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Dolma's official logo. It's dolma written in yellow, round lowercase letters over a blue background.

Dolma is a dataset of 3 trillion tokens from a diverse mix of web content, academic publications, code, books, and encyclopedic materials. It is openly released under AI2’s ImpACT license as a medium risk artifact.

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Summary Statistics

Source Type Gzip files (GB) Documents (millions) GPT-NeoX Tokens (billions)
CommonCrawl web 4,197 4,600 2,415
C4 web 302 364 175
peS2o academic 150 38.8 57
The Stack code 675 236 430
Project Gutenberg books 6.6 0.052 4.8
Wikipedia encyclopedic 5.8 6.1 3.6
Total 5,334 5,245 3,084
Downloads last month

Models trained or fine-tuned on allenai/dolma