"Hi, I've got a game that my friend sent me. It's a Python game that lets me play lots of different Sudoku games. But there's a problem. It always shows me the answer right away! That's not very fun though :( Could you make it so that there's a way I can ask for the answer, otherwise it just shows me the puzzle? And I'd like it to let me play lots of games in a row. Right now every time I want to play it I have to run the whole game again. I want it so that I could say YES I want to play another game and then it goes more. Oh, and one other thing. The way it's set up it makes a lot of very hard games. Could you make it so I can make easier puzzles too? I don't really know how that works though. But the puzzles are very hard sometimes because they don't have enough numbers! Here's the game my friend made for me. #Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation import random #Import Python's copy library to enable the use of the deepcopy function import copy def generate_sudoku(): # Create an empty 9x9 grid grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid fill_numbers(grid) # Store the completed grid as the solution solution = copy.deepcopy(grid) # Remove some numbers to turn a completed # Sudoku grid into a puzzle remove_numbers(grid) # Output the generated puzzle and the solution return grid, solution def fill_numbers(grid): # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9 num_list = list(range(1, 10)) random.shuffle(num_list) # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0) def fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index): # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely if index >= 81: return True row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index if grid[row][col] != 0: # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1) random.shuffle(num_list) for num in num_list: if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in grid[row][col] = num if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1): # Recursively fill the next cell return True grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled return False def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules # Check the row for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False # Check the column for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False # Check the 3x3 box box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired) num_removals = 64 # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the # completed Sudoku game. if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 # Collect the indices of non-zero cells non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): # Display the Sudoku grid for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: # Fill each blank cell with a dot print(".", end=" ") else: # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle grid, solution = generate_sudoku() print("Here is your puzzle:") display_sudoku(grid) print("\nHere is the completed puzzle:") display_sudoku(solution)"
[ { "content": "Hi, I've got a game that my friend sent me. It's a Python game that lets me play lots of different Sudoku games. But there's a problem. It always shows me the answer right away! That's not very fun though :(\n\nCould you make it so that there's a way I can ask for the answer, otherwise it just shows me the puzzle? And I'd like it to let me play lots of games in a row. Right now every time I want to play it I have to run the whole game again. I want it so that I could say YES I want to play another game and then it goes more.\n\nOh, and one other thing. The way it's set up it makes a lot of very hard games. Could you make it so I can make easier puzzles too? I don't really know how that works though. But the puzzles are very hard sometimes because they don't have enough numbers!\n\nHere's the game my friend made for me.\n\n#Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation\nimport random\n#Import Python's copy library to enable the use of the deepcopy function\nimport copy\n\ndef generate_sudoku():\n # Create an empty 9x9 grid\n grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)]\n \n # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid\n fill_numbers(grid)\n \n # Store the completed grid as the solution\n solution = copy.deepcopy(grid)\n \n # Remove some numbers to turn a completed\n # Sudoku grid into a puzzle\n remove_numbers(grid)\n \n # Output the generated puzzle and the solution\n return grid, solution\n\ndef fill_numbers(grid):\n # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9\n num_list = list(range(1, 10))\n random.shuffle(num_list)\n \n # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid\n return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0)\n\ndef fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index):\n # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely\n if index >= 81:\n return True\n\n row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index\n col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index\n\n if grid[row][col] != 0:\n # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell\n return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1)\n\n random.shuffle(num_list)\n for num in num_list:\n if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in\n grid[row][col] = num\n if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1):\n # Recursively fill the next cell\n return True\n grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled\n\n return False\n\ndef is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules\n \n # Check the row\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[row][j] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the column\n for i in range(9):\n if grid[i][col] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the 3x3 box\n box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3)\n box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3)\n for i in range(3):\n for j in range(3):\n if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num:\n return False\n \n return True\n\ndef remove_numbers(grid):\n # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle\n \n # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired)\n num_removals = 64\n \n # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater\n # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values\n # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the\n # completed Sudoku game.\n if num_removals >= 65:\n num_removals = 64\n\n # Collect the indices of non-zero cells\n non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0]\n \n # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values\n removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals)\n for row, col in removal_indices:\n grid[row][col] = 0\n \n return grid\n\n\ndef display_sudoku(grid):\n # Display the Sudoku grid\n for i in range(9):\n if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0:\n # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows\n print(\"- - - - - - - - - - -\")\n for j in range(9):\n if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0:\n # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns\n print(\"|\", end=\" \")\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n # Fill each blank cell with a dot\n print(\".\", end=\" \")\n else:\n # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle\n print(grid[i][j], end=\" \")\n print()\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle\n grid, solution = generate_sudoku()\n \n print(\"Here is your puzzle:\")\n display_sudoku(grid)\n \n print(\"\\nHere is the completed puzzle:\")\n display_sudoku(solution)", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes, this is a task that I can carry out. To address your request, I have added a user input function to the provided program. This input function requests the number of cells to remove from the solved puzzle, allowing for variation in the difficulty of the generated puzzle. The function also asks the user if they would like to have the puzzle solution displayed. Finally, the input function also allows the user to either generate a new puzzle or exit the program. Here is the updated code:\n\n```Python\n# Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation\nimport random\n# Import Python's copy library to enable the use of the deepcopy function\nimport copy\n\ndef generate_sudoku(num_removals):\n # Create an empty 9x9 grid\n grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)]\n \n # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid\n fill_numbers(grid)\n \n # Store the completed grid as the solution\n solution = copy.deepcopy(grid)\n \n # Remove numbers based on the specified difficulty level\n remove_numbers(grid, num_removals)\n \n # Output the generated puzzle and the solution\n return grid, solution\n\ndef fill_numbers(grid):\n # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9\n num_list = list(range(1, 10))\n random.shuffle(num_list)\n \n # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid\n return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0)\n\ndef fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index):\n # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely\n if index >= 81:\n return True\n\n row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index\n col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index\n\n if grid[row][col] != 0:\n # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell\n return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1)\n\n random.shuffle(num_list)\n for num in num_list:\n if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in\n grid[row][col] = num\n if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1):\n # Recursively fill the next cell\n return True\n grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled\n\n return False\n\ndef is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules\n \n # Check the row\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[row][j] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the column\n for i in range(9):\n if grid[i][col] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the 3x3 box\n box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3)\n box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3)\n for i in range(3):\n for j in range(3):\n if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num:\n return False\n \n return True\n\ndef remove_numbers(grid, num_removals):\n # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle\n \n # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater\n # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values\n # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the\n # completed Sudoku game.\n if num_removals > 64:\n num_removals = 64\n\n # Collect the indices of non-zero cells\n non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0]\n \n # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values\n removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals)\n for row, col in removal_indices:\n grid[row][col] = 0\n \n return grid\n\n\ndef display_sudoku(grid):\n # Display the Sudoku grid\n for i in range(9):\n if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0:\n # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows\n print(\"- - - - - - - - - - -\")\n for j in range(9):\n if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0:\n # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns\n print(\"|\", end=\" \")\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n # Fill each blank cell with a dot\n print(\".\", end=\" \")\n else:\n # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle\n print(grid[i][j], end=\" \")\n print()\n\ndef sudoku_IO():\n while True:\n\n # Query the user for the difficulty level and number of removals\n print(\"How many numbers would you like to remove from the completed puzzle?\")\n print(\"(1-40) Easy, (41-55) Medium, (56+) Hard\")\n while True:\n try:\n num_removals = int(input(\"Enter the number of removals: \"))\n if num_removals < 1:\n print(\"At least 1 cell must be removed to generate a puzzle!\")\n else:\n break\n except ValueError:\n print(\"Invalid input. Please enter a positive integer.\")\n\n # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle\n grid, solution = generate_sudoku(num_removals)\n\n print(\"\\nHere is your puzzle, Good Luck!\")\n display_sudoku(grid)\n\n # Ask the user if they want to see the solution\n while True:\n show_solution = input(\"\\nWould you like to see the solution? (Yes/No): \").lower()\n if show_solution in ['yes', 'y']:\n print(\"\\nHere is the completed puzzle:\")\n display_sudoku(solution)\n break\n elif show_solution in ['no', 'n']:\n break\n else:\n print(\"Invalid input. Please enter Yes or No.\")\n\n # Ask the user if they want to play another game\n while True:\n play_again = input(\"\\nWould you like to play another game? (Yes/No): \").lower()\n if play_again in ['yes', 'y']:\n break\n elif play_again in ['no', 'n']:\n print(\"Goodbye\")\n return\n else:\n print(\"Invalid input. Please enter Yes or No.\")\n\n# Check to see if the program has been loaded as a script, and execute it\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n sudoku_IO()\n```", "role": "assistant" } ]
{ "category": "Coding", "source": "surge" }
"<s> [INST] Hi, I've got a game that my friend sent me. It's a Python game that lets me play lots of different Sudoku games. But there's a problem. It always shows me the answer right away! That's not very fun though :( Could you make it so that there's a way I can ask for the answer, otherwise it just shows me the puzzle? And I'd like it to let me play lots of games in a row. Right now every time I want to play it I have to run the whole game again. I want it so that I could say YES I want to play another game and then it goes more. Oh, and one other thing. The way it's set up it makes a lot of very hard games. Could you make it so I can make easier puzzles too? I don't really know how that works though. But the puzzles are very hard sometimes because they don't have enough numbers! Here's the game my friend made for me. #Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation import random #Import Python's copy library to enable the use of the deepcopy function import copy def generate_sudoku(): # Create an empty 9x9 grid grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid fill_numbers(grid) # Store the completed grid as the solution solution = copy.deepcopy(grid) # Remove some numbers to turn a completed # Sudoku grid into a puzzle remove_numbers(grid) # Output the generated puzzle and the solution return grid, solution def fill_numbers(grid): # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9 num_list = list(range(1, 10)) random.shuffle(num_list) # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0) def fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index): # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely if index >= 81: return True row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index if grid[row][col] != 0: # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1) random.shuffle(num_list) for num in num_list: if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in grid[row][col] = num if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1): # Recursively fill the next cell return True grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled return False def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules # Check the row for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False # Check the column for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False # Check the 3x3 box box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired) num_removals = 64 # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the # completed Sudoku game. if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 # Collect the indices of non-zero cells non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): # Display the Sudoku grid for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: # Fill each blank cell with a dot print(".", end=" ") else: # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle grid, solution = generate_sudoku() print("Here is your puzzle:") display_sudoku(grid) print("\nHere is the completed puzzle:") display_sudoku(solution) [/INST] Yes, this is a task that I can carry out. To address your request, I have added a user input function to the provided program. This input function requests the number of cells to remove from the solved puzzle, allowing for variation in the difficulty of the generated puzzle. The function also asks the user if they would like to have the puzzle solution displayed. Finally, the input function also allows the user to either generate a new puzzle or exit the program. Here is the updated code: ```Python # Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation import random # Import Python's copy library to enable the use of the deepcopy function import copy def generate_sudoku(num_removals): # Create an empty 9x9 grid grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid fill_numbers(grid) # Store the completed grid as the solution solution = copy.deepcopy(grid) # Remove numbers based on the specified difficulty level remove_numbers(grid, num_removals) # Output the generated puzzle and the solution return grid, solution def fill_numbers(grid): # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9 num_list = list(range(1, 10)) random.shuffle(num_list) # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0) def fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index): # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely if index >= 81: return True row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index if grid[row][col] != 0: # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1) random.shuffle(num_list) for num in num_list: if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in grid[row][col] = num if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1): # Recursively fill the next cell return True grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled return False def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules # Check the row for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False # Check the column for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False # Check the 3x3 box box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid, num_removals): # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the # completed Sudoku game. if num_removals > 64: num_removals = 64 # Collect the indices of non-zero cells non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): # Display the Sudoku grid for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: # Fill each blank cell with a dot print(".", end=" ") else: # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() def sudoku_IO(): while True: # Query the user for the difficulty level and number of removals print("How many numbers would you like to remove from the completed puzzle?") print("(1-40) Easy, (41-55) Medium, (56+) Hard") while True: try: num_removals = int(input("Enter the number of removals: ")) if num_removals < 1: print("At least 1 cell must be removed to generate a puzzle!") else: break except ValueError: print("Invalid input. Please enter a positive integer.") # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle grid, solution = generate_sudoku(num_removals) print("\nHere is your puzzle, Good Luck!") display_sudoku(grid) # Ask the user if they want to see the solution while True: show_solution = input("\nWould you like to see the solution? (Yes/No): ").lower() if show_solution in ['yes', 'y']: print("\nHere is the completed puzzle:") display_sudoku(solution) break elif show_solution in ['no', 'n']: break else: print("Invalid input. Please enter Yes or No.") # Ask the user if they want to play another game while True: play_again = input("\nWould you like to play another game? (Yes/No): ").lower() if play_again in ['yes', 'y']: break elif play_again in ['no', 'n']: print("Goodbye") return else: print("Invalid input. Please enter Yes or No.") # Check to see if the program has been loaded as a script, and execute it if __name__ == "__main__": sudoku_IO() ``` </s>"
"I want you to show me how to programmatically take this Python variable called daily_sales and put it in a new variable called daily_sales_list. I want daily_sales_list to be a list of lists where the delimiter for each sale is where the single comma is (not the ;,;). Then within the sale itself, the delimiter will be ;,; so that the data is split. Example of what I want the list to look like: [['Edith Mcbride', '$1.21', 'white', '09/15/17'], ['Herbert Tran', '$7.29', 'white&blue', '09/15/17'], etc...] Here is the variable: daily_sales = \ """Edith Mcbride ;,;$1.21 ;,; white ;,; 09/15/17 ,Herbert Tran ;,; $7.29;,; white&blue;,; 09/15/17 ,Paul Clarke ;,;$12.52 ;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 ,Lucille Caldwell ;,; $5.13 ;,; white ;,; 09/15/17, Eduardo George ;,;$20.39;,; white&yellow ;,;09/15/17 , Danny Mclaughlin;,;$30.82;,; purple ;,;09/15/17 ,Stacy Vargas;,; $1.85 ;,; purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17, Shaun Brock;,; $17.98;,;purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , Erick Harper ;,;$17.41;,; blue ;,; 09/15/17, Michelle Howell ;,;$28.59;,; blue;,; 09/15/17 , Carroll Boyd;,; $14.51;,; purple&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Teresa Carter ;,; $19.64 ;,; white;,;09/15/17 , Jacob Kennedy ;,; $11.40 ;,; white&red ;,; 09/15/17, Craig Chambers;,; $8.79 ;,; white&blue&red ;,;09/15/17 , Peggy Bell;,; $8.65 ;,;blue ;,; 09/15/17, Kenneth Cunningham ;,; $10.53;,; green&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Marvin Morgan;,; $16.49;,; green&blue&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Marjorie Russell ;,; $6.55 ;,; green&blue&red;,; 09/15/17 , Israel Cummings;,; $11.86 ;,;black;,; 09/15/17, June Doyle ;,; $22.29 ;,; black&yellow ;,;09/15/17 , Jaime Buchanan ;,; $8.35;,; white&black&yellow ;,; 09/15/17, Rhonda Farmer;,;$2.91 ;,; white&black&yellow ;,;09/15/17, Darren Mckenzie ;,;$22.94;,;green ;,;09/15/17,Rufus Malone;,;$4.70 ;,; green&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 ,Hubert Miles;,; $3.59 ;,;green&yellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Joseph Bridges ;,;$5.66 ;,; green&yellow&purple&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Sergio Murphy ;,;$17.51 ;,; black ;,; 09/15/17 , Audrey Ferguson ;,; $5.54;,;black&blue ;,;09/15/17 ,Edna Williams ;,; $17.13;,; black&blue;,; 09/15/17, Randy Fleming;,; $21.13 ;,;black ;,;09/15/17 ,Elisa Hart;,; $0.35 ;,; black&purple;,; 09/15/17 , Ernesto Hunt ;,; $13.91 ;,; black&purple ;,; 09/15/17, Shannon Chavez ;,;$19.26 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 , Sammy Cain;,; $5.45;,; yellow&red ;,;09/15/17 , Steven Reeves ;,;$5.50 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17, Ruben Jones ;,; $14.56 ;,; yellow&blue;,;09/15/17 , Essie Hansen;,; $7.33 ;,; yellow&blue&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Rene Hardy ;,; $20.22 ;,; black ;,; 09/15/17 , Lucy Snyder ;,; $8.67 ;,;black&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Dallas Obrien ;,; $8.31;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17, Stacey Payne ;,; $15.70 ;,; white&black&red ;,;09/15/17 , Tanya Cox ;,; $6.74 ;,;yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , Melody Moran ;,; $30.84 ;,;yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Louise Becker ;,; $12.31 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Ryan Webster;,;$2.94 ;,; yellow ;,; 09/15/17 ,Justin Blake ;,; $22.46 ;,;white&yellow ;,; 09/15/17, Beverly Baldwin ;,; $6.60;,; white&yellow&black ;,;09/15/17 , Dale Brady ;,; $6.27 ;,; yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Potter ;,;$21.12 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 , Desiree Butler ;,;$2.10 ;,;white;,; 09/15/17 ,Sonja Barnett ;,; $14.22 ;,;white&black;,; 09/15/17, Angelica Garza;,;$11.60;,;white&black ;,; 09/15/17 , Jamie Welch ;,; $25.27 ;,; white&black&red ;,;09/15/17 , Rex Hudson ;,;$8.26;,; purple;,; 09/15/17 , Nadine Gibbs ;,; $30.80 ;,; purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , Hannah Pratt;,; $22.61 ;,; purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17,Gayle Richards;,;$22.19 ;,; green&purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Stanley Holland ;,; $7.47 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 , Anna Dean;,;$5.49 ;,; yellow&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Terrance Saunders ;,; $23.70 ;,;green&yellow&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Brandi Zimmerman ;,; $26.66 ;,; red ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Freeman ;,; $25.95;,; green&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Irving Patterson ;,;$19.55 ;,; green&white&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Karl Ross;,; $15.68;,; white ;,; 09/15/17 , Brandy Cortez ;,;$23.57;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17, Mamie Riley ;,;$29.32;,; purple;,;09/15/17 ,Mike Thornton ;,; $26.44 ;,; purple ;,; 09/15/17, Jamie Vaughn ;,; $17.24;,;green ;,; 09/15/17 , Noah Day ;,; $8.49 ;,;green ;,;09/15/17 ,Josephine Keller ;,;$13.10 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Tracey Wolfe;,;$20.39 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 , Ignacio Parks;,;$14.70 ;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17 , Beatrice Newman ;,;$22.45 ;,;white&purple&red ;,; 09/15/17, Andre Norris ;,; $28.46 ;,; red;,; 09/15/17 , Albert Lewis ;,; $23.89;,; black&red;,; 09/15/17, Javier Bailey ;,; $24.49 ;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Everett Lyons ;,;$1.81;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Abraham Maxwell;,; $6.81 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Traci Craig ;,;$0.65;,; green&yellow;,; 09/15/17 , Jeffrey Jenkins ;,;$26.45;,; green&yellow&blue ;,; 09/15/17, Merle Wilson ;,; $7.69 ;,; purple;,; 09/15/17,Janis Franklin ;,;$8.74 ;,; purple&black ;,;09/15/17 , Leonard Guerrero ;,; $1.86 ;,;yellow ;,;09/15/17,Lana Sanchez;,;$14.75 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 ,Donna Ball ;,; $28.10 ;,; yellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Terrell Barber ;,; $9.91 ;,; green ;,;09/15/17 ,Jody Flores;,; $16.34 ;,; green ;,; 09/15/17, Daryl Herrera ;,;$27.57;,; white;,; 09/15/17 , Miguel Mcguire;,;$5.25;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Rogelio Gonzalez;,; $9.51;,; white&black&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Lora Hammond ;,;$20.56 ;,; green;,; 09/15/17,Owen Ward;,; $21.64 ;,; green&yellow;,;09/15/17,Malcolm Morales ;,; $24.99 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Eric Mcdaniel ;,;$29.70;,; green ;,; 09/15/17 ,Madeline Estrada;,; $15.52;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Leticia Manning;,;$15.70 ;,; green&purple;,; 09/15/17 , Mario Wallace ;,; $12.36 ;,;green ;,; 09/15/17,Lewis Glover;,; $13.66 ;,; green&white;,;09/15/17, Gail Phelps ;,;$30.52 ;,; green&white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Myrtle Morris ;,; $22.66 ;,; green&white&blue;,;09/15/17""""
[ { "content": "I want you to show me how to programmatically take this Python variable called daily_sales and put it in a new variable called daily_sales_list. I want daily_sales_list to be a list of lists where the delimiter for each sale is where the single comma is (not the ;,;). Then within the sale itself, the delimiter will be ;,; so that the data is split. \n\nExample of what I want the list to look like: [['Edith Mcbride', '$1.21', 'white', '09/15/17'], ['Herbert Tran', '$7.29', 'white&blue', '09/15/17'], etc...]\n\nHere is the variable:\n\ndaily_sales = \\\n\"\"\"Edith Mcbride ;,;$1.21 ;,; white ;,; \n09/15/17 ,Herbert Tran ;,; $7.29;,; \nwhite&blue;,; 09/15/17 ,Paul Clarke ;,;$12.52 \n;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 ,Lucille Caldwell \n;,; $5.13 ;,; white ;,; 09/15/17,\nEduardo George ;,;$20.39;,; white&yellow \n;,;09/15/17 , Danny Mclaughlin;,;$30.82;,; \npurple ;,;09/15/17 ,Stacy Vargas;,; $1.85 ;,; \npurple&yellow ;,;09/15/17, Shaun Brock;,; \n$17.98;,;purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , \nErick Harper ;,;$17.41;,; blue ;,; 09/15/17, \nMichelle Howell ;,;$28.59;,; blue;,; 09/15/17 , \nCarroll Boyd;,; $14.51;,; purple&blue ;,; \n09/15/17 , Teresa Carter ;,; $19.64 ;,; \nwhite;,;09/15/17 , Jacob Kennedy ;,; $11.40 \n;,; white&red ;,; 09/15/17, Craig Chambers;,; \n$8.79 ;,; white&blue&red ;,;09/15/17 , Peggy Bell;,; $8.65 ;,;blue ;,; 09/15/17, Kenneth Cunningham ;,; $10.53;,; green&blue ;,; \n09/15/17 , Marvin Morgan;,; $16.49;,; \ngreen&blue&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Marjorie Russell \n;,; $6.55 ;,; green&blue&red;,; 09/15/17 ,\nIsrael Cummings;,; $11.86 ;,;black;,; \n09/15/17, June Doyle ;,; $22.29 ;,; \nblack&yellow ;,;09/15/17 , Jaime Buchanan ;,; \n$8.35;,; white&black&yellow ;,; 09/15/17, \nRhonda Farmer;,;$2.91 ;,; white&black&yellow \n;,;09/15/17, Darren Mckenzie ;,;$22.94;,;green \n;,;09/15/17,Rufus Malone;,;$4.70 ;,; green&yellow \n;,; 09/15/17 ,Hubert Miles;,; $3.59 \n;,;green&yellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Joseph Bridges ;,;$5.66 ;,; green&yellow&purple&blue \n;,; 09/15/17 , Sergio Murphy ;,;$17.51 ;,; \nblack ;,; 09/15/17 , Audrey Ferguson ;,; \n$5.54;,;black&blue ;,;09/15/17 ,Edna Williams ;,; \n$17.13;,; black&blue;,; 09/15/17, Randy Fleming;,; $21.13 ;,;black ;,;09/15/17 ,Elisa Hart;,; $0.35 ;,; black&purple;,; 09/15/17 ,\nErnesto Hunt ;,; $13.91 ;,; black&purple ;,; \n09/15/17, Shannon Chavez ;,;$19.26 ;,; \nyellow;,; 09/15/17 , Sammy Cain;,; $5.45;,; \nyellow&red ;,;09/15/17 , Steven Reeves ;,;$5.50 \n;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17, Ruben Jones ;,; \n$14.56 ;,; yellow&blue;,;09/15/17 , Essie Hansen;,; $7.33 ;,; yellow&blue&red\n;,; 09/15/17 , Rene Hardy ;,; $20.22 ;,; \nblack ;,; 09/15/17 , Lucy Snyder ;,; $8.67 \n;,;black&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Dallas Obrien ;,; \n$8.31;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17, Stacey Payne \n;,; $15.70 ;,; white&black&red ;,;09/15/17 \n, Tanya Cox ;,; $6.74 ;,;yellow ;,; \n09/15/17 , Melody Moran ;,; $30.84 \n;,;yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Louise Becker ;,; \n$12.31 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 ,\nRyan Webster;,;$2.94 ;,; yellow ;,; 09/15/17 \n,Justin Blake ;,; $22.46 ;,;white&yellow ;,; \n09/15/17, Beverly Baldwin ;,; $6.60;,; \nwhite&yellow&black ;,;09/15/17 , Dale Brady \n;,; $6.27 ;,; yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Potter ;,;$21.12 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 , \nDesiree Butler ;,;$2.10 ;,;white;,; 09/15/17 \n,Sonja Barnett ;,; $14.22 ;,;white&black;,; \n09/15/17, Angelica Garza;,;$11.60;,;white&black \n;,; 09/15/17 , Jamie Welch ;,; $25.27 ;,; \nwhite&black&red ;,;09/15/17 , Rex Hudson \n;,;$8.26;,; purple;,; 09/15/17 , Nadine Gibbs \n;,; $30.80 ;,; purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , \nHannah Pratt;,; $22.61 ;,; purple&yellow \n;,;09/15/17,Gayle Richards;,;$22.19 ;,; \ngreen&purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Stanley Holland \n;,; $7.47 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 , Anna Dean;,;$5.49 ;,; yellow&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,\nTerrance Saunders ;,; $23.70 ;,;green&yellow&red \n;,; 09/15/17 , Brandi Zimmerman ;,; $26.66 ;,; \nred ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Freeman ;,; $25.95;,; \ngreen&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Irving Patterson \n;,;$19.55 ;,; green&white&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Karl Ross;,; $15.68;,; white ;,; 09/15/17 , Brandy Cortez ;,;$23.57;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17, \nMamie Riley ;,;$29.32;,; purple;,;09/15/17 ,Mike Thornton ;,; $26.44 ;,; purple ;,; 09/15/17, \nJamie Vaughn ;,; $17.24;,;green ;,; 09/15/17 , \nNoah Day ;,; $8.49 ;,;green ;,;09/15/17 \n,Josephine Keller ;,;$13.10 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Tracey Wolfe;,;$20.39 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 ,\nIgnacio Parks;,;$14.70 ;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17 \n, Beatrice Newman ;,;$22.45 ;,;white&purple&red \n;,; 09/15/17, Andre Norris ;,; $28.46 ;,; \nred;,; 09/15/17 , Albert Lewis ;,; $23.89;,; \nblack&red;,; 09/15/17, Javier Bailey ;,; \n$24.49 ;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Everett Lyons ;,;$1.81;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , \nAbraham Maxwell;,; $6.81 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 \n, Traci Craig ;,;$0.65;,; green&yellow;,; \n09/15/17 , Jeffrey Jenkins ;,;$26.45;,; \ngreen&yellow&blue ;,; 09/15/17, Merle Wilson \n;,; $7.69 ;,; purple;,; 09/15/17,Janis Franklin \n;,;$8.74 ;,; purple&black ;,;09/15/17 , \nLeonard Guerrero ;,; $1.86 ;,;yellow \n;,;09/15/17,Lana Sanchez;,;$14.75 ;,; yellow;,; \n09/15/17 ,Donna Ball ;,; $28.10 ;,; \nyellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Terrell Barber ;,; \n$9.91 ;,; green ;,;09/15/17 ,Jody Flores;,; \n$16.34 ;,; green ;,; 09/15/17, Daryl Herrera \n;,;$27.57;,; white;,; 09/15/17 , Miguel Mcguire;,;$5.25;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , \nRogelio Gonzalez;,; $9.51;,; white&black&blue \n;,; 09/15/17 , Lora Hammond ;,;$20.56 ;,; \ngreen;,; 09/15/17,Owen Ward;,; $21.64 ;,; \ngreen&yellow;,;09/15/17,Malcolm Morales ;,; \n$24.99 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , \nEric Mcdaniel ;,;$29.70;,; green ;,; 09/15/17 \n,Madeline Estrada;,; $15.52;,;green;,; 09/15/17 \n, Leticia Manning;,;$15.70 ;,; green&purple;,; \n09/15/17 , Mario Wallace ;,; $12.36 ;,;green ;,; \n09/15/17,Lewis Glover;,; $13.66 ;,; \ngreen&white;,;09/15/17, Gail Phelps ;,;$30.52 \n;,; green&white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Myrtle Morris \n;,; $22.66 ;,; green&white&blue;,;09/15/17\"\"\"", "role": "user" }, { "content": "To achieve this task, you will first need to replace the `;,;` with a character that is not a comma. This will allow you to use the `split()` method with the comma as the delimiter to return a list of sales. Next, you loop through the transactions and split each one into another list that will be appended to a new variable called daily_transactions_split. Lastly, you clean up any extra whitespace by using a nested for loop along with the `strip()` method.\n\nHere is a Python function that carries out this task. The function accepts the provided daily_sales and returns the revised list. The print statement then outputs the revised list for review. \n\n```Python\ndef list_revision(daily_sales):\n\n daily_sales = daily_sales.replace(\";,;\", \";\")\n daily_transactions = daily_sales.split(\",\")\n daily_transactions_split = []\n \n for transaction in daily_transactions:\n daily_transactions_split.append(transaction.split(\";\"))\n \n daily_sales_list = []\n for transaction in daily_transactions_split:\n stripped_transaction = []\n for data in transaction:\n stripped_transaction.append(data.strip())\n daily_sales_list.append(stripped_transaction)\n return daily_sales_list\n \ndaily_sales = \\\n\"\"\"Edith Mcbride ;,;$1.21 ;,; white ;,; \n09/15/17 ,Herbert Tran ;,; $7.29;,; \nwhite&blue;,; 09/15/17 ,Paul Clarke ;,;$12.52 \n;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 ,Lucille Caldwell \n;,; $5.13 ;,; white ;,; 09/15/17,\nEduardo George ;,;$20.39;,; white&yellow \n;,;09/15/17 , Danny Mclaughlin;,;$30.82;,; \npurple ;,;09/15/17 ,Stacy Vargas;,; $1.85 ;,; \npurple&yellow ;,;09/15/17, Shaun Brock;,; \n$17.98;,;purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , \nErick Harper ;,;$17.41;,; blue ;,; 09/15/17, \nMichelle Howell ;,;$28.59;,; blue;,; 09/15/17 , \nCarroll Boyd;,; $14.51;,; purple&blue ;,; \n09/15/17 , Teresa Carter ;,; $19.64 ;,; \nwhite;,;09/15/17 , Jacob Kennedy ;,; $11.40 \n;,; white&red ;,; 09/15/17, Craig Chambers;,; \n$8.79 ;,; white&blue&red ;,;09/15/17 , Peggy Bell;,; $8.65 ;,;blue ;,; 09/15/17, Kenneth Cunningham ;,; $10.53;,; green&blue ;,; \n09/15/17 , Marvin Morgan;,; $16.49;,; \ngreen&blue&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Marjorie Russell \n;,; $6.55 ;,; green&blue&red;,; 09/15/17 ,\nIsrael Cummings;,; $11.86 ;,;black;,; \n09/15/17, June Doyle ;,; $22.29 ;,; \nblack&yellow ;,;09/15/17 , Jaime Buchanan ;,; \n$8.35;,; white&black&yellow ;,; 09/15/17, \nRhonda Farmer;,;$2.91 ;,; white&black&yellow \n;,;09/15/17, Darren Mckenzie ;,;$22.94;,;green \n;,;09/15/17,Rufus Malone;,;$4.70 ;,; green&yellow \n;,; 09/15/17 ,Hubert Miles;,; $3.59 \n;,;green&yellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Joseph Bridges ;,;$5.66 ;,; green&yellow&purple&blue \n;,; 09/15/17 , Sergio Murphy ;,;$17.51 ;,; \nblack ;,; 09/15/17 , Audrey Ferguson ;,; \n$5.54;,;black&blue ;,;09/15/17 ,Edna Williams ;,; \n$17.13;,; black&blue;,; 09/15/17, Randy Fleming;,; $21.13 ;,;black ;,;09/15/17 ,Elisa Hart;,; $0.35 ;,; black&purple;,; 09/15/17 ,\nErnesto Hunt ;,; $13.91 ;,; black&purple ;,; \n09/15/17, Shannon Chavez ;,;$19.26 ;,; \nyellow;,; 09/15/17 , Sammy Cain;,; $5.45;,; \nyellow&red ;,;09/15/17 , Steven Reeves ;,;$5.50 \n;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17, Ruben Jones ;,; \n$14.56 ;,; yellow&blue;,;09/15/17 , Essie Hansen;,; $7.33 ;,; yellow&blue&red\n;,; 09/15/17 , Rene Hardy ;,; $20.22 ;,; \nblack ;,; 09/15/17 , Lucy Snyder ;,; $8.67 \n;,;black&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Dallas Obrien ;,; \n$8.31;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17, Stacey Payne \n;,; $15.70 ;,; white&black&red ;,;09/15/17 \n, Tanya Cox ;,; $6.74 ;,;yellow ;,; \n09/15/17 , Melody Moran ;,; $30.84 \n;,;yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Louise Becker ;,; \n$12.31 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 ,\nRyan Webster;,;$2.94 ;,; yellow ;,; 09/15/17 \n,Justin Blake ;,; $22.46 ;,;white&yellow ;,; \n09/15/17, Beverly Baldwin ;,; $6.60;,; \nwhite&yellow&black ;,;09/15/17 , Dale Brady \n;,; $6.27 ;,; yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Potter ;,;$21.12 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 , \nDesiree Butler ;,;$2.10 ;,;white;,; 09/15/17 \n,Sonja Barnett ;,; $14.22 ;,;white&black;,; \n09/15/17, Angelica Garza;,;$11.60;,;white&black \n;,; 09/15/17 , Jamie Welch ;,; $25.27 ;,; \nwhite&black&red ;,;09/15/17 , Rex Hudson \n;,;$8.26;,; purple;,; 09/15/17 , Nadine Gibbs \n;,; $30.80 ;,; purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , \nHannah Pratt;,; $22.61 ;,; purple&yellow \n;,;09/15/17,Gayle Richards;,;$22.19 ;,; \ngreen&purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Stanley Holland \n;,; $7.47 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 , Anna Dean;,;$5.49 ;,; yellow&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,\nTerrance Saunders ;,; $23.70 ;,;green&yellow&red \n;,; 09/15/17 , Brandi Zimmerman ;,; $26.66 ;,; \nred ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Freeman ;,; $25.95;,; \ngreen&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Irving Patterson \n;,;$19.55 ;,; green&white&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Karl Ross;,; $15.68;,; white ;,; 09/15/17 , Brandy Cortez ;,;$23.57;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17, \nMamie Riley ;,;$29.32;,; purple;,;09/15/17 ,Mike Thornton ;,; $26.44 ;,; purple ;,; 09/15/17, \nJamie Vaughn ;,; $17.24;,;green ;,; 09/15/17 , \nNoah Day ;,; $8.49 ;,;green ;,;09/15/17 \n,Josephine Keller ;,;$13.10 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Tracey Wolfe;,;$20.39 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 ,\nIgnacio Parks;,;$14.70 ;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17 \n, Beatrice Newman ;,;$22.45 ;,;white&purple&red \n;,; 09/15/17, Andre Norris ;,; $28.46 ;,; \nred;,; 09/15/17 , Albert Lewis ;,; $23.89;,; \nblack&red;,; 09/15/17, Javier Bailey ;,; \n$24.49 ;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Everett Lyons ;,;$1.81;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , \nAbraham Maxwell;,; $6.81 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 \n, Traci Craig ;,;$0.65;,; green&yellow;,; \n09/15/17 , Jeffrey Jenkins ;,;$26.45;,; \ngreen&yellow&blue ;,; 09/15/17, Merle Wilson \n;,; $7.69 ;,; purple;,; 09/15/17,Janis Franklin \n;,;$8.74 ;,; purple&black ;,;09/15/17 , \nLeonard Guerrero ;,; $1.86 ;,;yellow \n;,;09/15/17,Lana Sanchez;,;$14.75 ;,; yellow;,; \n09/15/17 ,Donna Ball ;,; $28.10 ;,; \nyellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Terrell Barber ;,; \n$9.91 ;,; green ;,;09/15/17 ,Jody Flores;,; \n$16.34 ;,; green ;,; 09/15/17, Daryl Herrera \n;,;$27.57;,; white;,; 09/15/17 , Miguel Mcguire;,;$5.25;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , \nRogelio Gonzalez;,; $9.51;,; white&black&blue \n;,; 09/15/17 , Lora Hammond ;,;$20.56 ;,; \ngreen;,; 09/15/17,Owen Ward;,; $21.64 ;,; \ngreen&yellow;,;09/15/17,Malcolm Morales ;,; \n$24.99 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , \nEric Mcdaniel ;,;$29.70;,; green ;,; 09/15/17 \n,Madeline Estrada;,; $15.52;,;green;,; 09/15/17 \n, Leticia Manning;,;$15.70 ;,; green&purple;,; \n09/15/17 , Mario Wallace ;,; $12.36 ;,;green ;,; \n09/15/17,Lewis Glover;,; $13.66 ;,; \ngreen&white;,;09/15/17, Gail Phelps ;,;$30.52 \n;,; green&white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Myrtle Morris \n;,; $22.66 ;,; green&white&blue;,;09/15/17\"\"\"\n\nlist_output=list_revision(daily_sales)\nprint(list_output)\n```\n\nNow you have a new variable called daily_sales_list which is a list of lists that should look something like this:\n[['Edith Mcbride', '$1.21', 'white', '09/15/17'], \n ['Herbert Tran', '$7.29', 'white&blue', '09/15/17'],\n etc...\n]\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
{ "category": "Coding", "source": "surge" }
"<s> [INST] I want you to show me how to programmatically take this Python variable called daily_sales and put it in a new variable called daily_sales_list. I want daily_sales_list to be a list of lists where the delimiter for each sale is where the single comma is (not the ;,;). Then within the sale itself, the delimiter will be ;,; so that the data is split. Example of what I want the list to look like: [['Edith Mcbride', '$1.21', 'white', '09/15/17'], ['Herbert Tran', '$7.29', 'white&blue', '09/15/17'], etc...] Here is the variable: daily_sales = \ """Edith Mcbride ;,;$1.21 ;,; white ;,; 09/15/17 ,Herbert Tran ;,; $7.29;,; white&blue;,; 09/15/17 ,Paul Clarke ;,;$12.52 ;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 ,Lucille Caldwell ;,; $5.13 ;,; white ;,; 09/15/17, Eduardo George ;,;$20.39;,; white&yellow ;,;09/15/17 , Danny Mclaughlin;,;$30.82;,; purple ;,;09/15/17 ,Stacy Vargas;,; $1.85 ;,; purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17, Shaun Brock;,; $17.98;,;purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , Erick Harper ;,;$17.41;,; blue ;,; 09/15/17, Michelle Howell ;,;$28.59;,; blue;,; 09/15/17 , Carroll Boyd;,; $14.51;,; purple&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Teresa Carter ;,; $19.64 ;,; white;,;09/15/17 , Jacob Kennedy ;,; $11.40 ;,; white&red ;,; 09/15/17, Craig Chambers;,; $8.79 ;,; white&blue&red ;,;09/15/17 , Peggy Bell;,; $8.65 ;,;blue ;,; 09/15/17, Kenneth Cunningham ;,; $10.53;,; green&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Marvin Morgan;,; $16.49;,; green&blue&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Marjorie Russell ;,; $6.55 ;,; green&blue&red;,; 09/15/17 , Israel Cummings;,; $11.86 ;,;black;,; 09/15/17, June Doyle ;,; $22.29 ;,; black&yellow ;,;09/15/17 , Jaime Buchanan ;,; $8.35;,; white&black&yellow ;,; 09/15/17, Rhonda Farmer;,;$2.91 ;,; white&black&yellow ;,;09/15/17, Darren Mckenzie ;,;$22.94;,;green ;,;09/15/17,Rufus Malone;,;$4.70 ;,; green&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 ,Hubert Miles;,; $3.59 ;,;green&yellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Joseph Bridges ;,;$5.66 ;,; green&yellow&purple&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Sergio Murphy ;,;$17.51 ;,; black ;,; 09/15/17 , Audrey Ferguson ;,; $5.54;,;black&blue ;,;09/15/17 ,Edna Williams ;,; $17.13;,; black&blue;,; 09/15/17, Randy Fleming;,; $21.13 ;,;black ;,;09/15/17 ,Elisa Hart;,; $0.35 ;,; black&purple;,; 09/15/17 , Ernesto Hunt ;,; $13.91 ;,; black&purple ;,; 09/15/17, Shannon Chavez ;,;$19.26 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 , Sammy Cain;,; $5.45;,; yellow&red ;,;09/15/17 , Steven Reeves ;,;$5.50 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17, Ruben Jones ;,; $14.56 ;,; yellow&blue;,;09/15/17 , Essie Hansen;,; $7.33 ;,; yellow&blue&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Rene Hardy ;,; $20.22 ;,; black ;,; 09/15/17 , Lucy Snyder ;,; $8.67 ;,;black&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Dallas Obrien ;,; $8.31;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17, Stacey Payne ;,; $15.70 ;,; white&black&red ;,;09/15/17 , Tanya Cox ;,; $6.74 ;,;yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , Melody Moran ;,; $30.84 ;,;yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Louise Becker ;,; $12.31 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Ryan Webster;,;$2.94 ;,; yellow ;,; 09/15/17 ,Justin Blake ;,; $22.46 ;,;white&yellow ;,; 09/15/17, Beverly Baldwin ;,; $6.60;,; white&yellow&black ;,;09/15/17 , Dale Brady ;,; $6.27 ;,; yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Potter ;,;$21.12 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 , Desiree Butler ;,;$2.10 ;,;white;,; 09/15/17 ,Sonja Barnett ;,; $14.22 ;,;white&black;,; 09/15/17, Angelica Garza;,;$11.60;,;white&black ;,; 09/15/17 , Jamie Welch ;,; $25.27 ;,; white&black&red ;,;09/15/17 , Rex Hudson ;,;$8.26;,; purple;,; 09/15/17 , Nadine Gibbs ;,; $30.80 ;,; purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , Hannah Pratt;,; $22.61 ;,; purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17,Gayle Richards;,;$22.19 ;,; green&purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Stanley Holland ;,; $7.47 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 , Anna Dean;,;$5.49 ;,; yellow&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Terrance Saunders ;,; $23.70 ;,;green&yellow&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Brandi Zimmerman ;,; $26.66 ;,; red ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Freeman ;,; $25.95;,; green&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Irving Patterson ;,;$19.55 ;,; green&white&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Karl Ross;,; $15.68;,; white ;,; 09/15/17 , Brandy Cortez ;,;$23.57;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17, Mamie Riley ;,;$29.32;,; purple;,;09/15/17 ,Mike Thornton ;,; $26.44 ;,; purple ;,; 09/15/17, Jamie Vaughn ;,; $17.24;,;green ;,; 09/15/17 , Noah Day ;,; $8.49 ;,;green ;,;09/15/17 ,Josephine Keller ;,;$13.10 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Tracey Wolfe;,;$20.39 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 , Ignacio Parks;,;$14.70 ;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17 , Beatrice Newman ;,;$22.45 ;,;white&purple&red ;,; 09/15/17, Andre Norris ;,; $28.46 ;,; red;,; 09/15/17 , Albert Lewis ;,; $23.89;,; black&red;,; 09/15/17, Javier Bailey ;,; $24.49 ;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Everett Lyons ;,;$1.81;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Abraham Maxwell;,; $6.81 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Traci Craig ;,;$0.65;,; green&yellow;,; 09/15/17 , Jeffrey Jenkins ;,;$26.45;,; green&yellow&blue ;,; 09/15/17, Merle Wilson ;,; $7.69 ;,; purple;,; 09/15/17,Janis Franklin ;,;$8.74 ;,; purple&black ;,;09/15/17 , Leonard Guerrero ;,; $1.86 ;,;yellow ;,;09/15/17,Lana Sanchez;,;$14.75 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 ,Donna Ball ;,; $28.10 ;,; yellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Terrell Barber ;,; $9.91 ;,; green ;,;09/15/17 ,Jody Flores;,; $16.34 ;,; green ;,; 09/15/17, Daryl Herrera ;,;$27.57;,; white;,; 09/15/17 , Miguel Mcguire;,;$5.25;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Rogelio Gonzalez;,; $9.51;,; white&black&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Lora Hammond ;,;$20.56 ;,; green;,; 09/15/17,Owen Ward;,; $21.64 ;,; green&yellow;,;09/15/17,Malcolm Morales ;,; $24.99 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Eric Mcdaniel ;,;$29.70;,; green ;,; 09/15/17 ,Madeline Estrada;,; $15.52;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Leticia Manning;,;$15.70 ;,; green&purple;,; 09/15/17 , Mario Wallace ;,; $12.36 ;,;green ;,; 09/15/17,Lewis Glover;,; $13.66 ;,; green&white;,;09/15/17, Gail Phelps ;,;$30.52 ;,; green&white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Myrtle Morris ;,; $22.66 ;,; green&white&blue;,;09/15/17""" [/INST] To achieve this task, you will first need to replace the `;,;` with a character that is not a comma. This will allow you to use the `split()` method with the comma as the delimiter to return a list of sales. Next, you loop through the transactions and split each one into another list that will be appended to a new variable called daily_transactions_split. Lastly, you clean up any extra whitespace by using a nested for loop along with the `strip()` method. Here is a Python function that carries out this task. The function accepts the provided daily_sales and returns the revised list. The print statement then outputs the revised list for review. ```Python def list_revision(daily_sales): daily_sales = daily_sales.replace(";,;", ";") daily_transactions = daily_sales.split(",") daily_transactions_split = [] for transaction in daily_transactions: daily_transactions_split.append(transaction.split(";")) daily_sales_list = [] for transaction in daily_transactions_split: stripped_transaction = [] for data in transaction: stripped_transaction.append(data.strip()) daily_sales_list.append(stripped_transaction) return daily_sales_list daily_sales = \ """Edith Mcbride ;,;$1.21 ;,; white ;,; 09/15/17 ,Herbert Tran ;,; $7.29;,; white&blue;,; 09/15/17 ,Paul Clarke ;,;$12.52 ;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 ,Lucille Caldwell ;,; $5.13 ;,; white ;,; 09/15/17, Eduardo George ;,;$20.39;,; white&yellow ;,;09/15/17 , Danny Mclaughlin;,;$30.82;,; purple ;,;09/15/17 ,Stacy Vargas;,; $1.85 ;,; purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17, Shaun Brock;,; $17.98;,;purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , Erick Harper ;,;$17.41;,; blue ;,; 09/15/17, Michelle Howell ;,;$28.59;,; blue;,; 09/15/17 , Carroll Boyd;,; $14.51;,; purple&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Teresa Carter ;,; $19.64 ;,; white;,;09/15/17 , Jacob Kennedy ;,; $11.40 ;,; white&red ;,; 09/15/17, Craig Chambers;,; $8.79 ;,; white&blue&red ;,;09/15/17 , Peggy Bell;,; $8.65 ;,;blue ;,; 09/15/17, Kenneth Cunningham ;,; $10.53;,; green&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Marvin Morgan;,; $16.49;,; green&blue&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Marjorie Russell ;,; $6.55 ;,; green&blue&red;,; 09/15/17 , Israel Cummings;,; $11.86 ;,;black;,; 09/15/17, June Doyle ;,; $22.29 ;,; black&yellow ;,;09/15/17 , Jaime Buchanan ;,; $8.35;,; white&black&yellow ;,; 09/15/17, Rhonda Farmer;,;$2.91 ;,; white&black&yellow ;,;09/15/17, Darren Mckenzie ;,;$22.94;,;green ;,;09/15/17,Rufus Malone;,;$4.70 ;,; green&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 ,Hubert Miles;,; $3.59 ;,;green&yellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Joseph Bridges ;,;$5.66 ;,; green&yellow&purple&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Sergio Murphy ;,;$17.51 ;,; black ;,; 09/15/17 , Audrey Ferguson ;,; $5.54;,;black&blue ;,;09/15/17 ,Edna Williams ;,; $17.13;,; black&blue;,; 09/15/17, Randy Fleming;,; $21.13 ;,;black ;,;09/15/17 ,Elisa Hart;,; $0.35 ;,; black&purple;,; 09/15/17 , Ernesto Hunt ;,; $13.91 ;,; black&purple ;,; 09/15/17, Shannon Chavez ;,;$19.26 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 , Sammy Cain;,; $5.45;,; yellow&red ;,;09/15/17 , Steven Reeves ;,;$5.50 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17, Ruben Jones ;,; $14.56 ;,; yellow&blue;,;09/15/17 , Essie Hansen;,; $7.33 ;,; yellow&blue&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Rene Hardy ;,; $20.22 ;,; black ;,; 09/15/17 , Lucy Snyder ;,; $8.67 ;,;black&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Dallas Obrien ;,; $8.31;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17, Stacey Payne ;,; $15.70 ;,; white&black&red ;,;09/15/17 , Tanya Cox ;,; $6.74 ;,;yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , Melody Moran ;,; $30.84 ;,;yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Louise Becker ;,; $12.31 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Ryan Webster;,;$2.94 ;,; yellow ;,; 09/15/17 ,Justin Blake ;,; $22.46 ;,;white&yellow ;,; 09/15/17, Beverly Baldwin ;,; $6.60;,; white&yellow&black ;,;09/15/17 , Dale Brady ;,; $6.27 ;,; yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Potter ;,;$21.12 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 , Desiree Butler ;,;$2.10 ;,;white;,; 09/15/17 ,Sonja Barnett ;,; $14.22 ;,;white&black;,; 09/15/17, Angelica Garza;,;$11.60;,;white&black ;,; 09/15/17 , Jamie Welch ;,; $25.27 ;,; white&black&red ;,;09/15/17 , Rex Hudson ;,;$8.26;,; purple;,; 09/15/17 , Nadine Gibbs ;,; $30.80 ;,; purple&yellow ;,; 09/15/17 , Hannah Pratt;,; $22.61 ;,; purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17,Gayle Richards;,;$22.19 ;,; green&purple&yellow ;,;09/15/17 ,Stanley Holland ;,; $7.47 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 , Anna Dean;,;$5.49 ;,; yellow&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Terrance Saunders ;,; $23.70 ;,;green&yellow&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Brandi Zimmerman ;,; $26.66 ;,; red ;,;09/15/17 ,Guadalupe Freeman ;,; $25.95;,; green&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Irving Patterson ;,;$19.55 ;,; green&white&red ;,; 09/15/17 ,Karl Ross;,; $15.68;,; white ;,; 09/15/17 , Brandy Cortez ;,;$23.57;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17, Mamie Riley ;,;$29.32;,; purple;,;09/15/17 ,Mike Thornton ;,; $26.44 ;,; purple ;,; 09/15/17, Jamie Vaughn ;,; $17.24;,;green ;,; 09/15/17 , Noah Day ;,; $8.49 ;,;green ;,;09/15/17 ,Josephine Keller ;,;$13.10 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Tracey Wolfe;,;$20.39 ;,; red ;,; 09/15/17 , Ignacio Parks;,;$14.70 ;,; white&red ;,;09/15/17 , Beatrice Newman ;,;$22.45 ;,;white&purple&red ;,; 09/15/17, Andre Norris ;,; $28.46 ;,; red;,; 09/15/17 , Albert Lewis ;,; $23.89;,; black&red;,; 09/15/17, Javier Bailey ;,; $24.49 ;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Everett Lyons ;,;$1.81;,; black&red ;,; 09/15/17 , Abraham Maxwell;,; $6.81 ;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Traci Craig ;,;$0.65;,; green&yellow;,; 09/15/17 , Jeffrey Jenkins ;,;$26.45;,; green&yellow&blue ;,; 09/15/17, Merle Wilson ;,; $7.69 ;,; purple;,; 09/15/17,Janis Franklin ;,;$8.74 ;,; purple&black ;,;09/15/17 , Leonard Guerrero ;,; $1.86 ;,;yellow ;,;09/15/17,Lana Sanchez;,;$14.75 ;,; yellow;,; 09/15/17 ,Donna Ball ;,; $28.10 ;,; yellow&blue;,; 09/15/17 , Terrell Barber ;,; $9.91 ;,; green ;,;09/15/17 ,Jody Flores;,; $16.34 ;,; green ;,; 09/15/17, Daryl Herrera ;,;$27.57;,; white;,; 09/15/17 , Miguel Mcguire;,;$5.25;,; white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Rogelio Gonzalez;,; $9.51;,; white&black&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Lora Hammond ;,;$20.56 ;,; green;,; 09/15/17,Owen Ward;,; $21.64 ;,; green&yellow;,;09/15/17,Malcolm Morales ;,; $24.99 ;,; green&yellow&black;,; 09/15/17 , Eric Mcdaniel ;,;$29.70;,; green ;,; 09/15/17 ,Madeline Estrada;,; $15.52;,;green;,; 09/15/17 , Leticia Manning;,;$15.70 ;,; green&purple;,; 09/15/17 , Mario Wallace ;,; $12.36 ;,;green ;,; 09/15/17,Lewis Glover;,; $13.66 ;,; green&white;,;09/15/17, Gail Phelps ;,;$30.52 ;,; green&white&blue ;,; 09/15/17 , Myrtle Morris ;,; $22.66 ;,; green&white&blue;,;09/15/17""" list_output=list_revision(daily_sales) print(list_output) ``` Now you have a new variable called daily_sales_list which is a list of lists that should look something like this: [['Edith Mcbride', '$1.21', 'white', '09/15/17'], ['Herbert Tran', '$7.29', 'white&blue', '09/15/17'], etc... ] </s>"
"Could you please help me? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I made a Sudoku generator for my friend and I want it to be able to print both a puzzle and the correct solution. I made the code so it generates a solved puzzle first, and then randomly removes an assigned number of cells from the completed grid to make a puzzle to solve. What I want to do is create a copy of the generated puzzle before I remove cells, and that way I can print both the puzzle and the solution. But when I do it for some reason the solution is a duplicate of the modified puzzle, even though I assigned the variable with the data before modifying the completed puzzle. Here's the code I'm using: #Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation import random def generate_sudoku(): # Create an empty 9x9 grid grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid fill_numbers(grid) # Store the completed grid as the solution solution = grid # Remove some numbers to turn a completed # Sudoku grid into a puzzle remove_numbers(grid) # Output the generated puzzle and the solution return grid, solution def fill_numbers(grid): # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9 num_list = list(range(1, 10)) random.shuffle(num_list) # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0) def fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index): # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely if index >= 81: return True row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index if grid[row][col] != 0: # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1) random.shuffle(num_list) for num in num_list: if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in grid[row][col] = num if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1): # Recursively fill the next cell return True grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled return False def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules # Check the row for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False # Check the column for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False # Check the 3x3 box box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired) num_removals = 64 # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the # completed Sudoku game. if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 # Collect the indices of non-zero cells non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): # Display the Sudoku grid for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: # Fill each blank cell with a dot print(".", end=" ") else: # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle grid, solution = generate_sudoku() print("Here is your puzzle:") display_sudoku(grid) print("\nHere is the completed puzzle:") display_sudoku(solution)"
[ { "content": "Could you please help me? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I made a Sudoku generator for my friend and I want it to be able to print both a puzzle and the correct solution. I made the code so it generates a solved puzzle first, and then randomly removes an assigned number of cells from the completed grid to make a puzzle to solve. What I want to do is create a copy of the generated puzzle before I remove cells, and that way I can print both the puzzle and the solution. But when I do it for some reason the solution is a duplicate of the modified puzzle, even though I assigned the variable with the data before modifying the completed puzzle. Here's the code I'm using:\n\n#Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation\nimport random\n\ndef generate_sudoku():\n # Create an empty 9x9 grid\n grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)]\n \n # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid\n fill_numbers(grid)\n \n # Store the completed grid as the solution\n solution = grid\n \n # Remove some numbers to turn a completed\n # Sudoku grid into a puzzle\n remove_numbers(grid)\n \n # Output the generated puzzle and the solution\n return grid, solution\n\ndef fill_numbers(grid):\n # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9\n num_list = list(range(1, 10))\n random.shuffle(num_list)\n \n # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid\n return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0)\n\ndef fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index):\n # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely\n if index >= 81:\n return True\n\n row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index\n col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index\n\n if grid[row][col] != 0:\n # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell\n return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1)\n\n random.shuffle(num_list)\n for num in num_list:\n if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in\n grid[row][col] = num\n if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1):\n # Recursively fill the next cell\n return True\n grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled\n\n return False\n\ndef is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules\n \n # Check the row\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[row][j] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the column\n for i in range(9):\n if grid[i][col] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the 3x3 box\n box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3)\n box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3)\n for i in range(3):\n for j in range(3):\n if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num:\n return False\n \n return True\n\ndef remove_numbers(grid):\n # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle\n \n # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired)\n num_removals = 64\n \n # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater\n # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values\n # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the\n # completed Sudoku game.\n if num_removals >= 65:\n num_removals = 64\n\n # Collect the indices of non-zero cells\n non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0]\n \n # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values\n removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals)\n for row, col in removal_indices:\n grid[row][col] = 0\n \n return grid\n\n\ndef display_sudoku(grid):\n # Display the Sudoku grid\n for i in range(9):\n if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0:\n # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows\n print(\"- - - - - - - - - - -\")\n for j in range(9):\n if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0:\n # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns\n print(\"|\", end=\" \")\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n # Fill each blank cell with a dot\n print(\".\", end=\" \")\n else:\n # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle\n print(grid[i][j], end=\" \")\n print()\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle\n grid, solution = generate_sudoku()\n \n print(\"Here is your puzzle:\")\n display_sudoku(grid)\n \n print(\"\\nHere is the completed puzzle:\")\n display_sudoku(solution)", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The cause of the problem is the way that Python handles mutable objects, compared to how it handles immutable data types.\n\nThe code you have provided generates a game grid as a list of lists, and lists are a mutable data type in Python. When the code assigns solution = grid, it is generating a reference to the list of lists described by grid, and not creating a duplicate list of lists. As the code causes subsequent changes to the contents of grid, these changes are also passed to the solution, as both solution and grid are pointing to the same object. Therefore, when the code displays both the grid and the solution, it displays the same object twice.\n\nTo avoid the issue of modifications to the grid list affecting the solution, it's necessary to create a separate copy of the list. One way of implementing this is to import the copy library, which provides the deepcopy() library function. The deepcopy() function creates a deep copy of an object, including all nested objects, ensuring that modifications to one copy do not affect the other.\n\n```Python\n#Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation\nimport random\n#Import Python's copy library to enable the use of the deepcopy function\nimport copy\n\ndef generate_sudoku():\n # Create an empty 9x9 grid\n grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)]\n \n # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid\n fill_numbers(grid)\n \n # Store the completed grid as the solution\n solution = copy.deepcopy(grid)\n \n # Remove some numbers to turn a completed\n # Sudoku grid into a puzzle\n remove_numbers(grid)\n \n # Output the generated puzzle and the solution\n return grid, solution\n\ndef fill_numbers(grid):\n # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9\n num_list = list(range(1, 10))\n random.shuffle(num_list)\n \n # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid\n return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0)\n\ndef fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index):\n # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely\n if index >= 81:\n return True\n\n row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index\n col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index\n\n if grid[row][col] != 0:\n # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell\n return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1)\n\n random.shuffle(num_list)\n for num in num_list:\n if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in\n grid[row][col] = num\n if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1):\n # Recursively fill the next cell\n return True\n grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled\n\n return False\n\ndef is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules\n \n # Check the row\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[row][j] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the column\n for i in range(9):\n if grid[i][col] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the 3x3 box\n box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3)\n box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3)\n for i in range(3):\n for j in range(3):\n if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num:\n return False\n \n return True\n\ndef remove_numbers(grid):\n # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle\n \n # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired)\n num_removals = 64\n \n # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater\n # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values\n # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the\n # completed Sudoku game.\n if num_removals >= 65:\n num_removals = 64\n\n # Collect the indices of non-zero cells\n non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0]\n \n # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values\n removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals)\n for row, col in removal_indices:\n grid[row][col] = 0\n \n return grid\n\n\ndef display_sudoku(grid):\n # Display the Sudoku grid\n for i in range(9):\n if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0:\n # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows\n print(\"- - - - - - - - - - -\")\n for j in range(9):\n if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0:\n # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns\n print(\"|\", end=\" \")\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n # Fill each blank cell with a dot\n print(\".\", end=\" \")\n else:\n # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle\n print(grid[i][j], end=\" \")\n print()\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle\n grid, solution = generate_sudoku()\n \n print(\"Here is your puzzle:\")\n display_sudoku(grid)\n \n print(\"\\nHere is the completed puzzle:\")\n display_sudoku(solution)\n```", "role": "assistant" } ]
{ "category": "Coding", "source": "surge" }
"<s> [INST] Could you please help me? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I made a Sudoku generator for my friend and I want it to be able to print both a puzzle and the correct solution. I made the code so it generates a solved puzzle first, and then randomly removes an assigned number of cells from the completed grid to make a puzzle to solve. What I want to do is create a copy of the generated puzzle before I remove cells, and that way I can print both the puzzle and the solution. But when I do it for some reason the solution is a duplicate of the modified puzzle, even though I assigned the variable with the data before modifying the completed puzzle. Here's the code I'm using: #Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation import random def generate_sudoku(): # Create an empty 9x9 grid grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid fill_numbers(grid) # Store the completed grid as the solution solution = grid # Remove some numbers to turn a completed # Sudoku grid into a puzzle remove_numbers(grid) # Output the generated puzzle and the solution return grid, solution def fill_numbers(grid): # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9 num_list = list(range(1, 10)) random.shuffle(num_list) # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0) def fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index): # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely if index >= 81: return True row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index if grid[row][col] != 0: # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1) random.shuffle(num_list) for num in num_list: if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in grid[row][col] = num if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1): # Recursively fill the next cell return True grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled return False def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules # Check the row for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False # Check the column for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False # Check the 3x3 box box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired) num_removals = 64 # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the # completed Sudoku game. if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 # Collect the indices of non-zero cells non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): # Display the Sudoku grid for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: # Fill each blank cell with a dot print(".", end=" ") else: # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle grid, solution = generate_sudoku() print("Here is your puzzle:") display_sudoku(grid) print("\nHere is the completed puzzle:") display_sudoku(solution) [/INST] The cause of the problem is the way that Python handles mutable objects, compared to how it handles immutable data types. The code you have provided generates a game grid as a list of lists, and lists are a mutable data type in Python. When the code assigns solution = grid, it is generating a reference to the list of lists described by grid, and not creating a duplicate list of lists. As the code causes subsequent changes to the contents of grid, these changes are also passed to the solution, as both solution and grid are pointing to the same object. Therefore, when the code displays both the grid and the solution, it displays the same object twice. To avoid the issue of modifications to the grid list affecting the solution, it's necessary to create a separate copy of the list. One way of implementing this is to import the copy library, which provides the deepcopy() library function. The deepcopy() function creates a deep copy of an object, including all nested objects, ensuring that modifications to one copy do not affect the other. ```Python #Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation import random #Import Python's copy library to enable the use of the deepcopy function import copy def generate_sudoku(): # Create an empty 9x9 grid grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid fill_numbers(grid) # Store the completed grid as the solution solution = copy.deepcopy(grid) # Remove some numbers to turn a completed # Sudoku grid into a puzzle remove_numbers(grid) # Output the generated puzzle and the solution return grid, solution def fill_numbers(grid): # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9 num_list = list(range(1, 10)) random.shuffle(num_list) # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0) def fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index): # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely if index >= 81: return True row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index if grid[row][col] != 0: # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1) random.shuffle(num_list) for num in num_list: if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in grid[row][col] = num if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1): # Recursively fill the next cell return True grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled return False def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules # Check the row for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False # Check the column for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False # Check the 3x3 box box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired) num_removals = 64 # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the # completed Sudoku game. if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 # Collect the indices of non-zero cells non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): # Display the Sudoku grid for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: # Fill each blank cell with a dot print(".", end=" ") else: # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle grid, solution = generate_sudoku() print("Here is your puzzle:") display_sudoku(grid) print("\nHere is the completed puzzle:") display_sudoku(solution) ``` </s>"
"I've got a big problem! I tried making a fun Sudoku puzzle generator for my friend, but I made some sort of mistake! I don't understand what I did wrong, but for some reason, every puzzle starts from the exact same initial seed! My friend hasn't figured this out yet, but I'd like to fix it so that the program actually works by making truly random games for her to play. Oh, the program is a Python program by the way. Here's what I have so far, could you please help m fix it? #Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation import random def generate_sudoku(): # Create an empty 9x9 grid grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid solve_sudoku(grid) # Remove some numbers to turn a completed # Sudoku grid into a puzzle remove_numbers(grid) # Output the generated puzzle return grid def solve_sudoku(grid): # Find the next empty cell row, col = find_empty_cell(grid) # If no empty cells are found, the puzzle is solved if row == -1 and col == -1: return True # Try each number from 1 to 9 for num in range(1, 10): if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Assign the number to the empty cell grid[row][col] = num # Recursively solve the Sudoku if solve_sudoku(grid): return True # If the current assignment does not lead to a solution, # reset the cell and try the next number grid[row][col] = 0 # If no number can be placed, backtrack return False def find_empty_cell(grid): # Find the next empty cell in the grid for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if grid[i][j] == 0: return i, j return -1, -1 def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules # Check the row for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False # Check the column for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False # Check the 3x3 box box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired) num_removals = 64 # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the # completed Sudoku game. if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 # Collect the indices of non-zero cells non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): # Display the Sudoku grid for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: # Fill each blank cell with a dot print(".", end=" ") else: # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() # Check to see if the program has been loaded as a script, and execute it if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle grid = generate_sudoku() display_sudoku(grid)"
[ { "content": "I've got a big problem! I tried making a fun Sudoku puzzle generator for my friend, but I made some sort of mistake! I don't understand what I did wrong, but for some reason, every puzzle starts from the exact same initial seed! My friend hasn't figured this out yet, but I'd like to fix it so that the program actually works by making truly random games for her to play. Oh, the program is a Python program by the way. Here's what I have so far, could you please help m fix it?\n\n#Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation\nimport random\n\ndef generate_sudoku():\n # Create an empty 9x9 grid\n grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)]\n \n # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid\n solve_sudoku(grid)\n \n # Remove some numbers to turn a completed\n # Sudoku grid into a puzzle\n remove_numbers(grid)\n \n # Output the generated puzzle\n return grid\n\ndef solve_sudoku(grid):\n # Find the next empty cell\n row, col = find_empty_cell(grid)\n \n # If no empty cells are found, the puzzle is solved\n if row == -1 and col == -1:\n return True\n \n # Try each number from 1 to 9\n for num in range(1, 10):\n if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # Assign the number to the empty cell\n grid[row][col] = num\n \n # Recursively solve the Sudoku\n if solve_sudoku(grid):\n return True\n \n # If the current assignment does not lead to a solution,\n # reset the cell and try the next number\n grid[row][col] = 0\n \n # If no number can be placed, backtrack\n return False\n\ndef find_empty_cell(grid):\n # Find the next empty cell in the grid\n for i in range(9):\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n return i, j\n return -1, -1\n\ndef is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules\n \n # Check the row\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[row][j] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the column\n for i in range(9):\n if grid[i][col] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the 3x3 box\n box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3)\n box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3)\n for i in range(3):\n for j in range(3):\n if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num:\n return False\n \n return True\n\ndef remove_numbers(grid):\n # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle\n \n # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired)\n num_removals = 64\n \n # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater\n # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values\n # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the\n # completed Sudoku game.\n if num_removals >= 65:\n num_removals = 64\n\n # Collect the indices of non-zero cells\n non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0]\n \n # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values\n removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals)\n for row, col in removal_indices:\n grid[row][col] = 0\n \n return grid\n\n\ndef display_sudoku(grid):\n # Display the Sudoku grid\n for i in range(9):\n if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0:\n # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows\n print(\"- - - - - - - - - - -\")\n for j in range(9):\n if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0:\n # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns\n print(\"|\", end=\" \")\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n # Fill each blank cell with a dot\n print(\".\", end=\" \")\n else:\n # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle\n print(grid[i][j], end=\" \")\n print()\n\n# Check to see if the program has been loaded as a script, and execute it\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle\n grid = generate_sudoku()\n display_sudoku(grid)", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The problem with the current implementation is that it doesn't generate a random initial grid for the Sudoku Puzzle. So when your code removes random values from the grid, it may initially appear that the program is generating a new puzzle but the program is merely generating variations of the same puzzle, just with different values randomly removed by the remove_numbers function. To correct this problem, we can implement a new helper function that will recursively fill the grid. Here is an updated version of the program you submitted, with a new function that replaces the solve_sudoku and find_empty_cell functions, which are no longer required.\n\n```Python\n#Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation\nimport random\n\ndef generate_sudoku():\n # Create an empty 9x9 grid\n grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)]\n \n # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid\n fill_numbers(grid)\n \n # Remove some numbers to turn a completed\n # Sudoku grid into a puzzle\n remove_numbers(grid)\n\n # Output the generated puzzle\n return grid\n\ndef fill_numbers(grid):\n # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9\n num_list = list(range(1, 10))\n random.shuffle(num_list)\n \n # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid\n return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0)\n\ndef fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index):\n # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely\n if index >= 81:\n return True\n\n row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index\n col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index\n\n if grid[row][col] != 0:\n # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell\n return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1)\n\n random.shuffle(num_list)\n for num in num_list:\n if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in\n grid[row][col] = num\n if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1):\n # Recursively fill the next cell\n return True\n grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled\n\n return False\n\ndef is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules\n \n # Check the row\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[row][j] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the column\n for i in range(9):\n if grid[i][col] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the 3x3 box\n box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3)\n box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3)\n for i in range(3):\n for j in range(3):\n if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num:\n return False\n \n return True\n\ndef remove_numbers(grid):\n # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle\n \n # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired)\n num_removals = 64\n \n # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater\n # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values\n # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the\n # completed Sudoku game.\n if num_removals >= 65:\n num_removals = 64\n\n # Collect the indices of non-zero cells\n non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0]\n \n # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values\n removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals)\n for row, col in removal_indices:\n grid[row][col] = 0\n \n return grid\n\n\ndef display_sudoku(grid):\n # Display the Sudoku grid\n for i in range(9):\n if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0:\n # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows\n print(\"- - - - - - - - - - -\")\n for j in range(9):\n if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0:\n # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns\n print(\"|\", end=\" \")\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n # Fill each blank cell with a dot\n print(\".\", end=\" \")\n else:\n # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle\n print(grid[i][j], end=\" \")\n print()\n\n# Check to see if the program has been loaded as a script, and execute it\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle\n grid = generate_sudoku()\n display_sudoku(grid)\n```", "role": "assistant" } ]
{ "category": "Coding", "source": "surge" }
"<s> [INST] I've got a big problem! I tried making a fun Sudoku puzzle generator for my friend, but I made some sort of mistake! I don't understand what I did wrong, but for some reason, every puzzle starts from the exact same initial seed! My friend hasn't figured this out yet, but I'd like to fix it so that the program actually works by making truly random games for her to play. Oh, the program is a Python program by the way. Here's what I have so far, could you please help m fix it? #Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation import random def generate_sudoku(): # Create an empty 9x9 grid grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid solve_sudoku(grid) # Remove some numbers to turn a completed # Sudoku grid into a puzzle remove_numbers(grid) # Output the generated puzzle return grid def solve_sudoku(grid): # Find the next empty cell row, col = find_empty_cell(grid) # If no empty cells are found, the puzzle is solved if row == -1 and col == -1: return True # Try each number from 1 to 9 for num in range(1, 10): if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Assign the number to the empty cell grid[row][col] = num # Recursively solve the Sudoku if solve_sudoku(grid): return True # If the current assignment does not lead to a solution, # reset the cell and try the next number grid[row][col] = 0 # If no number can be placed, backtrack return False def find_empty_cell(grid): # Find the next empty cell in the grid for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if grid[i][j] == 0: return i, j return -1, -1 def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules # Check the row for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False # Check the column for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False # Check the 3x3 box box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired) num_removals = 64 # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the # completed Sudoku game. if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 # Collect the indices of non-zero cells non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): # Display the Sudoku grid for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: # Fill each blank cell with a dot print(".", end=" ") else: # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() # Check to see if the program has been loaded as a script, and execute it if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle grid = generate_sudoku() display_sudoku(grid) [/INST] The problem with the current implementation is that it doesn't generate a random initial grid for the Sudoku Puzzle. So when your code removes random values from the grid, it may initially appear that the program is generating a new puzzle but the program is merely generating variations of the same puzzle, just with different values randomly removed by the remove_numbers function. To correct this problem, we can implement a new helper function that will recursively fill the grid. Here is an updated version of the program you submitted, with a new function that replaces the solve_sudoku and find_empty_cell functions, which are no longer required. ```Python #Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation import random def generate_sudoku(): # Create an empty 9x9 grid grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid fill_numbers(grid) # Remove some numbers to turn a completed # Sudoku grid into a puzzle remove_numbers(grid) # Output the generated puzzle return grid def fill_numbers(grid): # Generate a shuffled list of numbers from 1 to 9 num_list = list(range(1, 10)) random.shuffle(num_list) # Start the recursive process to fill numbers in the grid return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, 0) def fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index): # Base case: if the index exceeds the last cell, the grid is filled completely if index >= 81: return True row = index // 9 # Calculate the row index from the current index col = index % 9 # Calculate the column index from the current index if grid[row][col] != 0: # If the current cell is already filled, move to the next cell return fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1) random.shuffle(num_list) for num in num_list: if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # If the current number is valid for the current cell, fill it in grid[row][col] = num if fill_numbers_recursive(grid, num_list, index + 1): # Recursively fill the next cell return True grid[row][col] = 0 # Backtrack if the next cell cannot be filled return False def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules # Check the row for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False # Check the column for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False # Check the 3x3 box box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired) num_removals = 64 # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the # completed Sudoku game. if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 # Collect the indices of non-zero cells non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): # Display the Sudoku grid for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: # Fill each blank cell with a dot print(".", end=" ") else: # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() # Check to see if the program has been loaded as a script, and execute it if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle grid = generate_sudoku() display_sudoku(grid) ``` </s>"
"Write this like it's a news article. There was an international controversy about the death of a solo British climber David Sharp, who attempted to climb Mount Everest in 2006 but died in his attempt. The story broke out of the mountaineering community into popular media, with a series of interviews, allegations, and critiques. The question was whether climbers that season had left a man to die and whether he could have been saved. He was said to have attempted to summit Mount Everest by himself with no Sherpa or guide and fewer oxygen bottles than considered normal.[138] He went with a low-budget Nepali guide firm that only provides support up to Base Camp, after which climbers go as a "loose group", offering a high degree of independence. The manager at Sharp's guide support said Sharp did not take enough oxygen for his summit attempt and did not have a Sherpa guide.[139] It is less clear who knew Sharp was in trouble, and if they did know, whether they were qualified or capable of helping him.[138] Double-amputee climber Mark Inglis said in an interview with the press on 23 May 2006, that his climbing party, and many others, had passed Sharp, on 15 May, sheltering under a rock overhang 450 metres (1,480 ft) below the summit, without attempting a rescue.[140] Inglis said 40 people had passed by Sharp, but he might have been overlooked as climbers assumed Sharp was the corpse nicknamed "Green Boots",[141] but Inglis was not aware that Turkish climbers had tried to help Sharp despite being in the process of helping an injured woman down (a Turkish woman, Burçak Poçan). There has also been some discussion about Himex in the commentary on Inglis and Sharp. In regards to Inglis's initial comments, he later revised certain details because he had been interviewed while he was "...physically and mentally exhausted, and in a lot of pain. He had suffered severe frostbite – he later had five fingertips amputated." When they went through Sharp's possessions they found a receipt for US$7,490, believed to be the whole financial cost.[142] Comparatively, most expeditions are between $35,000 to US$100,000 plus an additional $20,000 in other expenses that range from gear to bonuses.[143] It was estimated on 14 May that Sharp summitted Mount Everest and began his descent down, but 15 May he was in trouble but being passed by climbers on their way up and down.[144] On 15 May 2006 it is believed he was suffering from hypoxia and was about 300 m (1,000 ft) from the summit on the North Side route.[144] Beck Weathers of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster said that those who are dying are often left behind and that he himself had been left for dead twice but was able to keep walking.[146] The Tribune of Chandigarh, India quoted someone who described what happened to Sharp as "the most shameful act in the history of mountaineering".[147] In addition to Sharp's death, at least nine other climbers perished that year, including multiple Sherpas working for various guiding companies.[148] Much of this controversy was captured by the Discovery Channel while filming the television program Everest: Beyond the Limit. A crucial decision affecting the fate of Sharp is shown in the program, where an early returning climber Lebanese adventurer Maxim Chaya is descending from the summit and radios to his base camp manager (Russell Brice) that he has found a frostbitten and unconscious climber in distress. Chaya is unable to identify Sharp, who had chosen to climb solo without any support and so did not identify himself to other climbers. The base camp manager assumes that Sharp is part of a group that has already calculated that they must abandon him, and informs his lone climber that there is no chance of him being able to help Sharp by himself. As Sharp's condition deteriorates through the day and other descending climbers pass him, his opportunities for rescue diminish: his legs and feet curl from frostbite, preventing him from walking; the later descending climbers are lower on oxygen and lack the strength to offer aid; time runs out for any Sherpas to return and rescue him. David Sharp's body remained just below the summit on the Chinese side next to "Green Boots"; they shared a space in a small rock cave that was an ad hoc tomb for them.[144] Sharp's body was removed from the cave in 2007, according to the BBC,[150] and since 2014, Green Boots has been missing, presumably removed or buried.[6] David Sharp ethics controversy, 2006 There was an international controversy about the death of a solo British climber David Sharp, who attempted to climb Mount Everest in 2006 but died in his attempt. The story broke out of the mountaineering community into popular media, with a series of interviews, allegations, and critiques. The question was whether climbers that season had left a man to die and whether he could have been saved. He was said to have attempted to summit Mount Everest by himself with no Sherpa or guide and fewer oxygen bottles than considered normal.[138] He went with a low-budget Nepali guide firm that only provides support up to Base Camp, after which climbers go as a "loose group", offering a high degree of independence. The manager at Sharp's guide support said Sharp did not take enough oxygen for his summit attempt and did not have a Sherpa guide.[139] It is less clear who knew Sharp was in trouble, and if they did know, whether they were qualified or capable of helping him.[138] Double-amputee climber Mark Inglis said in an interview with the press on 23 May 2006, that his climbing party, and many others, had passed Sharp, on 15 May, sheltering under a rock overhang 450 metres (1,480 ft) below the summit, without attempting a rescue.[140] Inglis said 40 people had passed by Sharp, but he might have been overlooked as climbers assumed Sharp was the corpse nicknamed "Green Boots",[141] but Inglis was not aware that Turkish climbers had tried to help Sharp despite being in the process of helping an injured woman down (a Turkish woman, Burçak Poçan). There has also been some discussion about Himex in the commentary on Inglis and Sharp. In regards to Inglis's initial comments, he later revised certain details because he had been interviewed while he was "...physically and mentally exhausted, and in a lot of pain. He had suffered severe frostbite – he later had five fingertips amputated." When they went through Sharp's possessions they found a receipt for US$7,490, believed to be the whole financial cost.[142] Comparatively, most expeditions are between $35,000 to US$100,000 plus an additional $20,000 in other expenses that range from gear to bonuses.[143] It was estimated on 14 May that Sharp summitted Mount Everest and began his descent down, but 15 May he was in trouble but being passed by climbers on their way up and down.[144] On 15 May 2006 it is believed he was suffering from hypoxia and was about 300 m (1,000 ft) from the summit on the North Side route.[144] Beck Weathers of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster said that those who are dying are often left behind and that he himself had been left for dead twice but was able to keep walking.[146] The Tribune of Chandigarh, India quoted someone who described what happened to Sharp as "the most shameful act in the history of mountaineering".[147] In addition to Sharp's death, at least nine other climbers perished that year, including multiple Sherpas working for various guiding companies.[148] Much of this controversy was captured by the Discovery Channel while filming the television program Everest: Beyond the Limit. A crucial decision affecting the fate of Sharp is shown in the program, where an early returning climber Lebanese adventurer Maxim Chaya is descending from the summit and radios to his base camp manager (Russell Brice) that he has found a frostbitten and unconscious climber in distress. Chaya is unable to identify Sharp, who had chosen to climb solo without any support and so did not identify himself to other climbers. The base camp manager assumes that Sharp is part of a group that has already calculated that they must abandon him, and informs his lone climber that there is no chance of him being able to help Sharp by himself. As Sharp's condition deteriorates through the day and other descending climbers pass him, his opportunities for rescue diminish: his legs and feet curl from frostbite, preventing him from walking; the later descending climbers are lower on oxygen and lack the strength to offer aid; time runs out for any Sherpas to return and rescue him. David Sharp's body remained just below the summit on the Chinese side next to "Green Boots"; they shared a space in a small rock cave that was an ad hoc tomb for them.[144] Sharp's body was removed from the cave in 2007, according to the BBC,[150] and since 2014, Green Boots has been missing, presumably removed or buried.[6]"
[ { "content": "Write this like it's a news article.\n\nThere was an international controversy about the death of a solo British climber David Sharp, who attempted to climb Mount Everest in 2006 but died in his attempt. The story broke out of the mountaineering community into popular media, with a series of interviews, allegations, and critiques. The question was whether climbers that season had left a man to die and whether he could have been saved. He was said to have attempted to summit Mount Everest by himself with no Sherpa or guide and fewer oxygen bottles than considered normal.[138] He went with a low-budget Nepali guide firm that only provides support up to Base Camp, after which climbers go as a \"loose group\", offering a high degree of independence. The manager at Sharp's guide support said Sharp did not take enough oxygen for his summit attempt and did not have a Sherpa guide.[139] It is less clear who knew Sharp was in trouble, and if they did know, whether they were qualified or capable of helping him.[138]\n\nDouble-amputee climber Mark Inglis said in an interview with the press on 23 May 2006, that his climbing party, and many others, had passed Sharp, on 15 May, sheltering under a rock overhang 450 metres (1,480 ft) below the summit, without attempting a rescue.[140] Inglis said 40 people had passed by Sharp, but he might have been overlooked as climbers assumed Sharp was the corpse nicknamed \"Green Boots\",[141] but Inglis was not aware that Turkish climbers had tried to help Sharp despite being in the process of helping an injured woman down (a Turkish woman, Burçak Poçan). There has also been some discussion about Himex in the commentary on Inglis and Sharp. In regards to Inglis's initial comments, he later revised certain details because he had been interviewed while he was \"...physically and mentally exhausted, and in a lot of pain. He had suffered severe frostbite – he later had five fingertips amputated.\" When they went through Sharp's possessions they found a receipt for US$7,490, believed to be the whole financial cost.[142] Comparatively, most expeditions are between $35,000 to US$100,000 plus an additional $20,000 in other expenses that range from gear to bonuses.[143] It was estimated on 14 May that Sharp summitted Mount Everest and began his descent down, but 15 May he was in trouble but being passed by climbers on their way up and down.[144] On 15 May 2006 it is believed he was suffering from hypoxia and was about 300 m (1,000 ft) from the summit on the North Side route.[144]\n\nBeck Weathers of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster said that those who are dying are often left behind and that he himself had been left for dead twice but was able to keep walking.[146] The Tribune of Chandigarh, India quoted someone who described what happened to Sharp as \"the most shameful act in the history of mountaineering\".[147] In addition to Sharp's death, at least nine other climbers perished that year, including multiple Sherpas working for various guiding companies.[148]\n\nMuch of this controversy was captured by the Discovery Channel while filming the television program Everest: Beyond the Limit. A crucial decision affecting the fate of Sharp is shown in the program, where an early returning climber Lebanese adventurer Maxim Chaya is descending from the summit and radios to his base camp manager (Russell Brice) that he has found a frostbitten and unconscious climber in distress. Chaya is unable to identify Sharp, who had chosen to climb solo without any support and so did not identify himself to other climbers. The base camp manager assumes that Sharp is part of a group that has already calculated that they must abandon him, and informs his lone climber that there is no chance of him being able to help Sharp by himself. As Sharp's condition deteriorates through the day and other descending climbers pass him, his opportunities for rescue diminish: his legs and feet curl from frostbite, preventing him from walking; the later descending climbers are lower on oxygen and lack the strength to offer aid; time runs out for any Sherpas to return and rescue him.\n\nDavid Sharp's body remained just below the summit on the Chinese side next to \"Green Boots\"; they shared a space in a small rock cave that was an ad hoc tomb for them.[144] Sharp's body was removed from the cave in 2007, according to the BBC,[150] and since 2014, Green Boots has been missing, presumably removed or buried.[6]\n\nDavid Sharp ethics controversy, 2006\nThere was an international controversy about the death of a solo British climber David Sharp, who attempted to climb Mount Everest in 2006 but died in his attempt. The story broke out of the mountaineering community into popular media, with a series of interviews, allegations, and critiques. The question was whether climbers that season had left a man to die and whether he could have been saved. He was said to have attempted to summit Mount Everest by himself with no Sherpa or guide and fewer oxygen bottles than considered normal.[138] He went with a low-budget Nepali guide firm that only provides support up to Base Camp, after which climbers go as a \"loose group\", offering a high degree of independence. The manager at Sharp's guide support said Sharp did not take enough oxygen for his summit attempt and did not have a Sherpa guide.[139] It is less clear who knew Sharp was in trouble, and if they did know, whether they were qualified or capable of helping him.[138]\n\nDouble-amputee climber Mark Inglis said in an interview with the press on 23 May 2006, that his climbing party, and many others, had passed Sharp, on 15 May, sheltering under a rock overhang 450 metres (1,480 ft) below the summit, without attempting a rescue.[140] Inglis said 40 people had passed by Sharp, but he might have been overlooked as climbers assumed Sharp was the corpse nicknamed \"Green Boots\",[141] but Inglis was not aware that Turkish climbers had tried to help Sharp despite being in the process of helping an injured woman down (a Turkish woman, Burçak Poçan). There has also been some discussion about Himex in the commentary on Inglis and Sharp. In regards to Inglis's initial comments, he later revised certain details because he had been interviewed while he was \"...physically and mentally exhausted, and in a lot of pain. He had suffered severe frostbite – he later had five fingertips amputated.\" When they went through Sharp's possessions they found a receipt for US$7,490, believed to be the whole financial cost.[142] Comparatively, most expeditions are between $35,000 to US$100,000 plus an additional $20,000 in other expenses that range from gear to bonuses.[143] It was estimated on 14 May that Sharp summitted Mount Everest and began his descent down, but 15 May he was in trouble but being passed by climbers on their way up and down.[144] On 15 May 2006 it is believed he was suffering from hypoxia and was about 300 m (1,000 ft) from the summit on the North Side route.[144]\n\nBeck Weathers of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster said that those who are dying are often left behind and that he himself had been left for dead twice but was able to keep walking.[146] The Tribune of Chandigarh, India quoted someone who described what happened to Sharp as \"the most shameful act in the history of mountaineering\".[147] In addition to Sharp's death, at least nine other climbers perished that year, including multiple Sherpas working for various guiding companies.[148]\n\nMuch of this controversy was captured by the Discovery Channel while filming the television program Everest: Beyond the Limit. A crucial decision affecting the fate of Sharp is shown in the program, where an early returning climber Lebanese adventurer Maxim Chaya is descending from the summit and radios to his base camp manager (Russell Brice) that he has found a frostbitten and unconscious climber in distress. Chaya is unable to identify Sharp, who had chosen to climb solo without any support and so did not identify himself to other climbers. The base camp manager assumes that Sharp is part of a group that has already calculated that they must abandon him, and informs his lone climber that there is no chance of him being able to help Sharp by himself. As Sharp's condition deteriorates through the day and other descending climbers pass him, his opportunities for rescue diminish: his legs and feet curl from frostbite, preventing him from walking; the later descending climbers are lower on oxygen and lack the strength to offer aid; time runs out for any Sherpas to return and rescue him.\n\nDavid Sharp's body remained just below the summit on the Chinese side next to \"Green Boots\"; they shared a space in a small rock cave that was an ad hoc tomb for them.[144] Sharp's body was removed from the cave in 2007, according to the BBC,[150] and since 2014, Green Boots has been missing, presumably removed or buried.[6]", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Breaking news: International controversy has sprung up after British climber David Sharp was reported dead while on a solo climb to the top of Mount Everest on 15 May. The story has apparently grown beyond the scope of the mountaineering community as many have been interviewed by the media. Allegations and critiques have come from many sources. Have climbers in the 2006 season left a man to die when he still had a chance to be saved? Sources say that Sharp tried to climb the mountain by himself with no guides, and it's said he even brought fewer oxygen bottles than normal. His guide firm in Nepal was a low-budget service that provided him service as far as Base Camp, but after that point, they expect climbers to continue as a \"loose group,\" which allows for a great deal of independence. The manager told us that Sharp didn't have enough oxygen with him for his climb and chose not to have a Sherpa guide. The question is who knew that Sharp was in trouble? If they did know, were they even qualified or capable of helping him? \n\nOne fellow climber, a double-amputee named Mark Inglis, claims that his party, along with several others, passed Sharp on their trek. He was reportedly sheltering beneath a rock overhang that was 450 metres below the summit, but none attempted a rescue. Inglis also said that 40 people had passed Sharp, but they might not have noticed him and instead thought he was the corpse nicknamed \"Green Boots.\" What Inglis didn't know was that a party of Turkish climbers did try to help Sharp, even though they were already helping an injured woman (Turkish Burçak Poçan). Himex has also been discussed in the commentary on Inglis and Sharp. It's interesting to note that Inglis later revises his story, claiming that at the time he was first interviewed, he was \"...physically and mentally exhausted, and in a lot of pain. He had suffered severe frostbite--he later had five fingertips amputated.\" A search of Sharp's possessions found a receipt for US$7,490 which is thought to be his entire cost for the climb. Most expeditions cost between $35,000 and $100,000, not to mention an additional $20,000 in other expenses like gear and bonuses. It is believed that Sharp summited on 14 May before beginning his descent, but on 15 May he encountered trouble. At this point, he was being passed by other climbers, and it's believed that he was experiencing hypoxia at around 300 metres from the summit.\n\nBeck Weathers, who participated in the 1996 Mount Everest expedition that ended in disaster, claims that those who are dying tend to be left behind. Apparently, he had been left for dead himself on two separate occasions but had been able to keep walking and save himself. The Tribune of Chandigarh, India describes Sharp's predicament as \"the most shameful act in the history of mountaineering.\" Nine other climbers also died in 2006, including Sherpas working for guide firms. \n\nThe Discovery Channel captures a lot of the controversy in their television program Everest: Beyond the Limit. One very important piece of Sharp's story is shown in the program when an early-returning climber named Maxim Chaya radioed his base camp manager (Russell Brice) to say that he had found a frostbitten and unconscious climber in distress. Chaya couldn't identify Sharp because he had chosen to not identify himself to other climbers. Instead of sending help, the base camp manager assumed that Sharp was a member of a group that had already abandoned him. He told Chaya that he wouldn't be able to help Sharp on his own, so Chaya left him. Sharp's condition continued to worsen and his chances of rescue grew smaller as climbers continue to pass him in their descent. The frostbite was making his legs and feet curl, preventing him from walking, and later descending climbers were low on oxygen and strength themselves. As the day continued, time ran out for Sherpas to come back and rescue him. \n\nSharp's body remained where it was, just below the summit on the Chinese side, next to \"Green Boots.\" They shared a small rock cave that also acted as their tomb. The BBC reports that Sharp's body was removed in 2007, and Green Boots has been missing since 2014, likely moved or buried. ", "role": "assistant" } ]
{ "category": "Rewrite", "source": "surge" }
"<s> [INST] Write this like it's a news article. There was an international controversy about the death of a solo British climber David Sharp, who attempted to climb Mount Everest in 2006 but died in his attempt. The story broke out of the mountaineering community into popular media, with a series of interviews, allegations, and critiques. The question was whether climbers that season had left a man to die and whether he could have been saved. He was said to have attempted to summit Mount Everest by himself with no Sherpa or guide and fewer oxygen bottles than considered normal.[138] He went with a low-budget Nepali guide firm that only provides support up to Base Camp, after which climbers go as a "loose group", offering a high degree of independence. The manager at Sharp's guide support said Sharp did not take enough oxygen for his summit attempt and did not have a Sherpa guide.[139] It is less clear who knew Sharp was in trouble, and if they did know, whether they were qualified or capable of helping him.[138] Double-amputee climber Mark Inglis said in an interview with the press on 23 May 2006, that his climbing party, and many others, had passed Sharp, on 15 May, sheltering under a rock overhang 450 metres (1,480 ft) below the summit, without attempting a rescue.[140] Inglis said 40 people had passed by Sharp, but he might have been overlooked as climbers assumed Sharp was the corpse nicknamed "Green Boots",[141] but Inglis was not aware that Turkish climbers had tried to help Sharp despite being in the process of helping an injured woman down (a Turkish woman, Burçak Poçan). There has also been some discussion about Himex in the commentary on Inglis and Sharp. In regards to Inglis's initial comments, he later revised certain details because he had been interviewed while he was "...physically and mentally exhausted, and in a lot of pain. He had suffered severe frostbite – he later had five fingertips amputated." When they went through Sharp's possessions they found a receipt for US$7,490, believed to be the whole financial cost.[142] Comparatively, most expeditions are between $35,000 to US$100,000 plus an additional $20,000 in other expenses that range from gear to bonuses.[143] It was estimated on 14 May that Sharp summitted Mount Everest and began his descent down, but 15 May he was in trouble but being passed by climbers on their way up and down.[144] On 15 May 2006 it is believed he was suffering from hypoxia and was about 300 m (1,000 ft) from the summit on the North Side route.[144] Beck Weathers of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster said that those who are dying are often left behind and that he himself had been left for dead twice but was able to keep walking.[146] The Tribune of Chandigarh, India quoted someone who described what happened to Sharp as "the most shameful act in the history of mountaineering".[147] In addition to Sharp's death, at least nine other climbers perished that year, including multiple Sherpas working for various guiding companies.[148] Much of this controversy was captured by the Discovery Channel while filming the television program Everest: Beyond the Limit. A crucial decision affecting the fate of Sharp is shown in the program, where an early returning climber Lebanese adventurer Maxim Chaya is descending from the summit and radios to his base camp manager (Russell Brice) that he has found a frostbitten and unconscious climber in distress. Chaya is unable to identify Sharp, who had chosen to climb solo without any support and so did not identify himself to other climbers. The base camp manager assumes that Sharp is part of a group that has already calculated that they must abandon him, and informs his lone climber that there is no chance of him being able to help Sharp by himself. As Sharp's condition deteriorates through the day and other descending climbers pass him, his opportunities for rescue diminish: his legs and feet curl from frostbite, preventing him from walking; the later descending climbers are lower on oxygen and lack the strength to offer aid; time runs out for any Sherpas to return and rescue him. David Sharp's body remained just below the summit on the Chinese side next to "Green Boots"; they shared a space in a small rock cave that was an ad hoc tomb for them.[144] Sharp's body was removed from the cave in 2007, according to the BBC,[150] and since 2014, Green Boots has been missing, presumably removed or buried.[6] David Sharp ethics controversy, 2006 There was an international controversy about the death of a solo British climber David Sharp, who attempted to climb Mount Everest in 2006 but died in his attempt. The story broke out of the mountaineering community into popular media, with a series of interviews, allegations, and critiques. The question was whether climbers that season had left a man to die and whether he could have been saved. He was said to have attempted to summit Mount Everest by himself with no Sherpa or guide and fewer oxygen bottles than considered normal.[138] He went with a low-budget Nepali guide firm that only provides support up to Base Camp, after which climbers go as a "loose group", offering a high degree of independence. The manager at Sharp's guide support said Sharp did not take enough oxygen for his summit attempt and did not have a Sherpa guide.[139] It is less clear who knew Sharp was in trouble, and if they did know, whether they were qualified or capable of helping him.[138] Double-amputee climber Mark Inglis said in an interview with the press on 23 May 2006, that his climbing party, and many others, had passed Sharp, on 15 May, sheltering under a rock overhang 450 metres (1,480 ft) below the summit, without attempting a rescue.[140] Inglis said 40 people had passed by Sharp, but he might have been overlooked as climbers assumed Sharp was the corpse nicknamed "Green Boots",[141] but Inglis was not aware that Turkish climbers had tried to help Sharp despite being in the process of helping an injured woman down (a Turkish woman, Burçak Poçan). There has also been some discussion about Himex in the commentary on Inglis and Sharp. In regards to Inglis's initial comments, he later revised certain details because he had been interviewed while he was "...physically and mentally exhausted, and in a lot of pain. He had suffered severe frostbite – he later had five fingertips amputated." When they went through Sharp's possessions they found a receipt for US$7,490, believed to be the whole financial cost.[142] Comparatively, most expeditions are between $35,000 to US$100,000 plus an additional $20,000 in other expenses that range from gear to bonuses.[143] It was estimated on 14 May that Sharp summitted Mount Everest and began his descent down, but 15 May he was in trouble but being passed by climbers on their way up and down.[144] On 15 May 2006 it is believed he was suffering from hypoxia and was about 300 m (1,000 ft) from the summit on the North Side route.[144] Beck Weathers of the 1996 Mount Everest disaster said that those who are dying are often left behind and that he himself had been left for dead twice but was able to keep walking.[146] The Tribune of Chandigarh, India quoted someone who described what happened to Sharp as "the most shameful act in the history of mountaineering".[147] In addition to Sharp's death, at least nine other climbers perished that year, including multiple Sherpas working for various guiding companies.[148] Much of this controversy was captured by the Discovery Channel while filming the television program Everest: Beyond the Limit. A crucial decision affecting the fate of Sharp is shown in the program, where an early returning climber Lebanese adventurer Maxim Chaya is descending from the summit and radios to his base camp manager (Russell Brice) that he has found a frostbitten and unconscious climber in distress. Chaya is unable to identify Sharp, who had chosen to climb solo without any support and so did not identify himself to other climbers. The base camp manager assumes that Sharp is part of a group that has already calculated that they must abandon him, and informs his lone climber that there is no chance of him being able to help Sharp by himself. As Sharp's condition deteriorates through the day and other descending climbers pass him, his opportunities for rescue diminish: his legs and feet curl from frostbite, preventing him from walking; the later descending climbers are lower on oxygen and lack the strength to offer aid; time runs out for any Sherpas to return and rescue him. David Sharp's body remained just below the summit on the Chinese side next to "Green Boots"; they shared a space in a small rock cave that was an ad hoc tomb for them.[144] Sharp's body was removed from the cave in 2007, according to the BBC,[150] and since 2014, Green Boots has been missing, presumably removed or buried.[6] [/INST] Breaking news: International controversy has sprung up after British climber David Sharp was reported dead while on a solo climb to the top of Mount Everest on 15 May. The story has apparently grown beyond the scope of the mountaineering community as many have been interviewed by the media. Allegations and critiques have come from many sources. Have climbers in the 2006 season left a man to die when he still had a chance to be saved? Sources say that Sharp tried to climb the mountain by himself with no guides, and it's said he even brought fewer oxygen bottles than normal. His guide firm in Nepal was a low-budget service that provided him service as far as Base Camp, but after that point, they expect climbers to continue as a "loose group," which allows for a great deal of independence. The manager told us that Sharp didn't have enough oxygen with him for his climb and chose not to have a Sherpa guide. The question is who knew that Sharp was in trouble? If they did know, were they even qualified or capable of helping him? One fellow climber, a double-amputee named Mark Inglis, claims that his party, along with several others, passed Sharp on their trek. He was reportedly sheltering beneath a rock overhang that was 450 metres below the summit, but none attempted a rescue. Inglis also said that 40 people had passed Sharp, but they might not have noticed him and instead thought he was the corpse nicknamed "Green Boots." What Inglis didn't know was that a party of Turkish climbers did try to help Sharp, even though they were already helping an injured woman (Turkish Burçak Poçan). Himex has also been discussed in the commentary on Inglis and Sharp. It's interesting to note that Inglis later revises his story, claiming that at the time he was first interviewed, he was "...physically and mentally exhausted, and in a lot of pain. He had suffered severe frostbite--he later had five fingertips amputated." A search of Sharp's possessions found a receipt for US$7,490 which is thought to be his entire cost for the climb. Most expeditions cost between $35,000 and $100,000, not to mention an additional $20,000 in other expenses like gear and bonuses. It is believed that Sharp summited on 14 May before beginning his descent, but on 15 May he encountered trouble. At this point, he was being passed by other climbers, and it's believed that he was experiencing hypoxia at around 300 metres from the summit. Beck Weathers, who participated in the 1996 Mount Everest expedition that ended in disaster, claims that those who are dying tend to be left behind. Apparently, he had been left for dead himself on two separate occasions but had been able to keep walking and save himself. The Tribune of Chandigarh, India describes Sharp's predicament as "the most shameful act in the history of mountaineering." Nine other climbers also died in 2006, including Sherpas working for guide firms. The Discovery Channel captures a lot of the controversy in their television program Everest: Beyond the Limit. One very important piece of Sharp's story is shown in the program when an early-returning climber named Maxim Chaya radioed his base camp manager (Russell Brice) to say that he had found a frostbitten and unconscious climber in distress. Chaya couldn't identify Sharp because he had chosen to not identify himself to other climbers. Instead of sending help, the base camp manager assumed that Sharp was a member of a group that had already abandoned him. He told Chaya that he wouldn't be able to help Sharp on his own, so Chaya left him. Sharp's condition continued to worsen and his chances of rescue grew smaller as climbers continue to pass him in their descent. The frostbite was making his legs and feet curl, preventing him from walking, and later descending climbers were low on oxygen and strength themselves. As the day continued, time ran out for Sherpas to come back and rescue him. Sharp's body remained where it was, just below the summit on the Chinese side, next to "Green Boots." They shared a small rock cave that also acted as their tomb. The BBC reports that Sharp's body was removed in 2007, and Green Boots has been missing since 2014, likely moved or buried. </s>"
"Rewrite the article with comedic twist. Mosquitoes bite, suck your blood, and leave you with itchy bumps and possibly a horrible infection. Mosquito-borne pathogens include malaria, West Nile virus, Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, and dengue. While you might fantasize about living in a mosquito-free world, eradicating them would actually be disastrous for the environment. Adult mosquitoes are food for other insects, birds, and bats, while larval mosquitoes support aquatic ecosystems. The best we can hope for is to limit their ability to transmit disease, repel them, and kill them within the confines of our yards and homes. Mosquito-killing products bring in the big bucks, so it should come as no surprise that there is a wealth of misinformation out there. Before you get sucked into buying a product that simply won't work, get educated about what does and does not kill these blood-sucking pests. First, you need to understand the difference between repelling mosquitoes and killing them. Repellents make a location (like your yard or skin) less attractive to mosquitoes, but don't kill them. So, citronella, DEET, smoke, lemon eucalyptus, lavender, and tea tree oil might keep the insects at bay, but won't control them or get rid of them in the long run. Repellents vary in effectiveness, too. For example, while citronella may deter mosquitoes from entering a small, enclosed area, it doesn't really work in a wide open space (like your back yard). There are a host of methods that actually do kill mosquitoes, but aren't great solutions. A classic example is a bug zapper, which kills only a few mosquitoes, yet attracts and kills beneficial insects that keep the mozzy population down. Similarly, spraying pesticides is not an ideal solution because mosquitoes can become resistant to them, other animals get poisoned, and the toxins can cause lasting environmental damage. Many species of mosquitoes required standing water to breed, so one of the most effective methods of controlling them is to remove open containers and repair leaks. Dumping containers of standing water kills the larvae living in them before they get a chance to mature. However, removing water may be undesirable or impractical in some cases. Further, some species don't even need standing water to reproduce! The Aedes species, responsible for transmitting Zika and dengue, lays eggs out of water. These eggs remain viable for months, ready to hatch when sufficient water becomes available. A better solution is to introduce predators that eat immature or adult mosquitoes or infectious agents that harm mosquitoes without affecting other wildlife. Most ornamental fish consume mosquito larvae, including koi and minnows. Lizards, geckos, dragonfly adults and naiads, frogs, bats, spiders, and crustaceans all eat mosquitoes. Adult mosquitoes are susceptible to infection by the fungi Metarhizium anisoplilae and Beauveria bassiana. A more practical infectious agent is the spores of the soil bacterium Bacillus thurigiensis israelensis (BTI),. Infection with BTI makes the larvae unable to eat, causing them to die. BTI pellets are readily available at home and gardening stores, easy to use (simply add them to standing water), and only affect mosquitoes, black flies, and fungus gnats. The treated water remains safe for pets and wild animals to drink. The disadvantages of BTI are that it requires reapplication every week or two and it doesn't kill adult mosquitos. There are several chemical methods that target mosquitoes without the risks to other animals that come with spraying pesticides. Some methods rely on chemical attractants to lure mosquitoes to their doom. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, sugary scents, heat, lactic acid, and octenal. Gravid females (those carrying eggs) may be attracted to traps laced with a hormone released during the egg-laying process. The lethal ovitrap is dark, water-filled container, typically with a small opening to prevent larger animals from drinking the water. Some traps use chemicals to bait the traps, while others simply provide a convenient breeding ground. The traps may be filled with predators (e.g., fish) or with dilute pesticide to kill larvae (larvicide) and sometimes adults. These traps are highly effective and affordable. The disadvantage is that multiple traps must be used to cover an area (about one every 25 feet). Another chemical method is the use of an insect growth regulator (IGR), added to water to inhibit larval development. The most common IGR is methoprene, which is supplied as a time-release brick. While effective, methoprene has been shown to be mildly toxic to other animals. Adding a layer of oil or kerosene to water kills mosquito larvae and also prevents females from depositing eggs. The layer alters the surface tension of the water. Larvae can't get their breathing tube to the surface for air, so they suffocate. However, this method kills other animals in the water and makes the water unfit for consumption. One example of a physical method of killing mosquitoes is swatting them with your hand, a fly-swatter, or an electric swatter. Swatting works if you've only got a few mosquitoes, but it's not particularly helpful if you're being swarmed. While bug zappers aren't ideal outdoors because they can unnecessarily kill beneficial insects, electrocuting indoor insects isn't generally considered objectionable. Just remember, you need to bait a bug zapper to attract mosquitoes, because they don't care about the pretty blue light. Because mosquitoes are not strong fliers, it's also easy to suck them onto a screen or into a separate trap using a fan. Mosquitoes caught using a fan die from dehydration. Screen-traps may be made at home by fastening window screening fabric over the back of a fan."
[ { "content": "Rewrite the article with comedic twist.\n\nMosquitoes bite, suck your blood, and leave you with itchy bumps and possibly a horrible infection. Mosquito-borne pathogens include malaria, West Nile virus, Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, and dengue.\n\nWhile you might fantasize about living in a mosquito-free world, eradicating them would actually be disastrous for the environment. Adult mosquitoes are food for other insects, birds, and bats, while larval mosquitoes support aquatic ecosystems. The best we can hope for is to limit their ability to transmit disease, repel them, and kill them within the confines of our yards and homes.\n\nMosquito-killing products bring in the big bucks, so it should come as no surprise that there is a wealth of misinformation out there. Before you get sucked into buying a product that simply won't work, get educated about what does and does not kill these blood-sucking pests.\n\nFirst, you need to understand the difference between repelling mosquitoes and killing them. Repellents make a location (like your yard or skin) less attractive to mosquitoes, but don't kill them. So, citronella, DEET, smoke, lemon eucalyptus, lavender, and tea tree oil might keep the insects at bay, but won't control them or get rid of them in the long run. Repellents vary in effectiveness, too. For example, while citronella may deter mosquitoes from entering a small, enclosed area, it doesn't really work in a wide open space (like your back yard).\n\nThere are a host of methods that actually do kill mosquitoes, but aren't great solutions. A classic example is a bug zapper, which kills only a few mosquitoes, yet attracts and kills beneficial insects that keep the mozzy population down. Similarly, spraying pesticides is not an ideal solution because mosquitoes can become resistant to them, other animals get poisoned, and the toxins can cause lasting environmental damage.\n\nMany species of mosquitoes required standing water to breed, so one of the most effective methods of controlling them is to remove open containers and repair leaks. Dumping containers of standing water kills the larvae living in them before they get a chance to mature.\n\nHowever, removing water may be undesirable or impractical in some cases. Further, some species don't even need standing water to reproduce! The Aedes species, responsible for transmitting Zika and dengue, lays eggs out of water. These eggs remain viable for months, ready to hatch when sufficient water becomes available.\nA better solution is to introduce predators that eat immature or adult mosquitoes or infectious agents that harm mosquitoes without affecting other wildlife.\n\nMost ornamental fish consume mosquito larvae, including koi and minnows. Lizards, geckos, dragonfly adults and naiads, frogs, bats, spiders, and crustaceans all eat mosquitoes.\n\nAdult mosquitoes are susceptible to infection by the fungi Metarhizium anisoplilae and Beauveria bassiana. A more practical infectious agent is the spores of the soil bacterium Bacillus thurigiensis israelensis (BTI),. Infection with BTI makes the larvae unable to eat, causing them to die. BTI pellets are readily available at home and gardening stores, easy to use (simply add them to standing water), and only affect mosquitoes, black flies, and fungus gnats. The treated water remains safe for pets and wild animals to drink. The disadvantages of BTI are that it requires reapplication every week or two and it doesn't kill adult mosquitos.\nThere are several chemical methods that target mosquitoes without the risks to other animals that come with spraying pesticides.\n\nSome methods rely on chemical attractants to lure mosquitoes to their doom. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, sugary scents, heat, lactic acid, and octenal. Gravid females (those carrying eggs) may be attracted to traps laced with a hormone released during the egg-laying process.\n\nThe lethal ovitrap is dark, water-filled container, typically with a small opening to prevent larger animals from drinking the water. Some traps use chemicals to bait the traps, while others simply provide a convenient breeding ground. The traps may be filled with predators (e.g., fish) or with dilute pesticide to kill larvae (larvicide) and sometimes adults. These traps are highly effective and affordable. The disadvantage is that multiple traps must be used to cover an area (about one every 25 feet).\n\nAnother chemical method is the use of an insect growth regulator (IGR), added to water to inhibit larval development. The most common IGR is methoprene, which is supplied as a time-release brick. While effective, methoprene has been shown to be mildly toxic to other animals. \n\nAdding a layer of oil or kerosene to water kills mosquito larvae and also prevents females from depositing eggs. The layer alters the surface tension of the water. Larvae can't get their breathing tube to the surface for air, so they suffocate. However, this method kills other animals in the water and makes the water unfit for consumption.\nOne example of a physical method of killing mosquitoes is swatting them with your hand, a fly-swatter, or an electric swatter. Swatting works if you've only got a few mosquitoes, but it's not particularly helpful if you're being swarmed. While bug zappers aren't ideal outdoors because they can unnecessarily kill beneficial insects, electrocuting indoor insects isn't generally considered objectionable. Just remember, you need to bait a bug zapper to attract mosquitoes, because they don't care about the pretty blue light.\n\nBecause mosquitoes are not strong fliers, it's also easy to suck them onto a screen or into a separate trap using a fan. Mosquitoes caught using a fan die from dehydration. Screen-traps may be made at home by fastening window screening fabric over the back of a fan.", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ah, mosquitoes, those little bloodsuckers with a knack for leaving itchy bumps and the potential for a full-blown infection. What a delight! We all dream of a world free from these buzzing nuisances, but believe it or not, getting rid of them would be a total disaster for the environment.\n\nYou see, adult mosquitoes are like fast food for other insects, birds, and bats. They're the all-you-can-eat buffet for the insect world! And let's not forget about the larval mosquitoes. They play a crucial role in supporting aquatic ecosystems. So, as much as we despise them, the best we can do is limit their disease-spreading abilities, repel them, and kill them within the comfort of our yards and home.\n\nNow, brace yourself, because mosquito-killing products are a gold mine. And where there's money to be made, there's bound to be a plethora of misinformation. Don't fall victim to the charade of useless products! It's time to get educated on what works against these bloodthirsty critters.\n\nFirst things first, we need to understand the difference between repelling mosquitoes and straight-up obliterating them. Repellants, like citronella, DEET, and all those fancy-sounding oils, make your location [like your yard or your skin] less enticing to mosquitoes. But let's get real here, they won't kill the little buggers or solve the problem in the long run. It's like trying to keep your annoying neighbour at bay with a strongly scented candle. It might work for a while, but eventually, they'll come back, uninvited and ready to ruin your evening.\n\nNow, for methods that claim to kill mosquitoes. Brace yourselves for disappointment because they aren't all that great. Take big zappers, for example. Sure, they'll fry a few mosquitoes, but they'll also take down some beneficial insects that help keep the mosquito population in check. Oops, collateral damage.\n\nAnd let's not forget about spraying pesticides. Sure, it sounds like a solid plan, but mosquitoes can quickly become resistant to these chemicals, Plus, another innocent creature ends up getting poisoned, and the long-term environmental damage is no joke. So, unless you're aiming to create a mutant army of super mosquitoes, let's skip the pesticide party. \n\nNow, here's a tip that actually works. Many mosquitoes breed in standing water, so removing open containers and fixing leaks is an effective way to control them. It's like hitting the nursery where it hurts! Dumping the water-filled mosquito cribs kills the larvae before they have the chance to mature and ruin your summer nights.\n\nBut it isn't always that simple. Some mosquitoes are so crafty that they don't even need standing water to reproduce. Take the Aedes species, responsible for Zika and dengue, for example. These little troublemakers lay eggs outside of water, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to hatch. They're like spy agents of the mosquito world.\n\nSo, what can we do? Well, how about unleashing the power of nature? Introduce predators that feast on immature or adult mosquitoes. We're talking about lizards, geckos, dragonflies, frogs, bats, spiders, and crustaceans. It's like assembling a superhero team to battle the forces of evil [or in this case, itchy bumps and diseases.\n\nWe can infect those bloodsuckers with fungi, bacteria, and other agents that make them regret ever messing with us. For example, adult mosquitoes can fall victim to fungi like Metarhizium anisoplilae and Beauverua bassiana. Talk about a fungal infection they'll never forget! and if you prefer something more practical, try infecting them with Bacillus thurigiensis israelensis [BTI], a bacterium that ruins their appetite and leads them to demise. It's like serving them a deadly dinner they won't be able to resist.\n\nNow, let's talk about chemical warfare against mosquitoes, minus the risks to other innocent critters. Some clever methods use chemical attractants to lure mosquitos to their demise. It's like setting up a mosquito trap disguised as a five-star restaurant, complete with irresistible delicacies. \n\nAnd have you heard of lethal ovitrap? It's like a mosquito nightclub that no female mosquito can resist. It's a dark, water-filled container with a small opening to keep out party crashers. Some traps use chemicals as bait, while others provide the perfect breeding ground. You can invite predators or add a dash of pesticide to the mix. Talk about throwing wild party mosquitoes will regret attending!\n\nBut wait, there's more! We have the insect growth regulator [IGR], a chemical that ruins the larvae' development. It's like giving them a taste of the \"you shall not grow' potion. However, we must admit, it has a slight downside- it's mildly toxic to other creatures. \nOops!\n\nNow, here's a method that's straight out of a slapstick comedy. Get ready to swat those bloodsuckers with your bare hands, a fly swatter, or an electric swatter. Swatting works like magic when you're dealing with just a few mosquitoes. But if you're facing a full-on mosquito invasion, well good luck with that! It's like trying to fight an army of tiny vampires armed with a rolled-up newspaper. Let's just say the odds aren't in your favour.\n\nOh, and did I mention that mosquitoes aren't the brightest when it comes to flying? That's right! You can easily suck them onto a screen or a trap using a fan. It's like the ultimate mosquito vortex! Those suckers caught in the wind will meet their demise due to dehydration. As for the screen traps, you can create your very own DIY version by attracting window screen fabric to the back of a fan. It's like setting up a mosquito-themed escape room, with no escape in sight.\n\nSo there you have it, folks! The hilarious battle against mosquitoes. Remember, these bloodsuckers may be annoying, but they provide a buffet for other insects and support aquatic ecosystems. Our best bet is to repel them, limit their disease transmission, and maybe unleash a few predators or infect them with a touch of nature's wrath. And if all else fails, well, at least you can enjoy a good laugh while swatting them away with a fly swatter or watching them get trapped in your DIY fan-powered vortex. Good luck, mosquito warriors!\n", "role": "assistant" } ]
{ "category": "Rewrite", "source": "surge" }
"<s> [INST] Rewrite the article with comedic twist. Mosquitoes bite, suck your blood, and leave you with itchy bumps and possibly a horrible infection. Mosquito-borne pathogens include malaria, West Nile virus, Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, and dengue. While you might fantasize about living in a mosquito-free world, eradicating them would actually be disastrous for the environment. Adult mosquitoes are food for other insects, birds, and bats, while larval mosquitoes support aquatic ecosystems. The best we can hope for is to limit their ability to transmit disease, repel them, and kill them within the confines of our yards and homes. Mosquito-killing products bring in the big bucks, so it should come as no surprise that there is a wealth of misinformation out there. Before you get sucked into buying a product that simply won't work, get educated about what does and does not kill these blood-sucking pests. First, you need to understand the difference between repelling mosquitoes and killing them. Repellents make a location (like your yard or skin) less attractive to mosquitoes, but don't kill them. So, citronella, DEET, smoke, lemon eucalyptus, lavender, and tea tree oil might keep the insects at bay, but won't control them or get rid of them in the long run. Repellents vary in effectiveness, too. For example, while citronella may deter mosquitoes from entering a small, enclosed area, it doesn't really work in a wide open space (like your back yard). There are a host of methods that actually do kill mosquitoes, but aren't great solutions. A classic example is a bug zapper, which kills only a few mosquitoes, yet attracts and kills beneficial insects that keep the mozzy population down. Similarly, spraying pesticides is not an ideal solution because mosquitoes can become resistant to them, other animals get poisoned, and the toxins can cause lasting environmental damage. Many species of mosquitoes required standing water to breed, so one of the most effective methods of controlling them is to remove open containers and repair leaks. Dumping containers of standing water kills the larvae living in them before they get a chance to mature. However, removing water may be undesirable or impractical in some cases. Further, some species don't even need standing water to reproduce! The Aedes species, responsible for transmitting Zika and dengue, lays eggs out of water. These eggs remain viable for months, ready to hatch when sufficient water becomes available. A better solution is to introduce predators that eat immature or adult mosquitoes or infectious agents that harm mosquitoes without affecting other wildlife. Most ornamental fish consume mosquito larvae, including koi and minnows. Lizards, geckos, dragonfly adults and naiads, frogs, bats, spiders, and crustaceans all eat mosquitoes. Adult mosquitoes are susceptible to infection by the fungi Metarhizium anisoplilae and Beauveria bassiana. A more practical infectious agent is the spores of the soil bacterium Bacillus thurigiensis israelensis (BTI),. Infection with BTI makes the larvae unable to eat, causing them to die. BTI pellets are readily available at home and gardening stores, easy to use (simply add them to standing water), and only affect mosquitoes, black flies, and fungus gnats. The treated water remains safe for pets and wild animals to drink. The disadvantages of BTI are that it requires reapplication every week or two and it doesn't kill adult mosquitos. There are several chemical methods that target mosquitoes without the risks to other animals that come with spraying pesticides. Some methods rely on chemical attractants to lure mosquitoes to their doom. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, sugary scents, heat, lactic acid, and octenal. Gravid females (those carrying eggs) may be attracted to traps laced with a hormone released during the egg-laying process. The lethal ovitrap is dark, water-filled container, typically with a small opening to prevent larger animals from drinking the water. Some traps use chemicals to bait the traps, while others simply provide a convenient breeding ground. The traps may be filled with predators (e.g., fish) or with dilute pesticide to kill larvae (larvicide) and sometimes adults. These traps are highly effective and affordable. The disadvantage is that multiple traps must be used to cover an area (about one every 25 feet). Another chemical method is the use of an insect growth regulator (IGR), added to water to inhibit larval development. The most common IGR is methoprene, which is supplied as a time-release brick. While effective, methoprene has been shown to be mildly toxic to other animals. Adding a layer of oil or kerosene to water kills mosquito larvae and also prevents females from depositing eggs. The layer alters the surface tension of the water. Larvae can't get their breathing tube to the surface for air, so they suffocate. However, this method kills other animals in the water and makes the water unfit for consumption. One example of a physical method of killing mosquitoes is swatting them with your hand, a fly-swatter, or an electric swatter. Swatting works if you've only got a few mosquitoes, but it's not particularly helpful if you're being swarmed. While bug zappers aren't ideal outdoors because they can unnecessarily kill beneficial insects, electrocuting indoor insects isn't generally considered objectionable. Just remember, you need to bait a bug zapper to attract mosquitoes, because they don't care about the pretty blue light. Because mosquitoes are not strong fliers, it's also easy to suck them onto a screen or into a separate trap using a fan. Mosquitoes caught using a fan die from dehydration. Screen-traps may be made at home by fastening window screening fabric over the back of a fan. [/INST] Ah, mosquitoes, those little bloodsuckers with a knack for leaving itchy bumps and the potential for a full-blown infection. What a delight! We all dream of a world free from these buzzing nuisances, but believe it or not, getting rid of them would be a total disaster for the environment. You see, adult mosquitoes are like fast food for other insects, birds, and bats. They're the all-you-can-eat buffet for the insect world! And let's not forget about the larval mosquitoes. They play a crucial role in supporting aquatic ecosystems. So, as much as we despise them, the best we can do is limit their disease-spreading abilities, repel them, and kill them within the comfort of our yards and home. Now, brace yourself, because mosquito-killing products are a gold mine. And where there's money to be made, there's bound to be a plethora of misinformation. Don't fall victim to the charade of useless products! It's time to get educated on what works against these bloodthirsty critters. First things first, we need to understand the difference between repelling mosquitoes and straight-up obliterating them. Repellants, like citronella, DEET, and all those fancy-sounding oils, make your location [like your yard or your skin] less enticing to mosquitoes. But let's get real here, they won't kill the little buggers or solve the problem in the long run. It's like trying to keep your annoying neighbour at bay with a strongly scented candle. It might work for a while, but eventually, they'll come back, uninvited and ready to ruin your evening. Now, for methods that claim to kill mosquitoes. Brace yourselves for disappointment because they aren't all that great. Take big zappers, for example. Sure, they'll fry a few mosquitoes, but they'll also take down some beneficial insects that help keep the mosquito population in check. Oops, collateral damage. And let's not forget about spraying pesticides. Sure, it sounds like a solid plan, but mosquitoes can quickly become resistant to these chemicals, Plus, another innocent creature ends up getting poisoned, and the long-term environmental damage is no joke. So, unless you're aiming to create a mutant army of super mosquitoes, let's skip the pesticide party. Now, here's a tip that actually works. Many mosquitoes breed in standing water, so removing open containers and fixing leaks is an effective way to control them. It's like hitting the nursery where it hurts! Dumping the water-filled mosquito cribs kills the larvae before they have the chance to mature and ruin your summer nights. But it isn't always that simple. Some mosquitoes are so crafty that they don't even need standing water to reproduce. Take the Aedes species, responsible for Zika and dengue, for example. These little troublemakers lay eggs outside of water, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to hatch. They're like spy agents of the mosquito world. So, what can we do? Well, how about unleashing the power of nature? Introduce predators that feast on immature or adult mosquitoes. We're talking about lizards, geckos, dragonflies, frogs, bats, spiders, and crustaceans. It's like assembling a superhero team to battle the forces of evil [or in this case, itchy bumps and diseases. We can infect those bloodsuckers with fungi, bacteria, and other agents that make them regret ever messing with us. For example, adult mosquitoes can fall victim to fungi like Metarhizium anisoplilae and Beauverua bassiana. Talk about a fungal infection they'll never forget! and if you prefer something more practical, try infecting them with Bacillus thurigiensis israelensis [BTI], a bacterium that ruins their appetite and leads them to demise. It's like serving them a deadly dinner they won't be able to resist. Now, let's talk about chemical warfare against mosquitoes, minus the risks to other innocent critters. Some clever methods use chemical attractants to lure mosquitos to their demise. It's like setting up a mosquito trap disguised as a five-star restaurant, complete with irresistible delicacies. And have you heard of lethal ovitrap? It's like a mosquito nightclub that no female mosquito can resist. It's a dark, water-filled container with a small opening to keep out party crashers. Some traps use chemicals as bait, while others provide the perfect breeding ground. You can invite predators or add a dash of pesticide to the mix. Talk about throwing wild party mosquitoes will regret attending! But wait, there's more! We have the insect growth regulator [IGR], a chemical that ruins the larvae' development. It's like giving them a taste of the "you shall not grow' potion. However, we must admit, it has a slight downside- it's mildly toxic to other creatures. Oops! Now, here's a method that's straight out of a slapstick comedy. Get ready to swat those bloodsuckers with your bare hands, a fly swatter, or an electric swatter. Swatting works like magic when you're dealing with just a few mosquitoes. But if you're facing a full-on mosquito invasion, well good luck with that! It's like trying to fight an army of tiny vampires armed with a rolled-up newspaper. Let's just say the odds aren't in your favour. Oh, and did I mention that mosquitoes aren't the brightest when it comes to flying? That's right! You can easily suck them onto a screen or a trap using a fan. It's like the ultimate mosquito vortex! Those suckers caught in the wind will meet their demise due to dehydration. As for the screen traps, you can create your very own DIY version by attracting window screen fabric to the back of a fan. It's like setting up a mosquito-themed escape room, with no escape in sight. So there you have it, folks! The hilarious battle against mosquitoes. Remember, these bloodsuckers may be annoying, but they provide a buffet for other insects and support aquatic ecosystems. Our best bet is to repel them, limit their disease transmission, and maybe unleash a few predators or infect them with a touch of nature's wrath. And if all else fails, well, at least you can enjoy a good laugh while swatting them away with a fly swatter or watching them get trapped in your DIY fan-powered vortex. Good luck, mosquito warriors! </s>"
"Hi could you please help me? My friend made me a Sudoku puzzle generator. It seems to work really well because it makes different puzzles for me, but I don't really understand how it works :( Could you go through the code and add comments so that I can try to learn how the program works? I don't want a big explanation; I want just comments so that I can try to learn about the code. Here's the program my friend made for me: import random def generate_sudoku(): grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] solve_sudoku(grid) remove_numbers(grid) return grid def solve_sudoku(grid): row, col = find_empty_cell(grid) if row == -1 and col == -1: return True for num in range(1, 10): if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): grid[row][col] = num if solve_sudoku(grid): return True grid[row][col] = 0 return False def find_empty_cell(grid): for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if grid[i][j] == 0: return i, j return -1, -1 def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): num_removals = 64 if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: print(".", end=" ") else: print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() if __name__ == "__main__": grid = generate_sudoku() display_sudoku(grid)"
[ { "content": "Hi could you please help me? My friend made me a Sudoku puzzle generator. It seems to work really well because it makes different puzzles for me, but I don't really understand how it works :(\n\nCould you go through the code and add comments so that I can try to learn how the program works? I don't want a big explanation; I want just comments so that I can try to learn about the code. Here's the program my friend made for me:\n\nimport random\n\ndef generate_sudoku():\n grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)]\n solve_sudoku(grid)\n remove_numbers(grid)\n \n return grid\n\ndef solve_sudoku(grid):\n row, col = find_empty_cell(grid)\n if row == -1 and col == -1:\n return True\n\n for num in range(1, 10):\n if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n grid[row][col] = num\n\n if solve_sudoku(grid):\n return True\n grid[row][col] = 0\n\n return False\n\ndef find_empty_cell(grid): \n for i in range(9):\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n return i, j\n return -1, -1\n\ndef is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[row][j] == num:\n return False\n\n for i in range(9):\n if grid[i][col] == num:\n return False\n\n box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3)\n box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3)\n for i in range(3):\n for j in range(3):\n if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num:\n return False\n \n return True\n\ndef remove_numbers(grid):\n num_removals = 64\n if num_removals >= 65:\n num_removals = 64\n\n non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0]\n\n removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals)\n for row, col in removal_indices:\n grid[row][col] = 0\n \n return grid\n\ndef display_sudoku(grid):\n for i in range(9):\n if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0:\n print(\"- - - - - - - - - - -\")\n for j in range(9):\n if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0:\n print(\"|\", end=\" \")\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n print(\".\", end=\" \")\n else:\n print(grid[i][j], end=\" \")\n print()\n \nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n grid = generate_sudoku()\n display_sudoku(grid)", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Yes, I can provide assistance by generating comments for the provided code. Here is the program with the requested revisions:\n\n```Python\n#Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation\nimport random\n\ndef generate_sudoku():\n # Create an empty 9x9 grid\n grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)]\n \n # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid\n solve_sudoku(grid)\n \n # Remove some numbers to turn a completed\n # Sudoku grid into a puzzle\n remove_numbers(grid)\n \n # Output the generated puzzle\n return grid\n\ndef solve_sudoku(grid):\n # Find the next empty cell\n row, col = find_empty_cell(grid)\n \n # If no empty cells are found, the puzzle is solved\n if row == -1 and col == -1:\n return True\n \n # Try each number from 1 to 9\n for num in range(1, 10):\n if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # Assign the number to the empty cell\n grid[row][col] = num\n \n # Recursively solve the Sudoku\n if solve_sudoku(grid):\n return True\n \n # If the current assignment does not lead to a solution,\n # reset the cell and try the next number\n grid[row][col] = 0\n \n # If no number can be placed, backtrack\n return False\n\ndef find_empty_cell(grid):\n # Find the next empty cell in the grid\n for i in range(9):\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n return i, j\n return -1, -1\n\ndef is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num):\n # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules\n \n # Check the row\n for j in range(9):\n if grid[row][j] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the column\n for i in range(9):\n if grid[i][col] == num:\n return False\n \n # Check the 3x3 box\n box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3)\n box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3)\n for i in range(3):\n for j in range(3):\n if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num:\n return False\n \n return True\n\ndef remove_numbers(grid):\n # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle\n \n # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired)\n num_removals = 64\n \n # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater\n # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values\n # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the\n # completed Sudoku game.\n if num_removals >= 65:\n num_removals = 64\n\n # Collect the indices of non-zero cells\n non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0]\n \n # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values\n removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals)\n for row, col in removal_indices:\n grid[row][col] = 0\n \n return grid\n\n\ndef display_sudoku(grid):\n # Display the Sudoku grid\n for i in range(9):\n if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0:\n # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows\n print(\"- - - - - - - - - - -\")\n for j in range(9):\n if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0:\n # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns\n print(\"|\", end=\" \")\n if grid[i][j] == 0:\n # Fill each blank cell with a dot\n print(\".\", end=\" \")\n else:\n # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle\n print(grid[i][j], end=\" \")\n print()\n\n# Check to see if the program has been loaded as a script, and execute it\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle\n grid = generate_sudoku()\n display_sudoku(grid)\n```", "role": "assistant" } ]
{ "category": "Coding", "source": "surge" }
"<s> [INST] Hi could you please help me? My friend made me a Sudoku puzzle generator. It seems to work really well because it makes different puzzles for me, but I don't really understand how it works :( Could you go through the code and add comments so that I can try to learn how the program works? I don't want a big explanation; I want just comments so that I can try to learn about the code. Here's the program my friend made for me: import random def generate_sudoku(): grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] solve_sudoku(grid) remove_numbers(grid) return grid def solve_sudoku(grid): row, col = find_empty_cell(grid) if row == -1 and col == -1: return True for num in range(1, 10): if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): grid[row][col] = num if solve_sudoku(grid): return True grid[row][col] = 0 return False def find_empty_cell(grid): for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if grid[i][j] == 0: return i, j return -1, -1 def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): num_removals = 64 if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: print(".", end=" ") else: print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() if __name__ == "__main__": grid = generate_sudoku() display_sudoku(grid) [/INST] Yes, I can provide assistance by generating comments for the provided code. Here is the program with the requested revisions: ```Python #Import Python's random library, which allows for random number generation import random def generate_sudoku(): # Create an empty 9x9 grid grid = [[0] * 9 for _ in range(9)] # Fill in the grid to create a completed Sudoku grid solve_sudoku(grid) # Remove some numbers to turn a completed # Sudoku grid into a puzzle remove_numbers(grid) # Output the generated puzzle return grid def solve_sudoku(grid): # Find the next empty cell row, col = find_empty_cell(grid) # If no empty cells are found, the puzzle is solved if row == -1 and col == -1: return True # Try each number from 1 to 9 for num in range(1, 10): if is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Assign the number to the empty cell grid[row][col] = num # Recursively solve the Sudoku if solve_sudoku(grid): return True # If the current assignment does not lead to a solution, # reset the cell and try the next number grid[row][col] = 0 # If no number can be placed, backtrack return False def find_empty_cell(grid): # Find the next empty cell in the grid for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if grid[i][j] == 0: return i, j return -1, -1 def is_valid_move(grid, row, col, num): # Check if assigning the number to the given cell violates Sudoku rules # Check the row for j in range(9): if grid[row][j] == num: return False # Check the column for i in range(9): if grid[i][col] == num: return False # Check the 3x3 box box_start_row = 3 * (row // 3) box_start_col = 3 * (col // 3) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if grid[box_start_row + i][box_start_col + j] == num: return False return True def remove_numbers(grid): # Remove some numbers from the solved puzzle to create the puzzle # Determine the difficulty level (adjust the range of removals as desired) num_removals = 64 # Check to see if the number of removals has been set to a value greater # than 64. Valid Sudoku puzzles must have at least 17 values # so this code ensures no more than 64 numbers are removed from the # completed Sudoku game. if num_removals >= 65: num_removals = 64 # Collect the indices of non-zero cells non_zero_indices = [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if grid[i][j] != 0] # Randomly select cells from non_zero_indices and remove their values removal_indices = random.sample(non_zero_indices, num_removals) for row, col in removal_indices: grid[row][col] = 0 return grid def display_sudoku(grid): # Display the Sudoku grid for i in range(9): if i % 3 == 0 and i != 0: # Create a decorative horizontal dashed line to segment rows print("- - - - - - - - - - -") for j in range(9): if j % 3 == 0 and j != 0: # Create a decorative vertical dashed line to segment columns print("|", end=" ") if grid[i][j] == 0: # Fill each blank cell with a dot print(".", end=" ") else: # Place the numbers in the displayed puzzle print(grid[i][j], end=" ") print() # Check to see if the program has been loaded as a script, and execute it if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate and display a new Sudoku puzzle grid = generate_sudoku() display_sudoku(grid) ``` </s>"
"Make this story sound dramatic\n\nValediction\n\nAfter school, after football practice, every day f(...TRUNCATED)
[{"content":"Make this story sound dramatic\n\nValediction\n\nAfter school, after football practice,(...TRUNCATED)
{ "category": "Rewrite", "source": "surge" }
"<s> [INST] Make this story sound dramatic\n\nValediction\n\nAfter school, after football practice, (...TRUNCATED)
"From the provided article, please come up with 25 questions with answers. All questions should be n(...TRUNCATED)
[{"content":"From the provided article, please come up with 25 questions with answers. All questions(...TRUNCATED)
{ "category": "Rewrite", "source": "surge" }
"<s> [INST] From the provided article, please come up with 25 questions with answers. All questions (...TRUNCATED)
"Change Geraldine's name to Gerry and make her nonbinary\n\nThat afternoon, Mr. Stern, the geometry (...TRUNCATED)
[{"content":"Change Geraldine's name to Gerry and make her nonbinary\n\nThat afternoon, Mr. Stern, t(...TRUNCATED)
{ "category": "Rewrite", "source": "surge" }
"<s> [INST] Change Geraldine's name to Gerry and make her nonbinary\n\nThat afternoon, Mr. Stern, th(...TRUNCATED)

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