagger, but turn it around",
"in my hand and whack Balgus in the back of the",
"head as hard as I can, just to try and knock him out."
"number": 893
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Can you see in fog?"
"number": 894
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He's a really good fighter."
"number": 895
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Low light."
"number": 896
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Go ahead and make a stealth check."
"number": 897
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 898
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You have advantage because you are in fog."
"number": 899
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm at the balcony by the way. Watching all",
"number": 900
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You have advantage, roll twice."
"number": 901
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, thank you."
"number": 902
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, we're watching what they're doing."
"number": 903
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Remember, he's our friend. We don't want to",
"kill him."
"number": 904
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm taking a short rest, you all can do",
"number": 905
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 906
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay. Balgus's drunken, mist covered state",
"does not seem to notice your approach. He is",
"swinging wildly, though. He has disadvantaged",
"attack on you as you approach. One of his fists",
"swings past you. That is going to be a 12, I don't",
"think that hits."
"number": 907
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 908
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You just narrowly dodge out of the way. You",
"can feel the fist just whoosh past one of your",
"ears. As you come back up, clutching the base of",
"your dagger, go for your strike."
"number": 909
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh my gosh!"
"number": 910
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Come on taint butter, you got it."
"number": 911
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, that's no good. Oh, I have advantage on",
"the attack roll for this?"
"number": 912
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Because he does not see you, yes. You are",
"currently stealthed."
"number": 913
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's much better. 26!"
"number": 914
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That'll work."
"number": 915
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That'll hit. Go ahead and roll sneak attack",
"damage on this, of course."
"number": 916
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Plus regular?"
"number": 917
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 918
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Don't kill him!"
"number": 919
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, we're considering it nonlethal damage",
"because it's with the base of the dagger."
"number": 920
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm having an ale while watching all this."
"number": 921
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You're watching a lot of fog, with some",
"shapes moving in it."
"number": 922
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, and I'm like This is fog! Probably",
"Keyleth's spell."
"number": 923
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm blindly looking for Trinket."
"number": 924
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Trinket's in my hands."
"number": 925
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You're like, \"Where's Trinket?\" You see a",
"giant bear there and you're like, \"There's",
"Trinket! That's not Trinket. There's no armor.\""
"number": 926
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, that's right."
"number": 927
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You're very confused. Trinket now has no",
"armor, is a slightly different shade--"
"number": 928
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, he's close enough! Man, come on, I've",
"been around Trinket enough."
"number": 929
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Come on, man!"
"number": 930
"names": [
"utterances": [
"27, right in the base of his skull."
"number": 931
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 932
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Crack! A resounding impact hits and there",
"now dwarves that are like, \"Yeah! Ooh!\" All the",
"cheering stops and there's this lull. Quiet hits.",
"Balgus hasn't moved, by the way. You impact and",
"it's like hitting a wall. There's this taut,",
"thick stump of muscle where the dwarf neck is."
"number": 933
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 934
"names": [
"utterances": [
"As you pull back the dagger, his hand",
"reaches up and grabs your wrist. His head slowly",
"turns towards you and he goes, (laughs)"
"number": 935
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Bonus action to disengage. Disengage as a",
"number": 936
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well he's going to attempt to grapple you."
"number": 937
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh no."
"number": 938
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Go ahead and make an acrobatics check; it's",
"probably your best score anyway."
"number": 939
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right. Oh, that's fine! That's a 30."
"number": 940
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's a 30?"
"number": 941
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 942
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You manage to just slip out of his grip.",
"Barely. He was about to clamp on. As you step",
"away, he turns towards you and goes, \"Oh, well I",
"feel alive tonight! Bring it, all of you! I want",
"to smash a face in.\" He's got a little bit of ale",
"froth at the corner of his mouth. It's beginning",
"to drip into his beard. It's quite an awful sight",
"for those that are close enough to see it. The",
"rest of you just see this, shapes and movement.",
"There's still this, \"Okay, what's going on?\" kind",
"of a feel. You hear Adra in the back going, \"Stop",
"this! This is-- I can't even see! What are you",
"doing?! Don't destroy another table!\" She's",
"frantically trying to stop this chaos. There's now",
"a bear-- what are you doing, Keyleth?"
"number": 943
] |
"Vax slips out of his grip. Balgus is invigorated and ready for a fight." | 47 | 943 | 943 | 1.530612 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You manage to just slip out of his grip.",
"Barely. He was about to clamp on. As you step",
"away, he turns towards you and goes, \"Oh, well I",
"feel alive tonight! Bring it, all of you! I want",
"to smash a face in.\" He's got a little bit of ale",
"froth at the corner of his mouth. It's beginning",
"to drip into his beard. It's quite an awful sight",
"for those that are close enough to see it. The",
"rest of you just see this, shapes and movement.",
"There's still this, \"Okay, what's going on?\" kind",
"of a feel. You hear Adra in the back going, \"Stop",
"this! This is-- I can't even see! What are you",
"doing?! Don't destroy another table!\" She's",
"frantically trying to stop this chaos. There's now",
"a bear-- what are you doing, Keyleth?"
"number": 943
] |
"Adra is heard trying to stop the chaos. Vex tells Bear-Keyleth to do some tricks, start clapping and dancing around." | 48 | 943 | 951 | 0.131344 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You manage to just slip out of his grip.",
"Barely. He was about to clamp on. As you step",
"away, he turns towards you and goes, \"Oh, well I",
"feel alive tonight! Bring it, all of you! I want",
"to smash a face in.\" He's got a little bit of ale",
"froth at the corner of his mouth. It's beginning",
"to drip into his beard. It's quite an awful sight",
"for those that are close enough to see it. The",
"rest of you just see this, shapes and movement.",
"There's still this, \"Okay, what's going on?\" kind",
"of a feel. You hear Adra in the back going, \"Stop",
"this! This is-- I can't even see! What are you",
"doing?! Don't destroy another table!\" She's",
"frantically trying to stop this chaos. There's now",
"a bear-- what are you doing, Keyleth?"
"number": 943
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm a bear and--"
"number": 944
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You're a bear."
"number": 945
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(like Marisha) I'm a bear."
"number": 946
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What happened?"
"number": 947
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You're a bear, you want to do anything?"
"number": 948
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What are you doing?"
"number": 949
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You see the shape of Balgus like-- in the",
"middle of this fight ring."
"number": 950
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Do some tricks! Do some tricks! Start",
"clapping and, like, dancing around."
"number": 951
] |
"Bear-Keyleth complies. Vex starts clapping too and invites everyone to see "the Amazing Trinket", like a circus ringmaster." | 49 | 951 | 957 | 0.191506 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Do some tricks! Do some tricks! Start",
"clapping and, like, dancing around."
"number": 951
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay, that's a good idea."
"number": 952
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This is what she tells you."
"number": 953
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I see her as my trainer."
"number": 954
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 955
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm like (growling). I'm circus",
"number": 956
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Everyone! Gather round and watch the",
"amazing Trinket do his tricks!"
"number": 957
] |
"Scanlan plays his shawm and sings, "Oh, look over there, it's a bear." Tiberius casts Prestidigitation fireworks." | 50 | 957 | 984 | 0.366676 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Everyone! Gather round and watch the",
"amazing Trinket do his tricks!"
"number": 957
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I start playing music from my shawm",
"instrument. Which exists."
"number": 958
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, it does."
"number": 959
"names": [
"utterances": [
"A rousing jaunty bear-like tune."
"number": 960
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 961
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm going to cast Prestidigitation and do",
"fireworks on top of that."
"number": 962
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You should give me a fez! Can you",
"Prestidigitation me a fez?"
"number": 963
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Can I do little hats?"
"number": 964
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You haven't done a fez yet. You need to work",
"on that. A couple more levels."
"number": 965
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No. I'll try. Paper hat!"
"number": 966
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Have you ever seen fireworks go off in a",
"cloud? You get that little boof, boof. There's a",
"bunch of that above you. Cloud, lights flashing.",
"You begin singing your tune. Do you give an",
"inspiration dice to her?"
"number": 967
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Sure, I would love to give her an inspiration",
"number": 968
"names": [
"utterances": [
"A d8 inspiration dice from the bard as you",
"hear the enchanting, jaunty, bear dancing theme."
"number": 969
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(singing) Oh, look over there! It's a bear!",
"number": 970
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Bard getting his bard on.",
"Go ahead and make a performance check."
"number": 971
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Who, me?"
"number": 972
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, she does. You're performing as a bear!"
"number": 973
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Natural 20!",
"number": 974
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Do you want to add performance dice?"
"number": 975
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Look at that, a fucking bear dance."
"number": 976
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm sorry, the inspiration dice that he gave",
"number": 977
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No! It's a natural 20!"
"number": 978
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It's a natural 20!"
"number": 979
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I know. Okay!"
"number": 980
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, I want to save it! I'm inspired, for",
"later. I will think back to that moment."
"number": 981
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You were so inspired, you weren't even",
"inspired to be inspired for this."
"number": 982
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 983
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This array of strange puffy fireworks in the",
"fog; you doing this little rotation. You actually",
"manage to do a bear cartwheel, and slam into the",
"ring, but it looks pretty cool. You get back up.",
"You're on your hind legs, you dance on one foot",
"for a second. Balgus is like, (raucous laughter).",
"He starts laughing, doubles over, clutching his",
"stomach, laughing his ass off. Other dwarves start",
"laughing too. The music gets louder and the band",
"in the back of the tavern begins playing again.",
"There's now this general jovial air restored to",
"the tavern."
"number": 984
] |
"Bear-Keyleth does a somersault causing Balgus to double over with laughter. The jovial air is restored to the tavern and Vex picks up a cup to collect tips." | 51 | 984 | 984 | 0.643216 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This array of strange puffy fireworks in the",
"fog; you doing this little rotation. You actually",
"manage to do a bear cartwheel, and slam into the",
"ring, but it looks pretty cool. You get back up.",
"You're on your hind legs, you dance on one foot",
"for a second. Balgus is like, (raucous laughter).",
"He starts laughing, doubles over, clutching his",
"stomach, laughing his ass off. Other dwarves start",
"laughing too. The music gets louder and the band",
"in the back of the tavern begins playing again.",
"There's now this general jovial air restored to",
"the tavern."
"number": 984
] |
"Balgus and Bear-Keyleth share a moment, and then he seems to get a melancholy yearning for the outside, even shedding a tear. Vax offers him a drink and Balgus leaves the ring." | 52 | 984 | 1,082 | 0.127838 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"This array of strange puffy fireworks in the",
"fog; you doing this little rotation. You actually",
"manage to do a bear cartwheel, and slam into the",
"ring, but it looks pretty cool. You get back up.",
"You're on your hind legs, you dance on one foot",
"for a second. Balgus is like, (raucous laughter).",
"He starts laughing, doubles over, clutching his",
"stomach, laughing his ass off. Other dwarves start",
"laughing too. The music gets louder and the band",
"in the back of the tavern begins playing again.",
"There's now this general jovial air restored to",
"the tavern."
"number": 984
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I grab an empty cup off of the table and",
"say: Tips for the bear, right here!"
"number": 985
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're going to get money for this?"
"number": 986
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Of course."
"number": 987
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I beeline to the bar and say A large mug of",
"ale, please. As soon as it's ready, bring it right",
"over to Balgus."
"number": 988
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You guys are pulling through a crowd,",
"covered in mist still. You're having a hard time",
"finding your way through the bar. The people are",
"at least now cheering, in the mood. There's still",
"some people trying to find their way to the front",
"to see what's going because they hear the music",
"and they hear the cheering. \"Well, what's going on",
"over there?\" They're pushing their way through.",
"You make your way to the bar. You see Adra's",
"really nervous, like, (panicked sounds)"
"number": 989
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I can fix this!"
"number": 990
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"How? Do! Go!\""
"number": 991
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 992
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Here, go!\" She hands you one, doesn't even",
"charge you for it."
"number": 993
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I'm still dancing!"
"number": 994
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Looking for Balgus in the crowd."
"number": 995
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He's still in the center of the ring. No",
"one's still getting near Balgus. They're cheering",
"off to the side. Balgus is laughing. \"Ooh, growl",
"for me! Do a happy growl!\""
"number": 996
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 997
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Yeah, there's a happy growl! Oh, it's been",
"so long since I've been outside!\" A little tear on",
"the edge of his face. As you approach up his",
"number": 998
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Arm around his shoulder."
"number": 999
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Immediately, instinctively, he slaps it off",
"his arm and turns around."
"number": 1000
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Take this! You are an impressive specimen,",
"my good man. I have never had a fight that amazing",
"in at least a week. That was something to see.",
"Here, take this, and after this one there's three more."
"number": 1001
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He's drunk, you're offering him ale, and",
"he's been laughing at a bear for two minutes. Make",
"a persuasion roll with advantage."
"number": 1002
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah! Persuasion, you say? 15."
"number": 1003
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Two rolls, yeah, you have advantage."
"number": 1004
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh! 15."
"number": 1005
"names": [
"utterances": [
"15! He looks at you with this big grin, and",
"you can now see his gnarled, yellow dwarven teeth,",
"this railroad of terror that his mouth is. This",
"big smile. He reaches out, his beard poofing over",
"the side, grabs it and goes, \"See, now this is",
"dwarven hospitality!\" He lifts his drink up and it",
"spills a little bit on his arm. He's like, \"Hey!\"",
"Everyone lifts up and cheers again.",
"number": 1006
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Everyone still keeps drinking through the",
"fog. It's like a bad sauna in here right now.",
"Everyone's fighting their way through. At which",
"point now, Balgus slaps you on the shoulder, takes",
"a drink, and wanders out of the fight ring, goes",
"and finds a table to sit down and begin chugging",
"what you gave him."
"number": 1007
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Why don't we adjourn for the evening? Retire",
"to our rooms?"
"number": 1008
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Why don't you go change out of bear form?"
"number": 1009
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, and I guess I can let Trinket",
"change out of mouse form."
"number": 1010
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Why don't you wait until we're upstairs?"
"number": 1011
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Can I take the mouse? Can I take Trinket?"
"number": 1012
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Here, rat-mouse-thing."
"number": 1013
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Okay, hi, Trinket! Oh, is his armor teeny",
"tiny too?"
"number": 1014
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, does he have a tiny armor mouse?",
"Mouse armor!"
"number": 1015
"names": [
"utterances": [
"If you choose, while polymorphing him, you",
"could make it as a visual aesthetic. Because it",
"was a quick impact, I would say it looks like a",
"normal mouse right now. Sorry. Next time!"
"number": 1016
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well you're still adorable little-- don't",
"poke him."
"number": 1017
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 1018
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I stick him in my little pocket."
"number": 1019
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I grab a half a mug of ale off the table and",
"say, \"Dwarven compatriots, we could not have",
"expected a better welcome here in Kraghammer!",
"We'll see you tomorrow night for round two. Thank",
"you, one and all.\""
"number": 1020
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 1021
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(cheering) Balgus goes, \"Three more! You",
"said three more!\" You see his empty cup on the table."
"number": 1022
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We did say three more."
"number": 1023
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I laugh and hustle her over and say One,",
"two, three, put them in a row for this gentleman",
"right here."
"number": 1024
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"Aye! (whispers) Thanks.\" She gives you like",
"a really earnest like, \"Thank you.\" You now have a",
"very good idea of how a good third of the tables",
"in this tavern are repaired."
"number": 1025
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He's tough."
"number": 1026
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You guys head back up to the rooms."
"number": 1027
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You put some stank on him."
"number": 1028
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, that was like a (vibrating) when you",
"got the impact on him."
"number": 1029
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Don't fight him, you guys."
"number": 1030
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, Grog's going to fight him at some point."
"number": 1031
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I get the feeling that's probably going to",
"go down at some point."
"number": 1032
"names": [
"utterances": [
"He's going to be playmates with me."
"number": 1033
"names": [
"utterances": [
"It's just a misunderstanding. I'm sure he's",
"a lovely gentleman."
"number": 1034
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You guys are heading back up to the room.",
"Which, it's not a hallway built for a bear. Your",
"shoulders are squeezing through."
"number": 1035
"names": [
"utterances": [
"How big is the room?"
"number": 1036
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Well, each one of your rooms comfortably",
"fits two people, maybe. Like, one and a half?"
"number": 1037
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh no. What will I do with Trinket?"
"number": 1038
"names": [
"utterances": [
"If you help push Trinket through the door.",
"Thankfully, dwarves are fairly wide folk, so the",
"doors are built for stouter folk, they're just not",
"very tall. You, actually, have to bend through,",
"Grog, to get into your room. On the bed that you",
"lie on, your legs dangle a good two feet off the",
"bottom, at maximum. You can push Trinket through",
"with a one, two, three! Or you can carry her",
"through as a mouse, and then have her stuck in",
"number": 1039
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 1040
"names": [
"utterances": [
"That's all right. Neither of us need a",
"blanket now."
"number": 1041
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 1042
"names": [
"utterances": [
"How long can I keep her a mouse?"
"number": 1043
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Him! Trinket's a boy, all of you, please."
"number": 1044
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Up to an hour?"
"number": 1045
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I believe it is, yeah, concentration."
"number": 1046
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I mean, are there like stables?"
"number": 1047
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You know, yeah. Can I go downstairs and ask",
"about stables? Maybe he can stay in the stables."
"number": 1048
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You have to talk to Adra. She's like,",
"\"There's no stables in this establishment, but we",
"do have a downstairs storage area your bear can",
"probably stay in.\""
"number": 1049
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yeah, he's a bear, he's fine."
"number": 1050
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Trinket, is that okay?"
"number": 1051
"names": [
"utterances": [
"(as Trinket) Yeah, I'm fine."
"number": 1052
"names": [
"utterances": [
"All right, yeah, he's seems to think it's",
"all right. Let's go with the storage room. If",
"there's anything that looks edible, you can eat",
"it. It's fine."
"number": 1053
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"That's not true.\""
"number": 1054
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Just kidding!"
"number": 1055
"names": [
"utterances": [
"\"I'll charge you later.\""
"number": 1056
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You bring Trinket back down. Do you release",
"your polymorph?"
"number": 1057
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 1058
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Trinket becomes a bear again. I'd say the",
"room's probably a good 40 feet by 30 feet."
"number": 1059
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, so he's fine."
"number": 1060
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Half of it's filled with barrels and crates,",
"and storage of dried foods. Trinket comes in and",
"(sniffing) and starts rummaging into one of the",
"half open sacks of dried meat. That's going to be",
"put on your bill."
"number": 1061
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 1062
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You head back to your rooms for the evening",
"to rest."
"number": 1063
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Take a nap."
"number": 1064
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Anything you guys want to do in preparation",
"for the next day?"
"number": 1065
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, let's get it on."
"number": 1066
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, we should give our comment cards to",
"number": 1067
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I think we should all turn in our",
"comment cards."
"number": 1068
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, our comments cards, that's right."
"number": 1069
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You turn in your comment cards for Balan."
"number": 1070
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 1071
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I can't stress how important this is."
"number": 1072
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Maybe we should-- go ahead, I'm sorry."
"number": 1073
"names": [
"utterances": [
"No, no, really, no it's fine, speak over",
"me, I don't care."
"number": 1074
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Here, take him the extras."
"number": 1075
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're going to give him a few extras so",
"he can have more comments."
"number": 1076
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 1077
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You guys are so kind with these comment",
"number": 1078
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Perhaps we should all go to bed, and the",
"humans back in North Hollywood should take a pee",
"break. At some point."
"number": 1079
"names": [
"utterances": [
"The humans?"
"number": 1080
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You. You, and you and you and you and me."
"number": 1081
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes, indeed. Do you want to take a quick",
"restroom break for the folks here?"
"number": 1082
] |
"Vax offers a toast to the tavern and Adra thanks him for calming the mood. The character intro videos for Grog Strongjaw, Keyleth, Percival de Rolo, Scanlan Shorthalt, Tiberius Stormwind, Vax'ildan, and Vex'ahlia are shown." | 53 | 1,082 | 1,103 | 0.263886 | [
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Yes, indeed. Do you want to take a quick",
"restroom break for the folks here?"
"number": 1082
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You okay?"
"number": 1083
"names": [
"utterances": [
"number": 1084
"names": [
"utterances": [
"What's that?"
"number": 1085
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Folks here might want to use the restroom",
"real fast."
"number": 1086
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You want me to play the intro videos again?"
"number": 1087
"names": [
"utterances": [
"You know what, go ahead and play some of the",
"intro videos and we'll come back here in a minute",
"to continue the game, while everyone rests, and",
"empties their bladders. We'll be right back guys.",
"Hang tight."
"number": 1088
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Commercial break."
"number": 1089
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Right, listen up! If you have ale, then",
"you have a friend in Grog Strongjaw! A goliath of",
"towering height and size, this barbarian has an",
"appetite for the two great loves in his life:",
"combat, women, and ale!",
"[record scratch]"
"number": 1090
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Wait. Easily the brains of the group, Grog",
"is often consulted for his vast knowledge of",
"shapes, colors, and shiny things! Also ale. In his",
"early years, armed with his two-handed greataxe,",
"Grog often enjoyed proving his might amongst the",
"ranks of his family's wandering herd. But after",
"coming upon an unsuspecting elderly gnome in the",
"woods, he objected to the killing such an innocent",
"life. A creature of impulse, Grog felt only pity",
"for this-- well, this terrified little thing. And",
"his disobedience cost him dearly. Beaten bloody,",
"and banished by the herd leader, his Uncle Kevdak,",
"Grog was abandoned and left to die. Exiled from",
"his herd, it was then that the relative of the",
"very gnome he fought to save, saved him. It was",
"the kindness of a gnome cleric named Pike that",
"healed Grog, bringing him back from death's edge.",
"And they have remained close friends ever since.",
"Most nights, Grog can be found challenging entire",
"taverns to wrestling matches! Or accompanying",
"Scanlan to the nearest house where you pay for",
"lady favors. Also ale!"
"number": 1091
"names": [
"utterances": [
"A first impression of Keyleth would leave",
"you with little information on the half-elven",
"druid. You might even think that her social",
"awkwardness due to her sheltered upbringing is",
"kind of sweet. Of course, it would be unwise",
"underestimate her based on first impressions.",
"[thunder crack]"
"number": 1092
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Under that un-intimidating petite frame",
"is a vicious beast waiting to be unleashed, whose",
"natural powers have made even the fiercest of",
"champions pee their pants, literally! Born to the",
"Air Tribe of the Ashari people, Keyleth was raised",
"with a deep love of nature and the elemental",
"magics. It is her people's inherent duty to",
"protect the delicate areas in Tal'Dorei where the",
"four elemental planes begin to bleed with this",
"realm. Since she was a little girl, she had quite",
"a knack for air manipulation and beast shaping",
"abilities. Well, if you consider kittens and",
"flying squirrels to be little beasts. Which, I do.",
"Anyways, it wasn't long before the headmaster of",
"the tribe, her father, Korren, realized her true",
"prodigious abilities and she was inveterated to",
"succeed him as the next headmaster. Just like",
"that, her jovial childhood was stripped and",
"replaced with endless spell memorization,",
"teachings from ancient traditions, and exceedingly",
"high expectations. Every druid leader-to-be must",
"embark on journey to seek out the sister tribes in",
"order to introduce and establish respect amongst",
"the fellow headmasters. They call this the",
"Aramente, or Noble Odyssey. When her father felt",
"she was ready, he set her on the path to truly",
"discovering herself, not knowing when, or if, she",
"will ever return. As she hiked down the mountain",
"towards Stilben, she meditated on the task ahead.",
"Part of the Aramente is proving yourself a strong",
"warrior, a valiant protector, and a wise and",
"compassionate leader. With this knowledge, one",
"thought plays in repeat in her mind: Is she even",
"number": 1093
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Percy was the third child of seven",
"children, born to a noble family who lived far to",
"the north in the ancient castle of Whitestone.",
"With so many siblings to share the burdens of",
"lordship, Percy turned his attention to the",
"sciences, engineering, and naturalism. One day, a",
"mysterious couple, named Lord and Lady Briarwood,",
"came to court. During a feast held in their honor,",
"the Briarwoods violently took control of the",
"castle, killing or imprisoning everyone who would",
"stand in their way. Percy awoke chained in the",
"dungeon, only to be freed by his younger sister.",
"Together they fled, chased by the Briarwoods' men.",
"As they ran, Percy's sister took several arrows to",
"the chest and fell. Percy kept running, eventually",
"jumping into a freezing river and floating",
"unconscious to freedom. He did not remember waking",
"up on a fishing boat. He barely remembered the",
"next two years, as he slowly made his way as far",
"south as possible. Then one night, Percy had a",
"dream. A roaring cloud of smoke offered him",
"vengeance against those who destroyed his family.",
"When he awoke, Percy began to design his first",
"number": 1094
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, you haven't heard of Scanlan Shorthalt?",
"Well, gird your loins, ladies, because he has his",
"eye on you. A talented musician, master of",
"disguise, and dashingly handsome in his own mind,",
"Scanlan sings songs almost as much as he sings his",
"own praises. Born a poor gnome, Scanlan used his",
"endless charm and soaring tenor voice to croon for",
"coin and support his single mother. One day, he",
"was discovered by a half-orc promoter, and joined",
"Dr. Dranzel's Spectacular Traveling Troupe where",
"he learned the ways of the world, and honed his",
"skills as a bard extraordinaire. A loner much of",
"his life, Scanlan has never quite come to terms",
"with the violent death of his mother at the hands",
"of a goblin invasion. While his years on the road",
"provided many, shall we say, educational",
"experiences with the opposite sex, deep down",
"Scanlan yearns for the one thing he's never known:",
"the true love of a fellow gnome. Still, Scanlan",
"considers himself a lover first, performer second,",
"and fighter distant third. On the battlefield,",
"he'll support his allies, but rarely draws blood,",
"unless it's to protect fellow gnome, Pike. Count",
"on Scanlan for a hearty laugh, a rollicking song,",
"and a twinkle in his eye that melts hearts and",
"makes the females swoon."
"number": 1095
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Greetings and salutations, I am Tiberius",
"Stormwind. I hail from a town called Ty'rex,",
"located in the heart of Draconia, born from a",
"politically respected family. At the age of 15, I",
"succeeded in passing the Sorcerer's Rite, showing",
"prodigy-like control of my magic. The judges and",
"the Draconian high council were amazed at how",
"powerful my spells were for how long I had been",
"training. At 20 years old, I was the youngest",
"appointed member of the magic guild in Draconian",
"history. For the next few years, I almost went mad",
"from the malaise of being a guild member, as it's",
"rather boring. However, one day I happened upon a",
"chamber, unused for quite some time. In the room",
"were stacks of books and maps of the surrounding",
"cities and areas around the known world. For",
"months, I would frequent the chamber, and learned",
"of artifacts from legend. After a long period of",
"research, I made a list of artifacts that caught",
"my eye. I brought these findings to the high",
"council and was told that all of the information",
"in the chamber I had stumbled upon was either",
"believed to be fiction, or unsolvable mysteries,",
"and hence were lost forever. I found those answers",
"to be unacceptable. A year later, I devised a ruse",
"and managed to convince the city council to lend",
"support in me leaving Draconia on a mission of",
"peace and diplomacy for the surrounding kingdoms.",
"Going from town to town and making friends and",
"allies in and for the name of Draconia. Being a",
"red dragonborn, I had quite the task on my hands",
"in that respect, but it was exactly what I needed",
"so I could explore the world and find these",
"artifacts, as I felt the truth was out there. Some",
"may describe me as buffoonish, but I say poppycock",
"to all that. I am much sharper than most give me",
"credit for. I just don't pay attention to things",
"sometimes. I've also been known to be rather",
"cunning, loyal, happy-go-lucky, and well,",
"dangerous. I can't help but show my true scales",
"every now and then. But overall, I think I'm quite",
"friendly for a dragonborn."
"number": 1096
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Never entirely welcome in the company of",
"elves or men, Vax'ildan learned at a young age to",
"skip past formality, preferring instead to invite",
"himself in your door. Along with twin sister",
"Vex'ahlia, Vax was born by a chance encounter",
"between elven royalty and human peasantry. Raised",
"by their mother in their early years, the twins",
"were eventually sent off to their father in the",
"elven capital of Syngorn. But their cool reception",
"among the elves there never warmed, and their time",
"in the capital didn't last. The siblings stole",
"away one autumn night and set out on the open",
"road. After a few years of wandering, they",
"eventually decided to return to their mother, and",
"journeyed back to the lands of their youth. But",
"instead of finding their childhood home, they",
"returned to a pile of rubble. Their mother was",
"gone, their home burned to ash. Pressing the",
"townspeople for answers, they learned of the day",
"the dragon came. With their ties all severed,",
"Vax'ildan and his sister set out to find their",
"fortune together in Tal'Dorei. An outsider since",
"birth, Vax quickly learned to solve life's",
"challenges in his own particular way, often by",
"sidestepping them entirely. And when his knack for",
"circumventing adversity isn't enough, the way of",
"blades the elves schooled him in more than makes",
"up the difference."
"number": 1097
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Like so many half-elves, Vex'ahlia has",
"spent most of her life suffering the cool",
"reception of a people who don't fully accept her.",
"Born of a human mother, and an elven father who",
"only later in life took an interest in their",
"existence, Vex'ahlia and her twin brother,",
"Vax'ildan, quickly realized the only people they",
"could truly rely on in this world were each other.",
"It was at the age of ten when the two were taken",
"from their mother, and brought to live in Syngorn,",
"the isolated elven city for which their father was",
"an ambassador. He quietly took them in, but always",
"kept an icy distance, and after too many years of",
"disdainful looks, the pair decided to leave his",
"indifference behind, and set out on their own. Vax",
"took to the cities, stealing small trinkets and",
"learning the ways of the thief, while Vex kept to",
"the woods. She preferred the isolation. Always the",
"keen observer, she learned to hunt and to track,",
"to spy and to shoot. Through a series of fateful",
"events, earned herself a companion in the form of",
"a bear-- her own stolen Trinket-- to fight",
"alongside her and protect her fiercely. Also, he",
"is adorable, and gives expert massages."
"number": 1098
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Hello, everyone. Welcome back. We've had our",
"pee breaks. We've had our refills of our drinks.",
"We've got Fireball, so I think we're good for the",
"next venture. Anyway, the party has taken their",
"rest for the evening. Once again, this is one of",
"those weird experiences where you wake up, not",
"because of the sun rising, because you can't see",
"it in the dwarven city of Kraghammer, but",
"eventually you all come to consciousness",
"naturally. What is your plan of action?"
"number": 1099
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Oh, Jesus, we should have all talked about",
"this while we were all peeing."
"number": 1100
"names": [
"utterances": [
"We're going to beat up everybody, right?"
"number": 1101
"names": [
"utterances": [
"Are we going to the manor?"
"number": 1102
"names": [
"utterances": [
"I say we have brunch, and we go to the",
"number": 1103
] |
Dataset Card for "crd3"
Dataset Summary
Storytelling with Dialogue: A Critical Role Dungeons and Dragons Dataset. Critical Role is an unscripted, live-streamed show where a fixed group of people play Dungeons and Dragons, an open-ended role-playing game. The dataset is collected from 159 Critical Role episodes transcribed to text dialogues, consisting of 398,682 turns. It also includes corresponding abstractive summaries collected from the Fandom wiki. The dataset is linguistically unique in that the narratives are generated entirely through player collaboration and spoken interaction. For each dialogue, there are a large number of turns, multiple abstractive summaries with varying levels of detail, and semantic ties to the previous dialogues.
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
: The dataset can be used to train a model for abstractive summarization. A fast abstractive summarization-RL model was presented as a baseline, which achieves ROUGE-L-F1 of 25.18.
The text in the dataset is in English, as spoken by actors on The Critical Role show, which is a weekly unscripted, live-stream of a fixed group of people playing Dungeons and Dragons, a popular role-playing game.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
An example of 'train' looks as follows.
"alignment_score": 3.679936647415161,
"chunk": "Wish them a Happy Birthday on their Facebook and Twitter pages! Also, as a reminder: D&D Beyond streams their weekly show (\"And Beyond\") every Wednesday on twitch.tv/dndbeyond.",
"chunk_id": 1,
"turn_end": 6,
"turn_num": 4,
"turn_start": 4,
"turns": {
"names": ["SAM"],
"utterances": ["Yesterday, guys, was D&D Beyond's first one--", "first one-year anniversary. Take two. Hey guys,", "yesterday was D&D Beyond's one-year anniversary.", "Wish them a happy birthday on their Facebook and", "Twitter pages."]
Data Fields
The data fields are the same among all splits.
: astring
: aint32
: aint32
: aint32
: afloat32
: aint32
: a dictionary feature containing:names
: astring
: astring
Data Splits
name | train | validation | test |
default | 38,969 | 6,327 | 7,500 |
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
Dialogue understanding and abstractive summarization remain both important and challenging problems for computational linguistics. Current paradigms in summarization modeling have specific failures in capturing semantics and pragmatics, content selection, rewriting, and evaluation in the domain of long, story-telling dialogue. CRD3 offers a linguistically rich dataset to explore these domains.
Source Data
Initial Data Collection and Normalization
Dungeons and Dragons is a popular roleplaying game that is driven by structured storytelling. Critical Role is an unscripted, live-streamed show where a fixed group of people play Dungeons and Dragons. This dataset consists of 159 episodes of the show, where the episodes are transcribed. Inconsistencies (e.g. spelling of speaker names) were manually resolved.
The abstractive summaries were collected from the Critical Role Fandom wiki
Who are the source language producers?
The language producers are actors on The Critical Role show, which is a weekly unscripted, live-stream of a fixed group of people playing Dungeons and Dragons, a popular role-playing game.
Annotation process
Who are the annotators?
Personal and Sensitive Information
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact of Dataset
Discussion of Biases
Other Known Limitations
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
CRTranscript provided transcripts of the show; contributors of the Critical Role Wiki provided the abstractive summaries.
Licensing Information
This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License][cc-by-sa-4.0]., as corresponding to the Critical Role Wiki https://criticalrole.fandom.com/
Citation Information
title = {Storytelling with Dialogue: A Critical Role Dungeons and Dragons Dataset},
author = {Rameshkumar, Revanth and Bailey, Peter},
year = {2020},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
conference = {ACL}
Thanks to @thomwolf, @lhoestq, @mariamabarham, @lewtun for adding this dataset.
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Models trained or fine-tuned on crd3