class label
2 classes
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
0 (after)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)
1 (before)

Botox Injections (Before & After)

The dataset consists of photos featuring the same individuals captured before and after botox injections procedure. The dataset contains a diverse range of individuals with various ages, ethnicities and genders.

The dataset is useful for evaluation of the effectiveness of botox injections for different skin and face types, face recognition and reidentification tasks. It can be utilised for biometric tasks , in beauty sphere, for medical purposes and e-commerce.

Get the dataset

This is just an example of the data

Leave a request on to discuss your requirements, learn about the price and buy the dataset.


  • before: includes images of people before botox injections
  • after: includes images of people after botox injections. People are the same as in the previous folder, photos are identified by the same name
  • .csv file: contains information about the dataset

File with the extension .csv

includes the following information for each set of media files:

  • person: id of the person,
  • before: link to the photo before the injection,
  • after: link to the photo after the injection

Images of people with botox injections might be collected in accordance with your requirements.


More datasets in TrainingData's Kaggle account:

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