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Spaces Configuration Reference

Spaces are configured through the YAML block at the top of the file at the root of the repository. All the accepted parameters are listed below.

title : string
Display title for the Space.

emoji : string
Space emoji (emoji-only character allowed).

colorFrom : string
Color for Thumbnail gradient (red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, pink, gray).

colorTo : string
Color for Thumbnail gradient (red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, pink, gray).

sdk : string
Can be either gradio, streamlit, docker, or static.

python_version: string
Any valid Python 3.x or 3.x.x version.
Defaults to 3.10.

sdk_version : string
Specify the version of the selected SDK (Streamlit or Gradio).
All versions of Gradio are supported.
All versions of Streamlit from 0.79.0 are supported.

suggested_hardware : string
Specify the suggested hardware on which this Space must be run.
Useful for Spaces that are meant to be duplicated by other users.
Setting this value will not automatically assign an hardware to this Space.
Value must be a valid hardware flavor (e.g. "cpu-upgrade", "t4-small", "t4-medium", "a10g-small", "a10g-large" or "a100-large").

suggested_storage : string
Specify the suggested permanent storage on which this Space must be run.
Useful for Spaces that are meant to be duplicated by other users.
Setting this value will not automatically assign a permanent storage to this Space.
Value must be one of "small", "medium" or "large".

app_file : string
Path to your main application file (which contains either gradio or streamlit Python code, or static html code).
Path is relative to the root of the repository.

app_port : int
Port on which your application is running. Used only if sdk is docker. Default port is 7860.

base_path: string For non-static Spaces, initial url to render. Needs to start with /. For static Spaces, use app_file instead.

fullWidth: boolean
Whether your Space is rendered inside a full-width (when true) or fixed-width column (ie. “container” CSS) inside the iframe. Defaults to false in gradio, and to true for other sdks.

models : List[string]
HF model IDs (like gpt2 or deepset/roberta-base-squad2) used in the Space.
Will be parsed automatically from your code if not specified here.

datasets : List[string]
HF dataset IDs (like common_voice or oscar-corpus/OSCAR-2109) used in the Space.
Will be parsed automatically from your code if not specified here.

tags : List[string]
List of terms that describe your Space task or scope.

pinned : boolean
Whether the Space stays on top of your profile. Can be useful if you have a lot of Spaces so you and others can quickly see your best Space.

hf_oauth : boolean
Whether a connected OAuth app is associated to this Space. See Adding a Sign-In with HF button to your Space for more details.

hf_oauth_redirect_path : string
Authorized relative redirect path of the connected OAuth app. /login/callback and /auth/callback are authorized by default and do not need this parameter. See Adding a Sign-In with HF button to your space for more details.

disable_embedding : boolean
Whether the Space iframe can be embedded in other websites. Defaults to false, i.e. Spaces can be embedded.

custom_headers : Dict[string, string]
Set custom HTTP headers that will be added to all HTTP responses when serving your Space.
For now, only the cross-origin-embedder-policy (COEP), cross-origin-opener-policy (COOP), and cross-origin-resource-policy (CORP) headers are allowed. These headers can be used to set up a cross-origin isolated environment and enable powerful features like SharedArrayBuffer, for example:

  cross-origin-embedder-policy: require-corp
  cross-origin-opener-policy: same-origin
  cross-origin-resource-policy: cross-origin

Note: all headers and values must be lowercase.