"“Checkmate,” Rosaline announced with glee."
"She was getting to be really good at"
"Justin put a second house on Park Place."
"He and his sister often spent hours playing"
"He caught the pass and scored another touchdown."
"There was nothing he enjoyed more than a good game of"
"Rich couldn’t count the number of Yankees games he had seen with his father."
"They both shared a lifelong interest in"
"Getting both himself and his car to work on the neighboring island was time-consuming."
"Every morning he drove for a few minutes and then boarded the"
"The patient was in critical condition and the ambulance wouldn’t be fast enough."
"They decided they would have to use the"
"Amy was very anxious about traveling abroad for the first time."
"She felt surprisingly better, however, when she actually boarded the"
"The day before the wedding, the kitchen was just covered with frosting."
"Annette’s sister was responsible for making the"
"The little girl was happy that Santa Claus left nothing but crumbs on the plate."
"She decided he must have really enjoyed the"
"He wanted to make his wife breakfast, but he burned piece after piece."
"I couldn’t believe he was ruining even the"
"She keeps twirling it around and around under her collar."
"Stephanie seems really happy that Dan gave her that"
"She wanted to make her eyelashes look really black and thick."
"So she asked to borrow her older friend’s"
"He complained that after she kissed him, he couldn’t get the red color off his face."
"He finally just asked her to stop wearing that"
"Eleanor offered to fix her visitor some coffee."
"Then she realized she didn’t have a clean"
"My aunt fixed my brother some cereal using her best china."
"Of course, the first thing he did was drop the"
"At the dinner party, I wondered why my mother wasn’t eating her soup."
"Then I noticed that she didn’t have a"
"In the dorms, cutting your steak can be a huge struggle."
"They always give you such a poor quality"
"He journeyed to the African plains, hoping to get a photograph of the king of the beasts."
"Unfortunately, the whole time he was there he never saw a"
"George was hiking in India when he saw the orange and black striped animal leap out at him."
"He sustained serious injuries before he managed to kill the"
"Wendy wondered how they had managed to ship such a large animal all the way from China."
"She waited in line to see the newly acquired"
"Barb loved the feel of the waves on her feet, but she hated to walk barefoot."
"As a compromise, she usually wore a pair of"
"By the end of the day, the hiker’s feet were extremely cold and wet."
"It was the last time he would ever buy a cheap pair of"
"Everyone agreed that the stone-washed kind were out of style."
"But he continued to wear the same old pair of"
"As the afternoon progressed, it became hotter and hotter."
"Keith finally decided to put on a pair of"
"Pablo wanted to cut the lumber he had bought to make some shelves."
"He asked his neighbor if he could borrow her"
"Tina lined up where she thought the nail should go."
"When she was satisfied, she asked Bruce to hand her the"
"The snow had piled up on the drive so high that they couldn’t get the car out."
"When Albert woke up, his father handed him a"
"The yard was completely covered with a thick layer of dead leaves."
"Erica decided it was time to get out the"
"Fred went to the pantry and got out the homemade jelly his grandmother had brought."
"Fifteen minutes later, however, he was still struggling to open the"
"After they unpacked the new refrigerator, they let Billy have his fun."
"He played for days afterwards with the big"
"It seemed to catch every time she opened or closed her backpack."
"She decided she would have to replace the"
"One fell off her blouse and got lost, and she didn’t have any extras."
"She ended up searching all over town to find a matching"
"“I’m an animal like Eeyore!” the child exclaimed."
"His mother wondered why he was pretending to be a"
"At the zoo, my sister asked if they painted the black and white stripes on the animal."
"I explained to her that they were natural features of a"
YAML Metadata Error: "language[0]" must only contain lowercase characters
YAML Metadata Error: "language[0]" with value "en-US" is not valid. It must be an ISO 639-1, 639-2 or 639-3 code (two/three letters), or a special value like "code", "multilingual". If you want to use BCP-47 identifiers, you can specify them in language_bcp47.

This is a suite of psycholinguistic datasets by Allyson Ettinger. See her official Github repository for specific details.

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